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Illustrations Payloual ve. Range Graph, Lmprovive! Hacket Motor Loading Technique for Lmpevvined Roslert Motor Improvied Becket Meter Mtissiens, type) Molin Round Lavtihiig ebenne elton eos ceca eseeeeene 4 16 18 I. Introduction Irnproviod roel motors provide « sleple reas for lirsyula foraes to deliver miltany payloeds to ranges yon inuivklua] band weapons without cormplicated Isunch meat, Improvised eucket techniques ean be exploited to increase the Trepowar end eflectweneas of quenllatste fore, Having the great adventige of rot requiving nesvr lacching ‘sa¥ipment, suv as coaventional mortars and arlery pieces, roekots are optly sited to che charsteaales of operutont and capab lias of leaguer unite whose weapons mus. be foncesled botween une and whose tansport end Hogietics deans are sestricled 49 thet common te The ates of opens he avantages of an improvised socket nition ee AL Rvoiless aperation, 1, Simplified launching teebriquce and appsratus (A rround of dit may sie ms Ube stplest cae) C. High dopeee of otility, (Oaty the payloud, motor sn ignition dese nsed tae carci.) D, Nouitions ew: be falvieaod from materials scale Foor Lae eavteniment oF ie lca ecco, B, Unskilod Jeber car he uyed for manufseturing operations The identity of te mantacturing eHort can ve exliy conceded {nis report will mvsitgate a pater using and proving ‘ae Zellewing fetes: A. Use of common materials for conection (pipe, pipe ‘aps and nipples altpeer and cigar; woedoa cowel, cena) 1. Neco, lables pertoeman ©. Adwptubiily lo & wide spacicurm of pasloads ane 1, Guitsble for @ vaviewy of igpition means invtaling Doonder erin, he. win, Misting tse oe omemade fs 1, Capability of being fred remotely or with 4 minimus NZD geal delay for opera wecusily ©. Canabitiey for insantaneois fing of mule round salt wngle Yow for haeesmt ©, Enh: of e sulaively “standard” zooket fanier dongs, deistmied Irom the metal svat able in ihe patioula apes, (This iL MPL Le hallitice ancl poovide the forces with pragietable vyezpen.) Seetiow Hl, "Teehnival bisnssion deweritisthe analy anil Gongn appsrauh uo gard sm pasvidlag che Hnpmavised havens (hg obtines the problem seus ond caper dsm ia povewsig reasoebly werut muro i ¥ SatTepL flows Fanneatia stansion sive lah vontol wad man Fring pruvensen mat be ae mpished witht fouls other thon cammon hand oonlsand "ye ball nsirumescatien Il, Technical Discussion A. HACKEROUND I the poviou) 1M 4) 1857, 8 fare manor of sinateur roel expentannians were soya ia sie manuferLute and Sechap of mdimentary rockers By 184 Uhr information From the Werit War I] fsa secincaopy hogan to cme dacumenied aud dst, cing Ue ingen wid Intent of muy yuUiae esperieneaers. Those potatos, ste tag alone of bending inio moups, procwed many nararens, find exe lob, ote jrupea misies, Levee anata th Iuacout vali: uf We propeluat rated, eh ae sel heads, chigun shell porter and home reve rictaroe of olnile wd iaimabie aera, rowal mons dangers Je the baseanéat oF gazage laboratory shan op Ue fing eauge iw sane marnbcr to inj from ths amend ee mentation I to many local areinences and fa raohibtoe Geese relay rails ane gly rosie ibs oe Sa srtvities to arab where adequaie supavision could ot Prowl. “Iie geeral sweuronene ot the tauinds OF racked Hsweimerts naan ebor 1857. evidenend 3 the Amev.oan erket Sociegewlapting a fteat anunnivaionl persion | fypmsing smaceur expariniemation outside of qualified “Servnini, I opiio of UMe traumetions, Une esperimanten: srl found eomren maternis whieh could be slapd rode encke hardtr ‘During the decade of moro or loss W deypread anoaeae expermvatision i eeckstsy, My combinations of F809) ane Formulations ese mate inet aus, Togrmious espen” menioes devised wave of exteecingns.caua fu tbe rhea snd really sealable leis having she semen MES this source Of wsjye ial iFiows tusih pov wiry auduquate rocks propellants One of ihe mules found I oe sully meee ule wan sugar. A snerosespotasion Wirate Fimnutatiun movies a apevite impulve ow serie fm) Facies Boma city) ef ahusal THO” 10 scout aces] roriet ninior prifovanve ty he one of 10 seconds i Frodoy stzanable. Tis amperes with an f, Of 200 lor Mev ‘propelane,comeesuiy in wide seein many rw kets Ir prepay ve hook greene pp tickers wer® seem hush apt tested agains wooden targets ot sow rmge. de rronsatine the Ioishilig af the ropelline and Body The sandy; propuses aueram-ponasviy ite forthe ivesines “rok paapellins gt hese emanale cay he ‘iamned ip mast oF the dsl pastel in Tess weak tahun inangeney operate ane ini peobable, These Soughe for an imqrord rorkel wie wvinentraie on ie [propel coixture a he “shina” a proving an impress enti Us Re, ly sudy ill give lgesse ie Ue following atta, A. Propellant soi, omalaion ae] eousizniston, 13, vy ataleson in ache ely fx tntegieg n rugs hang, sage ite espectoney and eh: hil is hndion ©. Asevenen of enviteumentat effects such as opera fing Uemperatune ranges for waztone. pole ge raphe) atte, uciity nd Cua D. Sateey 3, saaluing Fr Btfeets of vaviarns im mates of voustuction onaaiety nad peelormanee G. Security Apecle ‘Mess shovidl by peowiiod Us conceal Lhe cue nature fa ibm bang alate 1H, Lausctine preparation abou he simple allowing, ipa! avapsand ing Signa eFtorus a se aunt ibe shoul he ni 4. igh relihiity of opesstion should be abtained to ‘void problemsof disporal of dude ‘Ourettort will provid A. Specific hardware designe urd sample prototype units ‘of rocket motors of simple duign evratrvcted freon common materiale mich as wom he reediy wsilte to guecnllatype farcan, 1B. Goneulizad design guidance for insiustion of guer rita personnel in the eenstmtetion of siprowsed rock “ts Including safety precautions, ©. Descriptions of thing procedures, incloaing mal- rmealazy ballities and fe control under probable comdtionsaf uso, 1D. Imvesigetion of robable ignition methods, Abo, ‘means for ignition uf the wnruvised rovkets fr Sing india! reurds and salve oF ripple fwings of multe ple rounds R, Rapor: of feels obtsinshle from the improvien’ rounds, including: rinse, peyleed, probable slepen Sons under standard and noncanda eond tons an ovable type peyloads B, Prediction of depredstion ax pecformance trom optimum’ dae ty" fabrication vaslanoss, materiale trepurty, field handing, stomge and envizonmental oneitions B, DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS “This suady's proposed design will be hased upon rackets Using. mualenaly ohtsined. rom ‘oral ageiculnza, com seuetion or cormmerlal scurens, Referring to the eatly Wale done by the amatuer groups Im the prcetica! application of rocker design theory to hey hardware. ther experience indl- tales shat some experimental veriearions and detaing is required before seclewp cf whele anal! ameter rocket (3 f0-%4 inch water pipe bodies) to militseily useful diameter: (trisizum of 2 aches These inetd AL Lay ie Dismier (bsB 1 ais A corlaty spavimam (1. satin comma ne exenetee ‘sith genasalion of evens hunmber presents, (sche apie bse chy wal 1B, ropallane “Waren A sertnan content uf watir #¢ osceetany lor c#icent Eomeaction” Eg soe amateur sips, bm she real mochuniam sllering. perforin imam ae atin ined, ©. Pow Dicmwter ta Nexele Daamnier Some asa vale, Us he rt aay anual bo twee to three tines Ube toasts ace in tant seat ly lt Tigorously for the rainer st, exodhle ara Sotto Dy RNGy haya, "hin shoal i ners pat 1D, flfoctive Rursing Aon Ta Camas Neo yh AAtenaye hate: bev mks hy Ue seater oer nie varaie wiraineyoometns ly Ky. ALM huis that 2 movabir reake-ation ot permeable Hunan. efit mats chis relttnship. nie whey Suaightforwal, This. wil uve ua be dani Peter Lagos ts neds an eo Data iy oot ned Trout the Brings of over a thousael roves anembled apd cased bet ytouy al prvaly eaperie Theres cumming rbot estate ition, nore Dated. This grav. sllaoagh vsina uszseneanymasteine 26 constzucuicn, tainlanted Thea scards if fabealion ani ishing it punlese inl manner ane ao gutlicinat detec epiedhise che daigne, Ue Uh de (muon te She fail usss squeal Be chis proup wene rockets Eun oned fo Souland ani ane om pins Inte bobced thet Soilse dismns cone sealed upwind uy protide rackets NE omy ich efamegie Igsiag 2 Trimm Zane of 1009 Iles cies ae otie Pound ping, cr eomespending Sinteningis for un ater dred paige ©, OKSIGN CONFIGURATION AND. PERFORMANCE “62 standard” (.62" is the inner diaaetor of commen neh war pipe] mover hae ber fecal! and tet analy fined with piezoclectsie gsuges attacked. Buming Times are much shorier and thua levels highor than porfornance of tise propeliant ip amsious testing has indicated, However, the ota impale seem to agive Guile well, On Ue base of there tess, a set of curves war dian to show payload Gelivery ceaablitie for she "02 standard” and sega "82" moter iach pipe). TRase carver ave sown in Figure ‘A one pow payload, wean example, ean be projected 9 600 feet wth 82 mtu wpd more tae 1,300 feet wath 82 motor, Yxtrapolaing to a tee inch pipe motor ses a ange of neaey 12,000 feet foe Sone pobre Pustond, ‘A conceptual drawing of an improvised rocket motor cemtidying the concepis eulined in thls propel ie town in Figoe 2, igure 3 shows the procedure for Inading KNOgseuvtee propellant. After compacting. tie rain wieh tae hollow Tarps, the manic! (lowel) f remeNed x Feave the pertoe sted wrap. D, DRYFLOPKENT PROGRAN Tn providing an improvised racket concont, thi study proposes A, Examination of base deslgn modele to extablish sefnitive cetera involved in predicabie scrling of ‘motors co meet Saplale dlamaters und. character [sts of poasble body eonatruction materls B. Prstormans of tating uv velilute and formalize tho sealing lw. © Although pipe stot in a given area of employment may not te identical with standard US. pine dimeneions, erformance sould be comporabi. ‘Curves are covnpated fron cha equation givan in Parsaraah E ‘a total impulse ebtained [vom actual racks 1950 PAYLOAD ve. RANGE 314 9, (82) pve 12 in. (22) pipe RANGE (FEET) AT 459 LAUNCH ELEVATION en | 10 20 30 PAYLOAD WEIGHT (POUNDS) Figure 1 IMPROVISED ROCKET MOTOR Figure 2 LOADING TECHN:QUE For Improvised Racket Meter f + ‘| | vores nie 4 4 & "ee; ©. Design and developments of a typleal improvisnt rocket motor mutable fur consttuelon by taebibed Defaonnel using commonly uvilibie matenale anc took, D. Fabrication of 5 cach prototype ripe busied rackets (all loaded with KNOgiugir propellant). of the Following pipe iz 12 nck Bid inch 11 2ine hah Tea firing of the abowo units, wxpineing 25 of vac ype in lac toss or chamictolatie gg 2 ean rayload onsus range tens, wa 172 Bb jouaed er hneads. tmpact pattem data will sha he vallesind For an indication of dims. . Propazation and submittal ofa tna rey deserving the signs, fabrication proeedawes for hols aceon isin, eng apd launehing pcre, wafeqy Ineasuces ‘andthe program auivily sevomplshed ring the progeam, A eupplewsene wile repeted Tor the Impronased weapons handle far each sie roekel motor ‘teste and. sme tables provided, 4 addition to ibe baste moot capes i is pnpos that & satdy be made of hv employment of the tacks! ae a sal fl wegen, including poesilepayiceds wd the ileal ions and inverfce consiverations belisven the pasleads and Ue socket. The effore will node A, Study and design of ignition ameaus for individ and multiple rouns Fning, including dsl proviloms, B. Pagloud imerfaun investigations, inalnding eso mended payloads, methede of sitichmon axing an avthation, perform charroteritcs aid most Fieuions required to adapl orice end payloed " by, PEREOIMANCE, OF POTASSILSE NIIBATE/SUGAK PROPELLANT A composition of 1015 Potuetivan Kisace Teshinea Gri, ow 84 mae slay ih cose, vommneriad gd fxgaatine, plas £58 wiser lo ax in compnetion for pain fsbwietinn [interan! burer only) has Gees tested Balls Ipomin, positing te following da” ese 9 molecule wus (MIM = 30 Ratio of opacity Beate dad = LT Tempenvare ct sumnuslon (gd ~ 2840%R, Give spavite imple 1 = 137 #61600 psi + 15 ph Ine punislae mote. uve followieg dolensinztions wens Chacaiotatis extatas velocity er} = AKO fps 5 = 105 ee With a tasunt coetiicent Cp) uae Abe propellant deny = 005 tind Barving ite (4) = 028 iunwe tat 80058) Lower lal coonbuation ener presntae Oy) = shout 100s LUppen tt, Fe = rere than 7300 pa 1 Advvcegl commoreal varity matcriofs oy sor he exalt ‘hie to fils eves, lamderd Materials re cle here fer reference nd txer corepurnon with ucual rauits ob ined The degradation of perfermarse ran the un Oil grade” rity comporstiene wil! be innit fi 6 posible, howeree, fiat materia son be obtareed ure form, terehs achietng optimuin prrformene. 2 ‘The performance wf this propellant, theo, slightly expe For to black puwaer, ‘The specific ampulee derived ‘om feotor dren was von fo vompute (he range versas payloae rap of Figure as follows ie ‘Range at 459 clevaon = Winete: g = gantatiosl acertcation 22 eect ty to ip. it puts oe! we rq Weight of mator. Ths wp > weight zaplond bor w= eightof proretent os F, PAYLOADS AND MISSIONS POX IMPROVISED ROCKETS, . ‘Once the basic propulsion unicis eeaahle, only the inge- oity af the guerilla penionnet imi the possible massions foe the rorkeis, A nutaber of payloads anv iomaediatly su ested, nining thraghout thespectrum of vequiermunltons Ponda minions re howe in Fiore "Theve ave yore typos af payloads such ws incendiary min: tures ond blologieal malanids which cin be put together guekiy by the gierpila fighter, for examole, he Malctoy sockeal mixtee Tr would be possible to wxemble imptovised “tomate “can” anions for use with the amprovised rovket. High ox Stave charges, surtoanded by avaiable sal! hardware sch fr nails and dolls could be penpared for delivery wh the fnaprovied rocket 13 Figure Acatyeasross obstacles Projection of eephone wi beter 10 friendly postions Projeeon of fara an! sooke Projeation of message containers Line Taeessing SUPPORT MISSIONS, Signaling IMPROVISED ROCKET MOTOR MISSIONS. launch of rockets 28 OF nto transformer stations to short out emote fring of pre-positioned aol concealed ‘Sronado throwing tehrapael, eoneuesion, tar 8 units into ssacured sft Projection of conductors over high ronson Fipple firings or simul tena 5 = 2 t ‘Shepae! chstge Aniatoraft ‘Shaped charge Antiparsonnal Antvehicaler OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS Subotage Ie eequmed sha te suvris foros wal be sem te some degra wid conveesignal raps, pura aad Bun ab geouados "Tho oat hot eh a te ms Poulet the erenades Hie propeeal ywimste aston ae a grenade Lue, Avila ie hare wl Pings, ibe Peta provides w reliable, s»lebicained ui way afi forthe mmgrined focke? carting by nition in 89 pe led a fntened to He che heel say Ts ca wo Sf a gor zo alloy pulling uf the stra sleigh estranhg the Fund satety clip af the Vs tep> ston Air drag ducing Ala inetd Lo sera ae nade from the ean, or the giensle a bye sera gl eal and ane at gered impact, Odes aunna sinsracione ea be dese Tor Teton eagtels con typ wir BOM Fotis rene, tae improve socket ent choi MY saa i enn be wooden meray tenes uichly hori. band fel, ts eatin be fico al row partly Enid stock, presenting Hw upgeanaer of ste Unsisp awe vomomencial jeodict. Whea si th nica he leat rapidly apd asniblil ino tho lel ventas Payhonte car eral) elven Vial snp cal moomplitied under onper of cncenaneny st or tea. Ue fram sas. Components uo be bowel ist we acim area yy separate peasons Fon scary nf" opr ne personnel, A tspical launch rca alup showing & poveler {Faw Ssnikioo method je dopicted i gic The eeu Te cnevaguratn al Shi eal oan fo power tenn te mien rorked allows pple Lirnge without caw racket exhinel extiaguisung the powder uur of aljaewne nak he Haniel sippart above in Mguge 3 1 simp lone suck cut te ase to allow the 49" launch angle Tests Suvonpishud bt presiding ae werd boils ol tie age lo Ser; 1OGh of the engl oF the rorket hey fs pa of I ait to sick supports, eootnnls of dirk comeetent senshi de pig ar lint ibe. ode tree ‘ited uf llr rater i wee dhe asa ed Tor nisin id nb emote inka Ps gis a “ 6 TYPICAL MULTIPLE ROUND LAUNCHING SCHEME ‘igure 6 shox cxmples of inicio moun whieh en Be su For Ginnas of individ oF uli towne G. TACTICAL EMPLOYMENT Alttough Ue iapeusisad covkole ans oF relatively sll site, sbey can ba weed for profeeLing ylauselg heavy pavioade for shor staness, For examin they Tigh! De wae oe ae ‘ebicular ev even sll ane Weapon a is a, le Poche ould fe peecoatoned wath. ite moh sil ipaited uemote'y. Altgpical empluceniet asi he an enenbsaen Thanieng a ecble er rand stiveled by sehen 4 xery Teepe srathonl auld be pajeeu ot) atelatively Mat teaeetony fr Avance of 10-00 mete, he fabmeation at shaped ebartB¥ levies be rete avcomched the Feld, For example. the hose coat tnt OE mang win Moon Carma at ently cana roid ne tet foe a sheaed change. Iisa pci limprosian a ioyae iniisior ung sodium vhleae, ag snd ssiphurie arid (ose bateers ae The posse use af tee tmpreviat mackely oe antiai raft weapons should not he dissouned, Atv in amcays Souter the sprrach of taken pastors of aupuet, oF Be Fositioue in prohable lawing tea Mor sina on heb copvas, ube upruvised aoeket sou we a reaodnaly flleticn one time weapon. Te arould alt he wos ti use She rockets for aie devon of un so by louneiy salvos fagainal preselected points in the supe over the gurl postion, Ising the Tockets union Ui amrvosch au ona Sua Use aps hy the togel nteral ‘An [kteveting minslon FoF indivdusl easels s¢ in the rhrowing af Fines. A IEEE Savete of User Is publ hee Inaris a sabotage, contact wees an by protected over Dig urnsiow Ines or ito WaInfoRmGt stains fo doe wa Sirois ahs sketreal ‘sappy. sine etiteel. lesa ties sv ikely hw by une seve grourity pd oF sivas wh absity ee rec thy stuallauion by ror ket Fin feo sive isl ited a secur ecg wc Solas ight dere impute Boe he sbatoan uw 19 IGNITION METHODS Figure 6 ‘The same wite poling teclnique cathe une for tiene support purposes — us imteronnneet fre pets HN ole iho eable or to place a leeds acposs an obstacle uo drew Aero g hoster incersonnec tim fr father gees aeebee the beter. The imprasiuid ro kee wel fe ese opto wh po loads and Maisiavs which explant be bale Zee af the inmpine ovioe, Thre missions i AL Greraae theuwing for sntipenonne one Lined stnstaal dung 1B, Line shaving tor aesoen ben some vie oe aS sunning abstacies OT cetacean in ae eth Sat Senet agente tye tapes Te eet wl ad dno wo gate Fee een rad ei La Maaeeee eee ene eee en 20 APPRNDIN, “Taine 1, toowing, gts che ult: of more than {060 test fete of polation aitice heron peepee’ revels Giane!c proyeblant forwasion my doers! in Panvgioph & sansa Te Stechairat Tisxmien Teste were cum ici uring fe period 17-84, Novilion essed a Tobe 1 fallow fhe coavenhions oulliped inthe secon following he Vat Sins Paprenscoms Pov fick Lack bsl-mations of Sota Pronrian! Rustker Motor Petra n wei |e va fea[ ae | «| ser | ee aes ANW11ad0ld 3S0¥9NS/EONN HLM, $1821 YCLOW 131904 JO AWHRINS 23 n SIMPLE EXPRESSIONS FOR QUICK-L00K BST OF SOLID PROPELLANT ROCKET MOTOR PERPORMANCE: Basie Eauatiuns “type Valves For Sal 2 EB a2 i a 0 1 2 spine) phys 0 a 150 q g 2) 2 a Lat Las as aw (CLOSED HOM DETERMINATION OF SPPCIFICIMPLLSH: Bomb Volume = ¥, 60 Propetian: Weight ~ mgm Maximum Presure ~ P,ibjin? lespetos = Pp telbath Fine 4 FL ny 4 = 2,207 (conotume and dimnnsinntes, ‘nit conser actor “ - Ba lEigg) 02 ky = F572 unit emvesion Bates Te = gp empl F by = 0.240 caimensionessfetor) ka inp! 12 20080 ot % ~ 878 unit evoversinn factor NOTE: Consante ky, kp, kg and ky chore se empsieally esved facusts whieh give Hppeximations ie the gman losprimsd for quiek uk evulontions af vie peop wos prupollant aoelets a6 domed Irom amateur genun expec 28

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