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Finishing a course is a door to success

What does success means? For some, it means being prosperous

financially. Some may consider a life full of joy and happiness with their family.
But, generally, it means the achievement of one desired visions and planned
goals in life.
One step to achieve success in life is to finish a course. First, it can be
considered as a down payment to success because earning a college degree will
help you realize your career goals, as well as your life goals in general. It
prepares you in a more challenging and rewarding career, and more fruitful life.
Second, let us face the fact that money is needed in our everyday living and one
way of earning money is by working. But, as we all know, most stable jobs
nowadays requires an applicant with a degree or finished course. Also, studies
show that those who finish a course earn significantly more money throughout
their lifetime than those who finish high school only. Third, it may not be the
case with everyone but if you have a degree you will less likely suffer long term
unemployment. Because even if you can work after high school, it does not
guarantee that you will stay on that job but more likely transfer to different
kinds of job or worst not be employed. Fourth, most jobs that require a
bachelors degree tend to provide more benefits than those jobs for non-degree
holders. These benefits also offer stability for you and your family in the future.
It means having a degree guarantees you to have a job that will give you an
assurance for a stable living. Fifth, having a degree is the most common
pathway for a better career in life. Mostly, some students dont know what they
want to do when they grow up but as they enter college they are given different
experiences and choices to be what they want. Its not necessarily what you
study but the fact you studied something. These things may not be all about
knowledge but the know-how in doing things or skills and abilities in
accomplishing different tasks. Because college offers you a broad range of
skills, it can mold you into a professional individual.
As a proof, I am honoured to share that both my mother and father
finished a degree and with that they lead a life full of joy and happiness. They
are guaranteed that they can support their family.
In conclusion, to live the life you want, one key to succeed is to finish a
course. It may be hard but in the end youll see the fruits of your labor.

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