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Owner/Operator Seminar

Tuesday, February 7, 10:00a - 2:00p

(lunch will be included)
Meet Jennifer Cunningham of Air Liquide, Chairperson for the
Owner/Operator Council. Jennifer has lined up a terrific program
for the Owner/Operators on Tuesday, February 7th from 10:00a 2:00p (lunch is included). Be sure to check on the registration
form that you will be attending so we will have enough seating
and enough lunches for everyone. This year's seminar will cover:

How-to Inspect Your Mechanical Equipment:

Hands-on inspection from fan motor, to drive shaft, to gearbox and fan assembly

Two companies will represent each product for further discussion:

Fans - Hudson/Howden
Drive shaft - Addax/Amarillo
Gear box - Amarillo/SPX

Trouble Shooting Failures

Vibration Analysis

How-to Inspect Structural Members:

Case study of a cooling tower collapse

How-to Inspect Your Piping:

Case study on a piping failure

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