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Picture yourself as an archer! You skillfully hold the bow, focusing on the target, sharpening the better of your eyes, aim
exactly as you pull the arrow, stretching the string to the point where you feel that this is what will give the arrow the
momentum needed to hit the bulls eye with the right impact. That's what good prayer is like. It's time to cultivate that skill,
give it the place of honor it deserves as a means of survival.
Your soul is the bow, the arrow is your prayer, and My heart is the bulls eye. I am the True Goal, and if you hit Me, itll
always have the desired effect. You only need to shoot short distance, as Im always close. Just wrap your burden, your
question or desire around the arrow and let it fly to Me! (I:7)
If the ball is in your court, the best One to throw it to is Me. Let Me decide when it is best to make which move next. Trust in
Me, the Leader and Captain of your team, and youll play safe. Trust and look to Me as you go, and I will lead and guide you
every moment of the way. I cant tell you all the exact moves of the match before it starts, as a lot will depend on the moves
the other team will make, the ones were playing against, and your reactions to those moves. Also call on the help of your
other team members, your Spirit helpers and angels, as theyre going to be a big help in keeping the opposing team at bay.
Watch out for pride, one of the central players of the Enemy, and dont be too soft, either, as you wont stand a chance of
winning the game, otherwise. Alright, Im passing the ball back to you... (I:61)
Those who settle for mere Earthly contentment are like goats who can survive on anything. But My sheep will never be
truly satisfied with less than My fresh green grass and the sound of My voice. (I:97)
Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone... On its own, the grain of wheat doesnt do much
good. And down there in the darkness it doesnt see, feel or perceive much but its immediate surroundings: the earth and
the worms, an occasional mole or bug. But if it absorbs the heat of My sunshine and the waters of My rain and lets its shell
become soft, something inside starts growing, which finally wants to burst through the shell of your former confines. And
thats the moment when your old man dies to make room for something new, something greater than your former self.
And as you grow steadily heavenward, finally you see the light and eventually find yourself side by side with many,
countless other stalks of grain. Your roots intertwined with theirs, you sway and dance in the wind in unison, youre not an
individual entity anymore, alone no, that lone self and former you has died youre one with the harvest now, ready to
bring forth much fruit. (I:122)
Im the Director, and I chose My cast, and even though you may have a hard time believing this, I know best whos suited
for which role. Sometimes it takes a while for an actor to grow into a role or for a role to grow onto them. But when the
movie is done, youll know that I was right. And as you will receive your reward, your Oscar, you will thank Me and say,
Even though I initially had my doubts about the Directors wisdom in choosing me for this part, I want to thank Him now
for giving it to me in spite of my earlier protests... And youll go on to thank your producers, your staff and colleagues, and
all the little folks behind the scenes who made it all possible.
I know, its a little tough and strenuous at times, the shooting and making of this movie of your life. The training for the
battle scenes alone is wearisome and its hot and uncomfortable. And, oh, the antics of some of those other actors! Well,
welcome to the Hollywood of the real life!
Once you take the time to carefully study the script, you begin to realize it actually makes beautiful sense, and I promise,
therell be grateful tears when youll see your name among all the others scrolling down at the end, and youll know it will
have been worth it all! (I:127)
Air is a good description of My nature: It is invisible, yet vital and all around you. Sometimes it is warm and still and
sometimes whips your faith in strong winds, or wreaks judgment over the Earth in fierce storms. Mostly taken for granted,
you never miss it as much as when its not there.
View your task as one of a life-guard, offering the rope of Salvation to a drowning population! (I:129)
As you move your ship across the fierce oceans of this life, I will be your anchor, My Spirit will be the wind to blow you to
your destiny and My Words of instruction will be your helm and rudder, steering you in the directions I tell you to. (I:132)
You must learn to become a thermostat, regulating the temperature of the atmosphere around you, instead of merely
being a thermometer, measuring and reflecting the temperature given off by those surrounding you. (I:174)
Youre actors in a great work, and you need to turn to the Director and follow the script, in order to bring about the best
possible performance.
Unlike in a worldly movie, though, to be a star in My show, its not about how cool you come across, how well you can act,
but how much you care and do for others that counts the most, and thatll qualify you for star status in My Kingdom!
And My highest awards often go to those who took on the lowliest roles, the nobodies and nothings who just did for others
what was needed, whenever they could, even if it meant a sacrifice of an opportunity to show the world how well or great
they could have done something else. (I:181)

I dont like you to fill your mind, your heart and your self with any old thing that comes along, any old book or movie,
because I can only fill an empty space and vacuum thats waiting for Me to fill it. But if you fill it up with something else
already... Its like: you cant eat any more healthy food once youre stuffed with junk food. When youre full, youre full.
Tune in to My wavelength, log on to My server and press the download button, and as soon as My computer detects any
blank storage space on your hard drive, I will fill it with the desired and needed input! (I:185)
I sent you as sheep in the midst of wolves, not for you to pretend to be one of them, but to be a shining light unto My other
sheep, that they might see you and find you and recognize you as a beacon in the darkness to whom theyll be able to turn
and find Me. (I:186)
Many apparently meaningless details and incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. Its like turning a light
on in a dark room. Its like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense. (I:192)
The plenteous life-style has hardened the hearts of many, to where it has become as the stony ground in the parable of the
sower: they hear the Word, but then the Enemy comes and takes the seed away, the birds and evil spirits of the System
snatch My golden Words right off of their minds and hearts again, keeping them busy with other, trivial things to think
about, and the sunshine and warmth of the comfortable lush life dries them up, sucks the life out of them and prevents
them from growing roots in their hearts... (I:193)
Get out of the grand stand! Participate, run and fight with us, instead of analyzing. Once youre down in the arena, youll
see just how tough it is to fight the Devil and the whole world, and still try to be a perfect sample.
So, stop criticizing and analyzing and come on down, walk on the ground with Jesus, right here in the arena, where its
happening. Thats where the crowns are being won, where the winners are. Be a co-fighter, really attacking the Devil where
it hurts, in the real-life, flesh and blood battle down in the arena of witnessing and preaching the Gospel. (I:230)
Set up a spiritual firewall against evil intruders! Dont let them plant their spyware cookies on your system so they can spy
out when youre most vulnerable! Dont grant them any access and make sure your firewall doesnt allow any leakage!
Run your spyware checker program regularly, claiming the keys against any evil little intruders and keep your system clean
of anything that might cause trouble! Only turn to safe sites for good, healthy, clean and uplifting input and dont take any
risks! Better safe than sorry!
The keys of imprisonment can act like a spiritual firewall thats shielding you from hostile intrusion and attempts of the
enemy to hack into your system! Keep it up and running and activated all the time! (I:256)
But when theres a need, it creates a vacuum. Its like the darkness that cries for the light, the cold that longs for My
warmth, the question that waits for My answer, the problem which yearns for My solution. (I:259)
Dont stop taking in the sap of life! If you cut yourself off from the sap of life, your tree will wither and die away. I put before
you today the path of life and death: choose your own future! Will you be a tree of life planted by the rivers of water that
brings forth his fruit in its season, or will you allow yourself to spiritually dry out, wither and die? (I:309)
Keep drinking in My Word and keep alive with My magical, heavenly sap, which will cause you to bring forth fruit, instead
of dying on the vine! Isn't it a wonderful feeling, the prospect of bringing forth fruit for Me? Your branches hanging full with
blossoms, promising a ripe and abundant harvest? Spring is coming, and your tree will blossom, and all those blossoms
will become fruits in their season, at harvest time, as long as you stay planted by the rivers of My water, and you keep
receiving My life-giving sap... (I:312)
Trust Me, the Director of the play, with the distribution of the roles. You would all like to be little directors yourselves...
The quality of your performance depends on your dedication and what you put into it. Sometimes some rather unknown
actor in a little, less significant side-role can take the audiences breath away more than the main actors and characters,
and by the grace of God you can be such a man, but its up to you, your willingness to put all youve got into it...
The best is to be content with your little role and play it the best you know how and trust Me for it and just do what you can
to make the best of it. You never know who might be chosen for different roles in a later cast... (I:360)
I want you to become like a river. Where does a river flow? It doesnt flow to the high places, it flows to the low places. To
those who have not, those who are parched and dry and thirsty and yearn and thirst for what youve got to give. (I:379)
Just like in the fairy tales of old, My bride has been laying asleep for a long period of time by a spell that was cast on her by
a wicked witch, and thorns and hedges of thistles have grown around her, but here I come, her Knight in shining armor,
and I will kiss her awake and take her with Me to places and heights never known before! (I:406)
All their smartness will avail to nothing if they make their bill without the Keeper of the Inn, the One in charge, Whom
they're trying to lock out of His own creation. What do you think will happen in the long run if you refuse to pay your rent
and ruin the house you live in and lock the door and refuse to let the landlord in? Sooner or later he'll call the police and
break down the door to take back what's rightfully his and kick you out, put you in front of the door, or even in jail.
They may be thoroughly deceived that I may not have any rightful claims to My property, but they'll find out in the long run.
I have enough proofs and witnesses that I'm in charge of this joint, even though the devil may say, "But you've handed it

over to me! I won it in the gamble!" But the game isn't even over yet, and though he may think he's winning - or rather
refuse to believe that he's losing - all things will come back to Me in the end. (I:439)
I'm your Toilet, flushing your mind and heart with the water of My Word. (I:441)
I give you everything so that you give it back to Me. If you receive everything from My hand and thank Me for it and are
willing to give it back to Me every time (like the picture of a parent playing ball with a toddler: the toddler has to be willing
to throw or roll the ball back to the parent, otherwise it won't work...), then you'll eventually find out that this game works,
and it's actually fun, and that there's a sense to all this give and take, even though you (the toddler) may not see it at first...
Do you see the persuasion and loving patience that's involved in persuading someone to give up something, to give it back
to Me, in order to get the ball rolling and make progress? It gets better all the time, you know, if you just trust enough to
give the things or people you love back to Me.
Every time you trust Me and give one of those beloved items or persons back to Me, put them into My hands and are willing
to forsake them for Me, I will improve them a little bit for you, and you'll get back something better than you had before.
And if I choose to take something or someone away from you for a period that to you may seem "permanent", you can also
trust that this will only serve for Me to give you something better, as you'll see in the long run. You may not always agree
with Me right away that it's better, but you will, eventually.
Instead of getting offended, hurt, proud and bitter about Me asking to give something back to Me that you love, I want you
to trust in My Promise that I never take one thing away from you without giving you something better. (I:488)
Crank up the motor of love and keep burning the fuel! This kind of combustion doesn't cause any pollution nor waste, but
constantly produces positive energy! (I:491)
You can keep steering that steering wheel all you like, but when the motor has died down, you won't be getting anywhere.
Maybe you'll coast a few more hundred meters on your former momentum, but soon you'll come to a halt, and since we're
usually trying to make uphill progress, without the motor and engine and Power of My Love present and at work in your
lives, you might even be in danger of sliding back and rolling back down the hill a piece, until you pull the hand brake and
start the motor again. Which also means you better make sure you always have enough fuel in your tank.
See, I'm really not expecting anything too difficult from you! I'm teaching you to drive, so that you can safely pick up My
passengers on the way. But I'm making sure that you're becoming a safe driver, one who will make sure to get everyone
safely to their destination. And one of the main rules is: always make sure your tank is full! Make sure your motor is
running and well oiled with My Spirit. Sometimes, with all the commotion everybody makes, you don't even realize right
away that the motor has gone off. But then I give you My warning signals, and you realize. Make sure there's enough air in
your tires, ensuring a soft, instead of a bumpy ride: be soft, gentle, polite and kind to each other!
Make sure the brakes are all working, so you can stop, look and listen when any obstacles or other drivers or
circumstances are getting in your way! Make sure there's enough water and coolant to keep your motor from over-heating!
You also need to make sure you're not loading up more than you're allowed to take. Sometimes you feel tempted to take on
anyone who needs help or would like to get a ride with you, but then you run into danger that your vehicle might simply not
make it up that hill, and you must ask Me first about each new passenger you take on!
If you keep all these safety rules and precautions, and make sure you're behaving properly out there in the traffic, then I
can bless you with a safe ride, and you'll know you won't have to worry so much about anything, because, even though
you bear responsibility, you've delegated that weight safely into My hands, by obeying Me in all these things and thus
knowing for certain that I will keep My promises and My part of the deal!
Come, and be re-filled, My love! Tank up and get this overhaul, check-up and renewal of My Spirit done! Let Me refresh your
system! Let Me clean you up completely and make you all like new inside! - Always focusing on the need, the purpose for
all of this: not just to improve yourself and to enhance your own life-style, or make your model look nicer or fancier, but in
order to make room for more passengers to pick up towards My destination - their destiny, the accomplishment of My
highest will for each of them and you.
A racing car cannot keep on without regularly pulling into the boxes and getting checked up, refueled, new tires and
serviced, to make sure that nothing is going to go wrong during the next rounds. Well, this racing car isn't just a little one
man cab, but a passenger bus. I can enhance and update your model according to the need and the vision, and that which
seemed least likely to run and win the race, often winds up being the big surprise in the end. (I:500)
I and the Father Himself, We live to love and to be loved. Even though you may feel unworthy of such honor, it is not the
flesh that counts; it's the spirit that makes all this possible.
Just like the penis enters into the dark and hidden places of the woman's intimate parts, so I love and crave to enter into
the dark and hidden things of this dark and mysterious realm of the flesh, the physical, and I crave for intimate contact with
My believers in the physical realm, those who can only perceive Me by faith. (I:509)
The good shepherd leaves the 99 and goes out into the wilderness, out into the storm, into the brambles, and He couldn't
care less about His clothes or how he looks afterwards. All that matters is the rescue of the lost sheep. Be a true shepherd
and defend the sheep with your life! (I:512)
Is the Kingdom of God a pearl of such great price to you that you're willing to sell everything else that you've got in order
to seek first the good of the Kingdom, just like I gave up My life for you? You were a pearl of great price that I gave
everything for, now, how much are you willing to give for Me? (I:514)

You are very precious to Me. Like diamonds just hewn out of the dark, black rocks: There's still a lot of that black stuff all
around you, and if you focus on that, you're not a pretty sight, that's true. But just wait until I'm through with you!
You have incredible treasures in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the Power may be manifest as clearly being Mine
and not your own. (I:516)
You can steer your boat into virtually any direction and towards any destination, according to your faith, which is the
power that will draw down My wind to guide you and push you into the waters and harbor of your choice.
If you just keep up that pace of My Spirit, that "slowly but surely" pace, you'll know that you'll reach your destination
safely, because I'll be the Power to get you there. (I:539)
If the "rat" seems to have developed a certain resistance against My "poison", you will simply have to heighten the dose or
try some other variations of My heavenly "pesticides," just come to Me for counsel about it, and I'll give and show you what
you need each day and what exactly you must do to successfully bust Satan and his crowd successfully in each situation.
You may find out that this "rat" actually mutates into a monster, a great, fierce dragon that will try to stop you with all
within him from conquering the sleeping princess, and from awakening her with the kiss of My Love and delivering her out
of his clutches. (I:544)
All you see is the hole in the doughnut, the things that others have that you don't have, and the greener grass on the other
side of the fence. There is no hole! The holes are just portions of the same batter that you take apart, in order to give the
doughnut its special form and shape: the shape of a circle, a symbol for eternity. In the light of eternity, or from an eternal
viewpoint, all those "holes" in your doughnuts make perfect sense. (I:561)
If you know you've got a certain weakness in an area that you need to overcome, or a root of sin that you need to tear out
and not allow it to grow, then you've just got to keep recognizing it, keep confronting it, keep at it. Keep applying the
remedy! Keep calling on the Gardener and the Gardener's helpers to help you combat those evil, ensnaring weeds,
hindering you from bearing any real fruit in your life! (I:580)
That little bit of faith makes all the difference in the world.
It's that pearl of great price, which is becoming of ever increasing value to you, as you realize all it can do, and everything
else becomes worthless by comparison. You have been a pearl diver for My truths, and you have found it, that most
precious of all pearls, that key to My Kingdom called faith, and as you focus on it, and it becomes all-important to you, and
as it reveals to you mystery upon mystery, opens unto you door after door, and supplies you with riches upon riches, all
else fades away into oblivion and less importance, except those who would also like to bask in the true light that this little
pearl gives off, having realized that all the other lights were fakes and counterfeits. (I:581)
I am the foundation. Choose this day what you will build on it: hay, wood or precious stones!
Wood is a sturdy material, and definitely an upgrade to straw, but it won't stand the test of fire, either. The only thing that's
going to pass the fiery test is that from My Eternal Realm: My Word and the pursuit to not only treasure it for yourselves,
but also to get it out to others, so that they, too may be partakers of My Word and be transformed into precious stones for
your crowns.
Striving for precious stones and the pure gold of faith requires the utmost dedication, commitment and seriousness about
your business. You're not just slapping together a mud hut or a wood shack, you're building something that lasts, which
requires investing time and well-planned effort into your building.
You're only going to get out of it what you're willing to put into it. (II:8)
You've got to convey the faith, that I, the heavenly Doctor and Mender, know best what's really good for them, and even
though that which you present to them as My medicine may not appeal to them at first, if they only try it, they will like it, or
at least it's going to help them.
Can't you testify of the good that My medicine has done for you in your life? The "leaves of life and healing" of My Word?
Aren't you a lot better off than before when you didn't have a clue what was wrong or where you were going?
Apply the healing balm of My Spirit generously with all those you come across! (II:19)
When the seed is still encased in its shell, it's in total darkness, and when the shell cracks open, it appears to be in the
light, and free, compared to its former confines. But you're only growing and groping your way through the earth until you
pierce through the veil, the spot that separates darkness and light, and come out into the sunshine! You can feel the
warmth, the closer you get to the surface, but the enemy sends frost and blithe to harm you, snails, to eat you up before
you can make it out, and you've felt them have a bite of you. But this must only make you all the more determined to fight
your way to the top, because the faster you'll grow, the sooner you'll be stronger, and strong enough to withstand all the
enemy's attacks. (II:24)
The grain of wheat in the ground feels lonely. Only once you've broken through that veil where you come into the light,
you'll find out that you haven't been alone all along, but that there are millions of others like you. (II:79)
If I would not require of you to have the faith first, I would make it too easy; there would be no challenge, no test, and the
"game" would be boring! Everybody could become a "winner" too easily. So, I've made it thus that this "treasure hunt" of

life wouldn't be all too easy. I'm not telling everybody: "Hey, everybody; the treasures over here! Come and grab your
That is, I often do tell them, but they won't believe! They won't believe, because they've already been conditioned by the
enemy, the great "party pooper" and his lies that "there is no treasure!"
"There's only this dull life, and the only reward you'll ever get is the money you'll get in exchange for the work you do, and
that's it!" "The only reward you'll ever get is that which you earn with your sweat!"
Well, that's his variation of the game, and since it appeals to a lot of people - ever since Cain - I let them have their "fun"
and let them find out which is better: the enemy's rules or Mine.
Stay focused on the search for My true treasures, not distracted by the devil's variety of My Game, which I called "Life more abundant," and which he dubbed "Survival - if you manage!" Dont follow the twist of the world: "I'll do it because
everybody does it," and spend your time and energy worrying about and doing all you can to get the devil's little
"Monopoly" paper money rewards for your sweat, while I'm waiting for you to start hunting My real treasure: the lost souls
out there, buried in the harvest field of life!
Sure, they're well hidden perhaps, at least some are, but the main reason you're not finding any more is because you're too
occupied playing "Survival." Is the devil's variation of My Game really that much better? (II:80)
This treasure hunt is a little tricky. The clues that guide you to My true treasure aren't always that easy to find. And the
enemy, the party-pooper has made the game more difficult by hanging nice and shiny distractions all over the place, little
"plastic treasures" and imitations, to keep you from looking for the real ones. (II:82)
For one karat of diamond, you have to shift one ton of sand! It takes a while of digging and searching until you find a
diamond in all that sand, someone worthwhile that is hungry for the truth and will receive it. But you have to do that
digging, shifting and searching, otherwise you'll never find out!
You have to hear them out, check them out, talk to them and have a thorough look at them and not be too quick to discard
them! Some that you would have discarded as sand turned out to be diamonds which had to be found by others, which
shows that you didn't look very thoroughly! Sometimes you didn't even have the faith that there were going to be any
diamonds in that pile of sand in the first place. But I promise you: there are diamonds out there, and if you seek them, you
will find them! (II:117)
It's not how much something will sparkle or shine or how glorious it may appear, that defines its worth, but how much it
will endure the tests of time. Only real gold will last.
Truth in the inward parts - applied to purge and make clean, that is what will bring about the true gold that can stand the
tests of time! (II:120)
First you've got to establish a well operating core and center of a unit of any size, starting from molecules and atoms,
that's pretty much the founding rule of the whole universe.
Every living cell has a core, and that core has got to be well intact and healthy, otherwise it won't be able to multiply
successfully and grow into a bigger organism. I am the Life that ensures a healthy cell core. As long as that very center of
each cell receives the necessary nourishment and protection it needs from Me, it won't have any problems growing into
something greater. But as long as there is an area where the flow is hindered, the exchange of life-supporting substances
is stopped or not working as it should; I cannot allow it to grow and spread, otherwise there will be a sick organism. (II:144)
Treating the imposters success and failure just the same is what makes a good pilot: a good and smooth landing! It's
relatively easy to take off, and you feel like you want to stay up there forever. But what goes up, must come down, and
you're going to have to come back down eventually, and why not do so out of your own accord, before your fuel runs out
and you'll take a tumble and spin? (II:152)
It takes certain maintenance work to keep some types of weapon functioning properly. You've got to keep the pipes clean,
the powder or the ammunition dry, etc.
If you're too occupied with mundane matters to invest time into your spiritual duties, then it's no wonder if you're going to
fall from your "sharp-shooter" level to a lower one, where you only hit the mark every once in a while. (II:231)
The true believers would rather go down with the ship than desert it! If you really believe that this is My ship, then you will
rather go down with it, when it seems as if it's sinking, than to jump off in order to try to save your own neck.
Who needs those who will only try to save their own necks, seek to further their own cause, boost their own egos? We
don't need them on our ship, where we're trying to learn and teach others how to love in total abandon of self. If you really
believe and know that I am the Captain of this ship, you won't jump into a life boat to try and be your own captain and
"branch" out into your own business. (II:263)
My sheep will only truly be satisfied with My good grass, but goats will go for the stuff the devil feeds them. My sheep
aren't satisfied by anything but love, whereas goats will settle for the temporary satisfaction that material things, success,
money, pride and accomplishments bring. (II:268)
If the devil tries to distract you, zoom right back in on Me!

It's almost like pulling a stubborn horse or mule back in the direction you want it to go when it starts to go the other way.
That horse is like your flesh which thinks it can do it without My help and trudge off on his own. So, you've got to pull the
reins and say "No, fella, this way!" That's what you've got to do in order to train and discipline your mind! (II:286)
Pipes have multiple purposes and uses: liquids flow through them from one vessel or place to another, or air, and with a
few holes in the right places, you can create heavenly music with them! You can bring life and joy to many, being one of My
Know that My mouth is always attached to the other end of the pipe, and keep your pipe clean and pointed in the right
direction. Pipes are very important in machines and cars, to keep them running. They transport oil, fuel, water, or air to the
right places, and if one of them gets clogged up, nothing runs anymore. Of course, the enemy will always try to clog up
your pipes, but you must refuse to let him, or if he's managed to do it temporarily, you've got to let Me clean it immediately
with My Word and the oil of My Spirit again!
There's never a shortage of My fuel, you know? And it's for free! - Yours for the asking. When nothing on Earth will go or
flow anymore, no more gas, no more oil, no more water, no more electricity, then My Power will still be running through
Ignite the spark of faith in others, that will get their "motor started."
Everything you see is a shadow, an illustration of things you don't see. Cars are a bad smelling and relatively dirty version
of My heavenly machinery, but they serve to do the trick of explaining certain spiritual principles.
I don't mind getting My hands dirty, lying on the floor to get some old rusty model like you going again and make it brand
new. There's nothing I can't fix! Sometimes I might need to renew a certain part or replace it, but I've got a never-ending
supply of spare parts, tools and equipment to make or remake anything that's needed. I can even upgrade your vehicle and
make it stronger and faster than before! (II:322)
Remember Don Quixote and his love for the prostitute, Dulcinea, and the way he saw her! A perfect metaphor of My Love
for mankind
Remember also the metaphoric comparisons of washing dishes or changing diapers with Salvation. Its part of My job as a
Savior to clean up the mess man made under the direction of the greatest mess-maker of all. (2012:85)
The changes of truly great impact are not the ones wrought by the elements: The winds may toss you about, the waters
threaten to drown you, the fires singe and the ground may threaten to swallow you up alive, but what matters is that fifth
element, My still, small voice of love.
Its a mystery how it works in such strange ways, may lead you in a certain direction one day and another tomorrow, and in
this is much like the wind, blowing where it listeth, without you knowing from where or whence, but it is not the wind. It
may feel like a fire sometimes, and consume the impurities of your heart, but it wont burn you like physical fire Its like
water in that it refreshes your soul and may sometimes flow in overwhelming abundance, but never drowning anyone. Its
like the earth, a resting place for your soul to find root in and bring forth new life, but yet so different from earthly soil,
much more alive and versatile.
The material counterparts are just shadows and illustrations of it. One cant touch it, see it, feel it, smell it or hear it audibly,
and yet its real

The confidence that keeps you marching forward on a strenuous hike: you know every step will bring you closer to your
In that aspect, life is like a hike. The path may be strenuous, but you know therell be a rewarding destination waiting for
you. Sometimes you dont know for sure if its really there, or what will expect you there, an illustration of the fact that
many things in life are by faith (2012:111)
Be not envious of evil-doers is also there for a reason, because even though they may seemingly have it better than you
for this present time, trust Me, therell be hell to pay in the long run, and youll be so grateful that you werent in the same
boat with them, after all.
Their luxury yachts and ocean cruisers seem to be so much more comfortable and pleasant than your ride in this little boat
youre struggling to master the sea of life in, but thats where you must trust Me that this sea is only a filthy, salty puddle
compared to whats awaiting you for choosing Me as your Captain. (2012:149)
While the Donuts been right here, ready and waiting for you to munch and enjoy, people can be fixated on the hole, and
stopping themselves from enjoying the by far greater part, howbeit mostly perceptible by faith.
You might say that the hole in the donut is the visible part of your reality, along with all its problems and adverse
circumstances all the things you dont like. The donut is the greater Reality that engulfs and surrounds all that, and,
opposed to all that nothingness, lack of rhyme and reason the hole represents, full of good things to enjoy.
Its a matter of focus and adjusting your lens, a matter of where youre looking and what you want and aim to see, whether
youre able to see the donut at all, or not. It takes a little bit of effort and willingness to see the good, the greater good,
surrounding all the obvious evil, idiocy and vanity which most folks perceive as their entire reality.
So, youve got the choice of seeing more than that, if you will.
My donuts supposed to be the answer to peoples emptiness, so why focus on the hole, when theres so much good stuff
surrounding it to focus on?

Youve got to remember that its the enemy whos trying to steer and divert your focus off the donut and blessings, and
onto the hole of his blackness instead.
So, the donut metaphor is not just one to remind you of the greater reality around the material world, but its also a
reminder for you that theres much greater good surrounding the evil that confronts you in it. As powerful and quasi
almighty as that black hole of evil may come off to be, its really nothing when compared to My Everything that surrounds
it. (2013:57)
Seeds flourish best in rough, dirty, muddy and rugged soil, not on paved concrete ground, that may look so much better on
the surface, but could never bring forth much life or fruit. The dung that you see all around you may not instill much hope,
but it can act as a fertilizer with unexpected, life-bringing powers that the sterile world of clean paved streets and concrete
cities would never be capable of (2013:78)
If you see your life unravel without My input, its for a reason.
Its like plants saying, Oh, why should I need the same old water and sunshine again? Ive been having it so many
times Nothing can live without nourishment of some kind, and My input is the nourishment for your soul and spirit, that
part of you without which you cease to exist as the kind of person youd want to be. (2013:91)
Ive compared people to seeds in My parables, and youre all still going to have to grow into what youre ultimately going to
be. (2013:95)
Avail yourself of My super-powers! And since you didnt fall into the pot with the magic potion as a kid, youre just going to
have to drink it in before you have them.
Unlike that fantasy story, Ive really got the ability to lend supernatural strength to whomever I will, like Samson. You just
need to drink in that magic potion of My living Words to you.
Remember, to believe literally translated from the original Greek word, means to drink in!
The act of drinking in My living Word will give you the faith to do the supernatural, the humanly impossible. (2013:97)
They enjoy their safe little cages, and a songbird flying around them, hopping from cage to cage, flaunting his freedom
before their beaks is irritating and annoying to them, and theyre just hoping itll only be a matter of time before the fowler
will put an end to your act and either trap you, too, or put an end to you altogether
Youre a rare bird, strange and alien to them, and what else can you expect than their resenting you?
Just take whatever friendly hand you find extended to you, even if its only for a short while, until they realize that youve
got nothing to offer that theyd be interested in, and then fly on.
You have more of an idea what the tune of life is all about than they ever will. One day theyll remember that there was an
earthling among them who knew that tune that everything is all about, when they will finally begin to get a clue and it starts
dawning on them what it was actually all about. Theyll know that I was right among them: as the same rare bird as ever,
but nonetheless one like them, who they could have chosen to be friends with or to be one of.
Only the few whose hearts have been prepared from before the foundations of the world will recognize your tune as theirs,
and even if they wont realize it at the time, your tune may help to prepare them for it, just as My tunes through others have
been preparing you all throughout your journey (2013:103)
Its got to be absolutely clear where you stand, and that is not where they stand! Ive got to be able to clearly tell the
difference between the wheat, the chaff and the weeds. (2013:104)
The flood of lies the dragon is spewing out is like dung, and the earth opens up its mouth and swallows it, which is actually
helpful to My bride. First of all, she wont get drowned in it herself, and second of all, it helps the good crops to grow.
Its one of the mysteries of creation, how seemingly negative and harmful substances like bacteria can lead to greater
good. It causes good things to grow. Just as in the spiritual your adversities and many challenges you encounter daily also
help you to grow and become stronger, the negativity the Devil spews out on a global scale makes those who seek an
alternative come forth and grow into and toward the light.
Those who treat others like dung will only wind up as the fertilizer I use to bring forth My crops. Just let them sink into the
ground around you and watch My work grow as they do! (2013:116)
Just as you see that childrens habits and ways of acting have changed a lot these days, and youre having a hard time to
cope with them well, not all of that behavior is acceptable in the heavenly Sphere, either, and some of it has to be gotten
rid of beforehand, or fairly rapidly changed once such folks get Here. (2015:62)
Trust Me, that there isnt much, if anything, youll be missing from down there, once youll have made it Up Here!
It may be a little bit compared to seeds that are sown into the ground and then grow up in the fresh air with golden sunlight
and a blue sky above. Let it serve a little as the description of the difference between life now and thereafter, mostly with
the big difference that there wont be any end to it anymore expecting you Up Here! (2015:191)
Material things may bring some sort of fulfillment to those who dont expect anything beyond that materialism, but lets say
that the fact it doesnt work with some, shows that they dont really belong into that world, but are largely My sheep.

And a session with the Shepherd to feed their souls is one of the few things if not the only one that can get them
through their daily life with fulfillment and interior satisfaction. The difference between worldly folks and My sheep: what
the devil has to offer doesnt satisfy them. Not in the long run.
So, tough to be a sheep? Well, itll be all worth it once youll enter the Fold Up Here, I promise. (2015:247)
Just as making love in the physical can result in babies, children physical fruit, so the spiritual sowing of the seeds of
love will result in the spiritual and thus, everlasting fruits and results: children of God. The Spirit and major Force of
Love. (2016:38)
With no physical sunshine around, you tend to realize more the need for Me, your spiritual Sunshine. (2016:82)

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