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Himself (Jesus)

Make Me the Center of your lives and all will be well with you. (I:1)
What do you think it means when it says all things tempted like as we are...?
A-L-L. Why do you think I had this, what some people could call a pretty snappy attitude toward My parents when they
were looking for Me and found Me in the temple?
I knew I was superior and let them feel it. Just like you sometimes feel you could do things better than others in higher
positions than you. But thats how we, yes, including Me, learn or learned obedience through the things which we
suffer. And then we can comfort others with the same comfort wherewith we are comforted. (I:9)
Cling tightly to Me, so you will gain the strength you need. The hour of darkness is coming. Let Me be your only light,
and I will light your path. I will guide you where all other mens hearts would fail from fear. I will uphold you with the
right hand of My righteousness. I do not lie.
Invest your time wisely, by bringing every moment, every action, every move, every breath of your life to Me and letting
Me use it to the full. Then you wont have to be ashamed. If it is Me that works in you, youve got nothing to lose,
nothing to regret, only to gain, to grow, to expand, to multiply, to further and advance My Kingdom.
Be like Me. Enduring unto the end. And I am with you always even unto the end of the world, which isnt that far off
anymore. (I:16)
I should always be your first and foremost focus point of communication! Without Me you could make a mess of
Only Im way out there and know whats ahead, where the dangers lie and I can show you things thou knowest not
great and mighty or humble and small. But the things I show you will make all the difference in the universe. (I:21)
Rely only and wholly on Me nothing and no one else. To make you realize that Im Everything and more than enough.
My fellowship with you is much more important for you than anyone elses.
Make the extra effort to wait on Me, even when you feel like rushing out and jumping into the day!
The excitement is My gift, just dont forget Me, the Giver! Take Me with you each day, wherever you go, whatever you
do! Forget Me not!
I love for you to sing songs of love to Me. Sing to Me with your heart! Listen to Me with your soul! Let our love conquer
each others hearts! (I:28)
As you learn to operate in Me, in My strength and wisdom, in the Power of My Spirit, you cannot fail. (I:43)
Let Me be the Sunshine of your life! Only I can give you happiness, true contentment and true beauty of the inward
Worship Me! The Sun of Righteousness with healing in My wings, your sun and shield, giving grace and glory, not
withholding any good thing from them that walk uprightly. (I:57)
I will have to become your oxygen, if you want to survive the days to come! I will have to become your only light, your
bread, your water, and everything you need to live, for the Devil is going to try to cut all other means of supply. (I:83)
Though much terror has been brought into the world and worse shall come: is not My Power greater than all that? Isnt
My love greater than their hatred?
I dont want you to be overwhelmed by the evil you see in the world, leaving you stunned and unable to give life and
light to others, I want you to be overwhelmed by My joy, My love and My goodness and light and to shine it forth and
overflow onto them, like a fountain of life, love and light, everywhere you go.
Are you willing to sacrifice, to be a fighter for Me, to lay your life on the line? If so, let go and let Me run the show!
Youre gonna see that with Me, so much better things will be! (I:95)
I really AM, I really do exist. I told Moses thats My name because it is the answer to the most essential question: 'God,
are you really there? I AM!!! Im not often quite easily perceived and recognized, nor accepted as the God of Love that
I am. But I AM.
Thats a fact you can build on, no matter what all the scoffers and doubters can do or say. And your job and task it is to
show them I am. (I:113)
How easily you lose sight of Me, when Im there all the time. If you only had a notion of how present I am. How real.
Become Christ-conscious! Become more conscious of Me! Focus not on the things at hand, focus on Me, and the
things at hand will take on a whole new meaning and they will come and go with such greater ease.
I want you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Im always right there with you! (I:119)
I am the difference between life and death. For I am Life, and without Me, youre dead. Lifeless, motionless, dead. If
you would be fully aware of how incapable you are to get anything accomplished without My help, you would
constantly be seeking My contact, desperately grasping for Me as a drowning man grasping for air.
I am your oxygen. I am what keeps you alive. If I withdraw just a fraction of the necessary ingredients to keep you alive,

your body would cease to exist. What man is taking for granted is actually an endless sequence of miracles. (I:124)
When it comes to this world, Ive always been strange and weird, not because I am weird, but because theyre so far
away from the way things are supposed to be. Theyre so far away from My standard of love, so deep into their
darkness, the light scares them half to death. (I:128)
Air is a good description of My nature: It is invisible, yet vital and all around you. Sometimes it is warm and still and
sometimes whips your faith in strong winds, or wreaks judgment over the Earth in fierce storms. Mostly taken for
granted, you never miss it as much as when its not there, just like people are most desperate for Me when I remove
the things that keep them alive, when theyre nearing their death... Thats when they realize in terror that they cant
survive another minute without that certain something theyve been taking for granted all their lives, like a drowning
man. (I:129)
I am the Great ANYHOW! My specialty is to do things in spite of the unfavorable circumstances and against all odds.
The very existence of life is a proof of that. I am He Who creates something out of nothing; in fact, everything. I can
make something out of nothing, in fact, the less there is of you, the more I can do with you. (I:130)
I bring about greater strength, greater glory and usefulness out of rebuilt things that had been cast on the junk pile by
others. I am a Specialist in healing wounded souls. (I:131)
Make yourselves cozy in the secret place of the Most High! Ill be better to you than a known path or anything else
youve ever known before! Just trust Me, inhabit Me and let Me inhabit you! I long to be and live and dwell and move in
you, and I long for you to dwell in Me!
Look and see with the eyes of My Spirit! Look not at the waves and the wind! Look at Me! Ill be your ship, your vessel,
and Ill carry you safely Home! (I:141)
Dare to step out and let Me be sufficient for you! Let Me be all you ever needed and Ill prove it to you, that I am! What
else do you need besides Me? Right! Nothing!
All you need is Me. Everything will make perfect sense if you put on My mind and let Me grab hold of you in final total
possession! You will no longer grope around blindly and will no longer be led astray if you let Me be your Guide, Your
eyes, your senses, your Everything. (I:155)
I am the Factor in the equation that will transform you from the imperfect state to the perfect, I am the good in you and
about you. Cling to Me, absorb Me, and I will rub off on you and it will change you for the better. Those who reject Me
will go the opposite way. (I:165)
Never neglect Me, the Sunshine, the Source of love and warmth in your life! For there were times when you looked
elsewhere for that utter satisfaction of your inward needs. You were looking hither, thither and yon, but you did not find
it until you finally turned towards Me, in full expectancy and knowledge that I am the One Who can fulfill your needs,
and I alone. (I:166)
The instability of your situation is engineered by My hand in order for you to make Me the Stabilizer of your lives, the
only Factor that always remains and around which everything revolves.
If youre truly satisfied by nothing but Me, if what you truly want is nothing but Me, I promise you, I wont disappoint
you! (I:177)
I can make your crooked paths straight! I could iron out all your faults and flaws over night, if I wanted to. But I want to
use them. Bring those areas in which youre failing to Me, and I can iron the whole thing out and bend it all straight.
Im your Handy Man. (I:189)
When you think of Me, its like the contact is made from your side. Im always there, but as long as you ignore Me, you
dont profit as much from My Presence, naturally, as you do when you tune in to Me. And, of course, I cant use you as
much as I would like to if youre literally in a state oblivious to Me and you fail to acknowledge Me.
In all thy ways, acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.
Dont let the Enemy and the power of habit cheat you out of this opportunity to make a golden opportunity out of each
one! Every moment is a golden opportunity to do something wonderful, if you include Me in it.
Even if you cant see any sense in what Im allowing to happen, once you realize that all things come from My hand, itll
help you to acknowledge Me more and ignore Me less.
Certain things may be a signal from Me, a sign, Hi there! Remember Me?
Many apparently meaningless details and incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. Its like turning a
light on in a dark room. Its like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense. (I:192)
If you reach out to Me, I will reach out to you! If you put Me first place, I will take care of you. But you will have to
renounce all these distractions. Prove your belief by the amount of time you spend with Me!
So, dont be unfaithful and neglect your time with Me! (I:201)

Think of Me on the cross! I didnt look like a success to anybody, hanging there. And if you really want to be My
disciple and follower, so it will be with you. (I:202)
Ill be your secret weapon, your secret Power, the secret to all you would call success. - The voice behind the curtain. The Power beneath the surface.
Let Me live, move, walk, talk, think in you, love them through you, talk to their hearts through you, touch them through
you! Let them see Me through and in you... the secret Power and source behind everything you do, every miracle you
will work, every word of wisdom you will speak, every song you will sing!
Let Me fully possess you, and there will be no limits to what you can do! (I:208)
I AM your driving Force. I AM your Motor! I AM what keeps you going and got you going in the first place. I AM the
beginning and the end, He Who worketh both, to will and to do that which is the perfect will of God in your life. I AM the
Engineer of every lesson youre learning, and thus even the Allower of every mistake youve ever made and will yet
make. (I:209)
Remember that I am much greater than he that runs the world! (I:211)
There will be an end to the kingdom of Satan, his world, to be replaced by My Kingdom, with the barrier between the
dimensions gone. I will bring about that End, just like I brought about the beginning of this World, thats why I said, I
am Alpha and Omega, and for you, who have grasped that point, there will be no end. (I:213)
I wish you would fall so much in love with Me that you would only care what I think of you!
Stay focused on Me, not on your needs! Look at Me, the Supplier! Look at My promises! Reach out for My Heart of
Love, and touch Me, and I will guarantee you greater satisfaction than any other could ever give you! (I:245)
Only those who have Me for a motivation and incentive to keep going will find the strength to keep going, no matter
what. (I:255)
Id like people to learn to see Me in everything, to look for an opportunity in every situation to glorify Me or to remind
people of Me! (I:263)
I dont want you to keep Me all for yourself. One of the greatest proofs of your love you can give Me is to share Me with
So much depends on your willingness to share Me with others. Your happiness and fulfillment, not to mention the
souls saved and the happiness youd bring Me. (I:264)
I want you to share Me with the love-starved, hungry and searching out there. I want you to recruit others for Me! Can
you do this for Me?
Ever giving more of Me to others is the secret to happiness and the meaning of life! (I:265)
When youve got nothing, Ill be your All-in-all! When youve got nothing and Im all youve got to cling to, thats when I
will prove Myself most efficient and effective for you, thats when Ill be all you ever needed. (I:266)
You must believe that everything I allow to happen in your life comes from My hand, and that I know whats best for
The Devil doesnt have any power whatsoever to let anything occur in your life without My absolute control and
permission. You are Mine, and He has no part in you. So, when bad things happen or you feel distant from Me, its only
a test Im allowing to happen, and if you flunk, it only shows you need greater care, more special attention from Me. Im
tutoring you, personally, because you mean that much to Me, and I want to help you to make it! I have reserved you for
Myself. (I:276)
I want you to find out for sure that it is I Who saved you, not yourself, that My strength is sufficient for you, not your
own, that it is not by (your) might nor by (your) power but by My Spirit that you will live, overcome, make progress,
win victories and grow and accomplish anything at all.
Im the most important Factor in your life. (I:291)
Let Me have you, and let yourself be full of Me!
You need Me more than ever, and I want you to indulge ever more in the spiritual riches and wealth Im pouring out on
you, emphasize more on them, acknowledge their importance, become more dependent on them and make greater use
of them!
I am your oxygen! And neglecting Me is a very dangerous thing to do!
Remember, Im your oxygen! Breathe Me in, and youll keep wide awake and full of energy! Let Me be your oxygen,
your energy, your Everything! Everything you want, you need... youve got it!
Youve got it all by faith, which you get by spending this time with Me, in My personal Word for you.
Only I can give you the exact counsel you need. Neglect not this link with Me! Its vital. You need it more than anything
else. (I:293)

Be more like Me; a meek and humble, loving Man! (I:298)

I've got to be the Beginning and the End of all your works in order for them to be works of faith instead of works of the
I've got to be in it, in order for it to come alive. (I:314)
If I am the goal, the target, the bulls-eye, then of course, the devil will do all he possibly can to distract you from Me, to
cause you to miss Me and if he wont manage to do so by outside influences, hell use anything he can get a hold of
inside your four walls. The art is to keep focusing on Me, anyway!
The consequences if you dont are the usual consequences of missing the mark, failing Me and not hitting where you
were meant to: failure, sin, disobedience, beating the air, wasting precious time, and consequently feeling condemned
or discouraged about it, so, it pays to fight to keep your focus on Me! (I:370)
There is nothing I cannot do! And there is nothing you cannot do through Me!
Make Me the most important Factor of your life, give Me the attention and reverence, the importance and priority that is
My dues, as the One Who in turn will reward you! (I:386)
The time for substitutes is over. It's time for the Real Thing, which is Me. I am the original Satisfier and the only One
Who can truly satisfy every longing of every heart. (I:410)
Just keep focusing on Me, knowing that I'm your secret to success, the One Who can ensure your becoming a true
winner and conqueror and overcomer! (I:415)
"Learning obedience" for Me meant to learn to love even more than I had before I came to Earth; and seeing, feeling
and experiencing the whole thing the way humans do, changed pretty much everything for Me, as far as My viewpoints,
ways and abilities of relating to them were concerned. You can have all the wisdom of a God, but without love, it's still
not the same. Part of the love the Father had for the World in sending Me to Earth was manifested in His teaching Me
through this experience to relate much better to you. (I:421)
If I have been humbling Myself and have gone out among the people to preach a message I knew most of them would
reject in the end, and that would lead Me to death on the cross, I am expecting the same of My followers. (I:422)
Youve got nothing to fear about death, just like I had nothing to fear, because I knew I was going to rise again. The
Devil was granted permission to tempt Me with fear and tribulation shortly before I was being taken captive, just so
that I would really be tempted in all things like you are, and I would go through all the human despair and agony that
you know.
Was I ever jealous or sensitive, you wonder? - Or prone to negative thinking? Yes, I was tempted by them all, but the
Father gave Me the power to overcome them. Even so, He can and will give you the power to overcome them, it just all
depends on how much you avail yourselves of that power. (I:428)
"We have not an High priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all things tempted,
like as we are." I can relate to the feelings of your infirmities. Ive been there. Ive also been through it, not getting
ahold of the Father's voice sometimes and feeling like "Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (I:433)
All their smartness will avail to nothing if they make their bill without the Keeper of the Inn, the One in charge, Whom
they're trying to lock out of His own creation. What do you think will happen in the long run if you refuse to pay your
rent and ruin the house you live in and lock the door and refuse to let the landlord in? Sooner or later he'll call the
police and break down the door to take back what's rightfully his and kick you out, put you in front of the door, or even
in jail.
They may be thoroughly deceived that I may not have any rightful claims to My property, but they'll find out in the long
run. I have enough proofs and witnesses that I'm in charge of this joint, even though the Devil may say, "But you've
handed it over to me! I won it in the gamble!" But the game isn't even over yet, and though he may think he's winning or rather refuse to believe that he's losing - all things will come back to Me in the end. (I:439)
I didn't behave the way they wanted because they didn't behave the way I or the Father wanted, in the first place. I had
to show them that the Father wasn't all that fond of their neat little "proper" way, as they thought.
They were not on God's track, and by rejecting Me, they finally proved it. They showed what they would do with God, if
He came down to Earth: betray Him and have Him murdered by pagans. (I:460)
Only those who look to Me will make it. Only those who can see My hand in it all, even in spite of the failings of those
who perhaps should know better, will make it. (I:464)
If I would have stopped for a minute to care about what people thought of Me, I never would have driven the money
changers out of the temple, and there are many other things I wouldn't have done. I could have been embarrassed
when the harlot came to wash My feet with her tears, but I couldn't have cared less about what the Scribes and
Pharisees thought of Me, because I went by standards of the heart and not the clichs and superficial standards of the

people. (I:467)
I am Everything! Everything that's good and everything you ever wanted is found in Me! (I:509)
I want to be the Light that you turn on in your life when it's dark, the heat you can avail yourself of when it's cold, your
food when you're hungry, your drink when you thirst.
I want you to realize how badly you need Me. How nothing you are without Me. How useless everything will be unless
you reach out for Me and do it in My Strength!
If you want to accomplish works that count in the Spirit, you're going to have to get ahold of Me and realize just how
real and how important I am. (I:515)
Look not at the flaws in yourselves nor each other, but see Me in you, and the bounty I have bestowed upon each of
you, of My true eternal riches and beauty, and rejoice, be thankful, be humble and glorify Me, love Me and revel in Me,
for I glory in you! (I:516)
Many might say that My life was wasted, and I was being wasted and looked definitely wasted by the time I carried that
cross. But "wasted" can also just mean a very intense form of "being spent", and as far as eternal rewards go, nothing
is really wasted in a life that's spent in giving unselfishly and living for others, whether they be your own children I
have entrusted in your care, or others I lead across your path. (I:517)
I am the Author of your path, and I will also help you to finish it. Your life is safely in My hands. I am the Architect and
Constructor of this building of your life, and the more willingly you yield yourself into My hands, the less you interfere
with your own will, wants and desires, the better the outcome will be. (I:552)
Even My omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience are still dependent on the Father. Although He has given Me all
power in heaven and in hell, I still need Him, you know?
It's not like He is retiring, because I'm taking over the business. In a way, He's still running it all; He's just letting Me do
most of the business, that's all. But there comes a point when even I have to sit back a little and reflect, and receive
some powerful input from Him and some of the other heavenly counselors on these matters you present to Me. It has
always been that way, and it always will be. (I:564)
I never demanded anyone's blood, but I gave Mine freely, and even told My disciples that they would have no part in Me
unless they would eat My flesh and drink My blood, which turned quite a few of them away from Me temporarily!
They did come back later when they realized what I had meant by this, when they saw, and when the Holy Spirit
revealed it to them, how the Scriptures had to be fulfilled and how I had to give My life, in order to save them, that by
My blood they were going to be saved, no other way.
Some had expected the Messiah to be a great deliverer in the flesh, who would cast off the Roman yoke from their
neck. But I was "only" a Deliverer in spirit, Who would free them from a much greater yoke, though, than the Roman
yoke, namely the yoke of their own sins. That is not something that appeals to pride, nor the flesh, nor to anyone who
settles for this temporary world. This only appeals to those who are weary of this world, who know that it has got
nothing to offer them. (I:588)
I was a Teacher, and I am the Master Teacher, and if you follow My footsteps, it's natural for you to also want to become
a teacher. (I:592)
Your life could be much steadier in My joy, in trust in Me and in confidence and faith, more steady in flowing with the
Holy Spirit, if you would make Me a more integral Part of your life at every moment.
My company brings joy and peace. (II:61)
I'm your Emergency Rescue Squad. Whenever you call Me and send Me your SOS, I'll be right there. I have not come to
save the healthy, but the sick, not the strong, but the weak.
You've got to let them wear you out just like I did.
I let them waste Me, devastate Me, completely wear Me out and wipe Me out, but in this I found the Strength that never
runs out. I was willing to give all, not holding back, and in return I received all. (II:66)
I wish to be the Source of all that you long for, all that you need, and all that you dream. I don't want you to look
elsewhere for satisfaction! I want you to look to Me for the fulfillment of your wildest dreams and trust Me that I will
bring it about as much as you can handle it in My perfect time. (II:68)
Sometimes the way I see things is the exact opposite of the way you see them.
Just as I was given the authority by My Father to forgive sins, so I was given the power to heal not only their spirits,
but also their bodies, as a physical illustration of the spiritual healing power of My salvation. My name means "Savior."
My cry and My call to mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly and entire, I want to cleanse
and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul.
I have come to bring change; a change of each and every life, a change of direction for each and every man and
woman as well as for mankind in general. My message was and still is: "repent!" Which means, "turn around! You're

going the wrong way! You may think you're going the right way, but I'm telling you something different! Now, who are
you going to believe? Here, this is the right way to go: follow Me, and I'll show you!" (II:76)
Never say that I won't be able to do a certain thing, change a certain person or turn a hopeless situation around
completely, because I just might be out to shock you! With Me, you better get ready for the unexpected, the totally-outof-this-world!
Walk on water! Turn water into wine! Raise the dead! Heal the lame and cure the blind! Ascending up to Heaven in a
cloud! You've heard that I'm still as active and as able to do such things as I was 2000 years ago? You better believe it!
I can do anything! Just give Me a chance, and do your job of establishing that magical connection between two ears
and My Words, and stand back and get ready for something to happen! (II:77)
So what, if you're a needy human being? So was I. I needed food and shelter and was dependent on the help and
hospitality of others so that I in return could bless them with what I had to give.
If I had to do it - the King of kings - then how much more so should you not be too proud to ask - for help, for food, for
shelter, for anything you might need? (II:98)
To most unbelievers it looks like I didn't go to the cross voluntarily, but that I was simply another victim of Roman
injustice and cruelty. But believers understand that it was more than that. It was an act of love. In fact, the greatest act
of love ever known to man, and a path I had chosen to walk voluntarily, long, long before. "The lamb which was slain
before the foundations of the world."
When I was crucified, I died the same death that millions of others had suffered and would continue to suffer after that.
Many others, even innocent people had been and would yet be crucified. But what made it outstanding was Who I was,
and why I chose to die in the same manner that millions of sinners died, and also, how I died. (II:138)
Do you really think that there's any way I could possibly be indifferent to your life?
Not in the least! In fact, I care a lot more than you think, I am a lot more concerned than you know, and I interact, guide
and direct things, orchestrate things a whole lot more in your life than you're aware of. I am involved! (II:147)
Behold, I make all things new. I am the One Who brings variety and change! You take part in bringing change and
renewal about by absorbing Me, including Me in everything and focusing on Me, expecting change and thus helping to
make it happen.
All newness and variety that is good and positive originates from Me, and I am the Newness, the Variety and the
Change you seek!
There are certain things I'm capable of that you haven't experienced yet, because you haven't really believed yet that I
am able to.
Every breath you take comes from Me. I am the Oxygen that will keep this flame alive, and as long as you're aware of
how much you depend on Me, this is going to keep going, working and functioning. But as soon as you look at the
waves, you sink!
So, where to look for variety, for newness, for spunk and inspiration? At all the things you cannot have? No. At Me!

Getting to know Me is part of the purpose of life... You can't really love someone unless you know them, right? So, in
order to learn to love Me it sure helps to get to know Me. (II:194)
It was relatively easy to preach "love your enemies, do good to them that hate you and pray for those that despitefully
use you and persecute you." But that night I was taken, and when I suffered on the cross, I had to prove that I really
believed what I had been preaching, and that's the showdown where it will be manifest how much of a real Christian
you really are, when it comes to showing how much you're really capable of loving your enemies. (II:197)
I want to be your Tutor. I want you to know Me so well personally, that you won't have to depend on anybody else's
good sample, but that My sample will be sufficient for you! I want to prove that the Spirit is more important than the
flesh! My carnal presence is not necessary for you, My disciples, to do greater miracles than I did. Paul accomplished
more for Me than the eleven who had walked with Me and had seen Me in the flesh! He relied on the Spirit!
The more you learn to let Me do the work through you, the better off you're going to be.
It's all about letting Me do it for you, about trusting Me, about relying less on your flesh, asking for prayer, spending
more time with Me in order to get to know Me intimately, for only then can you also inspire others to want that intimate
relationship with Me for themselves. I'll be all the sample and the training you'll need. All you need is Me! (II:207)
When you're battling and struggling, in many ways you're even more beautiful to Me. I feel for you, I feel with you, and
you're never alone in whatever you go through in life, I share it all, and I always carry you with Me, as you carry Me
with you. I'm in you, as you're in Me, we're one, even as the Father and I are One. (II:226)
There are absolutes! I know, because I'm One of them. - In fact, the Epitome of all of them. (II:245)
I wasn't as much of an "accomplisher" type as I was a Friend to people, hearing them out, visiting them, caring for
them, healing them, helping them. Being a helper is what it's all about. (II:246)

The Pharisees of My day were the pompous ones, with a flashy and shiny outward appearance, which was supposed
to testify of their goodness. And you can imagine how My comparatively humble appearance irritated them. They
couldn't accept that everything they ever sought in life, everything they strove for and stood for and believed in, was
not where it was at, because that's the way they had done it all their lives. So they rejected Me and My miracles,
because they couldn't figure that God would use someone so different. They had God in a box. By thinking they knew
God, they were actually more distant from Him than the humble sinners who did believe in Me. (II:252)
A lot of times, people's idea of Me is only an extension of themselves, their own way of seeing and judging things.
If you are harsh with yourself and others, then you'll picture Me as harsh, too, but that's not Me! I'm not harsh, but
extremely merciful and patient! Yes, there are judgments coming, but not before I will have shown My mercy and
longsuffering and patience to the extreme! (II:260)
I am the Door to the new, the Way to the new, the Shepherd leading you to new pastures, the new Bread, the new Water
of Life, the Light, making obsolete the old darkness which formerly surrounded you, and leading you ever onward,
away from the former, the old, the well-known. (II:262)
When I came and died for mankind, everything changed. The New Testament was the new way. The new way is the
meek way, the humble way. I'm pouring out greater grace, and you should focus on My grace. (II:264)
That's My idea of coolness: Be hot in your trust and love and passion for Me, and cool when it comes to the devil's
attempts to rattle your wagon! (II:265)
Let Me be your Strength, your support, your Source for everything you need! Refuse to turn to any other means, refuse
to do anything to save yourself or keep your own neck above water! (II:273)
I refuse to let anybody put Me into any kind of box of what they think I ought to do or how I ought to run My business. I
can use only those who accept My Wisdom as the supreme standard, who drink in the radical waters I have given for
this time and age, to fight the battle over the souls of men in history's darkest hour.
I use what nobody thinks I can use. (II:277)
If I'm not enough for you, then nothing else will be. If My Word and My will aren't a solid enough foundation for you,
then nothing else ever will be! (II:319)
Do you see the devil everywhere, or do you see Me in everything, even in something the devil brought about, or the
devil happens to use himself?
You can see Me in everything, if you look hard enough.
Isn't it much more blessed to see Me and My purpose even in the bad things that happen to you? To see My working in
your life, to find Me talking to you through the lesson you learn in the battles you're fighting against the Devil and his
It all depends on how hard someone is looking for the real thing! If they really want the truth and nothing but the truth,
they're going to find Me!
Just like many people are going to be shocked when they'll find out that I really am Who I claimed to be, there are
those who are going to be shocked to find out who My closest friends are. They were already shocked when I was on
earth! My friends were not the religious people!
My friends were ordinary, simple folks, simple enough to receive My love and what I had to give! My best friends were
ordinary sinners, not those who condemned others for their sins.
Whenever one of My disciples came up with any notion of being better than someone else, I openly rebuked them.
When they tried to keep the children away from Me, indicating that I was too busy, too important, too holy, too high and
mighty to be bothered by children, I rebuked them, because that is not what I am!
My kind of open-mindedness that I advocate, is: be open for My surprises! Be open enough to see Me in everything!
Why look for the devil in everything? But if you seek Me in everything, if you make an effort to see Me and glorify Me in
everything, then everything is sanctified!
See Me in everything, even in the devil's efforts to try to wipe Me and My message out! Because I will cause his wrath,
and the wrath of those who seek to persecute Me by persecuting you, only to praise Me! I will use him to bring about
My will and My plan! Those who see the devil in everything are short-sighted! They need to look through all that's on
the surface and see Me there, My much greater plan and work, beyond any of the puny workings of the devil.
It's hard to see Me in hardships, in difficulties, in battles and trials, but I am there!
The kind of openness I promote is the one that encourages people to see My point of view. Don't see the devil in
everything, see Me! (II:332)
If even I couldn't do much in places where people's unbelief hindered Me, and if what saved the blind man was actually
his faith in Me (Lk.18:42), his need for Me, his desire for Me; if even I needed to be believed in, to be needed and wanted
in order to fully perform My best, then how much more do you all need that? (II:339)
Step into My footsteps! I've had lots of people against Me, in fact, nearly an entire race, plus the majority of the
surrounding peoples, and that in spite of all the good I did. Yet it was My Father's Love for Me that saw Me through.

And even so it will be His and My Love for you that will see you through and help you to focus on the few who will
make it worth it all! (II:350)
It's hard to know you are the Son of God, and not be tempted by pride.
But I was reminded of the fall of Lucifer, how it was pride that caused it, and I was reminded of the purpose for which I
had come into the world: not to lord it out over anyone in pride, but to humbly lay down My life for the sins of the
world, sins such as this very one I was experiencing in such moments during My youth.
Being the Son of God and Heir of untold spiritual and eternal riches, it soon became evident that envy was a result of
looking at things in the flesh, through carnal eyes, and losing sight of the eternal.
I was tempted by fear before I faced My darkest hour, the night in which I was betrayed, and since I knew what was
going to happen, this wasn't the first time I had to face that enemy. Being the incarnation of an all-powerful God, to
experience fear was the epitome of the opposite of everything I had been and was in the Spirit, and was to become.
Fear is one of the sins that has the greatest grip on humanity, next to pride, and since I was to free mankind from it, I've
really had to conquer it.
If you know that I've been going through these temptations, you can know that I have overcome and through Me you
can also overcome. You can benefit from My power, the power that I gained in part through overcoming your very same
sin. (II:359)
It's never too late to come to Me, to turn to Me, it's never too late to receive My Love... that's a universal truth! It's never
too late for Me!
The curious and superficial in My days said, "Let's go and hear the miracle preacher!" They were after some kind of
kick, and they were in it for the loaves and fishes, or some diversion and entertainment of sorts. But they were living in
the lie, that's why I, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, had nothing to offer to them. They were living in the way of death,
the way of the flesh, the way of the lie, the way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction and
death, but they were firmly convinced that their way was the right way, the way of life, and My way was the way of
death, and when I was finally crucified, it seemed to confirm to them that they had been right. That's why they all
screamed, "crucify Him!" They wanted Me to die in order to prove that My way had been wrong, and theirs was right!
And for 3 days and nights it seemed as though they had been right. It seemed as if the Devil had won, but when I rose,
that's when the true story really began, as My power was multiplied manifold in My disciples.
I never imitated the System's way; I came up with My very own, straight-forward and direct way.
My way was love, truth and humility. Adapt to My style instead of theirs.
It's tough to go My way, because it means being willing to take the pain, instead of dishing it out. It means to be ready
to receive the ridicule, ready to be laughed at, instead of being the one who ridicules and laughs at others. It means
taking up the cross yourself, instead of nailing others to crosses with your words.
It's gotta be love. It's gotta be humble. It's gotta be Me.
I can turn any evil into your good. I use anything to draw you closer to Me.
My love for you is greater than your unbelief! My pardon is greater than your sin.
My love for you is greater than all: greater than the impact of your sin, and certainly greater than the Devil's justice or
desire to see you prosecuted and judged for anything you may be guilty of. I'm your Defense Attorney, here to protect
you from the incessant accusations of the Accuser of the Saints, especially to yourselves.
If he manages to make you feel guilty and hopeless, and you're just about to surrender and agree with him, ready to
concede to his verdict, I'll step in and say, "Objection!" I see things differently. I see all the background circumstances,
conditions and reasons that caused you to sin and to fail, and I am ready to pardon.
Of course, sometimes I will also allow a little of his pressure to reveal to you that you're not quite as innocent as you
may have thought. But the more you see the need for My forgiveness, the more you will also avail yourself of it, and
the more you will be washed clean. You won't be washed clean by ignoring the dirt, or never even finding out it's
there... You have to expose it, confront it, discover it and then attack it with the laundry soap of My Spirit, My pardon
and forgiveness. And in turn, the more you are forgiven, the more you will also love and forgive others... The whole
process is one huge and powerful love-generator, so, I will turn the Devil's evil into My good.
In Me you will always find a Source of never ending depths, untold mysteries to discover, and a whole universe of
revelations to explore. I shall never disappoint you.
My sheep hear My voice, and they detect the difference between eternal and temporal. They sense the difference
between their tales and the real thing, the eternal life I give.
Only since having experienced the process of human maturation have I also become not only the Lord over all
creation, but also its Savior.
Something broke open, it made more space in the Plan, not just for the Jews, but for all men...
The moment of My death was virtually the crux and crucial point on which all history hinges, the great Crossroads of
history, from which on God started walking with mankind. It was no longer just a vertical relationship, from the top
down to the bottom, but it was now one in which I had stretched out My arms to welcome all mankind, any who would
receive Me, as My personal bride, ready to receive all things from Me.
Look at Me! I'm fulfilling all your expectations! Why waste your time expecting things from folks who could never live

up to all that you might expect of them, when you've got Me right here, Who already more than made up for anything
they might lack? Why keep staring into the void, when there's total fullness and wholeness over Here?
I definitely welcome your having Me involved more in matters and affairs of your daily lives. For Me, it's fun. And even
though you dread having to deal with some of these things, they can also become fun for you if you include Me more
in them.
There are precedents to what I'm doing in your life in order to establish your trust in Me alone, never in any earthly
institution. Friends of yesterday can become enemies of tomorrow and vice versa. The only thing that changes not and
you can rely on is My being on your side.
There are still so many things to show, so many aspects to share from My heavenly point of view, to learn to see the
spiritual causes behind things.
There's more progress to make in your learning to become like Me.
I wasn't tip-toeing through life, just making sure there were never going to be any hurt feelings! I was an exposer of
pride and false motivations and ambitions of men, and made many enemies.
It's nice to be considerate, but it's more important to do the right thing than just trying to be "nice."
I cared not only about people's spiritual, but also their physical well-being, and I still do. I love to provide and supply
for you, love to give you the things you want, and fulfill your hearts' desires.
God has changed you and cleaned you from your own dirty righteousness and sanctified you with His - simply by your
act of receiving Me, His love-gift and Universal Power-Cleaner...
So, get a change each day, and make sure you run around clean and fresh, bathed in My true righteousness, and not
clinging to your own, old smelly version. You have to continue disposing yourself of your waste and getting clean
before Me and through Me, flushed by My water of the Word, which I abundantly pour forth for you, as much as you
I'm much more merciful and longsuffering and patient than you can fathom. I've got to be longsuffering, patient and
forgiving enough for any sinner. My love has got to be big enough to even embrace those running far outside of the
range of what you would consider "the fold." My fold is so much larger than that. My range is so much wider than what
most people consider.
I'm a Champion of those who are considered losers by the standards of the System.
I'm leading you to the most unattractive option of all times as far as the carnal mind is concerned: I'm leading your
heart back Home to Me.
It's going to strengthen and immensely increase your amount of love for Me, finding out just how futile, empty and vain
all the other options are.
I expect you to come to Me, to make an effort! You can't just sit passively waiting for Me to make everything happen in
your life! As you move toward Me, I move toward you.
With the intensity you seek Me, I will come and give you the answer and allow you to find Me.
Keep your eye and vision on Me, no matter what.
I'm your principal Ally, the One you can rely on without a doubt, the One you should consult with most and first of all.
Thank you for choosing Me as your role model! I will reward your choice in this and won't disappoint you, and you'll
see that eventually that choice will manifest in the type of fruit in your life that will cause others to look up to you as
well, and you won't have to be ashamed anymore, because they will no longer see you, but Me in you.
Eventually you're going to be a role model, too, that people will be able to look up to, if you keep following Me,
continuing to seek My counsel and My heart daily, and as I was in this world, so will you be.
Thank you for choosing to represent Me, My cause and My agenda in this world, and for not seeking your own!
It's important that you get refilled by Me.
Thank you for following in My footsteps, and for being a sample of My forgiveness and accpetance.
Isn't it so much better to show love, instead of being judgmental? So much more beautiful to show them an open door
than to shut them out?
Look at My life: did I ever avoid or evade those people that others looked down on? I didn't even avoid those who
hated and rejected Me. My message has always been, "Come to Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will
give you rest." (Mt.11:28)
When I came to earth and had to walk right among those men and women created, some of which looked quite fierce
from that short distance, I wasn't at My safe distance in the Heavens anymore, but right there among all that beauty
and ugliness at the same time.
The answer, the solution, is to have the humility to say, "I'm not better than you." I gave that example. If anyone had a
right to say "I am better," it would have been Me, but instead, I allowed them to treat Me as if I was worse than they, I
allowed them to condemn and execute Me as a criminal, and still feel very righteous about it.
I've always been the Hero and the Champion of the one lost and forgotten and neglected sheep. If I knew the 99 were

safely in the fold, My sympathies, My concerns and My love would go out to that one lost sheep, strangled out there
somewhere in the brambles, the brushes, the shrubs of the confusion of this world, and often I have wondered why
those in the fold were always too busy pleasing themselves to ever come out and assist Me.
There will come a time when I will make it clear to the world that it doesn't make any big difference whether you're
calling yourself a Christian, but how you live is what matters, and how much you have given and done in order to make
sure that those others, who apparently did not know Me, or perhaps did not want to know Me because of some
despicable and loveless sample of one of those supposed believers and followers of Mine, would be given the chance
to see a true picture and illustration and token of My love by the way you lived.
God would not be God, nor would He be righteous, if He only allowed nominal Christians into His Kingdom, who although they were supposed to have known the truth - lived a worse sample of what I stood for than some or even
many of those who claimed not to believe in Me, because they didn't want to be part of the hypocrites.
He is not a Christian that is outwardly a Christian, in name and in title only. But how much are you really Mine? How
much can you really claim to be Mine? How much can you really say that you are My bride, that you have loved Me
intimately, have heard My voice speak to your heart, and how much have you obeyed that voice? How much have you
gone forth, accepting and bearing My seed and bringing forth fruit unto Me? How many children have you borne unto
Me? Can you truly call yourself Mrs. Christ? Are you truly My wife? Have you truly employed your life in service to Me,
or were you just one of the countless slaves of Mammon, who every once in a while offered a little token, a small
sacrifice to Me, as one would throw a bone to a dog under the table?
He that praises Me and My name, praises the Father. He has ordained the flow of things to pass through Me, the
Mediator between God and men.
I am the Light of the world by which you can see Him in everything.
To know Me is to know Heaven. If you've got Me in your heart, you've got Heaven in your heart.
As long as folks are focusing in all kinds of different directions than Mine for their fulfillment and happiness, it's no
wonder there's chaos. They all seek their own thing, and not Mine. They all want to get their bellies full of fun, and they
consider Me boring. (III:237)
They can't stop you anymore than they could stop Me.
It's not you they're trying to stop, but Me.
Whenever another "star" appears on your horizon that you begin to focus on, instead of Me, then I have to allow things
to happen that prove to you that this new idol has feet of clay just like all the previous ones...
I was criticized by My own followers, brethren and closest friends, betrayed by one of them, and denied by another...
Walk a mile in My shoes! If you want to follow My path, then that's what's going to be expecting you.
Just give all the credit and glory to Me, and nothing will go wrong. I'm the only One Who can handle it, since I'm totally
free of pride.
Pride is the opposite of what I am, it's absolutely absent from My nature. The only thing I pride Myself in is you, My
bride, and the Father, His infinite wisdom and glory. So, if you give all the credit to Me, in return you'll receive some of
that same grateful and humble Spirit that brings down true glory that glories in nothing else but the One to Whom all
glory, honor and power and recognition is due... (III:264)
If My example that I have given humanity included taking time for children, then how much more should you take time
for your grown up brothers and sisters around you, who might need your attention and care even more.
Trust that time is in My hands.
Hand over the reins of your life - or the steering wheel, in terms of today - to Me. (III:284)
Apart from the need to pay attention to others, an attitude of forgiveness and acceptance, trust, and patience, the next
ingredient to making unity work in a relationship is not to neglect Me, My Word, not to take your focus off Me, the
Magic and Power that holds you together, the Initiator of your relationship Who must preserve it and make it last.
I am what you need most desperately in your relationship, and staying focused on Me will guarantee your ability to
keep up with the other requirements as well.
"Without Me you can do nothing" also applies to relationships. Those who have tried without Me have had to find out
that they're missing out on the best and most important thing, no matter how wonderful their relationship might be.
So, view your "problems" not as curses, but as blessings in disguise, for they are precisely what keeps you close to
I am the Foundation on which you must build the work of your lives, which also includes your relationships, your
families, your fruits.
Focus on Me, look unto Me and hold on to Me every step of the way as your only Hope of success. (III:285)
When I came to the world, I didn't come exclusively as its Teacher. I also learned through the things which I suffered
(Heb.5:8). Part of what made Me a good Teacher was being a good learner also. You have to be able to absorb what's
going on around you.
Most of the things I learned from mankind were far from the way I knew things were supposed to be.
But in learning about the problem, I also learned more about what the solution was going to be.
Communication is already a big part of the solution. After all, the giving of Myself to the world was a gigantic act of
communication between God and the World. It's a give and take: God gave that which He most loved, and He's

receiving from the world in return.

Eventually, communication between God and men will be established to such a degree that He will feel comfortable
enough among men to make His abode with them, right here, on earth (Rev.21:3). (III:329)
What you need to do is see Me in others, and hope and pray that they'll see Me in you, too. Come to face it: being a
Christian is all about Me. It's not about how good or bad your fellow Christians are, but it's about the Christ, the One
Who came to clean up everything, no matter how big the mess is that everyone else made, including out of this mess
called Christianity today.
Only I am strong enough to uphold and carry you, and that's why I need you to lean on Me with all your weight and all
your strength.
You can have none other share that pedestal with Me.
Forget about them and think about Me! Only then can you even think about them and look at them in the proper way.
You've got to look at Me first! Without looking at Me first, there's no use looking anywhere else, because all you'll see
will only drag you down. So, come and have a good, long look at Me!
Even so you look at all that life entails for you, and if you do it without Me on your mind, you figure, "It's all pointless."
But I'm trying to teach you, "Don't look out there, but look unto Me first. I'll show you and teach you the point." There
is a point, but you won't grasp it without Me!
If your focus really is primarily on Me, and I've got true top priority among all things and people that are of interest to
you and intrigue you, then you'll be a lot quicker to forgive, and it will be much easier for you to cope with the failures
of others.
More is sometimes less. A tiny diamond is more valuable than a ton of rocks. Are you smart enough to spot the true
treasures in life among all the impressive, but often worthless big and huge things?
Are you smart enough to distinguish the true King of kings from among all the mighty and fancy kings of the earth,
even though He was only a humble carpenter? That's what life is all about: discovering God's mystery in life. If you
only focus on the obvious, you're never going to get it. (III:341)

III: 411, 416, 417, 446, 452, 455, 507, 535, 544, 548, 566, 598

Bible Characters: 32
Victory: 95

Change: 32, 91 Choice: 123, 237

Joy: 58

Love: 58, 123

Prayer: 70

Promise: 26

Its essential to have a relationship that glorifies Me, one that you can tell that Im really in it, one in which My Presence
is a given and in which you can see Me in each other, and you can tell its Me doing it all for you, and its not a thing of
the flesh.
If youre going to see Me in this, then youll still continue to see Me when the frame is taken away. If you realize that
Im the major part of the picture, and the Key Element, then it wont matter too much when the other, nonetheless
important, but not quite as essential parts are taken away.
Maybe I will never have to allow them to be taken away because I will simply know that you will have learned the
lesson. Whats important is that its not just someones ego being fed here, but something is happening that glorifies
Me, that gives Me the credit for whats happening and thus will bear good fruit.
The key for you lies in realizing the importance of My role in it all, which by far the majority of people completely ignore
and fail to recognize, or flatly refuse to. The more you realize that its mostly My doing instead of your own, the closer
to the realistic picture of the whole thing you are, and thus you also become aware of the relation of importance of the
different (f)actors involved. To most people, they themselves are the most important ingredient, as far as theyre
concerned. Youre in the process of learning that that might be a mistake, and that theres a greater, mostly
unrecognized Factor which has by far the greatest level of importance in it all, and the more you learn that, the more
youve got your finger on the pulse of the actual and ultimate Reality, such as I know and convey it.
Its not that Im boasting or trying to show off, or on an ego trip, which is what happens when the wrong kind of guy
demands that sort of supremacy, as you can tell by the Devils example, or that of the kind of folks whose hero he is.
But its simply an essential fact that governs the laws of the universe and all thats beyond it
I just happen to be the big Key Factor, and the sooner all the other little factors begin to realize that and avail
themselves of that fact, the more theyre going to contribute to the final outcome of the Big Picture. Its not so much
what you do or even are, but what you allow Me to do and be in your life
And if you can realize that in your relationship and allow Me to be all that I can be in your midst, then I can only delight
in such a relationship and bless it (2011:29)
Im there to help you through the things youll have to go through as they pan out, and to assure you that theres a
happy ending, come what may, and to save you from your own messes when things just didnt pan out.
So, why not stick with what youve got: a Friend in need and a Savior Who can guarantee that youll come out of this
alright, no matter what proportions it may take. (2011:32)

Trust that I am with you!

Wait for Me to open the door and show you the direction of what I want you to do.
Wait on Me and find out from Me what I want you to do!
The problem with being on top of the world is that you begin to think that this already must be the Kingdom, and that
seeking first the affairs of My Kingdom is the same as business as usual. But does that really sound like Me? Does
anything about My nature strike you as business as usual? If so, youve probably got the wrong picture of Me and
arent very familiar with My true nature, which is the essence of change when it comes to the ways of the world, and
what Id like to bring into it
Seeking first My Kingdom basically equals changing the world, and the only way youre ever going to bring about or
make any changes that matter is by taking the time to absorb My true nature. You can only be like Me in this world by
spending time with Me to learn of Me, experience what Im really like and become like that yourself (2011:33)
When I carried My cross up that hill I didnt know that I was going to make it, and I certainly didnt feel like I was going
to make it, and there were moments when it didnt look like I was going to make it All that was obvious and clear to
Me was that this was and had been Fathers plan all along, and that He was going to have to see it through somehow.

People simply have a tendency to make a mess of things, and that's precisely what happened down here, and it's
going to take Me and My Return and intervention to clean it up.
It's going to take Me, My help and Salvation, just as you already need them on a smaller scale in your personal life, and
having learned to avail yourself of them puts you at an advantage. (2011:66)
As far as Im concerned, this whole planet is in one hell of a mess, one country worse than the other, and from human
points of view you might even call it hopeless, but Im not panicking, because Im in control. And as long as you stay
attuned to Me and assured that I can handle this, you also should see no need to panic.
Everythings under My control, so if youre in sync with Me, you can be peaceful about it, no matter how chaotic things
might get (and trust Me, theyll get worse).
So, lets just assume I know what Im doing, and even if everything that goes on all around you doesnt seem to make
any sense right now, it will someday, and theres a purpose for it all, and Im in control, and wont let you go under in
all the apparent chaos. In fact, I love to show My Power by upholding you through the most ridiculous situations and
violent storms. So, lighten up, and enjoy My Power to cause you to rise above any old mess. Im right there with you.

There are very few people actually ready to lay down their lives for another, and perhaps the scarcity of that
phenomenon will help you appreciate a little more the fact that I did. Not everybody would, not even in the little day-today things. And then again: would you?
I laid down My life for you fully conscious of what sinners you are. Now, would you be willing to lay down your life for a
sinner just like yourself? (2011:70)
Im not after great big numbers and scores. Its the little things that matter to Me, remember? And faithfulness in the
little things to Me is a big thing. (2011:71)
If you're going to hang with Me and communicate with Me and turn to and rely on Me as your major Source of
inspiration, you will have something to say, to give and convey.
You could make a difference, but you've got to avail yourself of the Power that enables you to make that difference,
and that's only found in Me. Thus, neglecting Me is the one worst mistake you could ever make, so you should stop
making it.
Come to Me if you want to have a clue about anything that's going on in your life and how to make the best out of it.
Keep ignoring Me if you don't.
The daily choice is yours. I'm there for you. If you don't appreciate that, it's not My fault if your life unravels. Just as
flowers will wither without water and light, so will you without Me. (2011:74)
Im your only Hope and chance to get through this all victoriously. (2011:75)
If your life is governed by My song, you will have peace.
Ive got every aspect of your life under My control, even though Im leaving some of that control in your own hands.
But if you ask and want Me to, I can take control of your life to an extent where you can know youll be completely safe.

Im anything but superficial.

I will always take you a few inches deeper than youve already been thus far in your digging!
I can take you to depths no one else on earth has been before. It all depends on how far down you want to go with Me.

I delight in being a Resource to you that far surpasses the given natural resources. I like to be that extra boost of
energy when you have none left, supply when there is no more to go

I like to bust your natural confines and stretch them and be that extra mile, the extra portion, the Source of strength
that keeps you going just when you thought you couldnt anymore I like to be that more in your situations of
less, be the path where there is no way, the light where there is no light, your strength when there is none left.
Those who make Me the Source of their strength will never regret it because, unlike any other, I never run dry and you
can never run out of Me and what I have to give. Your capacities to receive may be limited, but those are the only
limitations to what I have to give and want to give you, which is why I allow you to reach those natural limits of yours,
so that you will avail yourself of Me and whats Mine to give you.
Thats why I told My followers, I am the Bread of life, or told them that I would give them water thats better than what
they pulled out of the well; that I was the Light of the world: a better Source of those natural resources they turn to for
their substance and survival.
What I was saying was, Eat Me, and youll never be hungry again; drink Me and youll never thirst; abide in My light
and you will walk no more in darkness
Im all that you need and more. (2011:78)
Low, empty moments between the blessings and the fullness are the ones to remind you and drive home the point and
lesson deep down into your conscience that it is I I Who am truly the most steady and reliable Friend and Factor in
your life.
The truly magic moments for Me are the ones when you have nothing and no one left but Me, and you finally realize
that this is the difference between Me and all of them, and you begin to get a glimpse of the extent of My importance in
your life: I am the only reliable One come what may, so the One truly worthy of paying your attention to.
It may hurt to lose friends, but if this is what causes you to realize the importance of your best Friend, then its
something that will work out for the better and your greater good! (2011:80)
I know what Im doing, so just trust Me for it. You can see the traces of My Presence everywhere you go, and if at times
youre tempted to feel forsaken and overwhelmed, then its usually simply because you dont avail yourself of My
Presence and help as much as you should, which is precisely another reason why Im bringing along these more
taxing times.
I want you to realize that you cant make it without Me! I believe and know that you can make it, yes, but only and
thats the primary requirement with My help.
Im getting a multiple advantage out of this: I train you in the field of greater dependence on Me, while at the same time
teaching you new skills in new areas of your life; and in addition, Im dealing with your character and will iron out some
flaws in your attitudes and behavior.
Im a good Captain of your life, and youre making no mistake in trusting Me for your vessel. Ill steer you into a safe
harbor, even through the roughest seas. (2011:85)
I could make a very drastic difference in peoples lives if they would let Me and tune into Me and get on My wavelength.
Yet with all My Power, I even have more of a handicap than you: the fact that they cant see or hear or even feel Me.
And thats especially why I need you to make an even greater effort to tune in to Me, because I need people like you to
be My reflectors for them.
Dont try to save yourself out of what you perceive as a hopeless situation, but let Me be the Sunshine that shines a
light of hope in there that will give you a purpose and the conviction to go on! (2011:87)
My greatest wish is for you to really be able to see just how much you can trust Me, and for you to stop worrying once
and for all whether I will take care of you or not. So, if you want to honor Me, please Me and make Me happy, do Me the
favor, and show forth some trust in Me. Give Me your trust! (2011:88)
I am the Door to the Other World. Others of what the world refers to as its great minds and philosophers, or perhaps
even holy men, have been windows. Some of these windows have given a clear view of the other, greater Realm,
others were tainted, and gave glimpses that were partly distorted.
In whichever case, they grant glimpses and views, but I am the Door through which you can actually enter, not just
catch a view. (2011:95)
You know what I think of the development of mankind, and while the simple folks have their flaws, in My eyes, the
much greater sin lies with those who really ought to know better, just as it was with those who opposed, persecuted
and sought to destroy Me.
Ive never been much of a Man of theories, but My life was one of Action putting what the Father had commanded and
ordained Me to do into practice, more than preaching eloquent sermons or appealing to the intellect of anyone.
My teachings are not as much a challenge for the intellect as they are for the ego, the selfishness and coldness of
mans heart, and thats really where many part from what I have to offer, unwilling to give up what they so feverishly
cling to, when My life and My message were all about letting go. (2011:99)
My battle has always been about something more than words. What people resented most about Me were My actions
our life-style, and you may note that they did not determine to kill Me until I proved by My action of raising the dead
that I actually was Who I claimed to be. (2011:104)
I am the Source of the beauty and fullness you seek from life, and its the times of hardships, not the easy times, that
help you to realize that, as they draw you closer to Me, and there, in My bosom, you find comfort and solace and sweet

relief from the strain and pain of the world (2011:112)

Its ultimately good for you to learn to recognize Me and honor Me for Who and what I am and for the significant role I
play in your life. Its great when someone realizes that its not just all about them, but its about Me and them, and
together we can be strong and invincible. (2011:113)
I am the Center of everything, whether people become aware of it or not. As long as Im at the center of your life, any
life, your orbit will be safe and sound, regulated by My spiritual gravitational pull.
It only starts to become dangerous when people see themselves or their own opinions and attitudes as the center of it
all, causing imbalance and chaos, which unfortunately describes the general state of the world right now (2011:124)
I can give you glimpses of what I see, and you can learn from Me how to live in a vaster scope than that most humans
limit their focus to.
What Im saying is, were a good team. You need Me, and regardless of what others say I need you, and if we do
things together, well both get accomplished more than either of us would without the help and assistance of the other.

Im there for you to find in My arms and in the shelter of My bosom what you cannot find in the world. As I told My
disciples: In the world ye shall have tribulation (distress), but be of good cheer (= cheer up!); I have overcome the
world. I have overcome the world and thus offer hope to anyone who is looking for a way out of its mess.
As your Savior I have come to set you free from captivity, so its up to you to wear that garment of freedom and accept
that I have set you free, believe it and act like a free man, accordingly. (2011:127)
The good thing, and the thing to remember is that Im with you, and youre not alone. (2011:128)
My idea of perfection differs largely from the human view.
I can bear with temporary imperfection, or even downright disobedience and evil a little better. Lets say Im much more
of a patient Man, because I have a lot of faith due to the things I have seen and known. But that is merely another
reason why I invite you to come and learn of Me and try to catch a glimpse of the way I see things, and get a little bit of
an idea of the way I do and handle things.
My believers have been trying to change Me and My nature, even if only in their own minds and conceptions of Me for
centuries and more. Theyre never quite happy with the kind of Savior I really am, because they would prefer one, of
course, that is much easier to understand and does things a lot more their way, than those unorthodox, unheard of
ways I keep choosing.
Often I even have to give in and say, Well, have it your way then And basically, thats the chapter in history youre
in right now, the chapter of having it your way. (2011:131)
I happened to know that My fruit on earth indeed was good, and that I thus was a good tree. I knew My Origins, and that
what I was going to bring forth could simply not turn out bad, for I am the Fathers Son, and He does all things well.
So, addressing those who accused Me of being evil, I said, A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. Likewise, those
who sought to kill Me could not bring forth good fruit, no matter how hard theyd try, unless theyd eventually repent.

If I was closer to the publicans, harlots and sinners than to their religious accusers during My earthly lifetime, you can
be assured that nothing has changed about that since Ive taken back My rightful place in Heaven. (2012:11)
In finding Me you can find anything else you set out to find anywhere else, but youve got to seek Me first.
If you seek reason and meaning and purpose, you will find it in Me and through Me. If you seek joy, happiness and
laughter, you will find it through Me. All My blessings and joys of life are yours for the asking, but what doesnt work is,
trying to find them without Me and ignoring Me when you should know better.
If youre looking for something, or theres anything you need, Im your Man. Im the One to go through, the one channel
and connection by which you can obtain everything you need and desire, so, think how important it is to uphold and
keep that connection established. Dont let it be eroded by all the friction of your daily circumstances and the attempts
of the carnal life to distract you from whats really relevant.
Im the one Factor that can make all the difference in the world in your life, so think how vehemently the opposing
forces will fight to keep you from making that happen, and fight back accordingly, defending this greatest treasure in
your life with all youve got. (2012:34)
Im all about the lasting version of the fleeting shadows of whatever youve got in this life, including life itself. Im all
about the real deal, as opposed to all those fakes and here-today, gone-tomorrow joys.
What I really like and appreciate in My children is when they recognize and honor that and pursue those lasting and
true joys I have to offer, and turn their focus away from the temporal counterfeits. (2012:43)
You wouldnt have considered My act of barging into the temple a sacred place of worship the most sacred place
for many of My time an act of well-mannered behavior and etiquette. It was the final straw that led many to the
conclusion that I must have been a lunatic, not quite right or clean in the head
But I detest it when outward cleanliness becomes the major concern and folks ignore the inward filth of their sins.


I can open and lock any door in any realm, but in order to avail yourself of that power, you have to be able to
distinguish the different rules of the two separate systems.
Thats why you cant figure Me out by the terms and rationalism of the world Im a whole different ball game, and
when you try to stick Me into that worldly little mold of that system thats being created and programmed by the
Enemy, youre committing an operational error. (2012:51)
Dont be dismayed by the temporary interruptions in your emotional output. Even I became weary during My time on
earth, and there were times when I snapped and became impatient and said things that you maybe wouldnt have
expected from the perfect Son of God, which is another reason why the perfectionist religionists rejected Me: I
wasnt perfect enough for them. In fact, I never claimed to be. I didnt even claim to be good. (2012:60)
If they resent you, know that theyve resented Me before you. (2012:69)
There probably wouldnt be much room in a world like yours for Someone like Me, which is why I chose an earlier point
in time for My appearance, when theyd still be somewhat ready to accept Me.
My ideas of greatness and ideals certainly dont fit in very well with this money-oriented society, and not being of this
world has taken on whole new dimensions in this day and age.
So, Ill have to let you guys handle this job for now, and Ill intervene sooner or later, when things simply wont be able
to continue anymore without My help, because unbeknownst to the large majority, trouble is brewing beneath the
surface thats soon to emerge, and things wont continue as they are forever, no matter how much theyd like to believe
There will come a time when My role as a Savior will become abundantly clear and recognized as the only possible
chance and hope for life. (2012:72)
Think of Me as not only a teacher conveying theoretical knowledge and information, but as a coach who will exert you
and try to get the most out of you, and getting you to live up to your full potential. Not just because Im interested in
the quality of your performance for the benefit of the whole team and the end result of the game, but because I know
you will benefit from it, too. Youll feel better about yourself, more satisfied and fulfilled, and, lets just say, its part of
My method to live up to My Promise that Ive come to make you live life to the full. (2012:73)
Just as even dung is used in order to bring new life from the ground when used as fertilizer, Im a Master at recycling
all kinds of waste, and, as I told you before, nothings ever really wasted. Im the Keeper of keepers, and I know how to
keep and care for whats Mine. (2012:74)
I want to prove to you that I am indeed enough. Enough to keep you happy and satisfied, and that you dont really need
all that other stuff. (2012:78)
I am the Completion of all things, the missing Piece that will fill in the holes, relieve all the pain, make whole whats
broken and mend all things. (2012:80)
You will know that you are Mine. The more you dwell in that knowledge, the more youll realize that theres really not so
much to worry about. (2012:81)
Not many people would have reckoned that the tale of a crucified carpenter would have the impact on the world that it
did, but it did
Remember that Im not known for using conventional methods, and Im not about to change now. (2012:86)
Im not the One talking about or dealing with, nor settling for initially. Im both, the Beginning and the End, the One to
make things complete, not leaving them there, half-cooked and unfinished, so youre simply going to have to trust Me
for greater results in My workings in your life than you would be able to obtain by way of your own reasoning,
preferences and calculations.
Will I ever be able to change you, you wonder? Well, at least Ill have taught you some good lessons, even if they may
not necessarily sink in while the class is still in session
Im responsible for the outcome, and thats a whole lot further than you can see right now. (2012:88)
If My Presence in your life and My communications with you are supposed to have any kind of influence and impact on
you at all, isnt it that? Not to flow with the current of the world, but to live and show and give a living example of a
different kind of life? (2012:90)
I probably wouldnt have made many enemies if I would have just encouraged the fishers and a tax collector to stick to
their jobs, instead of calling them to follow Me to preach a different Kingdom, one which most of them, as it turned out,
resented even more than they resented Rome. (2012:92)
I was never that interested in attracting large crowds who are in it for the ride and the loaves and fishes (2012:98)

I didnt pursue the road that led to My own good and advantage, but literally, My destruction, in favor of the good of
others. (2012:101)
Im the Mediator between God, the Author and Ruler of the Spirit World, and theirs, the physical world, the Central
Exchange. Some folks are not far from the Kingdom, but to really get in and become a part of it, I am the only Door.
The nice thing about Me being the Winner is that I have it rigged up in such a way that pretty much everyone will turn
out to be a winner in the end. But the greatest rewards will naturally go to those who chose to play on My side of the
game, and some will have to wait for a while until theyre even ready to admit that they had been playing for the wrong
side (2012:106)
I know its hard! Hey, crucifixion was no piece of cake either, so dont deny Me the right of saying, Ive been there.
Besides, its true, Im there with you, can feel the suffering and pain youre going through, and yes, Im more able to do
so since I became mortal flesh Myself.
Apart from that, the act of bearing all the sins of mankind as unfathomable as that may be to most people made Me
a closer and more intimate part of you than youre often aware of. It means, in other words, you cant shock Me with
anything that you might do or have done. I know it, because I carried the guilt of that sin in My own flesh. (2012:112)
I didnt come into the world to condemn it, and neither should you.
Im always down at the bottom to catch you and help you make it back up again, usually to greater heights than before.

You can always expect to find Me, the truth and the Real Thing, in the totally unexpected. (2012:115)
Im the Son of a God well capable of carrying the weight and load of anyone who puts their trust in Me. (2012:123)
Im not only the living Word of God, His Mediator with man, but also your Teacher and Example of humility
Im used to people resenting Me throughout the ages perhaps thats whats keeping Me so humble.
As opposed to the way they worship Satan. Or whats even more humbling is the way some people worship a false
image of Me that doesnt correspond to My true nature
So, you see I sympathize with your troubles, seeing that Ive got a few on My own. Im not oblivious to what it means to
be human and have human troubles, trials and problems. And thats one of those outstanding characteristics about
Me: I can relate just fine to you.
Thats what makes Me so useful and helpful to mankind. Yet the pity is, most of them dont want to avail themselves of
My help
It takes time and some considerable effort to really get to know Me. But dont expect to get to know all there is to know
about Me during this life-time. If theres something there will always be more to get to know about, its Me and My
Kingdom. (2012:128)
An advantage of being all-knowing: People cant really shock Me.
You cant be disappointed by something you know is going to happen. (2012:138)
Youre learning by experience that I simply am the best Solution and Source, and all others are wanting and insufficient
in comparison; they simply dont cut it and cant keep up in the same way I can.
Its great to have those man-made sources of inspiration which yield at least some degree of genuine inspiration and a
portion of My Spirit, but theres nothing like the Real Thing of tapping right into Me and My Spirit, the very Source of all
that is good.
Im the Factor that can keep you forever young, and when you keep that in mind, those are the times you feel inspired
and fit.
Im not just a good Source to turn to on a regular basis, but the One that should be the most important Factor in your
life you turn to multiple times per day, much more regularly and faithfully, if you want to be more inspired and truly get
something done and make progress in conveying what Ive given you to others.
Make use of the advantage of having Me with you, within you, and always available.
Only a fool would not use it in order to enhance and improve his life and increase his productivity, happiness, and just
about everything good in your life manifold! (2012:150)
The path of Love and Salvation is the one that says, Nevertheless, not My will, but Thy will be done. And thats the
example Ive given you to follow. I would have preferred to be spared at the time I prayed that prayer, but chose to yield
to the Fathers better knowledge, that the result of My death on the cross would bear greater, much greater benefits for
all not just Myself than any other possible option.
Every bad, selfish, negative choice (= sin) you make in life is a minus. Every unselfish act that follows the example I
gave on the cross is a plus. (2012:151)
I could have very easily asked the Father why He led Me up that mount to meet My own destruction. Its not like I never
had any potential, you know? I was a great Miracle Worker, and if I would have played My cards right according to
the ways of the world, I could have easily written the greatest success story of all times. But like this I wound up some
obscure carpenters son sentenced to death and executed by crucifixion in his early 30s, according to the annals of

the world.
Only true believers can see that this is actually really the greatest success story of all times, the greatest achievement
and feat of all times that will be celebrated as such for all eternity, while all those other big success stories that make
the news today will be forgotten
People always try to amend My ways with the ways of the world and fit Me and their religion into that mold of the
acceptable by the standards of this world, but its futile, because this world and I are two opposing extremes and odds
to say the least, and if not to say, at war with each other constantly.
When youre part of My thing, and what Im trying to do, youre not anymore part of that food chain. Youre part of
something else, another chain or cycle, fed directly by the Source of all things
But in return I want you to share that Source with others, and when you dont make the effort to do that, thats when
you start feeling bad and like youre missing something. (2012:170)
Thats why I still claim to be your best Friend: I pretty much let you be what you want. I may allow you to learn certain
lessons when youve been making choices that according to My knowledge simply werent the best for you, but I dont
coerce you to do My will or follow the one and only path of My highest will for you. (2012:181)
Become someone who puts the emphasis, and bases the criteria around which life revolves, on the Spirit the Eternal,
making Me a constant Partner in every endeavor and interaction in their life! Ive got to be there with them, within them,
and protruding and exuding from them, visibly, tangibly and audibly, for how else is the world ever going to find out
about Me and that Im real, seeing they totally leave the evidence of My creation out of consideration and giving mere
coincidence and Evolution the credit for it luck, or Lucifer, My adversary?
I want you to seek Me in the darkness and I need you to find Me in the light. Both extremes are necessary, both to
teach and remind you of what I am to you and to make you realize the extent of your need for Me. You cant do it
without Me! - Just as there are things that your babies cant do without you. The difference is, I will never disappear,
never will get upset at you, and never ever fail you in any way. Im always and constantly there for you. Count on it!

Look at the types of people I hung out with: not the spiritually educated, but fishermen, a tax collector, etc., having
come from a humble carpenters family Myself. (2012:185)
You dont need all those things you think you need as much as you need the One most folks think they can do without:
Me. Im trying to point them to the fact that what they really need lies somewhere in a completely different direction
than theyre all looking at and running to, day in day out, and yes; that less is sometimes more: Theyd be so much
richer without some of the things they keep heaping upon themselves, frantically trying to enrich themselves and
boost the quality of their lives while all along neglecting the truly essential, the kind of food that will give life beyond
this earthly one, which is why I kept saying, I am the Bread of Life, and you need to eat Me if you truly want to live,
instead of ever consuming more of the things that will only culminate on the same old sad Game over scenario.
As a Man rejected and despised by men and acquainted with grief, one would say, I couldnt have possibly been a very
healthy soul during My earthly existence, which would be the wrong conclusion to draw, and the same applies to
countless of My true followers, as opposed to the polished Hollywood style versions of today with their false gospel of
If it were true what theyre preaching, that blessed are the rich, then why would I have turned down the Devils offer
of all the riches in the world? Why would it say, He fills the hungry with goods but the rich He sends away empty?

Your relationship with Me is your only hope and chance for survival.
You can do it, but you can only do it with Me. Where Im crowded out of your life, your only prospects left are despair.
People just dont realize how desperately they need Me, and I know youre tempted to listen to the voices trying to tell
you that its a sign of weakness, but really, its your only true strength. (2013:2)
I add the rhyme and reason, and even the necessary rhythm to your life without which it would all be a bunch of
nonsense. You might say Im the very beat of your heart and life.
Without My sap the tree of your life would die.
Can you feel it, how life begins to creep back into your spiritual veins as you tune in to Me?
You think you can do it without Me, and it seems you can, but only for so long (2013:6)
Life is a series of crises that is meant for you to tackle, take on and endure somehow. It begins with the crisis of birth
and ends with the crisis of death, with a million other little or bigger crises strewn in in-between.
The clue is in remembering the Christ when youre in a crisis, the Messiah, the promised way out of this whole mess
that you mankind have gotten yourselves into.
What matters is that youve got Me on your side, and that fact alone should enable you to make it through whatever
crisis. (2013:7)
Always know that Im right there and aware of your state, never expecting more of you than youre able to deliver.
When theres a job for you to do for Me, Ill enable you to do it. Ill open the doors, and Ill make a way if need be
where there is no way. (2013:12)
My believers have doubted My wisdom and My Word all throughout the ages, and you might say Im getting used to it.

Nonetheless, eventually they all begin to see that I knew what I was doing, after all. (2013:13)
Its shocking and sad, but also liberating and eye-opening, giving you a clearer scope of reality, when you realize that
the only One Whos going to be able to help you make it, Whos truly always going to be there and wont possibly let
you down, is I.
If you turn to Me for hope and strength, you wont be disappointed.
If you want true hope that will give you the strength you need to make it along any stretch of your road, look to Me,
count on Me and trust in Me. (2013:15)
Im always around. Just tap in! I wont disappear on you. And learning to tap into Me even when all around you its
chaos is what its all about right now.
I and My input are always available to you, thats a Promise I wont back down on. (2013:16)
Im an against all odds type of guy. I like to make it against all that the world says or believes to be possible. (2013:17)
When no one believes in you, its a great time to look to Me and believe Me for the fact that I believe in you, even when
no one else does. (2013:21)
Against the odds I rose from the dead, and since then, pretty much what every man or woman of faith ever
accomplished, it was against the odds. . (2013:32)
Youre only going to find your path through this life, as well as all it takes to walk it, in your companionship with Me.
Youre only able to be, and only able to have what it takes, or anything worth conveying to others, through your
fellowship with Me, instead of neglecting Me in exchange of false hopes in anything or anyone pertaining to this
temporal, faulty and flawed earthly realm.
Im the only truly desirable factor able to bring true and lasting sense and meaning to your otherwise empty and vain
existence. (2013:35)
Instead of being so disturbed by the worlds lack of knowledge of Me, and worse, the lack of interest in getting to know
Me, just enjoy the fact more that you do, and Im Someone more worth knowing and more worth trying to please than
they. Now youve just got to believe it. Theyre here today and will be gone forever tomorrow. What remains in your life,
and will always remain is I. (2013:48)
I am capable of My job as a Savior and Redeemer, which means I can save and redeem you for any sin and wont need
your help with it, trying to redeem yourself. (2013:49)
Im not cold, emotionless, but quite the opposite, and I long for fellowship, true companionship and interaction with
those I have called My friends and more, My brides. (2013:52)
Got a problem? Bring it before Me and see what happens. Maybe if it happens sufficient times that I manage to
dissolve them into thin air, youll deem Me worth your time
I am truly the Solver of every possible problem you might have, and the Dissolver of all your misery. And whats more, I
really enjoy My job, and am entirely enthusiastic about it; so its not like you need to dread asking Me for help just this
one more time before youll leave Me in peace. I dont mind at all helping you out! Its a pleasure for Me!
You know when you can just love someone with all their flaws and quirks and they dont seem to bother you at all? Im
simply capable of that kind of love pretty much all the time.
Maybe you cant just keep loving unconditionally, but I can. (2013:60)
John the Baptist put it nicely by saying, He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30). If you let Me and the
amount of My affairs, My Presence and all that concerns Me, increase in your life, and allow your own carnal
ambitions, desires and preoccupations to decrease, it means youre building your house on a firm foundation that will
outlast the temporal realm, and on sure and safe ground.
Youll have an anchor that wont be torn up so easily by the rough storms of this world, and when everything else goes
to pot, youll still be standing. (2013:69)
You can be sure of the fact that I always need you. Even if its just to seek My face, My will and My counsel in situations
when youre clueless.
When your life doesnt seem to make much sense, its great for Me to know that you need Me, and you might say, I
need you to need Me. I have a desire for you, for your fellowship, for your calling and crying out to Me, a strong desire
for you to acknowledge Me.
Im the Factor that brings sense into your life and puts the pieces together when you cant make much sense of the
puzzle. Availing yourself of Me is like availing yourself of the magic ingredient that turns death into life and brings
meaning into it all. How else do you think the deeper meaning of everything can be discovered, except through
communion with Me? (2013:72)
You think that what I want to see is some more money-making action? Or that I just hunger for true companionship,
fellowship and interaction with you? Friendship, honesty, whatever you can grant Me

Im not really all that demanding. I personally am much more into giving, as opposed to the majority of rich folks. Its
just that a lot of people couldnt care less about what Ive got to give when all they care about is the little colored
papers that would buy them all the things that they crave and think would make their lives so wonderful
Try to make do with a little more of Me instead of all that other stuff, and see what a little more of Me will do for you that
all the other stuff cant and will always fail to do. When it comes to providing genuine contentment, happiness and
peace of heart and mind, I remain unbeatable.
I know how to keep that which is most precious about you something that will never stop growing, learning, advancing
and continuing to enhance its glow and shine. I know how to truly bring forth fruit that will remain I know how to
make the best out of nothing. (2013:73)
A little faith in people, or at least in what I can do with even the seemingly most hopeless cases of people, can prevent
a lot of troubles and ills, and consequently do a lot of good instead
Trust Me, it wasnt always easy for Me, either, but then, what other choice did I have than to trust the Fathers Promise
that it was going to be worth it?
I certainly wasnt going to give in and let the Devil triumph; and Im expecting you to follow My example of not being a
quitter, no matter how tough it gets. Never quit believing in My purpose for you. Never doubt that I can and will use
you, regardless of the hopeless prospects of any situation.
I can make it happen. If you believe Me for it! (2013:75)
If you observe My history, the pattern you can recognize there, might instill hope: That which looked so perfect and
clean on the outside, such as for example, the pious, religious Jews in My day turned out to be the real problem,
while those considered scum by them, turned out to save the day for Me and My Cause.
Keep trusting Me that I can see things you cannot.
I no earthly source am your only absolutely reliable Source of truth, input and wisdom.
The flaws in My word-givers and instruments and media throughout the ages are My safeguard system to prevent you
from relying solely on any earthly, human or physical source, and to ensure that you would run straight to the true
Source, the only infallible One, instead.
Nobodys got it all figured out. But Im here to offer you My help in figuring it all out together. Thats the way to truly
learn, and thats what life is truly all about: Come, learn with Me! (2013:78)
If all of what this life ultimately has to offer is death, dont you think it makes sense that I define Myself as the True Way
of Life? Or the Way to True Life? (2013:85)
What kind of Savior would I be if I wouldnt be totally capable of taking you exactly where youre at, and give you all the
liberties to explore whats out there, and find your own limitations for yourselves, or perhaps better, find out for
yourselves when it becomes appropriate to stick to them?
If I couldnt at least be just as good a pal to you that your earthly friends are, who wink at your weaknesses, what good
would I be? And I dont just want to be a good friend, but prove to you that Im your best, who understands you better
and will go farther for you than anyone else ever would or could.
Noah took to drinking after the flood And he by far wasnt the only one of Mine throughout history who did; and I
gave a clear sign of My tolerance for this habit regardless of how wrong its considered by the sanctimonious by
making My first public miracle the conversion of water to wine
Stay in touch with Me, the Sense-Maker, in order for you to somewhat keep a grip on things and not lose sight of
whats going on. (2013:100)
They chose a robber and a thief over Me, so it doesnt really matter how good you are, or how good you would be for
them. (2013:103)
Most people obviously think they know better than I do, and theyd do a better job at being Boss than I. In fact most
of them come to the conclusion that I couldnt possibly exist because Im obviously so much dumber than they are,
judging by the way I handle things or allow them to run (2013:104)
Get your eyes off man, and get them onto the only One Whos able to ever live up to your expectations. Thats been My
recipe and plan for just about every man or woman whos ever tried seriously to serve Me.
Just as youd like the attention you believe you deserve as head of your family, so do I.
You stick to Me and make sure I get from you what I deserve, and things down there will work out for you as well.
Neglect of Me will just result in neglect of you down there
Youll only be able to give what it takes for you to get what you want if you get it from Me in the first place. Im still the
only One Who can give any of you what you really need and want, or Who can help you to get it from them by giving
you what they want
Im the Secret. (2013:106)
You know what I think about easy and comfortable Not My way
Easy and comfortable would have been accepting the deal the Devil offered Me: All the riches and power in this
world Just worship him. So much for easy and comfortable (2013:108)

My speech on Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood you have no part in Me was too much for the bulk of My
followers and blew them away. But Peter somehow knew by faith that those words, even if he couldnt possibly
understand them at the time meant eternal life for them. (2013:109)
Theres no end, no stopping, no pausing or halting to My Love, and I proved it by going all the way to the cross for you.
I didnt keep My own interest in mind, wasnt interested in preserving Myself, My flesh, or anything I held dear in this
world. (2013:112)
Let Me be the One Who empowers your life and see what happens! Let Me be the Source of everything you want and
need and check it out!
I know, every day has a lot for you to cope with, and its kind of hard for you to believe that I could play any substantial
role in helping you deal with it all. But it all really depends on how much of it you commit into My hands and put Me in
charge of, pray over and make it My business and affair, too, instead of just your own. (2013:115)
In the world popularity is being highly overrated, and everyone wants to be popular and have as many friends as
possible. But My example should cause you to beware of something as fleeting, fickle and phoney as popularity, for if
they praise and applaud you today, they just might wind up screaming Crucify him! three days later! (2013:116)
It certainly didnt always seem as though folks around Me were appreciative of the Presence of the very Son of God in
their midst, least of all, when they had the chance to free Me, and instead the mob yelled, Crucify Him!
Keep in mind Whom you want to please, and Whose praise and approval it pays best to seek A lot of that has to do
with what you choose to give to those around you. Whats its value in terms of eternity? Regardless of audience
reaction and reception Let Me be the Judge of that. But in order to do that, youll have to keep Me in mind more as
your Projective, and be a bit more desirous of My approval instead of theirs. (2013:121)
People like to feverishly work up their own achievements they can pat themselves on the back for, ever since Cain,
instead of having to thank some Supreme Being like Me for anything, Who, they figure, has got things all too easy
anyway, with His detested omnipotence
Thats one of the reasons I left that omnipotence behind and joined the club of frail mankind, became one of you and
attended the School of Life along with you Okay, so some of that omnipotence was later manifested in order to
convince folks that I was the Real Deal, but Ive made it clear that that same power is available to any who follow in My
footsteps. (2013:123)
My goal is that you start trusting in Me again, instead of mainly in yourself. (2014:1)
Im really the only One Who can really help to see you through whats coming (2014:6)
Youll find it worth it to discover that Im capable; and the more you let Me work, the more I will.
Including Me more in your life, and the spiritual things, is more important than physical and worldly things, and will
bring a greater value to it all than mainly being concerned about the here and now and your success in it
Just keep remembering Me and what I lived for and taught others to live for: the more lasting things and values than
what you can gather in the material world! (2014:9)
I was born on Earth to establish faith in life thereafter to give hope for something better thereafter.
After all, eternal life is what I came to earth to offer and ensure for believers. (2014:15)
Its somewhat a tough faith to believe in Me and My voice instead of the multitudes of worldly voices that sound more
modern but believing in Me will promise a lot more lasting rewards beyond this life. (2014:24)
Getting you into a position where youre obliged to trust Me some more than anyone else is a good one, as far as Im
concerned, and nothing youll regret in the end, even if right now youre not quite as used to it
After all, getting you to trust in Me more than anyone or anything else is what I call a very important move in your life.

A shepherd leads and guides his sheep; and I like to lead and guide you, too. I can let you know where you belong and
wind up feeling the best and most fulfilled
Im the only One you can reach and talk to in this manner Dont think that might be a safer way to stay on the right
and proper track of Mine with My instruction? (2014:47)
Try to remember that according to My teachings, its more worth it to live a bit more for God and others than to make
everything mainly please oneself. (2014:51)
If I am the Saviour, I might be the only Hope and chance for you not to get into a mess in this life, and you should cling
to Me more, instead of becoming upset about and against what I allow in your life.
I had to come as a humbler sort, and help folks figure things out between pride and humility a spirit that makes the
devil a rotter and the other ones true winners (2014:62)

Keep putting your faith in Me; and when theres nothing much else left to keep your faith in, let the fact that I may well
be the only One left, be what keeps you going.
Your faith is being tested severely. But hanging on to Me, you will keep it, and it will keep going for you.
Even if the devil attacks you quite severely and tries to knock you out, if you hang on to Me, you will make it and
manage to overcome even this naughty attack. Just stay close to Me as the Giver of the Godly force he cannot win
over! He may be ruling the world pretty much already, but if you keep hanging on to Me, he just cant overcome and
rule you, even if he may have tried before and, or still keeps trying. Keep trusting in Me, and I wont let him!
Keep your mind on Me and let Me move through your spirit anytime! Dont let whats going on in the System lock or
shut Me out of you!
If you keep Me on your mind more steadily, as well as in your heart, youll realize that I can work through you like this
and touch peoples hearts through you! (2014:92)
Trust Me! - Lean on Me and confide in Me and the fact that Im a more faithful and reliable Source to trust in, in the long
run, than the worldly system will be. (2014:111)
Take Me a bit more seriously than thinking sometimes I act as if I dont know what Im doing or permitting
Just remember, Im usually a bit smarter than most, and than even most think I am or might be (2014:126)
If I rose 3 days after My physical death, and all of My disciples found out about it and saw and met Me, it was for the
purpose of raising My followers faith in the afterlife, which, trust Me, is going to be much better than the here and now
for you! (2014:167)
The best thing you can do is to stay in touch and prayer with Me. Dont neglect Me, since Im what you need to keep
protecting yourself against your enemy and Mine Keep and stay in touch with Me as much as you can the best is
constantly and youll see its easier to resist and overcome him. You need My power and strength for it especially
when hes blown you a hurt that nearly cost you your life! Keep in touch with Me, and Ill make sure to keep you alive!

Tune in with Me every day, since you have hardly a chance to make it without it.
If you can remember Me and treat Me as the Principal over your life, trust Me, its the best thing you can do!
Sometimes its a desire I have towards some of My followers: Take Me more seriously! Life isnt just and only to be
about having humor and fun! Not for a Guy or Someone Whose life ended through crucifixion for the worlds sins! Its
not like I never had any, but there were also other matters involved, and those should not be neglected by those who
want to follow Me!
In other words, take Me a bit more seriously than you have before, and life itself and its purpose! (2014:178)
The big lesson is to keep holding on to Me. Trust Me that its definitely safer than leaning on the human kinds. Im more
concerned about others and less about Myself. (2015:13)
Keep trusting in Me and looking forward to My Return! Amen?
Times will definitely get better once Im back. And as long as you perceive My Presence in your life, just let it cheer you
up, that things could be worse Amen? (2015:95)
It may not all be that easy to learn during difficult times, but even when I went to the cross and hung up there, I learned
things from that experience that made Me richer in wisdom (2015:102)
Get used to the fact that you cant make it through the day without Me!
Just stay in touch with Me as long as you can, since you need Me more than ever right now, and will need Me and My
help and Spirit even more when times will get worse! (2015:118)
The path that I took led Me to the cross, in order to die for all those who would believe in Me and receive My Salvation!

Isnt that what I came and died for, in order to give all those whod believe in and receive Me eternal Life? (2015:134)
Youre in My care, dont forget about that; and as much as you know failures of those in your world, including your
own well, that doesnt apply to Me. (2015:141)
My material setup on earth wasnt that of a rich or wealthy man! (2015:160)
Thats the main message I came to Earth for: to let folks know, theres Something Better! (2015:182)
Youre not at home down there, and sufficient reason to get ready for the better and lasting One. All by faith but,
well, thats the one thing My first Coming to the globe has been advertising and promoting. (2015:238)
Its good to get in touch with the Master, dont you think?

When Im around with you, things should start going a bit better even if that doesnt mean that the world is getting
better, since few are the folks who are ready for My Presence and the Fathers Spirit
As usual, folks are usually mainly into their own things and wavelengths, which is why you dont really feel much like
you belong there.
But as I did, try to make the best out of it, which is mainly getting other folks tuned into becoming Heavenly-minded.

The time is coming when it will make sense and purpose why I declare that being the No.1 in your lifes the most
important thing.
When you can see the other factors of life around you diminishing and growing darker and harder to bear, well it may
be the time to realize that making Me the No.1 in your life might just make sense, and whatll give you the strength to
make it through the darkest times up ahead. (2016:2)
Part of what leads to humility is physical weakness and a lower condition that just puts you down a bit, into a weaker,
and thus, humbler state.
It only happened to Me just before My beating before the crucifixion and someone else had to carry My cross, but it
shows that if even the Son of God was dependent on someone elses strength at times, so are you. (2016:4)
The sooner you manage to let Me operate through you, the better itll be for everyone involved. (2016:31)
Remember that the disciples and others called Me Teacher! If Im not only your Savior, but also your Teacher, that
means, after having saved you or in some cases even before that youre supposed to learn some of the lessons
that life has to teach! Considering Me the most important Part of life, means, since Im your Teacher, the lessons to
learn from it and through it, also belong to that most important part!
So, tune in to what life is teaching you and I am teaching you throughout life, every day! If its part of My Job from the
Father to teach you and My followers along with having saved you through My sacrifice of life for you and through
receiving Me consider it your job to learn and receive what Im trying to teach you! Make it an extensile part of the
Rhythm of Life! (2016:47)
With no physical sunshine around, you tend to realize more the need for Me, your spiritual Sunshine.
I didnt have to go through such times But for that Ill be coming to save you from it all when the time comes. One
reason Im called the Savior: not just to save you from the punishment for sins, but to save the world from the enemys
reign and hell on Earth. That was My job and main task on Earth, and everyone will appreciate that fact, eventually.
Im not just the Savior from the punishment for sins to all those who receive Me, but also the coming Savior of the
world from its coming state of hell on Earth. (2016:82)

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