Dimethyl Sulfides

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Dimethyl Sulfides (DMS) in Home

Brewed Beer
Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) is a sulfur compound produced during fermentation of beer that has the
aroma of cooked or creamed corn. As part of my ongoing series on flavors in beer (including the
earlier articles Esters in Home Brewed Beer and Judging Beer), were going to go into detail this
week on DMS.

DMS in Home Brewed Beer

DMS (Dimethyl Sulfide) is a byproduct of mashing and fermentation, so it is present to some
degree in all beers. It has the aroma of cooked or creamed corn. Because people can perceive
DMS even at very low flavor thresholds (of 10-150 parts per billion) it can have a significant
impact on the flavor of finished beer.
DMS is primarily found in lagers for a variety of reasons we will discuss shortly. DMS is actually
desirable at low levels in many lagers, but excessive levels of DMS will create a strong cooked
corn aroma and flavor. German lagers contain the highest DMS concentrations (50-175 parts
per billion). American lagers generally contain less than 100 ppb, and British ales contain the
lowest concentrations at 10-20 ppb. (Ref: Wikipedia).

Where DMS comes from:

All malt has in it a chemical called S-Methyl Methionine (SMM) which is responsible for DMS.
SMM is an amino acid formed during germination and kilning of barley as part of the malting

process. The maltster can reduce SMM by slightly under-modifying the malt, and adjusting the
kilning temperatures, but this is largely outside the control of homebrewers. However, two row
pale malts have significantly lower SMM levels than six row pale malts, so you can reduce your
DMS levels by choosing a two row pale malt base. Also very pale lager malts (such as pilsner
malt) tend to have slightly higher SMM levels due to the very low temperatures used in kilning.
Heating the SMM present in pale malt will always produce some DMS. During the mashing
process (and even the boil), some SMM is broken down into both DMS and a variant of DMS
called Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) which is basically DMS with an oxygen atom attached. So
after the mashing process we have wort that contains both DMS and DMSO (as well as some
residual SMM).
The good news is that DMS itself is very volatile and a lot of it will boil off rapidly when we boil or
wort during the brewing process. However DMSO is more stable, and some of it can be
converted to DMS during fermenation. Vigorous ale fermentations generally produce less DMS.
Finally, infection can produce a DMS like flavor and aroma, though it will generally be an aroma
closer to cabbage than corn. If you have a strong cabbage aroma or flavor you may have an
infection in your finished beer.

DMS in the Beer Brewing Process

DMS is created whenever wort is heated, so some DMS is present in any beer. DMS is created
in the mash, however most DMS is evaporated during the boil, so the boil is the primary place to
focus if you have a DMS problem.
The half-life for DMS is 40 minutes, so half of the DMS will be boiled off in a 40 minute vigorous
boil. So if we do the math, a 60 minute boil gets rid of 64.7% of the DMS and a 90 minute boil
rids us of 79% of the DMS. That is why most experienced brewers recommend a 90 minute or
longer vigorous boil.
Since DMS needs to evaporate off during the boil, it is important not to cover your pot. Covering
a brew kettle during the boil will prevent the DMS from evaporating and create a beer with much
higher levels of DMS.
Rapidly cooling your wort after boiling is also important. The SMM to DMS conversion continues
at temperatures well below boiling, so DMS is produced even while the wort is cooling after the
boil. However, unlike the mash, DMS produced while cooling cannot be boiled off. This
conversion continues even if the hot wort is vented. For every hour you have hot wort sitting
around, you will produce approximately a 30% increase in DMS.

During fermentation, CO2 bubbles actually help remove from DMS from the beer. More vigorous
ale yeasts tend to produce lower DMS levels. Also different strains of yeast do tend to produce
DMS during fermentation primarily by converting DMSO (which does not boil off) to DMS. Lager
yeasts and yeasts fermented at lower temperatures tend to have higher DMS production.
Certain wild yeasts and bacteria can create high levels of DMS as well.
DMS aromas (including some sulfur or rotten-egg aroma) during fermentation (particularly
lagers) are not unusual, so you dont need to toss your beer out just because you have a DMS
aroma during fermentation. Some of this will fade naturally during the lagering process.
Finally, beers with robust flavor profiles (dark beers, strong ales, etc) tend to mask the DMS
cooked corn flavor with other flavors such as roast, chocolate or caramel malts. Because of this,
high DMS levels are most perceivable in lightly flavored beers such as low-adjunct pilsners,
many German lagers, continental lagers and extremely light ales. DMS is rarely a problem in
beers that are Amber colored or darker, and also rarely an issue with most robust beer styles.

Controlling DMS Summary

High DMS levels are most often perceived as a problem in light lagers such as Pilsner

and many German lagers

Choose a 2 row pale malt (over 6 row) as a base malt to minimize SMM (a DMS

Very pale base malts (such as pilsner malt) tend to have higher SMM levels which drives

higher DMS production

Avoid using corn as an adjunct with these beers, as it can enhance the creamed corn

Boil your wort for 90 minutes or longer with a vigorous rolling boil
Dont cover your boil pot leave it open so the DMS can evaporate during the boil
Minimize hot wort standing time by rapidly cooling your wort after the boil
Select a yeast and correct fermentation temperature to minimize DMS production
For many lagers, DMS aroma is normal during fermentation, but it should fade with time
as you lager and age the beer

If you brew a beer with high DMS levels (creamed corn aroma) take a close look at the
suggestions above, and focus on your boil, as that is where DMS can be most easily controlled.
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Question: My beer sometimes has a corn-like sulfury smell. What can I do about it?

Answer: A corn-like smell is usually due to a specific chemical compound

called dimethylsulfide, or DMS for short. DMS forms in the malting process and in
the boiling process while brewing any beer. It is the result of a thermal degradation of
sulfur-containing amino acid in the grain called s-methylmethionine. This amino acid
is present in all malts. Hence, all beers have some amount of
DMS is a highly volatile compound. This makes it an easily
detectable compound in aroma, even in trace quantities.
Fortunately, the volatility makes it fairly easy to scrub out of your
The amount of DMS in your finished beer depends on a number of factors. First of all
is the amount of s-methylmethionine in the grain. High protein malts such as six-row
have higher amounts, hence more DMS. Some of the DMS is driven off by heat in the
kilning process. Hence, the paler malts kilned at lower temperature have more. These
two factors combined contribute to the fact that pale lagers (made from pale six-row
malt), often have high levels of DMS. Not surprisingly, corn also contains a lot of smethylmethionine. These characteristics are a hallmark of lager beers. A lager without
DMS tastes rather bland.
The second factor that affects the amount of DMS is how much is removed from the
wort during the boil. Every bubble of steam that comes out of the kettle will carry
some DMS with it. Hence, longer boiling times and a more vigorous boil tend to
reduce DMS levels. For best results, you want to keep the boil rolling for the whole
time. Don't simmer your beer.
The third factor that affects DMS levels is the rate at which the beer is cooled. The
decomposition reaction that converts s-methylmethionine to DMS is driven by heat.
Once you shut off the heat and start cooling the wort, scrubbing action of the steam is
halted. However, DMS continues to be formed until the wort is below about 160 oF.
Hence, a long steep will increase DMS.


(usually) is the amount of DMS that is scrubbed out during fermentation. Carbon
dioxide bubbles will remove some of the DMS. Since more CO 2 comes off at higher
temperatures, more is scrubbed out of ales than lagers. Well-attenuated beers will be
more scrubbed as well.
The plot to the right illustrates the potential DMS levels in your beer. Here we assume
a 90 minute boil, a 60 minutes whirlpool at flame-out, followed by cooling and
fermentation. The level of s-methylmethionine drops the longer the boil goes. The
amount of DMS can rise potentially to the ending level of s-methylmethionine at
flame-out if the wort isn't chilled. Conversely, a rapid chill would lead to almost zero
If you're not too careful about sanitation, you'll find that some bacteria also contribute
to DMS levels. Coliform in particular is known to produce DMS. Generally, though, it
will also produce other foul odors such as mercaptan (natural gas smell) and hydrogen
sulfide (rotten egg smell), making the DMS level the least of your worries.
Generally, if you keep your boil vigorous and cool rapidly, DMS levels will be
appropriate for style. However, the DMS level may still be too high for your taste. If

you keg your beer, you can artificially scrub out DMS using CO 2. This is best done
before carbonating. If you have a lager, allow it to warm to room temperature first.
Then, switch around the ball-lock fittings on your keg so they are backwards. Hook up
the long dip tube (labeled "out") to the CO 2 tank. Prop open the pressure relief and let
the CO2 bubble through the beer. Slow down if it starts to foam out. Occasionally sniff
the gas as it exits the keg valve. You should be able to smell the DMS at first, and then
notice it fading with time. After the level has dropped, switch the ball locks back to
their usual configuration. Then carbonate as usual.

A pretty corny post.

Posted on June 2, 2011 | 6 comments

One of the most ubuiquitous flavors in beer, present to some degree in pretty much every beer,
is dimethyl sulfide, or DMS. Its a normal part of beer flavor but, as usual, its acceptability is
dependent on the intentions and desires of the brewer. It can be a large portion of the flavor
profile of certain beers, while in other beers it is expected to be at much lower levels. For
example, Rolling Rock is considered to be a prominent example of a beer which is high in DMS
(although in the past it may have been swamped by skunky/lightstruck flavors as I believe Rolling
Rock has not always been brewed with light-stable hop extracts).
DMS has the aroma of canned vegetables, particularly corn or creamed corn. Its a small and
simple molecule; as the name conveniently implies, it has two methyl-groups flanking a sulfur

Typical flavor threshold for DMS in beer is about 35ppb, and beers from around the world can
contain anywhere from 10-200ppb. Typically lagers tend to have a bit more DMS than ales do, but
what dictates the DMS levels in your beer more than the yeast is the production parameters in
your brewery, particularly the kettle boil and wort-chilling.
DMS is considered to originate from malt, although it is actually formed in the brew kettle. All
malt contains a variant of the amino acid methionine called S-methyl methionine (SMM), and it is

an intermediate in a number of biosynthetic pathways which plants use to make other

compounds. SMM is pulled into the wort during mashing and lautering and as the wort is heated
the SMM degrades and is converted into DMS. While the wort is boiled, however, the volatility of
DMS allows it to be removed from the wort and out the ventilation stack to never return. If there
is no way for steam condensate to escape from your kettle (like if your homebrew pot is covered
during the boil) then that condensate will drip back into the wort returning that DMS back into
your beer. In such a case, the SMM is still creating DMS because the wort is hot, but the DMS
cant go anywhere so it just continues to build up into higher and higher levels. For this reason,
the whirlpool and/or wort-chilling stage after the boil is a critical time in DMS control: if the wort
sits too hot for too long, DMS will continue to develop since there is no boil to drive off the
compound. I recall some power outages here at the brewery which knocked out the brewhouse
for a bit. The brew that was in the whirlpool at the time wound up staying in there for much
longer than it should have, which lead to a beer with astronomical DMS levels. At first glance, you
may think that controlling DMS might be as easy as making your boils longer to convert all the
SMM to DMS and drive it out the stack, but there is enough SMM in most malts that this is not a
practical solution: the boil times required to convert it all and volatilize it could be hours long and
would be quite detrimental to other wort parameters and the quality of the beer. Some kettles are
more efficient at stripping DMS than others, as well. A simple direct fire or steam-jacketed kettle
would be less efficient at removing DMS than a kettle with a calandria, which would be less
efficient than a Merlin kettle. In fact, I recall brewery which, after installing a Merlin-style kettle,
wound up being so efficient at stripping volatiles from the wort that they had to de-tune the
kettle to make it less efficient since it was throwing off the flavor profile of their beers.
Even after the wort is chilled to the point where SMM is no longer being converted into DMS, the
whole corny story isnt over yet. During fermentation, the carbon dioxide that is produced by the
yeast has a scrubbing effect on the DMS, carrying some of it out of the beer. This happens more
efficiently at higher temperatures since the fermentations are more vigorous, and for this reason
ale fermentations are better at this than lagers. This is why many lagers tend to have somewhat
higher levels of DMS than ales do.
Here is a pretty handy chart I found on the internets showing some data about the DMS levels in
wort/beer over the course of production. You can see how the levels drop significantly during
boiling, but how they can potentially rise again before the wort is chilled. Then they fall again
during fermentation as the yeast help blow off some more of the remaining DMS.

Finally, another potential source of DMS can actually come from bacterial infection. Some species
of Enterobacter can produce DMS, along with diacetyl. This is quite uncommon in normal
production scenarios, but it could conceivably happen more frequently in homebrewing
situations. However, the vast majority of DMS in beer comes from the malt and the boil, so if you
have an issue with corny beer, check the brewhouse parameters first.
But the story of corny beer doesnt stop there, no! A challenger appears!
As I collected various flavor compounds that I understood were in beer, I came across a reference
to another malt-based compound which was described as biscuity/malty. I thought this might
have something to do with the biscuity aroma which is a dominant malt flavor in beers which use
Victory or biscuit malt. Well, I was wrong. As I opened the package of 2-acetylpyridine which
Sigma-Aldrich had shipped to me, I realized This isnt biscuity at all. This smells like freshly
cooked corn tortillas! It was like opening up that container of steaming tortillas at a Mexican
restaurant, or a bag of high quality corn chips. So thats what my panel calls 2-acetylpyridine
now, corn chips rather than biscuity. Wikipedia says that 2-ap has an odor threshold of about
60 parts-per-trillion, but other literature values Ive seen indicate that in beer it is closer to 40
ppb (and my experience with it shows this to be pretty close).

2-acetylpyridine, as seen below, is found in malt (and corn chips) and is created by the Maillard
browning reactions. These reactions take place when certain types of sugars are heated in the
presence of amino acids. Its a highly complex series of reactions that take place which lead to a
whole slew of compounds, including flavor compounds and color compounds. Its not
caramelization, but it can be confused with it if you are unfamiliar with the differences. The
browning of the bread as it toasts, the malting of barley, the browning of beef as it cooks these
are examples of Maillard browning reactions.
Im not going to go much into 2-ap, but just brought it up to show that not all corn-type flavors in
beer come from DMS. In fact, Im starting to think that some of the flavors in our beer that I have
previously associated with low levels of DMS might actually wind up being 2-ap and thats pretty

Hope to post again soon! But probably not.

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