BC - 7Cs Assingment

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In order to communicate effectively one must consider the

basic principles of communication which are incorporated in
the Seven Cs. The seven Cs of communication are as follows:

1. Completeness
2. Conciseness
3. Consideration
4. Concreteness
5. Clarity
6. Courtesy
7. Correctness

Every piece of communication must be complete in all
respects. The message being conveyed should be complete. It
should posses all essential points that the receiver has to
know. If only part information is given then much time will be
wasted in clarification and explanation. Therefore, while
communication we should think clearly and communicate
everything the receiver needs to know.

To create completeness in communication, the important

points are:
• Provide all necessary information
• Answer all question asked
• Give something extra, when desirable

a) Provide all necessary information:

While initiating your message, it is important to

provide all necessary information regarding your topic or
message which helps the receiver to understand the message
clearly. Information should be provided to the receiver /
listener / reader by touching all aspects of your topic. One
common way to complete your message is following or
answering the 5 W’s which are what, when, why, where, whom
& how.
b) Answer all question asked:

After providing all necessary information, the

customer or audience may still have some queries about your
message/ topic, so it is important to answer their question
asked, while answering it is better to be honest and sincere, if
you don’t have sufficient information regarding the question
asked so clearly say so cause providing wrong and unclear
information and answer may be harmful and will create a bad
impression on audience.

c) Give something extra when Desirable:

It is beneficial for you to provide some extra

information which is authentic and desirable giving extra
means to give some more information which not asked by the
customer or audience. Giving extra information should be
appropriate and develop a deal view in audiences mind and
must be appreciated by them. Some extra information may
also needs the reason that you are providing this extra


All messages should be simple and brief as possible. Time is

valuable for both sender and receiver. Odd words and indirect
forms of expression should be avoided. People cannot afford
to waste time by analysing and clarifying the message

To achieve conciseness, follow the important points:

• Eliminate wordy expression
• Include only relevant material
• Avoid unnecessary repetition

a) Eliminate wordy expressions:

Use short words instead of long words, but those short words
should have the same meaning of the long words. Usage of
short words should be in such a manner that the view / object
of the sentence should not change. The message should not
seem to be wordy and lengthy; it should be concise and

b) Include only relevant material:

Being on the purpose is very important and avoids using

unnecessary words and expressions which makes the message
long. Exclude and avoid to repeat such information which are
already known to audience’ receiver. Message should be of
limited length and explanation which covers all major points of
your topic. Avoid acting too suddenly or violently or too

c) Avoid unnecessary repetition:

Repetition of such points of your message should be

till same extent where required but unnecessary repetition
makes the message long; wordy and boring.


Consideration means preparing every message by keeping the

receiver in mind and try to put yourself in their place, do not
charge them with any comments, aware of their needs,
problems, emotions and level or nature of feedback.

There are three ways of consideration:

• Focus on ‘You’ instead of ‘I’ and ‘We’
• Show audience benefits or interest in the receiver.
• Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.

a) Focus on ‘YOU’ instead of ‘I’ and ‘WE’:

The message should be in such a manner that it shows receiver

respect and benefit, focus on what the receiver will receive, ‘You’
attitude shows the interest and benefit of audience and avoid
showing their requirements to them but act as you know their
feelings and requirements. Using of ‘we’ can be sometimes
beneficial to the receiver and using ‘You’ can create negative
where those situations are untrue, insulting and sarcastic.

b) Show audience benefit or interest in the receiver:

The moral and view of your message should show audience
benefit and fulfil almost all the needs of the receiver. Such
situations where directly actual and basic benefits are not
relevant the message should at last shows interest and needs.

c) Emphasize Positive, Pleasant Facts:

The message should reflect the positive view, showing what is

possible instead of what is impossible, showing respect and
benefits of the receiver rather than using such statements
which are unfavourable to receiver.

Communication concretely means being specific and to the
point rather than being general. Using ways which shows the
direct meaning of your message rather than directing towards
imagination. Being specific helps your receiver to know what is
exactly required and desired.

To strive for concreteness, keep the following guidelines in

• Use specific facts and figure
• Put action in your verbs
• Choose vivid, image-building words.

a) Use specific facts and figures:

Use exact and precise statement showing the accurate

quantity and value of the message context.

b) Put Action In Your verb:

The verb used in your message should be so effective,

dynamic and energetic that it shows some action and life in
your message. Use active instead of passive verbs. Using
nouns and infinitive hides the action of the message.

c) Choose Vivid Image Building Words:

Using words which makes the message more incentive and
effective and vivid. The message should be in descriptive
language rather than conventional language. Using the
method of comparison with the help of which the sentence or
message clear and meaningful with difference in views. Using
figurative language which directly states the efficiency of the
message rather than showing the dull view of the message.

Every message should be clear and straight forward manner.
Every piece of information should be kept as simple as
possible. An idea no matter how great is useless until it is
transmitted and understood by others. Perfect communication,
would exist when a thought or idea was transmitted in such a
way that the mental picture perceived by the receiver was
exactly the same as that of the sender. Clarity can only be
attained, when we have a clear idea of what we want to say.

Following points are important for a clarifying the message:

• Choose precise, concrete and familiar words
• Construct effective sentences and paragraph

a) Choose Precise, concrete and familiar words:

Using such words in your message which directly conveys the
meaning of your message to receiver. Language should be in
easy and familiar to the audience and suitable to the situation.
Selection of right words as per situation and level of audience
is important.

b) Construct Effective sentences and Paragraph:

Effective sentences and paragraph plays vital role for

understanding the message easily. The length of a sentence
should be at least 17-20 words. There should be unity in the
sentences, as one sentence should follow one main idea or
any closely related to it. The arranging of words should be so
accurate and clear that the message become understandable
easily. Highlight the main parts of the sentence and
paragraph by using appropriate and affective words which
shows the interest for receiver.
While communicating the tone and style of the message being
conveyed should suit both the correspondence and the subject
matter. All communication should be done courteously and in
a spirit of friendliness. Courtesy helps in getting a favourable
response from the receiver.

To achieve courtesy, observe the following suggestions:

• Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative

• Use expression that shows respects
• Choose non-discriminatory expressions

a) Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative:

Tactful means being diplomatic and such skills which deal with
other especially indelicate situation by words in message. It is
better to use cordial messages in situation of congratulations
and appreciation which will help to build goodwill.

b) Use expressions that show respect:

In your message avoid to use such words which are irritating

expressions and questionable humour, where questionable
humour are such statement which are in doubt as to relevance
of humour. Avoid it.

c) Choose non-discriminatory expressions:

Use language which reflects equal treatment of people as

concern to gender, race, culture, origin and physical feature.
Usually non discriminatory expressions are gender specific.


All messages being communicated must be correct. Incorrect

information may mislead the receiver. Thus, having a negative
impact. Wrongly conveyed message cause delays and
disappointments for the receiver. Thus, reducing the
reliability of the sender.

The term correctness also means the following characteristics:

• Use the right level of language
• Check accuracy of figure and facts
• Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

a) Use the right level of language:

Using the right level of language as per situation is very

important there are three types as formal, informal and
substandard. Formal language is where legal document,
scholarly articles, top level agreement or management
agreement and formality in style are required. Informal
language is used in business writing and also in e-mail
Substandard language is used to avoid as it contain incorrect
words, grammar and faulty pronunciation.

b) Check accuracy of figure, facts and words:

It’s better to convey your message precisely with facts and

figure involved, as the same message may not clear to the
receiver. Facts and figure may involve statically data, checking
the total and facts to be authentic.

c) Maintain acceptable writing mechanics:

The content of the message should be grammatically correct

with proper punctuation, capitalization and correct spelling.


Submitted by:
Omaid Ansari
G.R No. : PGDN 0235


Submitted to:
Mr. Mujeeb Farooqi

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