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Oct 1, 2007

40 golden service-business ideas Top 40

India s booming economy growing middle class and increasing disposable income is fuelling a
and raising its share in the GDP growth of the country Have you ever dreamed of starting your


At your servicealways. Yes, todays convenience-craving consumers are seeking ways or peo

do things better, faster and cheaper. Often, that means turning to a service entrepreneur who k

get the job done right. Today, service sector contributes 55 per cent to Indias GDP. The popula
business comes from the reality that they are low investment start-ups and the entrepreneur is

success of the business, therefore, making him the biggest resource. Being a non infrastructure
business in the start-up stage, the break-even happens relatively earlier as compared to other

and what makes the business even more attractive is that initially it may require individual perfo
there is no stopping the scaling of business once it grows.

We provide some inspirational business ideas for aspiring service providers. Some of the busin

conventional, while others are non-conventional. These ideas are not exhaustive, but are indica

business opportunity which exists in the service sector. With 40 ideas to choose from, there is d
excuse for delaying the start of your own service business.
1. Dry-cleaning business

Being a dry cleaner is probably the most overlooked fashion-related career. Unlike being a fash
or stylist, a dry cleaner is far from the glamorous Bollywood lifestyle. A dry cleaner is an expert

fabric cleaning and caring that utilises the latest solvents. Try coupling it with the dry-cleaning-p

delivery; that is convenient for busy professionals. Then follow suit by other services like laund

2. Personal tness training

Are you into health and tness? Then get your business jump-start by training people about he

tness and advising them how to get the most from their exercise routine? Train People in the d
may have learnt Aikido, Karate, Yoga or simply basic safety-awareness skills for a fee.
3. Travel services
Put your service on the road to success by coordinating travel itinerary for people which could

organising or booking tickets, coordinating hotel stay, arranging a car rental, organising travel i
foreign exchange.
4. Tin services

Cook up tasty prots as a chef who can do professional lunch or dinner tin services. Those w

competence are likely to nd a hungry clientele among the ranks of India`s busy working famili

lunch in their oces or dinner in their homes .Consistency can also get you money-making cor

or market your business to clients for those special occasions when they have a party or occas
complete with restaurant quality food and service.
5. Coaching Thought your prociency in high school algebra was all for naught?

Think again: As a coach or tutor, whether it is reading, writing or arithmetic, help students reach

their class or conduct English coaching. You could also help others bone up on their personalit
development. Further the business can be institutionalised to achieve any scale.
6. Windshield repair

To nd potential clients for your windshield-repair business; simply canvass local parking and u

for cars with cracked, chipped windshields. A basic repair kit enables you to offer clients what i
better alternative to costly glass replacement.
7. Private investigation

Blaze your own entrepreneurial trail while following others` footsteps literally. As a private inves

your mark in the industry by keeping a keen eye on other people`s activities. Private investiga

investigations for individuals, businesses, attorneys, insurance companies, and public agencies

areas of civil, criminal, and domestic investigations, gathering evidence for a case, or individual

information about a signicant other. No special education or experience is necessary to get st

career. In most states and provinces, all you need to be licensed as a private investigator is to b
8. Business plan consulting

Not only a Business Plan is crucial in obtaining bank nancing, but it is also an invaluable tool fo

and tackling a business`s inevitable ups and downs. If you are business savvy and have adequ
sheet knowledge, show clients how to present their best-laid plans.
9. Relocation, packing, unpacking service
Packing up to move to a new home or oce not to mention unpacking on the other end is

leave one feeling utterly exhausted. Thank goodness for packing and unpacking entrepreneur
their hassle and time-saving services, make moving seem like magic.
10. Recruitment and stang services

Getting paid to help companies hire and meeting their workforce needs are a matter of nding

lling it and keeping up with human resource trends. Work your way up in the industry by deve

of specially skilled workers, then use your people skills to build your business. Recruitment an

services is about placing ads and attracting employees and matching them to jobs within the o
11. Home delivery services:

Today home delivery of goods has become pre-eminent requirement of every retail store but n

will have the resource to build a delivery service either due to lack of expertise or infrastructure

like to outsource their delivery services to an expert and you could be the one to do it. If you h

build an adequate eet of two wheelers, you could be doing this service for several retailers at
earning a robust fee for it.

12. Executive search or head-hunting service

Take your business to a hire level: As an executive-search specialist, help busy clients nd the
man or woman for the job. Your job involves matching the prole and conducting interviews to

industrys nest employee for clients. Put on your best interviewing suit, and get down to busin
13. Courier or cargo brokerage services

Gone are the days of local trade. In its place comes a sophisticated global commerce system r

thorough knowledge of land, sea, air and rail shipping rates and regulations. Knowledgeable fr
brokers are indispensable to this burgeoning scene.
14. Fashion stylist

Image and personal presentation has become vital in business, personal relationships and soc

not everyone knows how to get it right. If you have a keen eye for fashion, sense of style and g

start a Fashion Stylist Consulting Business, dedicated to assisting men or women to develop th

and identity for events and help achieve their fashion and style goals as well as save their time

The services would include fun activities like going on shopping expeditions with clients, being

improve self condence and body image of clients, training on the right business/social etiquet
Fashion stylists are either paid per hour or per day.
15. Rent-a-car service

Build your passion for cars into a thriving business. Starting with two or more cars and some ins

could be the driving force behind a new business venture. Stretch your market by adding more

cars to your eet. Then, once you have established a reliable reputation, start driving home pro
your car-service sales.
16. Professional language translation services

Today`s marketplace is global and falling foreign trade barriers means that businesses are face

communication, contracts and documents from rms operating in a foreign language. Compani
rush to hire language translation services. Improved communication technology translates into

language translators and interpreters. An ear for multiple languages puts you at the forefront o

17. Debt recovery services

Money makes the world go round. You get paid when your clients get paid by their defaulters w

As a debt collector, it pays in more ways than one to have some persistence in tracking down c

delinquent debtors. You can build a substantial business by collecting both consumer and com
18. Catering

A caterer`s place is in the kitchen . . . cooking up hot prots. That is, so long as your kitchen is c

approved and you have got a knack for stirring up some dough you have got the makings

success. Whether you cater events like service weddings, holiday parties or other festive gathe

full-time or a part-time basis, it is one of the most lucrative and protable businesses with a high
expansion and growth.
19. Window washing services

Tall glass buildings and beautiful glass homes has emerged as eye-catcher in the citys landsca

washing windows has become a time-consuming and tedious task. In some places, without the

equipment it may not be possible at all. Window cleaning services specialise in safely and effec

cleaning windows with the necessary tools and supplies to complete a quality job. It has prove

lucrative business. You could also couple services with water tank cleaning, oce cleaning and
20. Public-relations agency

A way with words, enthusiasm and persistence are all necessary in this competitive business. P

agencies provide communication services for all types of companies be it entertainment, nanc

health-care, hi-tech, publishing, sports, retail, tourism and many other elds. Those solutions ma

communication techniques, such as getting publicity in the media (television, radio, newspaper

etc.), and organising public events. Networking, by developing contacts with reporters and othe
also crucial for helping your clients go public with press releases and more.
21. Sales training

Every business is a sales business, while companies can internally impart worthwhile product tr

effective sales training. It is said that Those who can, do; those who are really good, become t

have an expertise in driving sales and are a good public speaker, do not sell yourself short; wit

promotion and marketing know-how, you could have what it takes to build your own business a

trainer. By sharing your sales savvy with busy business owners and their staff you not only boos
line but also your own.
22. Computer repair

Perhaps you were the only person in your oce or classroom who could get the network printe
you discovered the joys of hardware repair through cleaning the lint off some mouse rollers, it

your PC hobby into a computer repair business. In today`s computer-based society, computer
be both costly and aggravating. As a repair professional equipped with some basic diagnostic
and technological savvy, you can get clients` computers back up and humming again.
23. Web-site designer

As a web designer or webmaster, you are in the business on the leading edge of a communica

revolution. You can create web sites that are seen by literally millions of people .With specialise

creating websites comes easy, so long as you have some basic technical knowledge and are g

Home in on business by helping businesses establish a site, existing clients will need help kee

websites up-to-date, as well. If you start your own web design business you could also enjoy th
working from home and choosing your own hours.
24. Professional photography

With your eye for photo opportunities at weddings, parties, special events and more, you cou

zooming in on prots as a freelance photographer. Be prepared to work weekends and evenin

many clients will need your services) and to hire an assistant to help you juggle your photo par

Make record prots taping corporate video brochures. Just get your video recorder handy, and

the action. Video-editing skills and special-effects techniques help you pull together the big pic

in the prots. As a professional photographer you can work in an indoor studio, or you can cho

photographs at peoples homes, event locations, or outdoors. You might even have your own h

25. Wedding-planning service

Getting married is not always as simple as saying, I do. In our busy society, an increasing numb

need to hire a wedding planner to plan their special day. Whenever a couple marries, someone

oversee all the details to ensure the wedding is a success. There is a caterer to be contracted,

be rented, and owers to be ordered. So when it comes to making matrimony a more harmonio
the new couple and their families, wedding planners take the cake.
26. Event planning

If your life has been, well, uneventful until now, there is a solution. Any time people gather toge

purpose, someone is needed to oversee all the details to ensure the event happens and that it

That someone could be you! As an event planner! Whether it is a party, wedding or conventio

sure to be at the center of all the action when you coordinate everything from room rentals and
decorations and food.
27. Oce service centres

Assist the oces in your vicinity by offering services like printing, copying, and document mana

Couple it with Designing Brochures, Business Cards, Direct mail, catalogs, manuals and other m
pieces for companies or developing forms, etc.
28. Cartridge relling

Be in the business to tell that the printer has not gone redundant, it is just that cartridge is emp

business deals in Ink and toner cartridges and specialises in saving your clients money and ink

through services like cartridge rell, cartridge replacement, handling printer supplies managem
business, large or small.
29. Pet care service

The Pet care business is booming internationally and in India it is fast becoming one of the bes

business ventures. Pet owners world wide are breathing a sigh of relief that they have this optio

when they travel. A love for animals is the foundation, but smart business sense is what will kee

operating. There is only a minimal amount of cost in starting up a Pet sitting service. Besides wa
feeding the bird, tending the cat, and playing with the pets, a client sometimes may want a Pet
to do specic things like taking to the Vet, grooming, etc.
30. Bill payment services

The service comprises collecting utility bills in your locality. As a business service, your custom

have to go to different bill deposit counters to do the transactions or to stand in long queues; y

them and get paid for every bill you deposit for them. You can deposit mobile, electricity and te

without any hassle. The catch in the business is that the more the bills, the better you get paid.
31. Security services

Crime prevention has become a major issue in our society and the consumer is turning to the p

industry to help protect their neighbourhoods and businesses. The area is diverse and could in

and installing security products, but there are also security services who do not sell products. T

individuals are paid on an hourly or project basis to help clients, usually corporations, protect th

and property. Property security embraces real estate and tangible equipment as well as other a

client lists and proprietary technology by providing security guards. Employee and customer th
piracy are possible focuses for security practices. Many economic opportunities have become
active for retired or reserve ocers.
32. Maid-on-demand services

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Start a Business of offering housekeepers and maids for house cleaning services. You will be in
of providing professional, friendly and ecient maids available on a one-time or ongoing basis

clients house, oce, condo, or apartment. One can excel by offering more reliability and peace
people by giving trusted background checked employees and earn a good commission for it.
33. Matrimonial services

Become a business entrepreneur by making marriages happen. The Matrimony Services conce
bringing prospective brides and grooms and their families together and meet face to face and

relationship clicks your meter is clocked.

34. Financial planner
If you have expertise in accounting, taxation, nance and business law, understand equity and

instruments and can organise a computer with spreadsheet, word processing and database so

are ready to be in businesses as nancial planner. Depending on the services you will offer, yo

need sophisticated nancial modelling or investment analysis software. The services include pr

comprehensive advisory services to clients to manage complete nancial planning needs. Wor

individuals, families and small businesses to help them analyse, set and achieve nancial goals
35. Pest control service
Pest control operators provide a valuable service for which people are willing to pay a healthy

clean-up by ridding homes and business premises of white ants, mice and other pests. This ind

become far more professional over the last few years. As a pest control service operator, you m

consider starting your business as a home-based operation or mobile premises, such as a van.
to pay careful consideration to how you store and where you keep your chemicals. There may
restrictions depending on the location and set-up of your home.
36. Car helpline services

Start a car helpline services and dispel the fear of motorists regarding car breakdown obstacle

business requires you to provide break down service if possible 24 hours a day or less to start

services involve repairing a punctured tyre or tube, minor car repairs like overheated engine, lo

inside, emergency petrol requirements, towing to the nearest workshop. To get started in this b

will need a eet of service vans, a few staff trained in car mechanics and a dedicated helpline n
37. Real estate agent

Real estate agents help people with buying, selling, or leasing homes, buildings, and land. Resi

estate agents specialise in working with homeowners, while commercial real estate agents dea

space and buildings. Real estate agents are paid a commission which is a percentage of the sa
each transaction, so the earning potential is unlimited.

38. Tailoring or dressmaking services

Custom tailoring services ll a niche between haute couture and ready-to-wear. A dress-maker

custom garments one at a time, to order, to meet an individual customer`s needs and preferenc

work out of their home, a studio, or a retail shop, and may work part-time or full-time. Dress-ma

couple up their business with alterations, by hiring people who are expert in this eld. An unde
fashion trends and sewing is a must to start the business.
39. Mobile beauty services

If you are a beauty services expert but cannot afford the burgeoning real estate rentals for star
,start a mobile beauty and spa services to offer your clients beauty treatments at their home or

today`s world, women are too busy juggling family, career and social activities, often leaving litt

to pamper themselves and you could be the heaven-sent answer. The best way is to charge by

not by the service so that clients can pick and mix their beauty treatments without worrying abo
40. Sourcing agency services

A sourcing agent is one who is also insured but primarily charges a at fee for bringing a manu

buyer together to produce a product line of the buyer`s choice. While they can also work as a b

the main goal of the sourcing agent is to work with both the buyer and manufacturer to produc

according to quality and engineering specications. Sourcing agents help negotiate the deal a
charge a percentage of the total deal or a at fee per transaction.

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