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Chess Approach to calculation how to find the best moves

Try to find all the threats/forceful moves in a given position..
Methods to win a game:Mate the king
Win a piece
Promote a pawn
So Given a position, see what the opponent is threatening(opponent's forceful
Then see the what your forceful moves are And then combine the threats/forceful
moves to come up with a plan to win the game by one of the 3 above methods.
About forceful moves:A check to the king is the most forceful move that cannot be look out
for checks to the king.. Form a plan around this..
b. If there are no checks to the king, the next forceful threat would be attack
the the Queen and Rook,( Knight/Bishop) in that order..
Method A:- Mate the king --- Techniques of mate.
There are many usual mating techniquesBut the ones that are hard to find are the
smothered mates..Where the king gets surrounded by its own pieces Watch out
for those.. Look for the number of possible squares that the king can go to..( for that
matter any piece..)..Specially when a Knight is involved.
Back rank mate..always look out for that in a position
Look for moves which will create a mating net..calculate backwardsImagine the
final position..and then calculate the moves to reach that position..
4.) Sometimes Queen Sacrifice leads to mate. We generally don't calculate the lines
involving queen sacrifice..
Method B:- Win a piece..
Plan 1:- Attack the defender..
Plan 2:- THE DARK KNIGHT:- The power of a knight is forkingThat is attacking two
pieces simultaneouslyIf one of those pieces is a kingIts a forceful move + a
fork..That wins you a piece..
Plan 3:- Look for PinsBishops/Queen create diagonal pins.. Queens and Rook can
pin on a file..
Plan 4: Weakness of the last moveEvery move creates a weaknessidentify that..
Plan 5:- Look for hanging pieces on the boardsee..which pieces are unprotected
..and which are the pieces that can attack them..
When under attack, look for counter attacking moves.and then defensive moves..
Method C:- Promote a pawn
Pawn Theory:- How to stop an advancing pawn By occupying the same square
with your pawn..

Recognize the power of pieces:===========================

Knights can control 8 squares at a time..and can fork..
Look for/create diagonals when you have bishops..
Look for/create open files when you have rooks.
Objective should be to either mate or winning a piece.. So your targets are
King/Queen/Rook(Knight/Bishop)/Pawn in that order..

Positional Tips:=================
Activity is everything!
Open up the position when ahead in development
Close the position when behind in development..
GM Tips:- How to avoid blunders
Warm up before the game:Tactical puzzles--- 10 SIMPLE positions
Visualizations --- Without looking at the board think about the opening theories..
Visualize your winning games!!
Focus on CHESS --:Don't think about the result of the game..
Avoid Tactical openings when your opponent is better prepared!! How to know if the
opponent is better prepared.?
He plays very fast..
He choses a variation..
If you are underprepared, chose closed game..
Ex:- If you are not sure about alekhine defensemove out of it!!
Keep track of your opponent's plans!!
Keep track of the opponent's move!
What is the idea about the opponent's moves..and what is he going to move next..
The secret of strong players:- GM Igor Smrinov
Techniques of finding strong moves..
To take is a mistake!! Let the opponent simplify the position.. Keep the tension!
Exception:- If you can win material..then we should take..
Approach to thinking:- Offense is the best defense.. Being attacked, weak players
think about defending..but strong players follow the rule..offense is the best

All about Tactics:==================

Formula:- Exposed king && Unproctected piece = Fork!
Recognize patternsand see what tactics can be applied..
List of tactics:Double Attacks --fork
Skewer -- Opposite of Pin ..We attack a valuable piece and when it moves..we attack
the piece behind it..
Discovered Attack ..Move the piece and unleash the attack of another
piece..Discovery sac..and discovered check.
Decoy: Bring a piece to square to employ a tactic
Deflection: Moving a piece from a square/file to enable a tactic..
Interference: Create bad communication between your opponents pieces
X-Ray :- Communicating through one of the enemy pieces..
Clearance Sacrifice..
Windmill:- Relining the discovered check again and again
zugzwang:- if your opponent could pass, they will never win
Removal of the defender
If you recognize the potential for a checkmate, or a have to consider
calculating sac..there will be some tactics

Full Board awareness:Knowing the color of every single square

know the brother square: -b2 g7, b4 g5
Know the diagonal and the color of the diagonal:-- b1, c2, d3
Knight paths..-from b1 to say a8 many moves..
Visualization Exercise 1:Knight on a1, Q on d5, move knight to all squares without stepping on a queen
attacked square..
Exercise 2 :- Blindfold:- name the protected piece in a position
Exercise 3:- Analyse the line in the head..

Finding good moves to play in a game is what we all strive for. Yet over and over we repeatedly
make blunders and bad moves.
Finding good moves have been written about by the likes of Capablanca, Lasker, Tarrasch,
Pachman, Kotov, Dvoresky and many others, but these all seam too complicated to me. Thats

why I have come up with the ACTION moves for my students to use. These are steps that you
have to memorize, but they are easy and will help you in your play.
The ACTION moves series:
(For every action there is a reaction)
1.CHECKS: A. Look to see if your king can be checked. If so, make sure you can escape. B.
Look to see if you can check your opponent. If so, how will he react? Will you be able to check
him again? What will he do then?
2.CAPTURES: Can you capture a piece for equal or better material? What will your opponent
play after you capture his piece? Will you be able to check him after his play?
3.PIECE ATTACK: Can you attack any of his pieces? What will his reaction be? Will that allow
you to check him then, or capture one of his pieces for free?
4.MATE THREAT: Can you threaten mate in one? (This has gotten me out of many
5.IMPROVEMENT: The above 4 steps will help you in identifing good moves, yet if you are
unable to play any of the above, that means your pieces are either not developed or are not on
good squares and you will need to improve the position of your piece before being able to find a
good move. Remember, Bobby Fischer said; "Tactics flow from a superior position."

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