Health Syllabus Johnson

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Health Syllabus

Teacher: Coach Johnson/Roper

Classroom: Room 502
Conference Time: TBA
LHS-Harmon Phone Number: 469-713-5201 (ext. Health Room)
Email Address:,
Tutorial Times: By appt.
Material Needed for Class Daily: Pen/Pencil, Notebook Paper, small spiral
notebook to use as a journal and Health textbook-Detention will be assigned
when student does not bring supplies to class
Required Materials Needed at the Beginning of Semester (one time
only): One small spiral notebook to use as a Wellness Journal throughout the
You will need 1 package of crayons or colored pencils and 2 glue sticks and one
small package of construction paper.
Optional supplies: (Bonus points to use throughout the 9 weeks will be given
for these): 1 Box Tissues and scissors.
Grading Procedures:
Level 1: 20% each: Daily work, projects, and Journal checks
Level 2: 40%: Tests
Make-Up Work: Student should follow rules outlined in student handbook.
Test Corrections: Failing is not an option. Every student scoring
below a 70 will do test corrections
Late Work: Will be accepted (and encouraged) with the highest
possible grade of 70%. Zeroes are not toleratedstudent will be
assigned night school for any zeroes accumulated in this class.
Topics to be covered this semester:
Wellness, Personality Development, Emotional Health, Healthy Relationships,
Sexuality (Safeguard), Nutrition, Tobacco, Alcohol, Psychoactive Drugs,
Steroids, Infectious Diseases, Stress Management, First Aid, Systems of the
Body and Parenting

Technology in the Classroom Spring Guidelines (NEW)

Handheld technology in the classroom will be used to enhance instruction. In
an effort to support an instructional environment with minimal distractions,
students will be expected to use technology in a manner conducive to
learning. Beginning Spring semester, the following guidelines will apply:

Student use of personal technology in the classroom will only be for the
enhancement and support of classroom instruction.
Student use of cell phones, IPods, MP3 players, or any other handheld
technology for personal use will only be permitted during class with
teacher permission.
Handheld technology should not be visible in the classroom without
teacher permission.
Teachers will collect students personal technology during tests and
quizzes and in the event a student is not given use permission and/or a
students technology use is a classroom distraction.

Rules and Expectations in the Classroom

Be prepared for class
When arrive for class, put all technology away under your desk or in
backpack, get your classroom folder and spiral and begin writing our
daily journal.
Actively participate daily
Be respectful
Use appropriate language
Do not leave seat without permission
Prohibited Items: Technology and Food
Consequences of Breaking Rules in the Classroom
Warning/Stay after class
Contact Parent/Possible Detention
Office Referral

Student:_______________________________ Student Email: ____________________

Parent:_______________________________ Parent Email:_______________________
Parent Contact Number: _____________________________

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