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Leta Nesmith Week 15 Weekly Log

Monday, August 15, 2016

I had my last supervision meeting with my supervisor today. Previous to the
meeting, I emailed her the student evaluation form and listed the other documents I
would be sending later in the week. I realized that I looked forward to our Monday
meetings. She allows me to vent, and to talk about not only work related issues,
but personal issues as well. She is always very supportive. My confidence waivered
in the beginning and she helped to give it a boost.
During this conference we discussed the different documents that are needed
before the end of the week for the e-portfolio. I also told her I was not finished with
the agency survey results. I was still organizing the information. I also contacted
the VP of Resident housing concerning certificates for training from the national
I procrastinated completing the narrative for the surveys. I know wish I had
started sooner. I have a lot to do this week and I am on my own at home with my
son since my mom went back home and my friend is working a new job out of town.
I added unnecessary pressure to myself, but I know it makes me focus when I dont
have an option.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Today I googled some narrative works on surveys to get an idea of how I wanted
to proceed with the narrative. The most difficulty I had was wording the abstract or
introduction. It was extremely difficult to complete this today with so many
residents coming into my office since the property manager left out for 2 hours with
no warning. I was able to construct an abstract and then began working with the
NC properties first. I was able to finish all of the NC properties today. I could have
worked faster if I was not so aggravated with the PM who often is out of the office.
I have noticed that my brain isnt as sharp as it used to be! I think I need to take
better notes at times. Some of my notes were kind of vague from the conferences I
had with the property managers and I had to think really hard to remember
conversations about things being repaired, replaced, bids for work, etc.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

It took another 2-3 hours to complete the narrative today. It seemed even more
difficult knowing my work was going to the national office. Once again the PM was
out of the office for about 90 minutes. I also had to set up for bingo today which
she could have assisted with knowing I completing my internship today, but she did
not. However, I was able to completed the narrative and submitted to RHM. I also

completed weekly log and the evaluation of the supervisor. I also revised my letter
of recommendation my supervisor sent me. I changed things such as social worker
to service coordinator. I told her I had to be specific since this was not a social work
program. She told me I did excellent work on the survey analysis but saw some
things that would need to be changed for the national office. I am okay with this,
being I am the first one in the company to even complete this task.
I am glad today is my last day. I was a little emotional in the beginning of the
week. I liked the projects and the overall learning experience I had in the last 3
months. I plan to use this knowledge to transition to a supervisory role in affordable
housing or in gerontology. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. It was a
better experience than I could have imagined.

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