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Music That Never Surrenders: Journal for Music and Experimental Politics
What is Cesura?
Cesura//Acceso is a twice-yearly diy non-academic journal that aims to bring together
writings on music and autonomist related politics. Our point of departure is the aim to
ignite, develop and sustain dialogue and discourse (which seems to be missing or hidden)
between contemporary music and the world of theoretical and activist circles.
Cesura//Acceso will wrestle experimental music from the clammy fist of dogmatism, and
reveal/produce proximate practices of experimental politics.
Cesura//Acceso is active and is learning.
In brief, Cesura//Acceso will be a mixture of original material and archival material,
republishing texts that relate to the concerns of the journal and relevance to particular
issues. It is a journal for creative writing: experimentation with form and content that
energises readability and resists the inert coffee-table artifact.

If you are interested
We are trying to get an idea of who might be able and interested in contributing material
to the first issue of Cesura//Acceso.
As a rough guide, It is imagined at this stage that contributions will be up to and around
8000 words or 20 (A5) pages - but it is hoped that the journal will be formed around the
particularities of the content - so we are keen not to normalise contribution formats and
will happily accommodate unorthodox submissions, including short pieces. If you are
interested and have something you want to submit - let us know. We are at
Submission Timeframe
Once contribution is confirmed, you would have 3 months to submit material.
Who is involved with Cesura?
Cesura//Acceso is a not-for-profit project initiated by Gabriel Humberstone, with Paul
Abbott, working alongside a few sympathetic supporting contributors, for no money, to
try and make the journal a reality. We do not have any funding. We are mostly based in

London. Initially, the Journal will be designed by Gabriel Humberstone and Paul Abbott.

As a commitment to the future of the journal, and to offer a concrete point of departure
for interested contributors, we have proposed example initial thematic/conceptual
frameworks for contributions. These are some potential, initial frameworks: Workers
enquiry related to music, historical political writings on music, anthropological accounts
of musical movements and their political implications, theoretical articulations of
musical being, practices of musical learning, Interviews, writing on specific musicians
and musics, writing by musicians on their practice and aesthetic theory related to music.
These are by no means an exhaustive summary but work as pointers. After the first issue
the plan is to have a few pieces existing within a larger, more varied collection that would
be specifically focused on a particular problem/idea.

Cesura Issue 1
The first issue will not have a specific theme but will aim to introduce the areas of
inquiry that we will be pursuing in future editions.
Cesura Issue 2
Theme: Mud Slices, Gape Protocol
Focus: Music and Anti-know

Cesura Issue 3
Theme: Sticky Tics, Unclocked Territory
Focus: Accelerationist aesthetics and music


A5, 100 pages
Perfect bound, Softback, 1 Color (black+white)
Initial print run: 500

Each copy of the journal will come with a download code for a collection of music or
sound work related to the issue. This adjunct material will act as a bridge between
textual/theoretical content and related music.
To begin with physical copies of the journal will be distributed to sympathetic/interested
venues within the UK: (independent bookshops/music venues/art
galleries/libraries/self-run spaces and conferences).
Elsewhere the journal will be freely available as a PDF published online on a dedicated
website and shared via social media networks etc.
Each Issue will be distributed first as a physical publication, and then made available
online, after one month.
Production Cost
To be confirmed.
Purchasing Cost
(Initial estimates)

Free (1 month after the initial distribution of the physical version)

Contributor Fee
Money received from sales of the journal will be used as follows:
First, to cover the cost of print-production, and basic web hosting costs
Secondly, the remainder will be distributed equally to contributors
At this stage, we cannot therefore offer a fee in advance.
Print design/layout/typeset/web-design are all being done free-of-charge.

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