Making A Mandala

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Name (First and Last)__________________________ Class Period_________(A1, A2, A4, B2)

Making a Mandala
1. Think of yourself as you are today. Using the chart on the back of this page,
compare yourself to the items listed in column A. What animal, plant,
shape, color, and element are you most like? Fill in column B with your
choices. Make them specific.
2. Using a thesaurus and/or a classmate, find the most specific and most
descriptive adjective that describes each item in column B and write it in
column C. Try to use new and interesting adjectives. You must get your
adjectives approved by the teacher before moving on.
3. Decide on a specific adjective that is the OPPOSITE of the adjective in
column C and write it in column D. These adjectives must also be approved.
4. Think of an animal, plant, shape, color, and element that fits the description
of the adjective in column D and write it in column E.
5. LIGHT SIDE SENTENCES: On a separate sheet of paper, use the five items in
column B to write a sentence for EACH item that following this pattern:
Like the_________________________, I am ____________________
because __________________________________________________.
Be sure to give a clear, thoughtful reason for the comparison.
DARK SIDE SENTENCES: Use the same sentence pattern to write a sentence for
EACH of the items in column E.

Name (First and Last)__________________________ Class Period_________(A1, A2, A4, B2)

Light Side

Example of word
in column A






Dark Side

Adjective to
describe word in
column B

Adjective the
OPPOSITE of word
in column C

Example described
by adjective in
column D

Name (First and Last)__________________________ Class Period_________(A1, A2, A4, B2)

Making the Mandala Graphic

Write your name, class period, and date on a piece of plain paper.
1. Draw an outline for your mandala that almost covers the sheet of paper. If you
wish, you may use the shape you chose for column B or E, or a combination of
these shapes. You could also use a different shape that has meaning in your life.
2. Divide your shape in half by drawing a line through it in some direction. This line
separates the LIGHT SIDE from the DARK SIDE.
3. LIGHT SIDE: In one half, draw a symbol for each of the things to which you
compared yourself in column B. The symbol only has to make sense to you. The
symbol must be just that, not a picture of the thing. It must be something that
represents the thing.
4. DARK SIDE: In the other half, do the same for the things to which you compared
yourself in column E. Make your work as neat and creative as possible.
5. Make up a sentence that includes ALL of the words in column B and write it
around the outside edge of the LIGHT SIDE of the mandala. The sentence will be
quite ridiculous, but it should make some form of sense.
6. Make up another sentence using all of the words in column E and write it around
the outside edge of the DARK SIDE of the mandala.

Name (First and Last)__________________________ Class Period_________(A1, A2, A4, B2)

Interesting adjectives (10)
Followed directions correctly (10)
Sentences (written in PEN)
Followed correct format(5)
Spelling, capitalization, punctuation (10)
Clear, thoughtful reasoning behind comparison (15)
Wrote in cursive or immaculate print (+5)
Mandala Graphic
Used symbols and not pictures of things (10)
Images are drawn neatly (20)
LIGHT and DARK ridiculous sentences are presents and:
-Have proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling (5)
-Use all 10 words from columns B and E (5)
Presentation (2 minutes)
Presents LIGHT SIDE or DARK SIDE with a brief explanation
of the reasoning behind each symbol (5)
Presents LIGHT SIDE or DARK SIDE ridiculous sentence (5)





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