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Name: Christian Aldrin R.


Grade and Section: 6-A

Sixth commandment: You shall not commit adultery

Ninth commandment: You shall not covet your neighbors wife
Grabber to introduce: 40% of the youth in the NCR and Central Luzon aged 15-24 years
old are practicing pre-marital sex. Todays society differs from the way Filipinos view
pre-marital sex in the past, it has been accepted that sex before marriage isnt bad
because of the fact that everybody is doing it.
Position and why: Society today, especially among the youth say that pre-marital sex
isnt bad because it has become a norm but it has many disadvantages, unwanted
pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and the emotional scar of having to have
sex with multiples partners. The bible forbids pre-marital sex and say that our bodies
are a sacred temple where Jesus and the Holy Spirit lie within.

Middle: I will present three main disadvantages to pre-marital sex

1. Unwanted pregnancies- Studies show that 40-45% of births around the world
occur before marriage. This is a very alarming rate, so for every 10 babies born
each day 4 of those occur due to pre-marital sex. Also, one in every three
females aged 19 years old has already begun childbearing. Studies show that
1.4 million mothers in the Philippines aged 15 to 19 years old already have kids.
Imagine, kids having kids.(Source:,
2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) - STDs or sexually transmitted diseases
usually occur during pre-marital sex. According to the World Health
Organization,448 million infections of curable sexually transmitted infections
occur yearly. The Philippine record in this regard has regrettably remained
dismal. In 1990, there were only 66 cases reported. But, as of 2014, that number
had ballooned to 5,460 active cases.
3. Spiritual damage According to various books written by authors who interest in
the topic of pre-marital sex list eleven facts regarding the probable effect of premarital sex on future marriages:
FACT 1: Premarital sex tends to break up couples.
FACT 2: Many men and women do not want to marry a person who has had intercourse
with someone else.

FACT 3: Those who have premarital sex tend to have less happy marriages.
FACT 4: Those who have premarital sex are more likely to have their marriage end
in divorce.
FACT 5: Persons and couples who have had premarital sex are more likely to have
extramarital affairs as well.
FACT 6: Having premarital sex may fool you into marrying a person who is not right
for you.
FACT 7: Persons and couples with premarital sex experience tend to achieve sexual
satisfaction sooner after they are married. However
FACT 8: They are likely to be less satisfied overall with their sex life during marriage.
FACT 9: Poor premarital sexual habits can be carried over to spoil sex in marriage.
FACT 10: Guilt may push a couple into a bad marriage.
FACT 11: Premarital sex robs a couple of sexual cement.
Review your position: Pre-marital sex has been viewed by many teenagers of todays
society as something normal that it isnt bad because everybody is doing it. But the bible
despises pre-marital sex and it causes unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted
diseases and the destruction of future marriages.
Make memorable by: According to Corinthians chapter 7 verse 8-9 But I say to the
unmarried and to widows that it is good for them if they remain even as I. But if they do
not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

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