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Miss Krista Kirby
Room Q3
Prep Hour: 7th hour
Text Alerts: I use the Remind app to send out text alerts to students and parents who wish to receive
updates on due dates, homework, tests, quizzes, essays, etc. This has been a very successful form of
communication for my students and their parents. I highly encourage all of you to sign up. Those who
do, will receive 5 extra credit points when signing up and turning in their signed syllabus!
Here is how to sign up:
1st Hour: Text @1stkirby to 81010
2nd Hour: Text @2ndkirby to 81010
3rd Hour: Text @3rdkirby to 81010
4th Hour: Text @4thkirby to 81010
5th Hour: Text @5thkirby to 81010
6th Hour: Text @6thkirby to 81010
7th Hour: Text @7thkirby to 81010
After following these steps, you should be prompted to respond with your full name. It will also ask if
you are a student, parent, or teacher. Please be sure to respond completely or you may not be
successfully added to the class.
Course Description: Honors 10th Grade English is designed for students planning on pursuing a
college degree. It is recommended for students who are considering advanced English courses for
11th and 12th grades. This class is designed to help students increase their proficiency in reading,
writing, speaking and listening skills. Instruction, self-assessment and practice will focus on
organization, clarity, development, analysis, presentation skills, and advanced rhetoric and writing.
Students will study fiction and nonfiction texts to strengthen their analytical skills. Students who
successfully complete Honors 10th Grade English are prepared to enroll in Honors and/or AP
Language Arts classes.
Students must bring their materials and appropriate novel to class each day.
Two spiral notebooks (one for bellwork and one for notes and other uses)
A folder or binder of some sort to keep your work and materials in. I suggest a binder with the tab
Sticky notes (recommended)
Dry erase marker (recommended)
One portable device for saving material from the computer when in the writing lab.
A planner
Box of Kleenex please!
Computer access is necessary for formal assignments.
Anything else that will help you succeed.
Course Requirements
Reading assigned selections and novels. Reading homework assignments will vary depending on
how much is covered in class. Anticipate a lot of reading on your own to prepare yourself.
Written and/or oral responses to reading. (These may be opinion, formal, or creative in nature.)
Actively and critically listening and taking notes from lectures, movies, discussions, and/or videos.

Participating in class discussions.

Completing individual and cooperative learning assignments.
Learning and using vocabulary.
Taking various quizzes, essay, and objective tests.

Academic Grades
Grades are calculated using points accumulated over the course. I use a point system for my
grading. For example, if there are 500 points available in the first quarter, and you get 400 points, your
grade will be 400 divided into 500 which equals .8 (80%).
*If you feel that you are struggling or falling behind, you MUST come to me in advance. In other
words, dont wait until it is too late to get you back on track.*
All students are required to do the following:
All rules in the student handbook apply.
Follow the Code of Conduct
Respect for yourself, others, all property, and the teacher.
Come to class ON TIME and PREPARED.
No passes will be issued to get homework from your locker. If you forget it, you lose.
THREE BEFORE ME! In other words, you need to refer to three people, handouts, or other
sources of information before coming to me for a question.
Not lining up at the door. You are dismissed by me, not the bell.
Follow directions at all times.
Keep a positive attitude.
Inappropriate language or behavior at any time is unacceptable.
Be tolerant of differences. Not everyone sees things exactly the same way you do.
Rules regarding dress code, cell phones and other technological devices, and other school
policies will be enforced.
Most work will be done in class, but in the event that you have finish at home, here are
All homework is to be completed prior to entering class on the day that it is due, or is considered
Copied work will result in an automatic zero.
Any work that is offensive or not complete in an acceptable fashion will be returned to the
student with directions and a due date of revision. Failure to revise work will result in no credit.
Please keep in mind that communication is crucial. If you come to me and let me know that you
need extra time, or that something is going on that is keeping you from completing your work I will
do my best to accommodate you. I am more than willing to be flexible with you, but I cant
without you communicating with me before it is too late.
Make-up Work
If you miss class on a day that work is due, your work will be expected upon your return to class.
Upon returning to class, it is the students responsibility to check with their buddy or classroom bin in
order to obtain missed assignments and information presented during the absence. Should an
assignment require additional clarification, please ask a reliable classmate or see me for help.
Late Work
Late work may be submitted for HALF CREDIT. Once the test/assessment has been issued for that unit,
late work is no longer going to be accepted. Long-term projects are not included in the late work
policy. Those assignments must be done the day they are due (unless communication occurs prior to
due date). It is YOUR responsibility to get your work in ON TIME. Students with an unexcused absence
on the day of an exam, presentation, or project/essay due date will receive zero credit for the

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fill this out completely and turn it in to Miss Kirby by Friday, September 9th for points
I, _______________________________________ (print name), hereby understand and agree to the terms
and daily procedures enforced in Miss Kirbys class as clearly stated in the course syllabus.
(Student Signature)



(Parent/Guardian Signature)


(Parent/Guardian phone number)

(Parent/Guardian E-mail Address)

Parents/Guardians, please use the following space to let me know any information you think will help
me understand what your child needs from me in order to be successful in my class.

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