Guia Inglés Cuarto Global

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Facts and Figures


Write a or an.
telephone number
mobile phone
unlucky number

B Write my, your, his, her or their.

7 Hi, Im Eva. Whats name?
8 Good morning, names Yi Ling.
9 This is my wife, names Lisa.
10 Thats Mr Wilson and family.
11 Write down two friends names and
telephone numbers.

C Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1 like teacher What new is your? - Shes very friendly.
2 brother your How is old? - Hes 24.

3 centre work in city Do the you? - Yes, my office is near the Main Square.

4 eat you Do food much fresh? - Yes, I love fresh fruit and vegetables.

5 have you do lunch When? - Usually at about 12.30 or 1 oclock.

6 weekend do do you at What the? - I go shopping or meet up with my friends.

B Underline the correct words.
Clara live / lives in Bangkok with her husband and her two daughters. She (7) work / works three
days a week for an international television company. On a normal working day, they all (8) get /
gets up at about 7 oclock. The girls (9) has / have toast and orange juice for breakfast. Clara
(10) eats not / doesnt eat breakfast, she usually just (11) has / have a cup of coffee. They (12)
not live / don't live very near to the girls school, so Clara (13) take / takes them to school by car,
before she(14) go / goes to work.
C Choose the correct option, a, b or c.
15 Whats name?
a your fathers
b youre fathers
c you fathers
16 We usually see about once a
a our grandparents
b their grandparents
c our grandparents
17 Rocco works in restaurant.
a him uncles
b his uncles
c hes uncles
D Complete the dates and times.
21 01.03.09 - the of March 2009
22 02.04.07 - the second of ... 2007
23 10.10.10 - the of October 2010

18 I often meet up with my sister and

a hers children.
b her childrens.
c her children.
19 We always spend Christmas with my
daughter and son-in-law and
a their two boys.
b there two boys.
c his two boys.
20 Wheres main office?
a your company
b your companys
c your companies
24 7.30 - half seven
25 12.45 - forty-five
26 8.15 - a past eight

E Complete the texts with these words. You will use some words more than once.
have get
meet play talk watch

After work, I go to the gym. I (27) home at about 6.30 and I usually (28) dinner
at about 7.
In the evening, I (29) up with friends. We often (30) to a restaurant or sometimes in
the summer we (31) football in the park.
After school, I usually (32) TV and sometimes I (33) to my friends on the phone.
Then I (34) to bed at about 10.30.
F Complete the missing adjectives.
35 Its a s_ _ _ _ hotel with only 6 rooms.
36 It has all the m_ _ _ _ _ facilities, like internet access and cable television.
37 My room is mostly white with a big r_ _ armchair in the corner.
38 The hotel owner, Anika, is really nice and very f_ _ _ _ _ _ _
39 At night my room is very q_ _ _ _ I sleep really well!
40 For breakfast theres toast and jam, theres also f_ _ _ _ fruit.

Where & When

A Write from, in or near.
Lily is (1) Vevey. It's a small town (2) Switzerland about 90 kilometres (3)
Jonathan is South African. Hes (4) a town called Hermanus (5) Cape Town.
B Underline the correct words.
Lets go to Angkor Wat on holiday.
(6) Where / How is that?
Its in Cambodia.
(7) What / How is it like?
There are beautiful old temples to see.
(8) How / When old are they?
Theyre around 900 years old.
(9) Why / When is the best time to go?
Between November and February is the best weather.
C Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: The Jelimo family dont live (not live) in a town or city.
10 They (come) from a small village in Kenya.
11 Paul Jelimo (get) up very early every morning.
12 He (work) in Nairobi, more than 180 km from the village.
13 The village (not have) a school.
14 So 10-year-old Samuel (go) to school in a nearby town.
D Underline the correct word.
15 New Delhi is the capital / centre city of India.
16 It's a very small / big city with more than 300,000 people.
17 The city is very noisy / quiet, with busy streets full of traffic.
E Write too or also in the correct place in the sentences.
Example: There are around 400 million native English speakers around the world, but
there are over 1,600 non-native speakers. (also)
There are around 400 million native English speakers around the world, but there are
also over 1,600 non-native speakers.
18 Many Canadians speak English, but French is an official language in Canada. (also)

19 In Wales, most people speak English, but around 20% of people speak Welsh. (too)
20 Many South Africans speak English, but there are 10 other official languages
including Zulu, Xhosa and Afrikaans. (also)
21 There are more than 500 local languages in Nigeria, but many people speak English.
F Write go, have or get.
22 I usually up at seven o'clock in the morning.
23 I a coffee for breakfast.
24 I leave the house at eight o'clock and I to work by train.
25 I to work around 8.30.
G Write the missing words.
26 February is the shortest m_ _ _ _ .
27 There are only 28 d_ _ _ in February.
28 But every four y_ _ _ _, there's an extra day - 29th February.
29 In most western countries, people work from M_ _ _ _ _ to Friday.
30 The weekend is S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and Sunday.
Family & Friends

Read the sentences. Are the sentences correct () or incorrect (x)?

My mothers name is Christine.
My grandparents house is in a small village.

My brother's children are three and five years old.

Where are your parents from?


Write him, her, it or them.

I go to the gym twice a week, but I don't really like
My grandfather lives nearby so I see about once a week.
My neighbour, Mrs Noriega, is very friendly. I really like
Some modern buildings are really ugly. I hate

D Write the family members.

Example: Your father's brother is your uncle.
15 Your mother's sister is your
16 Your fathers mother is your
17 Your uncles children are your
18 Your sons and daughters are your
F Underline the correct words.
9 At the weekend, I see / meet up with my sister and her children.
10 We usually go for / make a walk in the park.
11 Sometimes the boys play / do football.

12 While we watch them, we meet / talk a lot about family and friends.
G Write awful, friendly, intelligent or stupid.

The people I work with are really , we often meet up in the evening.
Our hotel is , the rooms are really dirty.
My grandson is very , hes really good at school.
I think videogames are really , I dont play them.

Part A
Grammar and vocabulary
A Write is or are.
1 At the airport there a lot of
2 There a very large car park.
B Write C for countable or U for uncountable.
5 banana
7 milk
6 tomato
8 meat

3 There some cafes and

4 There free internet access
9 rice

C Underline the correct words.

10 People in Asia eat a lot of / a lot rice.
11 In England, people often eat a / some toast for breakfast.
12 In Southern India, people don't eat many / much meat.
13 Argentines eat quite a lot of / quite much meat.
D Match the phrases.
14 internet
15 a package
16 a swimming
17 a guided
18 a meeting


E Write fridge, shower, sofa or wardrobe.

19 a comfortable place to sit
20 a place to keep food cold
21 a place to put your clothes
22 a place to wash yourself
F Write the missing word.
23 Bananas and oranges are both types of f_ _ _ _.
24 Eggs and milk are d_ _ _ _ products.
25 Tea and c_ _ _ _ _ are hot drinks.
26 Beans, carrots and potatoes are all v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
G Read the sentences. Are the sentences correct () or incorrect (x)?
27 Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, please.

28 Would you like go for a walk? Yes, that would be great.

29 Do you like some orange juice? No thanks.

30 Would you like to meet up this evening? Yes, that would be great.
Read the text about family size. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?
Global family size
The size of an average family is very different around the world. In countries where most
families have one or two children, the population (the number of people in the country)
gets smaller. In countries where there are three or more children in most families, the
population grows. Where an average family has two children, the population size stays
the same.
Populations getting smaller
In the UK the average number of children per family is 1.8. In most European countries,
families have only one or two children.
Populations staying the same
In the US, Brazil and New Zealand, the average number of children is about two.
Populations growing

In many countries in Africa, it is common for families to have four, five, six or even seven
Example: The size of an average family is the same all over the world. F
31 A countrys population is the number of children in the country.
32 When the average number of children per family is about two, a countrys population
stays about the same.
33 In countries where families have a lot of children, the population grows.
34 In the UK, most families now have two or more children.
35 The average Brazilian family has two children.
36 Big families are common in many European countries.

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