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Polymorphism in java with examples

1) Introduction to polymorphism in java

Polymorphism is an important object oriented concept. It is not related to a specific programming
language. Each object oriented language provides its own implementation of polymorphism.
JAVA as an object oriented language provides its own implementation of polymorphism.
In this tutorial we will deal with polymorphism in java.
The polymorphism is a compound name. It is composed by two words:

Poly: means many

Morphisms: means forms

So, polymorphism means many forms.

There are two types of polymorphism:

static or compile time polymorphism

dynamic or runtime polymorphism

2) Static polymorphism in java

static polymorphism in java is achieved through method overloading.
In method overloading, a class has many methods having the same name and different list of
parameters. The overloaded methods have many forms (many signatures) .The right form of the
method to call is determined based on the parameters passed to that method when calling it.
In the context of static polymorphism, the binding between the method call and its definition is
determined by the compiler during the compile time.
We say that we are in the context of static binding.
In the static binding, the method to call is determined by the type of the object during its declaration.

a. Static polymorphism in java example

We will provide an example of static polymorphism in java:
public class Artist {

public void work(){

System.out.println("I am making an artistic work");

public void work(String name){

System.out.println("I am making an artistic work called "+ name);

The main class that contains the main method is the following:
public class TestArtist {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Artist artist = new Artist();;"Monalisa");

The work method in the Artist class has two forms:

The form without parameters

The form with a single parameter of type String

The right form of the work method is called during compile time. This is what we call static binding.
In fact, this is method overloading in java.
After the execution of the main method we will get the following output:
I am making an artistic work
I am making an artistic work called Monalisa

3) dynamic polymorphism in java

dynamic polymorphism in java is achieved through method overriding.
The method overriding is tightly related to the concept of inheritance.
You can check our tutorial about inheritance for more informations about this concept.
Lets consider this use case:

ClassA is a parent class that has a method called method1

ClassB inherits from classA and provides its own implementation of method1

ClassC inherits from classA and provides its own implementation of method1

We say that ClassB and ClassC override the method1 defined in the parent class (classA).
The relationship between an object of child type and and object of the parent type is IS A:

An object of type ClassB is an Object of type ClassA

An object of type ClassC is an Object of type ClassA

But, the reverse is incorrect: an object of type ClassA is not an Object of class ClassB or ClassC.
An object in java has many forms:

The form of its parent class

The form of its effective class (it may be more than two forms because all the classes in java
inherits from the Object class)

So, the following code is legitimate:

ClassA object1 = new ClassB();
The same thing can be done with ClassC:
ClassA object1 = new ClassC();
We will use ClassB for the rest of the example.
The question here is which method will be called after the execution of this line of code:
Here we have two possibilities:

The method method1 of the class ClassA is called

The method method1 of the class ClassB is called

The java language here uses dynamic binding. This means that the method to call is determined at
the runtime. The method related to the effective type of the object is called.
In our example, the method method1 of the class ClassB is called.
Lets suppose that the java language will use static binding which is not the case.
In this case, the method to call is determined during compile time. So, the method to call is
determined based on the type of the declared variable (ClassA).
In this case (static binding), the method method1 of the class ClassA will be called.
I hope that I am not confusing you. But, I want to explain what will be done if java uses static binding
when calling overridden methods.

a. dynamic polymorphism in java example 1

This is the Artist class which is the parent class:

public class Artist {

public void work(String name){
System.out.println("I am making an artistic work called "+ name);

This is the Painter class that inherits from the Artist class:
public class Painter extends Artist{
public void work(String name){
System.out.println("I am creating a new board called "+ name);

This is is the Singer class that inherits from the Artist class:
public class Singer extends Artist {
public void work(String name){
System.out.println("I am singing a new song called "+ name);

The main class is the following:

public class TestArtists {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Artist artist = new Painter();"Monalisa");

The ouput obtained after executing the main class is the following:
I am creating a new board called Monalisa
The method work of the Painter class is executed.
The dynamic binding dictates that the method of the effective type (Painter) gets called.
The dynamic binding occurs during runtime.

b. Dynamic polymorphism in java example 2

In this example, we will use an array of objects to see the dynamic binding in action.
The Artist class is the following:
public class Artist {

protected String creativeWork;

public Artist(){
public Artist(String work){
this.creativeWork = work;
public void work(){
System.out.println("I am making an artistic work called "+ creativeWork);

The Painter class is the following:

public class Painter extends Artist{

public Painter(String p){

this.creativeWork = p;
public void work(String name){
System.out.println("I am creating a new paint called "+ creativeWork);

The Singer class is the following:

public class Singer extends Artist {
public Singer(String song){
this.creativeWork = song;
public void work(){
System.out.println("I am singing a new song called "+ creativeWork);

The main class is the following:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TestArtist {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Painter p1 = new Painter("My paint");
Singer s1 = new Singer("My song");
List<Artist> artists = new ArrayList<Artist>();
for(int i =0; i< artists.size(); i++){


polymorphism in java : conclusion

This java polymorphism tutorial arrives at its end.
We have explained dynamic and static polymorphism with many examples.
If this java tutorial was helpful for you, please check our core java tutorial.
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