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The movie is about the experience of two affluent families in the World War II. It showed how
the two families try to cope up with the war. The Ojedas were invited by the Lorenzos to stay in
their hacienda for fear that the Ojedas will be reached by the Japanese immediately. The Ojedas
accepted the Lorenzos invitation. While staying on the hacienda, Nena Ojeda and Inday Lorenzo
tried to deny the realities of the war; thus they are trying to preserve their pre-war lifestyle. They
find it hard to accept the war. The way they reacted is very impractical. They cannot do their prewar lifestyle because war is happening already. They should have tried to adapt to a different
lifestyle. Two women, the doctor and Viring joined them on the hacienda. The four do mahjong
everyday and chit-chatting all day. Trining and Maggie (Nenas daughters) continued their
childish-like behavior. They should have been guided more accordingly to what was happening
instead of letting them be ignorant. Between Trining and Maggie, Maggie had been more mature
in the film. Miguel is also childish like the two. As the war progresses, the families decided to
move to the Lorenzos forest rest house. They also tried to continue their impractical lifestyle
there. A group of guerilla visited them one time. They treated their wounds and gave away some
supplies. I did not expect that they would help the guerillas but maybe, a part of them feared the
guerilla too. Trining developed a bad attitude, after she asked the doctor. She cheated on Miguel
(her fianc) for Hermes (the soldier). Maggie confronted her only to be answered by saying she
loves Miguel, but her love for herself is greater. The doctor also tries to fulfill her desires in
several manners. Maggie fell for Miguel too. I do not think that they should have time to think
about their desires, war is happening and they should have been more precautious. Because their
recklessness and ignorance, they fail to see that one of Nenas servant (Melchor) will betray
them. Their recklessness backfired at them. Melchor brought his fellow guerillas to visit Nena
where they got everything and did bad things to them. Melchor also got Trining. The family
suffered traumatic experience. Afterwards, Hermes and Miguel rescued Trining and on their
operation, it was shown that a killing spree happened. The war ended and they got their lives
back. Maggie and Miguel were announced as engaged. I like the special effects in the movie
considering that it is a 1982 film and the effect were way better compared to Filipino films made

today. I do not like the movie that much because it was just focused on two families and not
everyone has the same luxury as they did during the war. I do not understand the ending since
not everyone who survived was there (Viring, doctor and Hermes). The ending just showed that
Maggie and Miguel were engaged and the war has ended. Trining became more horrible,
blaming the war for what happened to her instead of blaming the way she reacted to the situation.
The second movie is Tatlong Taon Walang Diyos. It was about Rosario, Crispin and Masugi. The
film also used some footages of the WWII. It also showed the hardships experienced during the
Japanese occupation. The film also told us about a love story that had happened during the
chaotic time of war. I somehow understand why the movie was titled as Tatlong Taon Walang
Diyos. For the people who had experienced the Japanese occupation, the Japaneses stay here in
the Philippines felt like three years without God. The movie conform the Filipinos experience
during the colonization. Rosario was torn between her love for Crispin and for Masugi. One of
the cruel things that the Japanese had done in the country is to rape women. Rosario was raped
by Masugi. Then Masugi visited her always. He does not regret what he did because he like
Rosario. He even gave supplies to the family of Rosario. Rosario does not like to accept him
though. Rosario gave birth and was about to throw the baby but she cannot. In the end, Masugi
and Rosario got married. Shortly, they were attacked by guerillas and Crispin came injured
afterwards. Masugi and Rosario managed to escape in a cottage at and abandoned cottage in the
forest. Masugi tells Rosario to escape but Rosario doesnt want to separate from him. He was
shot and hung when Rosario and his child were escaping. Rosario went to the church and met the
priest. The priest asked her to pray. When she was praying, angry people went to avenge her,
killing her in the process. Crispin saw Rosarios dead body at the school. Crispin went to the
church and the priest hand him Rosarios child. He was starting to question if God did exist.
Then the priest pointed a man who lost his eyesight in the war that comes to pray for his lost wife
and family. The movie showed how the war has changed the people, killing people who are the
same as them because they have fallen in love with a Japanese. I really like the movie because it
was also able to show the faith, love and hope of the three characters despite everything.

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