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Dear Professional,

As an Executive HR Professional I want you to be designated as a CERG (Certified in Enterprise Risk

Governance) since you often portray yourself as a valued business partner for management and staff

Im sure one of your roles is supporting all employees in the organization from the front line to the
senior leadership team which includes helping employees with their development; ensuring staff
engagement; identifying issues with morale and culture and generally looking after the well-being of
the people in the business.

I also believe, you also look at people in your organization more scientifically and you support the
organization with insights and analytics. The kind of questions you would help to answer includes:
What are our talent gaps? What makes a good employee in our organization and how do we best
recruit them? Which employees have got the highest potential? How can we predict staff turnover?

Now, CERG or Certied in Enterprise Governance is a professional certification issued by ERMA

Global, designed on the ground of ISO 31000 Risk Management International Standard. The CERG is
given to high-level ranking officers and decision makers who can demonstrate their competency
trough superior knowledge and experiences in assuring and overseeing the Enterprise Risk
Management implementation in their organization.

What are then the drivers of Enterprise Risk Management? Think about todays volatility,
uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). VUCA is the new normal for business. All
organizations, including yours face it.

The discipline of contemporary leadershipas weve learned it from the military strategyis mainly
about Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Todays environment requires this

Yet, Value must be Created and Protected; Objectives must be Set and Assured in the organization.

Even in today's environment, Followers want to know a leader doesnt become disoriented by
volatility or dispirited by uncertainty and that he or she is smart enough to handle complexity and
mature enough to deal with ambiguity. Each of these presents a huge challenge for leaders
communicating strategy because followers dont often see all of the elements in the mix.

You as an employer or potential employer will want to know what your employees or potential
employees can do to control and mitigate VUCA. All today and tomorrows professionals with quality
need to embrace Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity and be proficient in two things:
riskbased problem solving and riskbased decision making.

Enterprise Risk Management is all about People, Culture, Awareness, Integration, Solutions,
Opportunities, Portfolio, Measurement and Communication. As a Human Resource Manager in
todays uncertain and volatile employment scene, you shouldnt wait to learn about a topic that
might save your career and your organization.

You can always and altogether recommend the industry agnostics globally fast rising recognized
ERMAP and ERMCP certifications as described below for your workforce. Everybody should add risk
to their job titles and integrate it to their job functions to be relevant in today and tomorrows new
business/ organization driving model.

ERMAP or Enterprise Risk Management Associate Professional is a professional certification issued

by ERMA, designed on the ground of ISO 31000 Risk Management International Standard. ERMAP is
given to professionals who are comparatively less experienced in the field of enterprise risk
management, but are able to demonstrate an integrated and comprehensive knowledge of the
essential principles and fundamental concepts required for managing enterprise-wide risks.

ERMCP or Enterprise Risk Management Certified Professional is a professional certification issued by

ERMA, designed on the ground of ISO 31000 Risk Management International Standard. ERMCP is
given to professionals who are well experienced in the field of enterprise risk management and can
demonstrate their knowledge, experiences and skills in managing the ERM process, which consists at

least the following processes: setting the context, identifying risk, assessing risk, mitigating risk, and
monitoring it.

ERMAP, ERMCP, CERG will enhance your marketability if youre looking for a job and your chances
for promotion if youre employed. If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em.

CERG global ERM governance and oversight designation.

Email: for official directives on how you can apply for the CERG
grandfathering provision.

Your staff can Register today to Participate in any of the upcoming Global ERMA Exam Based
Assessment (EBA) sessions in Nigeria via :

Note that ISO 31000 treats Risk in Risk Management;therefore, Follow me on :

Twitter :@ERMCP ,
join our Linkedin group: and
Like our Facebook Community page:

I sincerely look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Samuel Temitope Apanisile BSc, ACIMFA, CIPM , MFP, ACCB, ERMCP

Nigeria Director- ERMA
Africa Director- ERMA

Twitter: @ERMCP

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