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Physical disks (PDs)

Logical disks (LDs)
Common provisioning
groups (CPGs)
Virtual volumes (VVs)

Cage = Enclosure
Common Provisioning Group CPG: (~Pool Partition)
Fully Provisioned Virtual Volumes (FPVVs),
Thinly Provisioned Virtual Volumes (TPVVs)
Thinly Deduped Virtual Volumes (TDVVs)
CPVV (Copy Provisioned Virtual Volume)

//check existing data block before writing

Best practice: Use TDVVs when there is a high level of redundant data, and the primary goal is
capacity efficiency
Best practice: Use FPVVs when the highest performance is the priority; RAID 5 or RAID 6 will
benefit most from FPVVs.

Host Format: <TYPE>.<OS>.<HOST>.<OBJECT TYPE>

Clone: block to block
Snapshot (or Virtual Copy ): ex before update
File Provisioning Group
Virtual File Server
File Stores & File Shares
Adaptive Flash Cache

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