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Devil/Enemy, The (Vol.

While I want you to be happy and enjoy life, you must never forget that were still at war; youre on hostile territory, and
while I do protect you, if the Enemy could, hed wipe you out, so it pays to stay on guard and be alert. (2011:4)
The Devil would like to keep you stuck in that mess your life is in, and hes trying to discourage and weaken you by
saying, Youll never make it out of there, implying, of course, that Im less than capable or even willing to live up to My
title as Savior.
He says Theres no salvation; theres no hope! And you know the sort of people that are singing his tune
They put their confidence in themselves, and that is of course nothing that the Devil would fight. In fact, hell encourage it
any day, so he leaves them in peace, believing in themselves, and well, worshiping themselves on occasion.
Youre trying to put your confidence in Me, and of course, hell discourage and fight that, since he knows that a man who
puts his trust in Me is the only potential danger and threat for him (2011:8)
The Devil has developed crafty means of luring the young away from the values of their parents Too many temptations
to withstand, and a development of things at a pace too fast that they could accept their parents wisdom and skill, when
they see it failing to cope or compete with all the world can do Too many shiny toys determining what is hip and what
is not
Too many man-made standards that have long sought to replace Mine, and as far as the majority of the world is
concerned, theyre just about succeeding. (2011:10)
Youre gonna make it. No you wont! the Devil says, but dont listen to the old punk! Listen to Me! I promise you will,
and who is there to defy that?
He may try, but hell never succeed. His is only a puny shadow of a false promise of success, the empty bluffs of a selfdeceiver. Ultimately, no matter what he says or does, only what I say really counts. (2011:13)
If the Devil accuses you, well, thats nothing new
Thats all hes capable of, anyway. But I condemn no one. Im here to save you, not to condemn you.
People hear either what they want to hear, or sometimes what the Enemy wants them to hear and makes it sound like to
their ears.
Hes Mr. Negative, while Im Mr. Positive. I can see the good he cant. (2011:18)
If everyone would fall prey to the Devils game (and it is already by far the vast majority of folks on this planet who
currently do), then there wont be any game left to play: only doom and destruction ahead and Game over! (2011:27)
The Enemy tries to make you feel like a loser, but taking you to the extremes and limits of your present capacities is what
its all about in order to make you grow, expand and progress (2011:31)
The Enemy is trying to tell you that you should work so youll have it easier, can get more things, etc., and just about
everybody in the whole wide world would agree that thats just the thing to do. (2011:33)
The business of trying to please everyone and be popular can be a thankless undertaking if youre in My business,
because the devil will always help them to find things about you they wont like in the long run; thus the harder you try,
the more frustrating it will be in the end. (2011:38)
Do not allow Satan to reach his goal his only goal and purpose to separate us and to draw you away from Me. And
even if he gets close, or manages to distract you temporarily, remember these words: Come back to Me! (2011:50)
Who are you going to believe? Me, and My statement which I make by handing you that cup saying you can take and
make it? Or the Enemy, whos trying to make you feel bad and sorrier for yourself with every breath you take? Hes great
at making you see the hole in the donut, the thing youre missing out on, the button off the vest, and whatever negativity,
real or imagined he can draw your focus on, blow up way out of proportion and make a mountain out of what previously
wasnt more than a molehill. (2011:53)
Praying is always the first and best step upward, away from the pit the Devil was trying to get you to look at and focus on.

Whenever theres a paradise somewhere, or a little piece of heaven on earth with people loving each other, it wont take
long until the old snake appears to spoil the fun
He just cant stand the sight of two or more people loving and enjoying each other, and hell always find a way to get at
least one of them to think about or imagine things they must be missing out on and all they might yet need in order to
really be happy (2011:59)
Maybe it was all a mistake is one of the favorite thoughts the Devil likes to plant in peoples heads, getting them to
doubt the whole thing, and once you start to doubt, pretty soon you wont be sure of anything anymore (2011:62)

The Devil just loves to prove Me wrong

And a fragment of your imagination is the favorite thing he likes to reduce Me to in peoples minds, because it makes
Me potentially most harmless to his cause, which, as you can see, is finding ever more actual physical manifestations on
the planet.
Hes about as real as you can get by the overwhelming evidence and the all-engulfing selfishness he promotes.
But just because he appears stronger, more present and more powerful than our Cause at present, does that mean it is
so? Hasnt this been a theme of the life of faith all along and part of the tests of faith from the beginning, that even though
the Enemys forces seemed to be stronger and overwhelming, yet the power of God would win in the end?
The problem does not lie in the direction the Enemy is pointing, but in the opposite. Instead of revoking your trust in Me,
you should really start putting your trust in Me for a change, and youll see things moving upward. (2011:69)
The Enemy constantly bombards you with input, distractions and temptations designed to make you forget what Ive said,
when I have told you that what you need to do is remember. (2011:100)
The Devil has his own advice to give you, and hes definitely more pertinent about it than I am, since I often like to test
your faith in what I have already told you His job is to see if he can get that faith to shake in its foundations, whichever
dirty way he might manage. And the question, of course, has always been, since the beginning of time: Who are you
going to listen to and believe? Him, or Me and what Ive already told you?
Im the One Who wants you to make it, and Who can help you to do so. Its the Enemy who doesnt.
So, you should take a little better heed as to who youre going to listen to. Yes, his voice may sound more sympathetic at
times. He pretends hes on your side and that you dont deserve this rotten fate life seems to be handing you. How caring
of him to sympathize and point that out, isnt it?
Be sober and vigilant, for your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion walks about, seeking whom he may devour!
(1Pe.5:8) Dont you be his next meal! Yes, hes got a lot of sob stories to tell, and hes quick to sympathize with yours. But
what about loyalty? How about doing whats right in spite of the rotten way you may feel? How about sending him back to
hell where he belongs? (2011:101)
The Enemy can use something that started out as a good thing and turn it into something bad that can lead folks astray
and away from the thin line of the golden truth that you only find and preserve by staying tuned in to Me. (2011:104)
Its the devils whole scheme to resent correction (of course, he considers himself perfect), and hes infested mankind
with that same bug of pride and resentment toward correction of any kind, and thats the basic dilemma of the times
youre living in: Correction has almost become something unacceptable, and the state of your society is a disaster,
accordingly. (2011:107)
The Enemy will make sure to destroy whatever amount of purity there was in the original idea or movement.
Hes the great corruptor. He likes to mess up anything good Ive started, or even anything good anyone else has ever
started, for that matter. He knows how to corrupt mens hearts, and if its not the first generation he manages to corrupt
with his bribes and temptations, then it will be the second or third (2011:124)
If the Devil is running out on effective distractions and you know that thats his main field of expertise then hes
always still got that ace up his sleeve of getting you to make a god out of your work and accomplishments for Me. After
all, he makes you figure, thats what your rewards will depend on, right? (2011:142)
Distraction is basically the name of the Enemys game. He fights to distract people from whats essentially vital for them,
undermining the importance of those factors, and managing to get them to grant greater priority to other matters.

Anyone can follow Satan's example of thinking they're smarter, believing that God must clearly be insane and out of His
mind for allowing what He does.
Anyone can succumb to the path of hatred and contempt the way Satan did, but who can show forth something different
for a change? (2012:13)
Even when the Enemys threats seem overwhelming, youve got to be able to rest in the assurance that I am much greater
and much more powerful than he is, and he has no power at all, compared to and when opposed to Mine. It becomes
completely obsolete, just as the shadow has no chance against the light. No need to run from his shadows, since theyll
be completely eradicated by My light. (2012:20)
You happen to have the meanest and most ruthless enemy anyone can have.
As far as hes concerned, youre his enemy to be done away with, so hes not just going to leave you in peace, ignore you
and let you enjoy a blissful little life. (2012:27)
The Enemy always knows which tactics to use, and hes not going to come out openly in a confrontation with an
experienced warrior when the subtle approach via a weaker vessel can prove to be so much more successful and easier.
After all, he is lazy and impatient, too. And the easy way out, hes the champion of that, along with the galore of

methods he has been teaching generations to get what other people have without investing any of all that hard work it
would usually take to get those things.
The Enemy has managed to infiltrate and pollute that which is commonly perceived as My way, and the real difficulty is in
not deceiving yourself into thinking youre on My path when youre actually on his, or managing to discern the extent to
which the old boy has managed to fool you into thinking youre truly righteous when youre employing similar or just the
same of his methods so many others use. (2012:49)
The one ultimately responsible for the circumstances in this world unless you specifically ask Me to change them is
the Enemy, not Me. Hes the god of this world, the ruler, which is why Ive been pleading with you not to be so tossed
about by your circumstances. (2012:51)
The Enemy tries hardest to stop and discourage those who have the truth.
He doesnt mind people coming up with good works and ideas if they give themselves or him the credit for it. The ones he
tries hardest to persuade that this all doesnt make any sense are those who actually ought to know better (2012:65)
If the devil is the one who provokes you to bring out the worst in you and even that is helpful, for you to know what your
limitations, weaknesses and pitfalls are Im the One Who brings out the best in you. (2012:73)
The Devil likes to lie to you, and you ought to know the kind of deception he creates in order to sow dissention and
discord and strife
He likes to create an air of negativity that envelopes everything and taints your entire outlook on life and makes it seem a
lot more miserable than it is. On the threshold of another big change in life, he likes to use that tactic to try to deter you.
He likes to make everything seem useless and pointless.
He likes to discourage you, and it doesnt exactly help to let him cheat you out of spending time with Me.
This is not a battle with lifes circumstances or someone else giving you a hard time, but a battle with the enemy of your
And hes playing for keeps, and hes playing dirty, so its about time you start fighting back and start taking the fight
seriously, focusing on keeping a grip on your spiritual weaponry.
Its a sensitivity issue as well, and the demons in charge of tantalizing your sensitivity havent just gone to sleep or on
vacation. (2012:94)
The Enemy tries to discourage you and tell you that because of your sins, mistakes and shortcomings, you couldnt
possibly be blessed or loved by Me, but you are. (2012:95)
Its not in the Enemys interest to establish harmony or unity. Hes the author of all confusion and division in the first
place with his deceit. (2012:106)
The Oppressor is real, but his actual power to hurt you isnt; not compared to Mine. So whenever the Enemy and his
attempts to drag you down seem overwhelming, remember, theyre no match for Me. (2012:119)
I delight in laying low, appearing as the loser and letting the Enemy think hes actually got a chance. Not that hed need
that, since hes so convinced of himself, or at least determined to fight this war, come hell or high water, that nothing
could deter him, and, Weve put him in power, after all, after mans repeated choices for him, so, he literally feels like, and
in many aspects he is the god of this world.
And Im letting him play god, and Im letting those that will worship him, worship him, and allow them to despise Me and
those who worship and follow Me
Its all part of the plan to give the true, lasting and final power to those who refused to be as short-sighted to only go by
momentary appearance and chose the more challenging path of faith instead - Faith to believe against the odds.

If the devil is the accuser of saints, and he naturally wants people to follow his example and be his disciples, then thats
what he gets them to do, too: blame others, especially the saints and their Leader.
So you can see now where all that blaming and accusing Me is coming from, directly. And if theres nothing to blame Me
for, being the unfair cheater that he is, he simply creates reasons, situations and little things to blame Me for, or provokes
and instigates them.
So, if anything, you should recognize this device as a trap of the Enemy to get you to blame Me, and the best choice
would be to resist that temptation, since once you get angry with Me and you voice that anger, you start feeling more
distant from Me, and thats exactly what he wants.
Remember, Divide and conquer! is his slogan, and thats what he does with any parties who work for Me. Hes a very sly
and cunning adversary, and many peoples biggest mistake is that they simply underestimate him and would never
suspect to what lengths he goes to ruin their day, or, if he can, their entire lives
I can protect you from his devices, but only if you take the necessary precautions and do the parts that you can, like
bathe yourself in prayer and in My Spirit; make sure youre on My wavelength, not on his, so that he cannot influence
your mind. You know that thats not always the case, and when it isnt, you shouldnt be too surprised that he has an
easier time punching through to you than I do.

Open up your eyes to see through the Devils scheme! Dont let him dupe you any longer into accusing Me of things
youre ultimately to blame for yourself.
The Devils greatest aid in this case, is the assumption that youre not that dumb, and the illusion of greater intelligence
than what you really have at your disposal. (2012:147)
The way the Enemy spoils his rotten followers, from a worldly and temporal perspective it may almost seem as if what
they have is good, while yours is evil, but thats just one of those ways in which he can make things appear quite
differently from what they really are.
He has created his own illusion of good and evil, which makes it so hard for some people to recognize whose side
theyre actually on and really working for (2012:149)
Im pretty much all-inclusive, when it comes to humans. - Which is pretty much the devils challenge. He tries to make
them so bad that hell figure Ill be through with them before long, give up on them and call it quits and tell him he was
right all along about them. And it certainly seems so in many ways. They definitely prefer him, and whatever hes got to
offer, most of the time, his ideas of greatness, strength, goodness and even salvation, over Mine the Fathers Way.

Youve got to realize that its the enemy whos trying to get you to doubt the sense and purpose in all of this. Hes the
author of confusion, not I. His hooligans are having a ball pulling off their chaos show in front of your eyes and in your
mind to confuse you, unsettle you, intimidate you and get you to doubt any purpose in all of this and to fail to see the
rhyme and reason in it, just as millions of people fail to see it all throughout life and thus resolve that there couldnt be a
God. (2012:168)
The Father is the Creator and Originator of all things; the devil just messes with it, thats all; and the one creation he
messes with most is human minds, which has some of the disastrous results and side effects on the rest of creation you
can see, including the weather to an extent, since it was his messing with peoples heads that warranted the flood, which
changed everything as far as climate on earth is concerned.
No matter what the devil may come up with, it will always be overshadowed by what I can and will do. It just takes faith to
believe that, while We allow him to wield all that power on earth temporarily. (2012:174)
The devils going to be around everywhere, making darn sure to spoil your little paradise, wherever you may find it.
Maybe he knows that content and happy youll be a greater danger to him than miserable, gloomy and bitter about the
state of the world. (2012:176)
The devil tries to use your flaws and faults to make you feel unworthy of Me and make you feel too guilty to have the faith
to hear from Me and draw down My input, since he uses the tactic of first tempting you to sin, and then loads on you his
barrage of, Yeah, Hes got all the right in the world to be upset with you, and thats why He wont talk to you
Thats a time to appreciate the fact that you can never be too bad for Jesus, only too good. (2012:183)
The devil will do all that he can to bring out the dog-eat-dog spirit of self-preservation in you (just as in everybody else)
that will make you portray and convey your ego in all its postures of self-defense, annoyance and what-not, just about
anything but love. (2012:185)
You cant let your guard down. As far as the Devil is concerned, youre still his enemy, and hell try anything he can to
spoil the fun youre having, as well as ruin any kind of success youre trying to achieve. (2013:20)
The Enemy does all he can to reduce that godly battle My followers were meant to fight, to not much more than a struggle
for their own survival, pretty much the same and no different from what the rest of the world is preoccupied with. (2013:26)
Sowing the seeds of discontent is one of the great fortes of the Enemy, and one of the things hes always been best at. Its
basically the result of making the center of your life, your world, your universe, instead of centering it on Me, the Source
of true fulfillment. (2013:39)
If you allow the Devil to aggravate you, it will hurt those who have put some degree of hope and trust in you, who
expected you to be someone special, who could bring positive changes, or some new whiff and breath of fresh air into
their lives (2013:44)
You can always count on the devil being the king of false promises. After all, he hates you, and its not in the least within
his interest to make you happy. (2013:66)
Following Satan and his ways is never a thing that pays off in the long run. Its a thing to do for the extremely shortsighted, those who put all their money on the here and now, pretty sure that this is all there is and all there ever will be.

If youre among the few of the only folks who are effectively and actually fighting for Me, then you can imagine why its
you the devil has chosen to give all this hell

And once you decide theres no other option than to call out to Me and seek refuge and solace in Me, he has to let up,
since hes about to be defeated, and his darkness doesnt have a chance to linger in the Presence of My light. (2013:80)
I cannot make peace with the devil. I know him too well.
Just as youre getting to know the reliability of most people better, how you cant trust in the promises theyre making,
how youre learning about the extent to which politicians lie to get their way and their power, so even much more so I
know I cant trust him.
See, being all-powerful doesnt necessarily mean you can do everything: Some things you simply cannot do, even if
youre all-powerful, and one of them is trusting the devil.
His are just wickedly poor counterfeits of the Real Thing, and it hurts Me every time any of My brides fall for one of them.
Any hope he gives you in this world can only be a lie, because its his for now, and his world is bound to die. The only
assurance this life and all he offers have, is the wages of sin: death a certain end to it. (2013:85)
If you dont make sure that My blessing is upon whatever you do, you can be sure that the devil is going to have a ball at
sabotaging your efforts, and, of course, getting you to blame the result on Me. He knows you didnt do your part, didnt
keep your part of the deal, and so he knows theres a loophole through which he can get in and do some of the stuff hes
best at: destroying.
Imagine a little spoiled, ill-tampered brat on a rampage. If you see your child destroying just about anything he can get his
hands on, multiply that by a gazillion!
Thats why your job is to do your best to stop him, not to give him a green light to wreak havoc in your life, too. Its bad
enough hes got just about the whole world for a playground already And the only way to stop a super-villain is to avail
yourself of My super-powers. (2013:97)
The Enemy likes to promote the idea of the abolition of power, order and hierarchy. Power to the people! is one of the
popular slogans he has planted in peoples minds. But every revolution has only resulted in a bloodier, crueler and
tougher hierarchy than the former, and the best camouflaged form, of course, being democracy, where the true rulers
are ruling from behind the curtains, hidden in the shadows, leaving the people with the illusion that they actually have a
choice in the matter.
Of course, what he really wants, is to be the boss himself, just like about any of the promoters of his slogans.
I refer to him as the enemy not only because he is Mine and yours, but also because he is the originator of enmity:
between beasts, men, and between God and men. (2013:98)
Its the Enemy trying to drag you down when he hits you with reality turning into bad news around you, just like he did
Job. And like Jobs wife, hell tease you, Why dont you just curse God and die? Dont you think thats the only feasible
option left for you?
And its up to you to either give in to him or kick him back. (2013:110)
Why do you think the devil has purposely directed, steered and orchestrated everything into becoming such a mess? He
figured that youd believe what you see: A God Who created such a mess couldnt be much of a God! But youve got to
make your kids make a mess of things sometimes, even if just for the sake of teaching them how to do better. (2013:112)
One of the Enemys favorite and most common tactics: You see? Nobody really loves or appreciates you, anyway, so
why not just waste this stupid old life youre given? He likes to depreciate everything created by the Father.
The trick is to fight those notions and keep hanging in there in spite of them!
If I tell you they need and love and want you, of course hell try his best to prove to you the opposite. The clinch is, whom
are you going to believe, despite the way things may temporarily appear? (2013:121)
The Enemy is pretty busy trying to eliminate peoples trust in Me and replace it with trust in the System (2014:15)
Remember whos in charge of ruling the world temporarily!
If youve got a powerful enemy whos running most of the world youre having to live in right now, I assume you can
imagine that it would be wiser in ways of dealing with the world to be more aware of the dangers. (2014:21)
The devil is working at trying to get you to swallow some of his lies
After all, his greatest enemies are those who have been doing a lot to publish the rare blessing and power of truth in their
lives and this world. Maybe the problem was just that you forgot you had that biggest and greatest of enemies against
you, and he had been waiting for his opportunity to kick his revenge against you.
Keep trusting in Me, so that once youll have made it past this evil attack youll be able to comfort, strengthen and
encourage others, that theyll have a chance against the enemy, too, whos acting as the powerful Lord of this world, but
will eventually turn out as the loser. (14:50)
You know Me and My Words statements about the state of the world, and that its the enemy whos largely ruling it,
although he wasnt the Maker or Creator Hes not the true boss of creation, but just a pretender; and hes largely
receiving a right to do so if the majority of people swallow his lies and accept him as the boss, even pretending hes
someone else, someone better than he really is (14:51)

Now that you know what the enemy is able to do to try to get rid of you, youll be doing better to be aware of the danger
and to keep asking Me for more protection from the kind of things that he does or uses his servants on Earth to do, or
other spirits
You always better stay close to Me and ask Me for My protection from his stuff and things he might use to harm you
Stay close to Me and dont let him trick you or hit you Its a dangerous and tough time. Hes trying to get rid of all those
who might get in his way during the last time on Earth where hell put on his supreme reign of the Endtime. Being a top
liar, he cant stand those who know the truth about him and whod be able to warn the others (14:66)
The enemy is in power pretty much all over this globe; and it is your job to learn to resist him in his power. That means
you need to find out where and how hes working, with what kind of spirits, and how to resist him how to get a victory
over him with My power and force.
Where youll dwell exactly in this world during this time close to that of the end, isnt as important as learning to resist
him and his force, to recognize his tricks and all (14:71)
There are quite a few signals that show that the Earth is being governed by the enemy, and theres some work happening
to get together and build his last world empire. (14:72)
Its one of the enemys great favorites to make sufferings especially for believers to happen as long as possible in this
world; and while he lets them occur, make you cease to believe in Me and stop and terminate your faith.
Thats how the devil gets his perfect goal arranged: constructing more hatred and enemies by ruining ones character and
managing to sow aggression in the other ones (2014:80)
The Devil would love to make Me look useless in this world hes takin over So, why do you think Im trying to bring
back the need of Me in folks?
Dont let anything squeeze Me out of your life, dont let him do it, or try to persuade you to, just because hes against your
trusting in Me above any of his artificial products to believe in!
Believe in Me as the one true and Real Thing to believe in certainly better than all the fakes he invents, promotes and
makes up! Remember Gods Reality! Quite different than the enemys fake one! (2014:81)
You must learn how to resist and strive against the attacks of the Devil, whos the closest to his world-take-over, ever.
Most people arent aware of his planned world-takeover or his methods and effects on the world; but you can see that
hes still quite busy trying to make the world his as much as he possibly can. (2014:82)
The devils influence in the world becomes largely more visible, and it becomes harder and harder to keep in touch with
Heaven and Its folks, and tougher to keep the faith in It.
Thats one of the tough versions the Enemy wound up thinking of to present as the Endtime: making everything without
faith and God look so wonderful that the world by itself would look good enough, so people would wind up thinking, who
needs Heaven anyway?
Hes trying to make the world look so close to It in some parts, that people begin to stop missing it, start feeling more at
home in this world and stop to look for anything else.
Remember what he did to the world when I had to wind up sending the flood! He just got pretty much everyone except
Noah and his family hooked up to his ways, and what makes you think he might not try that again this time? (2014:83)
The devil will create more and more things people can just view and watch, so they dont have to invest time to develop
faith to believe in things they cant see at the moment. Believe in what you see is a very common strategy these days,
and since faith is largely believing in things you cant see physically these days right now, well, its becoming rarer.
If everything worth looking at winds up costing more and more money, thats a way the devil makes the value of physical
and material things rise above that of the spiritual, at least according to worldly standards. (2014:100)
The devil has found out that his chances to conquer folks are greater if he doesnt oppose folks openly for a time and
allows them to grow weaker, which makes his victory over them happen quite a lot more easily.
He makes the world not seem so bad to believers, so theyll let loose, not so much being on guard until theyre finally
weak enough to blow them quite a fierce attack. - The less forceful real Christians around, the better for him and his evil
worldly future plan. (2014:103)
When things seem too peaceful to believers in Me, they might have to find out what tricks the enemy is capable of,
especially when they underestimate his influence and power over the world. One of the only ways he can get a victory
over folks is by making them underestimate him by staying out of scary techniques for some time until the state of lack of
preparation and defence is ready.
The Enemy knows that My folks have protection that is capable of defending them from him. So he acts by disappearing
from some folks influences until they underestimate him, dont depend anymore on My power to protect them and
Wham! He may getem. (2014:106)
When it gets tough for those believing in Me, it means theyve got to ask Me for help, put their faith into action, and not
allow the devil and his forces to win or succeed against them. Of course, hell do whatever he can to weaken peoples
faith in Me, but you must not let him! Its quite the opposite necessary, that you should make an effort to strengthen your

faith, spend more time with Me and do all you can to strengthen it! Dont allow him to weaken it, but strengthen your faith!

The enemy doesnt like you, and hes trying to make things as hard and as tough for you as possible. (2014:116)
The enemy is pretty much in charge of the whole world right now, which is coming close to its end, and which means, the
only strength youll have to make it against him and withstand his wicked attacks is to depend and rely on Me and the
help you can avail yourself of from My Kingdom, and rely on that a whole lot more than your own abilities. (2014:130)
A world thats run by the enemy of God, whos trying to play god himself you can imagine that there have got to be
problems to be dealt with.
Hes always blessing those who worship him instead of Me, and who believe in life on Earth as just about all there is,
but makes others who believe in a better Hereafter sometimes suffer for it. And especially those who pass on that
message to the world!
Fame in the world is something the enemy makes people want and partly addicted to perhaps because he has that kind
of addiction and desire fueled by pride, too (2014:138)
Remember that the enemys in charge right now since the first 2 people started out to believe his advice, and they
certainly werent the last ones.
He keeps telling you things you might accept as a new truth but you ought to know better by now that truth isnt what
hell tell you!
Stay with Me and get My Words even if the devils telling you stories about Me that make you doubt
If youve got Satan as an enemy, youve got to be prepared for more attacks from him as a believer in Me than if all you
live for is making money, and whatever your own mind tells you. (2014:145)
Just remember what a cheater the devil can be and has been, and that youre better off trusting and believing in Me, even
if he tries to contradict Gods Words through different things he makes happen. Dont fall for his enchantment and
Things look different from the predictions of the Bible because the enemy does all he can to make things contradict those
predictions. A lot of people started believing during the 70s and 80s, and so he figured, things had to be changed And
they did. For him its always better to make it sound untrue what Gods Word is predicting for him, the less believers in
God, the better.
All the more will wind up believing in him when he takes over the last world ruler and makes him the AC. (2014:149)
Its important to avoid getting off the track, as the enemy has obviously been luring you After all, thats what hes mainly
trying to do: to get My servants and followers off the track! (2014:153)
If things are going wrong and not so well there and now, dont blame Me for all of it, but the present ruler of your abode,
and the choices for him of most of the earthly habitants, who obviously seem to largely prefer what hes got to offer
So, if life on Earth is turning out bad, remember whos in charge of it, and whom most people choose. (2014:159)
Remember whos running the place down there; and he thinks its his job, giving folks like you and other believers in Me a
rough time
Hes trying to make it as tough for folks like you to keep believing as he can. Thats why he changes the circumstances so
much. - Always working hard at contradicting what My Word or prophets say. Whether youll still keep believing
afterwards well, thats the test of faith.
Well, another reminder of whos currently running this world in which you live, and why you should be on the alert against
him, keep on the attack, and dont just get sucked into his system.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Thats a pretty important verse, and something youd better not
forget! Youve got to keep resisting him if you want to get rid of him. Not resisting him can mean a lot of trouble.
Keep resisting him! Its important to keep learning how to resist him, and when you have learned it, but neglect that
action, it shows just how tricky he can be and how important it is to stay on the attack and resistance against him.
The devil is your enemy, and the kind of stuff he tells you, trust Me, is not supposed to help you win or make progress,
but to make you lose what youve got and go downhill.
When he cant make you lose your faith in Me, he tries to make you lose your belief in the spirit world. Since hes the bad
guy according to your belief, he doesnt mind trying to make you get rid of your faith in the entire spirit world, including
his domain After all, hes done that to a large percentage of the people through their education. (2014:165)
Make the effort to learn to resist the devil and not let him manage to turn a whole part of your life into hell! Resist it with
My heavenly Power, and even though he may be trying to turn your life into hell, use My heavenly Might to turn it into
something more pleasant, and pour some of the heavenly sphere over that taste of hell he gives you. Let Me keep proving
to you what and who is stronger.
Alright, he may be stronger than you in some aspects, but is he also stronger than Me? Well, and if not, and youre
depending on Me, dont you think I can help you to make it? Help you overcome the devil and beat him? Well, thats part
of the victory youre supposed to learn about in this life! Learn of Me that I can help you and make you manage to make it,

overcome the enemy and gain the victories through your trials and battles! Learn that Im able to make it for you, and
always turn out stronger than the enemy! (2014:166)
We are more powerful and mightier than the enemy and his hordes! He can never really make it against Us, although We
temporarily allow him to take control over the world due to the peoples decisions in his favour. But it never means that
you cannot trust in Us, even though he often tries to impress folks by appearing more mighty than anyone else. Well,
thats one reason to keep on the attack against him, and not allowing him to weaken your faith, your heart and mind and
Keep trusting in Our Love, even if he tries to put doubts against it on you and making Us look like the bad guys!
Resist his lies and hold on to Us!
Sometimes the enemy tries to tell you there isnt anything better to expect, but you should refuse to listen to him, and
listen to Me instead, telling you the opposite. (2014:167)
Its good to remember whos still in charge of this world, so far, and not fall asleep in it. Remember, hes your enemy, and
not bound to let you get away with it or anything. So, stay on the attack! Keep up on the defence! Dont let him run you
down or turn you out!
Its not too bad to feel scared sometimes, when youre realizing what the one in charge of the Earth is up to and capable
of. Its better to be a little scared than totally ignore him, as you pretty much did before it happened to you, what you
didnt expect. (2014:174)
Dont get too tied up with this world anymore, since most of its chiefs effort is to draw and pull you away from Me! If
anything this lessons supposed to teach you, its for you to stay close to Me, not to let the enemy sidetrack you and lure
you away from Me.
Just remember whos in charge of this world currently because most peoples choices preferred his ways! And if youre
really smart, dont start making the same mistake!
Dont let the enemy divert you and distract you with some of his gimmicks! Trust Me that youre better off right now
without getting sidetracked and entertained by them every so often!
Remember that laughing about everything may be part of the devils trap and trick to drive you away from the more
serious senses of life! Dont trust him just because it might make you laugh at times. (2014:178)
If the world is ruled by the enemy, it sort of explains why life isnt that easy for believers in Me, and much less My active
disciples and followers.
If I wound up on a cross, it should give you somewhat of an idea what the enemy would like to do to followers of Mine.

Lifes a battle, and a fight, and a fairly tough one against the devil, whos running this world for right now. So, staying on
the attack or at least the defence against him is something you ought to do, along with everyone who firmly believes in
I mean, look at what he and his folks did to Me and My earlier disciples, and still gets away with doing to lots of them! So,
youve got to deal with the fact that youre not one of the Earths lucky ones, especially when you realize that lucky
stems from the name of Lucifer. So, if youre one of My mates and a child of God, its obvious that you cant jive on the
devils stuff. He doesnt like you, being one of My followers and children of God, and as long as hes in charge down there
where you are right now, youve pretty much got to make sure that you get Our protection from his attacks!
Youve been warned long ago, that the enemy was going to wind up taking over this Earth for some time. But since there
was a good and nice time for you back then, you didnt expect the rough ones anymore. One of his tricks: Make it nice
and shiny for folks on Earth so they get off the attack and much weaker than before.
Looks like one of his common ways of attack, doesnt it? Make folks too comfortable to stay on the defence or even go on
the attack against him (2014:185)
Earth is largely run and controlled by Our enemy these days (even if We allowed it to be that way in order for you guys to
learn something about what ways better not to follow)
Its a rough life when its being controlled by the one who has not really created life, but is rather a sucker of it, whos
largely trying to wipe it out by making materialism the primary force controlling the human beings not he, but We
originally created. But folks fall a lot for him, and are being quite enticed by his distractions and lures away from Us
So, its a rough time on Earth right now, and going to get even tougher, but hang on! Youll make it, and itll be worth it,
just as the reward will be youll get for clinging to Us instead of whatever the god of this world momentarily has to offer.
Just keep aware of him! (2014:200)
Stay on the attack, and on the defense against the enemys influences, otherwise hell get his rights against you, to make
you suffer for sins he tempted you to commit. These are lessons of life lessons that pay to make the effort to better
learn them.
If you make the mistakes that let him win over you well, thats the hard way to learn, but usually (and should be)
something youll never forget.
If you make mistakes like that, they should keep you on the alert, never to let the enemy win such advantages against
you. Theyre the hard lessons to learn so, dont forget!

There are a lot of advantages to lose, and what hell make you get instead are disadvantages and certain things you might
certainly regret. Thats why it pays to stay on the alert against him and his attacks. Stay on the watch-out, and dont let
him win those victories against you! And if you did, never forget it, and make sure you learn that painful lesson! (2015:29)
The devils a tough enemy, and not something you can just make it against on your own. Another reason why you really
should get more used to depending on Me and rely on Our help more!
Youre experiencing how permanent the enemys efforts can be to drag you down.
Hang on to Me and dont let him drag you down!
Dont give him a chance to drag or knock you down.
Stay tuned in to Me and thus resist his efforts to drag you down.
The more the world is being taken over by his input and wavelength, the tougher itll be to stay in My Holy Spirit, and the
more you need It, so dont neglect it!
Dont let the enemy drag you down! Remember that Im stronger and more powerful than him, so hang on to Me and My
help to win the victory against him! Amen? (2015:32)
Its the enemys major deal to try to distract everyone from the spiritual matters and keep everyone as hooked on the
physical and material issues as much as he manages. (2015:50)
Keep up the faith, as much as the devil is trying to nick it away from you with his daily attacks! In the end, itll be more
worth than anything he has to offer in this temporal world! Keep believing in Me, keep hoping, keep trusting! Youll be
better off like that, than leaning on, or giving in to his temptations, his doubts and discouragement.
Going through phases like that, you realize just how real it is, the degree and access to which he and his spirits attack
you; but be of good cheer of the fact that holding on to Me, youll make it, will be able to resist them, and in the end youll
wind up one of the winners, one of those fighters wholl gain the victory. (2015:51)
Remember that youre in a terrain occupied by the enemy though Our creation due to his reception by the majority of
humans, and since youre not one of his fans or followers, but Mine, he will obviously do all he can to drag you down or
stop you altogether. So, youre in the middle of that warfare against him right now, and youll just have to keep resisting
him, even if its tougher than ever in your current state, and he knows that, which is why hes attacking you so hard.
Also trying to make your circumstances as tough and as unlikely for you to win the battle. (2015:56)
Negative thoughts are quite likely stuff the enemy plants in your brain.
So, keep thinking about it, that whether your thoughts are turning you up or down depends on who your thoughts are
turned towards and tuned into: My way more positive input, or the enemys, who definitely doesnt have the same goal as
I, to see you happy and content!
If he wants to drag you down, it still shows that theres something you might still be up to in the future that hed like to
hinder you from accomplishing, and so hes trying to drag you down and get you to quit. (2015:66)
The rough times youre finding yourself having to go through draw you closer to Me, help you appreciate My strength and
power, and will help you to deal with the enemys power, which temporarily may seem overwhelming to you, but as I give
you what it takes to overcome, youll realize that Mine, and thus yours, is greater! Which is precisely the reason why he
tries to drag you down as much as he can, to make you temporarily think and feel youre weaker.
Sooner or later hell give up again with his attempts to drag you down, its just that you need to stay on guard against him
and keep availing yourself of My Spirit, My protection, and My input, so youll stay strong enough to resist and overcome
him, and wont let him gain any opportunity for gaining some temporary upper hand again! (2015:84)
Dont just assume that every day you wake up is a normal and peaceful day, while the enemy is at it with his host,
preparing for a total takeover of the world youre living in, preparing for getting down there and inhabiting and
possessing a large part of the entire population!
Compromises with, and acceptance of the enemy will have their results, and thats a lesson for all to learn. (2015:104)
The enemy might well be trying to weaken your faith in your true Home thats awaiting you, first of all, because hes
definitely not coming Here, and so hed like to cause all the folks he can, not to make it either, or at least not to live more
positive lives by believing firmly in it (2015:107)
Youre getting some clues as to what extent the devil is ruling the world, which explains why youre having such a hard
time in it. When the enemy of your God and Creator runs the world around you and tries to kill you, like he killed Me, its
not making your life on Earth very enjoyable.
I know, its very tough to have to make it through such a devilish abode there. But then again, it forces you to depend on
My help and causes you to apply for it, ask for it, and it also means youre not enjoying that time down there so much
anymore, once youre finding out what an evil state the enemy has brought the world into (and hes working at making it
far worse yet) (2015:109)
It all depends a lot on whether you still manage to believe that We know whats right and best for you and humanity, or
you keep letting the devil continue to persuade you that youd be smarter, such as he tends to believe about himself.
Thats another big temptation to watch out for! Dont let the devil trick you into thinking youre smarter than We are, the

way he thinks he is! Just put as much trust as you can in the belief that We know what Were doing or allowing, and that
its all going to turn out as a main better option than what old Lucifer had to offer. (2015:116)
When you feel the enemy attacking you somehow, rebuke him in My name; and do so every day before the action even
starts, because as you have noticed his attacks are more firm and vehement these days, so keep rebuking him from
the beginning, so that he wont get the chance to make you upset with Me for what you think I allowed him to do, when
youre the one who allowed him by failing to rebuke him and keep him off your track!
Its a fairly vehement time of his attacks against My people, and it will grow, and thus, you have to grow in your efforts of
defense and resistance against him. Thats something in which youve become more lenient, possibly because of the
weakening of your memory, and hes been taking advantage of that.
So, keep in resistance against him through rebuking him and his attacks in My name and with the help of the Keys of the
Kingdom! You shouldnt allow him to attack you so fiercely. Youre supposed to have learned how to keep him off your
course! Well, time to get back into that gear of defense, and not allowing him to enter your path and mind!
Dont blame Me for allowing him to play weakening little tricks against you when you ought to know yourself how to keep
him and his attacks off your track! And letting him get you to blame Me for negative things happening to you is one of
his favorite ways of causing damage against you. So, stay on the defense against him and his attacks! - Amen? (2015:117)
Get the enemy out by getting the host of Heaven in through prayer! (2015:125)
One of the favorite tricks and tactics of the enemy is to shock folks with the sort of thing they would have least expected.
Be prepared for the unexpected, since its evidently one of his favorite means of attack: the incident you are the least
prepared for, because you wouldnt have been expecting it.
Having learned to cope with things in your own management is like leaning on your own flesh and understanding, but not
really what youre dependent on when he really does something to attack you.
So, becoming prepared for his attacks also includes being ready for the unexpected. Attacking believers with incidents
beyond the kind theyve known has turned out to be his most successful means of attack, and the most effective and
hurtful; and learning from that should at least avoid your ever letting it happen again.
Dont always assume you can just count on about anything, because you know or have been through it all. The enemy
knows exactly what you havent been through yet, and thus, what youre the least prepared for. Another reason for
depending on Me to make it, especially to be prepared for his attacks, or at least fully apply for My protection from them!
Its good youre becoming more aware of whos controlling and pretty much ruling this world, so that you can be more on
guard against his attacks, as youve decided and chosen to be one of his enemies since having decided to follow and
serve Me. Well, you know what happened to Me, as well as many of My followers, and it should be a warning and get you
ready to expect the worst possible that could happen in this world, and thus depend on Me and the Power from Above for
your protection. (2015:129)
Just stay on guard against the enemy and his host while hes not down there (in the ACs flesh) yet!
As you can see, he and his followers are taking further measures these days to eliminate those on My track, which is a
big reason to stay on the alert and defense against him, without which nobody would make it. Stay on guard! Looks like
the enemy made it to get you off your guard through letting the relatively easy times sink in, and then hitting with an evil,
nasty stroke all of a sudden.
So, hope youve learned something from his tactics through that, and wont let it happen again! Stay on guard and on the
alert, so youll make it through whats coming up ahead! (2015:121)
Dont just try to figure out and follow your own way, which is another groove that has been cooked up by the system
these days, but if you have a closer look, youll also see that its exactly what the enemy chose for himself, which became
the beginning of all evil, pretty much.
Thats why Follow Me! is one of My main lines. Its offering a different path than the one the devil stepped out on, and is
trying to get everyone else to do, too: Ones own way, and following oneself and their own ideas. (2015:132)
The enemy keeps many people blinded against the existence of evil, mainly out of fear of it, one of his greatest weapons.
But being aware of the fact that Our Powers greater and his will come to an end, should deliver you from any fear of him,
even if hell rule the world for a time at the end of his earthly rulership.
Just keep your faith in Our Strength and Power being superior to his!
Keep in mind that his is coming to an end! (2015:159)
The enemy allowed those previous easier times to get people out of the prayer mode as much as possible, and thus
making themselves greater victims to his subtle attacks. So, dont let him trick you again into thinking that its a safe
world! (2015:161)
In the old days of the Romans, Greeks or Babylonians, etc., the enemy had made himself and his gang popular as gods,
but since the rise of Christianity, he figured it would be smartest to get rid of religion in general and raise the popularity of
the belief that all things came into existence by themselves. And your race descended from the monkeys, which is why
its not too bad if people still act a bit like animals
The world being ruled by the inventor of lies makes it clear why he detests any of those who carry the truth, and will do all
he can to get rid of them. (2015:168)

The enemy knows that folks regularly communicating with Me may become his biggest enemies and threats, especially
also because I give them the most input on what hes up to and how hes working!
He doesnt like to be exposed, and hates the truth about him being publicized.
Down where the surroundings pretty much run by the enemy, the situation is not going to be perfect or totally enjoyable.
He keeps attacking every now and then. But remember that Our sides more powerful, as the ultimate outcome of that
warfare is going to reveal! So, even if its a bit tough for you now, and its going to get tougher, ultimately, youre on the
winning side, and the enemys going to be the loser, along with his bunch of fallen and descended helpers. (2015:171)
If you recognize the extent to which the enemy fights you, you might be able to realize what a threat he considers you,
and why hed prefer to get rid of you!
Its a tougher battle than you expected, for a reason! With the extent of the problems youve got to deal with, and the
attack he puts you under, you can assume hes doing all he can to get rid of you or wipe you out, discourage or weaken
you, or do whatever he can to stop you from being a testimony and a witness to Me!
So, maybe its been a bit rough, that fight, but let it also encourage you that it must mean quite something concerning
your impact and significance for Me and Our Cause
So, dont be too panicked hes trying to wipe you out, but realize there must be a reason for it! Youll see! (2015:180)
The enemy is trying to kill and wipe out your faith through those negative sentiments he sows against you but will you
let him? Or resist him, like Ive been telling My believers for a long time they should? Resist the devil, and he will flee
from you (James 4:7)!
He cant stand you, and would like to get rid of you, but can you keep fighting and resisting him, instead of surrendering
and giving up? No matter how tough it gets? (2015:182)
The enemy knew that without people being able to see and perceive Us, hed wind up with a fairly easy time of getting
folks out of faith in the Father, and since he didnt mind showing off raise it in him, instead, with the final step of doing
so worldwide through taking over the last world ruler and becoming the AC the one to destroy those who believe in Me.

In the system, whats popular is the own strength and capabilities of people, and independence from others, but the way
the enemy means it, and the reason he pushes that wavelength, is in order to get the world into the groove of
independence from their Creator, the way he did sort of claiming he was his own, or that all things were made and
created through coincidence
Of course, he likes it, when folks get dependent on him just hungry for and craving that glory he resents to be given the
Father, or Me and well, apparently he got quite a number of folks into that same mode and groove, craving for their
own glory and exaltation, instead of being humble enough to give some to their Creator. (2015:194)
Remember the enemy, always trying to prove to you that what Im saying is wrong; but that just depends on your level
of faith whether you believe in Me, and what Im saying, or his input, which you ought to know by know, consists pretty
much of lies. (2015:204)
The thought that the devils trying to turn you into a failure should spur you on to resist and fight against him; and as
hard as he may try, fight as hard as you can against him, and do all you can to not let him succeed!
As miserable as you may feel, and as prone and tempted to give up, dont let him win, but keep resisting him and his
efforts with all you can! (2015:214)
You can imagine the devil doing all he can to ruin your day. No wonder hes upset at you, and doing whatever he can to
make things tougher for you, attempting to ruin your faith.
Its all pretty much becoming his territory down there, and hes a tough ruler, not accepting the ones not sticking to his
made-up rules and regulations of his systems down there.
Do what you can to deal with him, withstand him and overcome his attacks! (2015:231)
You have to remember that the enemy and his host keep attacking and fighting you. Thats why life down there for you is
not like a permanent holiday or vacation. Its a tough fight, and a rough battle, and you have to stay in tune with Me as
much as you can for your protection.
You can tell whos in charge of the elements currently, and thus should be on the alert to stay on the defense against him
and cling to the protection We have to offer you and all those who believe in it from Up Here! (2015:241)
What can you expect from a world pretty much taken over by the enemy, and soon to be run by him entirely, thankfully for
not too long?
One of the enemys favorite tactics is to spoil folks and make them weaker through times of leisure
Maybe thats why it was so easy for him to trick Adam and Eve not having learned how to learn to resist evil by going
through something harder than the Garden of Eden. (2015:251)

If times are becoming tougher and harder, let it be a reminder for you and make you aware of whos running that joint
down there and you really couldnt consider him a friend, nor any of his pack of followers, and unfortunately, the large
majority of the worlds population is more attracted to his features and temptations than the side of their Creator (2016:1)
The enemy will keep trying to make circumstances around you as tough as possible to discourage you and cause you to
lose hope and be tempted to give up and quit. But instead, let it all make you stronger in your resistance against him, and
let it draw you closer to Me, avail yourself of that plenty of help from Up Here, and remember that you cant lose if you
dont give up, because that strength, Power and Source of it available from Up Here is much greater than his. (2016:6)
Your most important weapon and power against the enemy and his tactics, more than My telling you what hes up to and
how hes working: Once you can tell hes on the attack and wreaking havoc, its the best moment to start praying against
his powers and for My blessings and strength, along with the shield of protection through the angels that prayer can
raise (2016:8)
No trouble coming! was the get-them-off-guard method of the devil, getting you to only expect better times, than the
worst actually predicted! Getting folks supposedly following Me off-guard, that was his way of doing it: spoiling them with
easy times, and making it a lot tougher to be able to deal with whats inevitably to come!
So, since youre learning the consequences of spoiling kids, dont allow yourself to be spoiled, either! Especially once
you realize whos behind it!
Who else do you think could be in charge of coming up with materialistic spoiling methods, both, for children of the flesh,
as well as children supposedly of the Spirit?
So, dont fall for the materialistic spoils, learning where that stuff leads to! (2016:44)
The enemyd like to get rid of folks like you, and its only through leaning and depending on the protection from Above
that youll make it through his attempts to get rid of you.
If youre feeling attacked, remember the enemy would like to get rid of you! He hates all those who remind folks of what
he seeks to make them forget. (2016:48)
The times of trouble this world needs to go through are a major lesson of history about independence from its Creator,
whose founder was the enemy, and while he took over godly positions in the past, of Zeus or Jupiter and quite some
others, after the rise of Christianity, the best lie to deceive folks was the science of Evolution, through which he made
the majority of folks believe that there is no God or Creator, and it all came to being by itself
Just as he took on the role of Creator in the past, his final lie has become, There is no Creator! Making folks inherit
that attitude of himself: You are gods yourselves! The ultimate step of pride. (2016:53)
The enemy still keeps tempting you through your weaknesses, saying, Uh, you see? You dont deserve it! But if I were
like that, would I keep feeding you with input whenever you come before Me to receive it? (2016:62)
The enemys trying to contradict My saying that this world is not your home by keeping everyone as attached to their
home countries and make it as tough and difficult to move to another one as possible. Apart from making it tougher for
My servants to obey Go ye into all the world.
Getting folks into a rut has been his tactic. (2016:86)
Youve got to keep resisting the enemy! Remember: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7)!
Dont give in to his tactics of discouragement, but resist them!
Right nows the time to get into resisting his methods of discouragement and spiritual weakening, the first steps to learn
to make it through his worldwide persecution, when the circumstances will be the roughest ever to handle. (2016:96)

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