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Representative House District 5g
Seeking re-election

1,. Current state law allows a valid concealed carry permit holder to legally carry a
firearm on state college campuses. Would you oppose a law that would ban or
otherwise make it more difficult for a citizen with a valid concealed carry permit
from exerciq,ing their right to carry on campus?

Yes \'/


Why or why not?


All citizens are entitled to due process and equal treatment under the law. Would
you oppose a law that would restrict the gun rights of citizens accused, but not ,
convicted of charges related to domestic violence or stalking?

Yes V


Why or why not?


Current state law prohibits the sale, purchase or transfer of ammunition magazines
capable of holding more than 15 rounds. Would you support repealing the current
arbitrary Iimjt of 15 rounds?

Yes J


Why or why not?



In Ohio, the Buckeye Firearms Association was successful in winning a full repeal of
their magazine limitation by increasing magazine capacity at every opportunity
until they achieved a full repeal. If political circumstances will not allow a full repeal
of the arbitrary limit of 15 rounds in a given legislative year, would you support an
increase in magazine capacity at every opportunity until we get a full repeal?


Why or why not?


ability of individual cities and municipalities to enact restrictions

on gun rights that are more stringent than existing restrictions at the state level?
For example, should a city or municipality have the ability to ban open carry,
concealed carry or prevent possession or transfer of a firearm that would otherwise
be legal under prevailing state law?
Do you support the




Why or why not?


Would you support the passage of so-called "mandatory safe storage laws," which
would dictate how a firearm in a citizen's home must be stored? This could include
requiring the use of trigger locks, even when a citizen is physically present in his or
her residence, or that firearms not in one's personal possession be stored in a gun
safe and/or unloaded conflition at all times.



Why or why not?



Would you oppose the passage of a law allowing Colorado citizens to carry a firearm
concealed on their person without a permit, as is currently the law in Alaska,
Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, VeyxGnt,West Virginia and Wyoming?





Why or why not?


Do you support the current requirement for background checks on all transfers of
firearms, including sales, trades or loans between law-abiding private citizens or

when a law-abiding citizen sends his or her firearm to a gunsmith for service?




Why or why not?

9. Would

you support a Iaw restricting the inclusion of mental health records in a

background check if such inclusion infringed upon the gun rights of citizens who
were diagnosed with or sought counseling or treatment for disorders not commonly
associated with violent or psychotic behavior, such as attention deficit, posttraumatic stress, anorexia/pulimia or anxiety?


No -U

Why or why not?

would enable local school boards andf or school
administrators to choose if staff members in possession of a valid concealed carry
permit are allowed to carry a concealed handgun on school premises?

L0. Do you support legislation that

Yes v


Why or why not?

would make the application or renewal

process for concealed carry permits more burdensome than it is today? Additional
burdens could include increasing fees, extending the maximum length of time
allowed fo,r background checks or expanding the current training requirements.

11. Would you oppose any legislation that

Yes /


Why or why not?

!2.Do you support the Colorado Sheriffs in their lawsuit against Governor Hickenlooper
over their claims that the ban on the sale and transfer of magazines that hold more
than L5 rounds is not only unenforceable, but also unconstitutional?

Yes -/


Why or why not?



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