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Unit/Lesson Title:

Problem solving- Number and Algebra: The Vitruvian Man

Aim for the lesson

Stage 3

To engage students in a problem based lesson incorporating the working

mathematically and number and algebra strands of the NSW syllabus.
Demonstrating that mathematics investigations can have numerous
answers and solutions, while promoting math as a positive learning

Prior Knowledge
Children should have a concept of the four operations and the ability to
use mental and written strategies to solve algorithms using the four
operations. Additionally, an understanding of fractions and decimals and
how to use and convert these in math algorithms. Students should have
experience in problem solving and be able to use written and mental
strategies to identify and solve problems. Students should also be able
to measure, record, compare and estimate lengths in millimetres,
centimetres and metres, as well as use informal measurement
strategies. BIDMAS strategy

Learning Experiences

Year 6
Syllabus Outcomes (NSW Board of Studies, 2012)
MA3-5NA selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition and
subtraction with counting numbers of any size
MA3-6NA selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and
division, and applies the order of operations to calculations involving more
than one operation.
MA3-1WM describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety
of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions
MA3-2WM selects and applies appropriate problem solving strategies,
including the use of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations.
MA3-3WM gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over
Interactive white-board
online resource (coming soon)
Microsoft excel spreadsheet
Printed copies for each student of Appendix 1 the Vitruvian Man
measuring tapes
paper strips
poster with problem solving strategies (Polyus)
Seating: desks should be grouped with 4-6 seats at each station, to
encourage discussion and to compare results with peer groups.
Plicker app & cards for reflection and assessment
Sticky notes

The classroom should have tables with seating of 4-6 chairs, and adequate floor space should be free to allow students to use the
space to measure themselves on the floor/ against the wall. Have the children sit on the floor in front of the IWB
(15 minutes) Introduction


[EL]PSARA: Experience and Language

Explicitly scaffold the children in the problem-solving process by explaining that we need to understand the problem:
Today we are going to be using our problem solving skills. Has anybody ever been to a place with rides, like the show or Luna
Park? Did the ride have height restrictions? Imagine if we had to line up for hours to get on a ride, but then the staff wont let us on
because we are too short? We are going to look at a theory by Vitruvius, he thinks that you can measure parts of your body and use
that to calculate your height. Lets see his theory and find out if it is correct.
(Childrens language the scenario is posed in the language that children understand and can relate to.)
Lets watch a quick movie on the IWB, (Materials language the pictures and diagrams in the online presentation, also a picture of
the Vitruvian man attached to the worksheet will help the children to understand the question)
I want you to think about the Vitruvian Man and determine if you believe Vitruvius theory is true or false.
Introduce the problem by using the Vitruvian Man YouTube resource on the interactive whiteboard, read the problem to the
An 11 year child old wanted to go on a ride at Luna Park. The measurement from just below knee to the bottom of the foot is
35.5cm. The minimum height for the ride is 143cm. Using the data you collect in pairs, establish if the child will get to go on the
ride. Why/Why not? Would you be tall enough to go on the ride? Using your own measurements, create an equation that proves
you are tall enough, or an equation that shows you are not tall enough.
Read and understand the problem (Polya)
Explicitly teach problem solving systematically using Polyas model. Explain to the children what we mean by solving a problem
systematically. Solving systematically means we have to follow steps to get to the answer. Then discuss how we should solve a
problem: What is the first step we need to take when we solve a problem? Refer to Polyas Poster (Appendix 2) (Elicit the

Ask questions
What did we
highlight? Why
are these
Assess student
of finding key

Observe see if

response read and understand the problem). In order to assist the children understand the problem; provide the Vitruvian Man
Observe if
worksheet. Have them highlight on the text key mathematical words and numbers that help to define the problem. (Measurement, students can
35.5cm, minimum height, 143cm, data, collect, pairs, equation). What are we trying to find out?
apply various
problem solving
Make a plan (Polya)
We have now read and understood the problem. What is our second step? (Elicit the response make a plan). Brainstorm
different ways that measurements can be obtained. There are many ways you can measure yourself to prove or disprove the
theory. I have paper strips, chalk, and tape measures, and we also have the circle time floor space. How are some ways we can take
measurements? Display the problem on a written poster in the room, with the key concepts highlighted. (L)
In making our plans, what are some things we could do? (Look for patterns between different body parts and height, write out an
equation with the knowledge we have, guess and check/ work backwards to see if the child will get to go on the ride).
To carry out the plan, instruct children to get into groups of two and use your problem solving plan to establish if the child can go
on the ride and if you could go on the ride. You will need to do 3 measurements each. Dont forget to look at the problem solving
poster if you are unsure of what steps to take.
Body (30 minutes)
Carry out the plan (Polya)
EL[P]SARA: Pictorial representation
Students actively measure their peers and complete the table on the sheet, determining whether they believe the theory is true or
false. Have the Microsoft excel spread sheet up on the IWB. Encourage students to enter the data into the document to create a
class graph
Walk around the room and ask students to explain their equations (various questions depending on student equations).

Questioning of
children and
Take pictures of
working out to
reflect on in the

This will promote the use of Maths language, where students can compose number sentences. Eg. The length of my outstretched
arms is roughly equal to my height.
ELP[S]ARA: Symbolic representation
Students are to create their equations to justify if they are tall enough. An equation to establish their own height. An equation to

Observe how
students use

establish the height of their buddy and themselves. Remind students of BIDMAS (order of operations) Students are encouraged to
write these in symbolic language. E.g.
10x12.5cm= 125cm (individual height).
125cm + (4x25cm)= 225cm (combined height) etc.
ELPS[A]RA: Application of knowledge
Have the children work on the problem while the teacher moves around the room questioning students to assess their
understanding of the problem and see if they are on track with their results. Ask questions such as Do your results match the
theory? How are they different? What sorts of math have you used to work out your problem?

Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection)
ELPSA[R]A: Reflection
Looking Back (Polya)
Get all the students to come and sit on the mat in-front of the IWB. Discuss with students the results. Hand out the sets of plickers
to each student. Ask the question using the plickers app Did the child get to go on the ride? Did you get to go on the ride?
General questions Why do you think some of us had different results? Show student work samples and discuss the process used
with students. How about we create a class sum to work out how tall we could be. Pull up interactive whiteboard blank page. Ask
students to come up and write the equation for themselves and their buddy on the board. Get every groups equation, remind
students of BIDMAS, use ZPD to model and guide how to write and calculate the sum. Ask questions Could we have worked this
out differently and come up with the same answer? Do our results make sense? Where else could we use this type of math? Get
students to pull out the (What stuck with me notes- sticky notes) and to answer the following question. What I learnt from the
Vitruvian Man.

and the use of
Check for
in reflection.
Use the (stuck
with me notes)
sticky notes as
a way to assess
the students
of how various
math concepts
can be
Use the Plickers
as summative

Children that are unfamiliar with using formal measurement strategies can adopt informal measurement strategies with guided
questioning; how many hands high are you? If you laid down on the ground and marked your head and foot how many feet are
you? Are there any of the theories that are similar? Guided and modelled demonstration of taking measurements may also be
Instead of using multiplication or division students can use addition and subtraction 35.5+35.5+35.5+35.5.
Create a sum that represents the height of everyone in the class using all available data.
Convert this measurement into:
While children are to work in pairs, some may feel uncomfortable with others measuring them. Children that are uncomfortable
can mark their heights on the wall/ floor and obtain measurements from the markings.

Appendix 1 the Vitruvian Man

Below are some of the theories of Vitruvius. In pairs establish if the Vitruvian man measures up today using 6 different measurements from the list (3 each).
You can measure yourself using tape measures, mark your height on a wall with chalk and use your hands to measure, use paper strips, or mark out
measurements on the floor using chalk. (Answers that are within a 5cm range will be counted as true)
The length of your
outspread arms is
equal to your height
The greatest width of
your shoulders is 1/4
of your height
From the sole of the
foot to below the
knee will be a fourth
part of your height
If you lower your
height by 1/14 of
original height the
space between the
legs will be an
equilateral triangle.
Think of the sketch
and how this may be
From the elbow to
the angle of your
armpit is an eighth of
your height
The whole hand will
be 1/10 of your


Measurements and

True or False

Your foot is a seventh
of your total height
From the elbow to
the tip of your hand is
1/5 of your height
From the bottom of
your chin to the top
of your head is one
eighth of your height
From the roots of
your hair to the
bottom of your chin
is a tenth of your

Are you the same as the Vitruvian Man?

1. An 11 year old wanted to go on a ride at Luna Park. The measurement from the base of his/her foot to just below his/her knee is 35.5cm. The
minimum height requirement for the ride is 143cm. Using the data you collect in pairs, establish if you believe the child will get to go on the ride.
Why/Why not?

2. Using the data collected come up with your own equation to obtain the height of yourself and an equation that represents the height of yourself and
your buddy combined.
Example: If the theory that your hands are 1/10 of your height is true, your equation could be 10 x (your hand measurement) = your approximate
height, your friends may be 4 x shoulder width measurement = your approximate height. Then add them together. You could write 10 x (hand
measurement) + 4 x (shoulder measurement) = approximate combined height. There are many different equations and possibilities. Get creative.

3. Challenge: Create a sum that represents the height of everyone in the class using all the collected data.

Digitally signed by Naomi Elliott

DN: cn=Naomi Elliott, o=Charles Sturt University, ou,, c=AU
Date: 2016.08.18 21:28:49 +10'00'

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