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98 F.

3d 789

James Lenard SMALL; Stan Hoffman; Steve Hurley, on behalf

of themselves and on behalf of the plaintiff
class, Plaintiffs-Appellants,
James B. HUNT, Jr., Governor; Franklin Freeman, Secretary,
Department of Correction; Lynn C. Phillips,
Director of Prisons, Defendants-Appellees.
No. 95-6635.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fourth Circuit.
Argued March 7, 1996.
Decided Oct. 16, 1996.

ARGUED: Louis L. Lesesne, Jr., Lesesne & Connette, Charlotte, NC, for
Appellants. Tiare Bowe Smiley, Special Deputy Attorney General, North
Carolina Department of Justice, Raleigh, NC, for Appellees. ON BRIEF:
Melinda Lawrence, Patterson, Harkavy & Lawrence, Raleigh, NC; Marvin
Sparrow, Daniele Gerard, Susan H. Pollitt, North Carolina Prisoner Legal
Services, Inc., Raleigh, NC, for Appellants. Michael F. Easley, Attorney
General of North Carolina, James Peeler Smith, Special Deputy Attorney
General, W. Dale Talbert, Special Deputy Attorney General, North
Carolina Department of Justice, Raleigh, NC, for Appellees.
Before WILKINSON, Chief Judge, and WILLIAMS and MICHAEL,
Circuit Judges.
Affirmed by published opinion. Judge MICHAEL wrote the opinion, in
which Chief Judge WILKINSON and Judge WILLIAMS joined.
MICHAEL, Circuit Judge:

Plaintiffs/appellants ("appellants") are a class of prisoners incarcerated at 49

medium and minimum security prisons in North Carolina. Defendants/appellees

(collectively, the "state") are the Governor of North Carolina, the Secretary of
the Department of Correction, and the Director of the Division of Prisons.
Appellants appeal from the district court's order of June 28, 1994, granting the
state's petition to modify a consent decree relating to conditions at the 49
prisons.1 In addition, appellants appeal the district court's grant of the state's
motion to alter or amend the June 28, 1994, order. Appellants raise both
substantive and procedural objections to the district court's orders. For the
reasons that follow, we affirm in all respects.I.

This is the latest chapter in a dispute that began in 1985 when several North
Carolina prisoners filed a class action against the state seeking relief from
living conditions alleged to be unconstitutional at 49 medium and minimum
security prisons. Altogether, the 49 prisons comprise about half of the North
Carolina prison system's adult male capacity. These prisons are dormitory style
where prisoners sleep on bunks in large rooms.

On December 28, 1988, appellants and the state entered into a comprehensive
settlement agreement that soon terminated the lawsuit. The agreement
contained specific provisions aimed at improving prison conditions. One
provision required the state to provide 50 square feet of living space per inmate
in each dormitory by July 1, 1994. Fifty square feet of living space per inmate
is referred to as "standard operating capacity" (SOC). The agreement also
contained interim provisions that allowed the state to house prisoners at 140%
of SOC in medium security facilities and 125% of SOC in minimum security
facilities until July 1, 1994.2

The agreement contained a number of other provisions. For instance, it required

the state to replace all triple bunks with double bunks and to implement direct
supervision by correctional officers in the dormitories. The provision for direct
supervision required the deployment of correctional officers to patrol the
sleeping areas inside each separately locked dormitory. The state also agreed to
provide access to dayrooms with a minimum of 25 square feet per prisoner.
Other provisions dealt with peer review of medical care, visitation policies,
work and study programs, fire safety, new dormitory design, ventilation
renovations, medical diets, plumbing repairs, clothing and linen policies, and
locker space.

The settlement agreement provided that it would become effective upon the
"approval and ratification" by the North Carolina General Assembly and the
approval of the district court. In approving the settlement the General
Assembly in March 1989 agreed that "funds necessary to satisfy the terms and

obligations of th[e] agreement will be appropriated." 1989 N.C. Sess. Laws, ch.
8 1. By order of April 3, 1989, the district court approved the settlement
agreement, and it assumed the force of a consent decree.

The state moved on four interrelated fronts to tackle the problem of prison
overcrowding and to comply with the consent decree. First, the state enacted a
prison cap that limited prison population to 18,000. See N.C. Gen.Stat. 1484.1. Second, by 1994 the state had appropriated almost $500 million for new
prison construction. Third, the state implemented and expanded programs
providing alternatives to incarceration, thereby diverting thousands of offenders
from prison. Finally, the state enacted the Structured Sentencing Act and later
accelerated its implementation. See N.C. Gen.Stat. 15A-1340.10 et seq. The
structured sentencing legislation reduces the length of incarceration for less
serious offenders and reserves the longest sentences for the most dangerous

These considerable efforts by the state, however, were overwhelmed by doubledigit percentage increases in prison admissions that began in 1988. When the
state, through its settlement committee,3 negotiated the settlement, the
committee relied on a projection by the Division of Prisons that annual inmate
admissions would increase between 3 and 5%. The committee believed, based
on these projections, that the state would have the financial resources necessary
to implement the settlement agreement. However, the actual rates of admission
far exceeded the projections. There were significant increases of 11.6% in 1988,
17.6% in 1989, 8.1% in 1990, 16.1% in 1991, and 8.1% in 1992. Although the
increases leveled off in 1992 and 1993, total prison admissions had increased
from a level of 17,000 admissions per year in 1988 to almost 31,000 per year by

The state's efforts to comply with the 1989 consent decree and to respond to its
prison crisis have come at great expense to North Carolina taxpayers. By 1994
almost half a billion dollars had been spent or committed for prison
construction projects. General operating expenses for the prison system more
than doubled between 1988 and 1994 to $560 million per year. Many of these
increased expenses are directly attributable to the unexpected rise in prison
admissions. For example, the state's settlement committee anticipated annual
operating costs of approximately $68 million for newly constructed facilities,
based on the projected need for about 5,000 new beds by 1996. Yet, because of
the unexpected explosion in prison admissions, by 1994 the state had
appropriated funds to build facilities for 18,000 new beds, about 13,000 more
than initially planned. As a result, the total operating costs for completed and
funded construction is estimated at approximately $169 million per year. Thus,

the difference between current operating cost projections and the projections
that guided the settlement committee's decisions represents a yearly increase in
operating costs of almost $101 million. These are costs that will continue each
year over the lifetime of the facilities.

At the time (October 13, 1993) the state petitioned to modify the consent
decree, it had complied with virtually every provision except the requirement of
50 square feet of living space per inmate.4 The 50 square feet provision was the
subject of the state's October 1993 petition. Specifically, the state sought a
modification of the consent decree permitting it to (1) house inmates in the
"new" dormitories at 130% of SOC, (2) house minimum and medium custody
inmates in the "old" dormitories at 140% of SOC, and (3) make conforming
changes to other provisions of the agreement consistent with these capacity
changes. 5 The state's petition alleged a "drastic, unanticipated increase in prison
admissions rates" that "ha[d] made performance of the Agreement's terms
related to dormitory living space inequitable." The petition said that unless the
court granted modification, "the public interest w[ould] be harmed."


The district court held a four-day evidentiary hearing. Despite the unanticipated
explosion in prison admissions, evidence offered at the hearing established that
the state has been operating a secure and humane prison system, substantially
above minimum constitutional requirements. The state presented testimony and
affidavits from its prison administrators, superintendents, and two experts
concerning the quality of living conditions in the 49 prisons at issue. The
experts noted that serious assaults by inmates on inmates had greatly
diminished. They saw significantly less tension between inmates and officers.
They found that the addition of dayrooms had changed the dormitories for the
better. One expert said that the prison units operating at the interim capacity
levels provided a "better quality of life and safer place for inmates and staff to
live and work than most prisons throughout the United States." Another expert
said that these units have "one of the lowest assault or violence rates of any
prisons I have inspected." In sum, considerable evidence showed that the state
could operate the dormitories at capacity levels above 100% of SOC and still
provide for the basic needs and safety of the prisoners without risking safety for
the staff.


Within a week of the hearing, the district judge visited two of the prison units
without the parties or their counsel in attendance. Thereafter, by order dated
June 28, 1994, the district court granted the state's petition in part and denied it
in part. Specifically, the court permitted the state to house inmates in the new
dormitories at 125% of SOC but denied the state's request to continue housing
inmates in the old dormitories at 140% of SOC.


The district court found that the settlement committee had not foreseen the
extent of prison population increases and that the state's prison system "is still
struggling to manage the vast numbers of inmates," despite recent declines in
admission rates. Small, 858 F.Supp. at 518. The court concluded that the public
interest was best served by allowing the new dormitories to continue to operate
at 125% of SOC and granted modification of the decree to that extent. The
court refused to allow operation of the new dormitories at 130% of SOC (as
requested by the state) because the court understood that the state had never
before operated them at that level. The court denied any modification for the
old dormitories because operation in excess of 100% of SOC required a center
row of bunks, which the court believed posed risks for inmates. However, the
court noted that "[t]he record is not clear whether there are other older units of
different dimensions or of different bunk arrangement that would exceed 100%
of SOC and still meet the Rufo [v. Inmates of Suffolk County Jail, 502 U.S.
367, 112 S.Ct. 748, 116 L.Ed.2d 867 (1992) ] standard." Id. at 524.


On July 13, 1994, the state moved pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 59(e) and 60(b) to
alter or amend the June 28, 1994, modification order. First, with respect to the
new dormitories, the state argued that the court had misunderstood the
evidence and thus had erroneously concluded that the state had no experience
operating the new dormitories at more than 125% of SOC. The state's evidence
in fact demonstrated that the new medium security dormitories had been
operated at population levels of between 130% and 140% of SOC since the
consent decree had been entered. Second, with respect to the old dormitories,
the state proposed a bunk configuration eliminating the middle row of bunks
that had concerned the court. Thereafter, in an order dated March 27, 1995, the
district court agreed that the evidence did show that the state had been
operating the new dormitories at more than 125% of SOC. It also found the
alternative bunk configuration acceptable. The court therefore granted the
state's motion to alter or amend the June 28, 1994, order by allowing the state
(1) to house inmates in the new dormitories at 130% of SOC and (2) to house
inmates in the old dormitories "at varying capacities greater than 100% of
capacity, but not greater than 125% of capacity, so long as the unit does not
have a center row of bunks and there is at least 32 inches of space between


The modifications to the consent decree have been appealed on both

substantive and procedural grounds.


We turn to whether the modification orders were proper on the merits.

Preliminarily, we must set out the standards governing the modification of

consent decrees entered in institutional reform litigation.

On April 26, 1996, amendments to 18 U.S.C. 3626, known as the Prison

Litigation Reform Act (the "new Act"), were signed into law by the President.
The new Act is aimed in part at making it easier for those running state prisons
to seek termination or modification of federal court orders relating to prison
conditions. The new Act provides that it "shall apply with respect to all
prospective relief whether such relief was originally granted or approved
before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this title [April 24, 1996]."
Pub.L. No. 104-134, 101, 110 Stat. ___ (1996). In this case the district court
proceedings that led to the modification orders and the oral argument on appeal
were all completed prior to April 24, 1996. The state has not sought to invoke
the new Act, either by asking us to apply it in the first instance or by asking for
a remand and reconsideration by the district court. Because the state has not
mentioned the new Act and because we conclude below that the district court
was correct in granting the state relief under pre-April 24, 1996, standards, we
do not believe it is necessary for us to consider the provisions of the new Act.
We, therefore, outline the standards without consideration of the new Act.


Under Fed.R.Civ.P. 60(b)(5) a court may modify a consent decree on "such

terms as are just" if "it is no longer equitable that the judgment [ ] have
prospective application." When applying Rule 60(b)(5) to consent decrees in
prison reform litigation, district courts should "exercise flexibility in
considering [modification] requests." Rufo v. Inmates of Suffolk County Jail,
502 U.S. 367, 383, 112 S.Ct. 748, 760, 116 L.Ed.2d 867 (1992). " '[T]he unique
nature and demands of institutional reform litigation necessitate a more flexible
approach to modification' than may be appropriate with respect to consent
decrees between private parties." Plyler v. Evatt, 924 F.2d 1321, 1324 (4th
Cir.1991) (Plyler II ) (quoting Plyler v. Evatt, 846 F.2d 208, 212 (4th Cir.)
(Plyler I ), cert. denied, 488 U.S. 897, 109 S.Ct. 241, 102 L.Ed.2d 230 (1988)).
"The 'uniqueness' of [such] litigation lies in the fact that it is necessarily aimed
at achieving 'broad public policy objectives in a complex, ongoing fact
situation,' with the consequence that consent decrees settling such litigation
must be viewed as embodying 'not so much peremptory commands to be
obeyed [but] as ... future-oriented plans designed to achieve [those] objectives.'
" Id. (quoting Plyler I, 846 F.2d at 212). In all events, however, a movant is not
entitled to relief simply because "it is no longer convenient to live with the
terms of a consent decree." Rufo, 502 U.S. at 383, 112 S.Ct. at 760.


In Rufo the Supreme Court articulated a framework for examining a party's

request to modify an institutional reform consent decree. A party seeking

modification has the burden of first "showing [that] a significant change either
in factual conditions or in law" warrants revision of the decree. Id. at 384, 112
S.Ct. at 760. 6 If the movant cites significantly changed factual conditions, it
must additionally show that the changed conditions make compliance with the
consent decree "more onerous," "unworkable," or "detrimental to the public
interest." Id. Of course, general equitable principles require that the movant's
good faith be taken into account. See Plyler II, 924 F.2d at 1324.7

If the movant succeeds in demonstrating that a significant change in

circumstance warrants modification of the decree, a court must then determine
whether "the proposed modification is suitably tailored to the changed
circumstance." Rufo, 502 U.S. at 391, 112 S.Ct. at 765. As a court makes this
determination, "three matters should be clear." Id. First, modification of a
consent decree "must not create or perpetuate a constitutional violation." Id.
Second, a modification "should not strive to rewrite a consent decree so that it
conforms to the constitutional floor." Id. Rather, a court should do no more
than necessary to resolve the problem created by the changed circumstance. Id.
Third, within the constraints just mentioned, principles of federalism require a
district court to defer to local government administrators "to resolve the
intricacies of implementing a decree modification." Id. at 392, 112 S.Ct. at 764.
This means that while "[f]inancial constraints may not be used to justify the
creation or perpetuation of constitutional violations, [ ] they are a legitimate
concern of government defendants in institutional reform litigation and
therefore are appropriately considered in tailoring a consent decree
modification." Id. at 392-93, 112 S.Ct. at 764.


In light of these standards we now consider (1) whether the district court
correctly decided that there was a significant change in factual conditions
warranting modification of the consent decree and (2) whether the modification
allowed by the district court is suitably tailored to the changed conditions. We
review the district court's decision for abuse of discretion, and we accept the
factual findings on which the district court's decision is based unless they are
clearly erroneous. Plyler I, 846 F.2d at 212.


Appellants do not contest the existence of a significant change in factual

circumstances. However, they argue that the state failed to establish that the
change in circumstances makes compliance with the consent decree
"substantially more onerous," "unworkable," or "detrimental to the public
interest." See Rufo, 502 U.S. at 384, 112 S.Ct. at 760. We disagree.


First, the district court found that compliance with the requirement of 50 square
feet of living space would be substantially more onerous in light of the
unanticipated explosion in inmate population. The settlement committee had
projected that prison admissions would increase at a rate of 3 to 5% annually. In
fact, admissions increased at an average annual rate of 12.8% between 1988
and 1993. In raw numbers, inmate admissions jumped from about 17,000 per
year in 1988 to almost 31,000 per year by 1993. Thus, by 1993 the prison
system was getting almost 31,000 new inmates each year and putting them in
facilities with an SOC of just under 20,000 beds. Moreover, the general
operating costs for the prison system had doubled since 1988. The operating
costs attributable to all new beds added to the system exceeded the settlement
committee's projections by $101 million annually. Evidence such as this led the
district court to find that even with the recent decline in admission rates, "the
[prison] system presently is still struggling to manage the vast numbers of
inmates that are admitted each year." Small, 858 F.Supp. at 518.


Appellants argue that compliance with the original decree is not substantially
more onerous since the state has almost fully complied with the 50 square feet
requirement despite the changed circumstances. But appellants overlook the
fact that the state has expended huge sums of money, far in excess of amounts
anticipated, to reach even partial compliance. We do not believe the state
should be penalized with the denial of relief simply because it has been
reasonably successful as a result of very diligent, good faith efforts to comply
fully with the consent decree.


Second, the district court determined that enforcement of the 50 square feet
provision would be detrimental to the public interest. The court emphasized that
the public has an important interest in having its institutions run in a fiscally
responsible manner. The court also recognized that even if the state has
sufficient funds to build thousands of new prison beds, "the public is entitled to
have the public funds directed to the most important state projects and to reap
the fullest benefit from the dollars spent." Id. at 523. Appellants point out that
the district court rejected the state's contention that compliance with the decree
would endanger public safety because early release of prisoners would increase
the commission of crimes. The court was unpersuaded because the state "could
not point to any solid statistics in support of that view." Id. at 518. But the
court's rejection of this contention does not help appellants. As the district court
correctly noted, the public has interests other than safety. It also has an interest
in how its tax dollars are spent.


Finally, in an apparent effort to show lack of good faith by the state, appellants

argue that the state's increased expenditures for prison operations simply
represent policy choices by the legislature to use incarceration as a sanction.
These increased expenditures, appellants say, were not really made to comply
with the consent decree. We have said that "enactment of stricter criminal laws
should not be considered bad faith." Plyler I, 846 F.2d at 213. Thus, we do not
see increased reliance on incarceration to punish convicts as a policy choice
designed to thwart compliance with the decree. Here, the district court found
that the state had acted in good faith to comply with the original consent decree,
and that finding is amply supported by the evidence.

The district court was correct in determining that the significant change in
factual circumstances warranted modification of the original consent decree.


We now turn to whether the modification is suitably tailored. Appellants argue

that even if some modification is appropriate, a permanent modification is not
justified because the facts show that the problem (the unanticipated increase in
prison population) is only temporary. Appellants point to evidence showing that
(1) the increase in admission rates has abated, (2) certain measures, such as the
Structured Sentencing Act, should result in the stabilization and reduction of
the prison population, (3) North Carolina will soon divert most misdemeanants
away from the state prison system, (4) the Department of Correction expects
admissions to decrease substantially, (5) several thousand new prison beds are
funded and under construction and will soon be available, and (6) available
beds (with 50 square feet per inmate) are projected to exceed the prison
population in the near future.


We agree that a district court should only consider granting permanent relief if
temporary relief will not resolve the problems created by the changed
circumstances. "[T]he focus should be on whether the proposed modification is
tailored to resolve the problems created by the change in circumstances. A
court should do no more, for a consent decree is a final judgment that may be
reopened only to the extent that equity requires." Rufo, 502 U.S. at 391, 112
S.Ct. at 764. If temporary relief will resolve the problem, permanent relief is
obviously not a "suitably tailored" solution. See id.


We believe, however, that permanent relief is appropriate in this case because

temporary relief would not resolve the problem of the enormous expense
required to incarcerate the much larger population. The increased costs
associated with incarcerating the unforeseeably large prison population are
permanent, not temporary. Annual prison operating costs are $101 million in

excess of what the state predicted when it entered the settlement agreement.
Even if prisoner admissions stabilized, and even if the state had the facilities to
keep the expanded population imprisoned at an allocation of 50 square feet per
inmate, the state still did not anticipate the added financial burden of operating
a prison system with twice the number of inmates expected. We therefore
conclude that the district court did not abuse its discretion in granting
permanent relief from the 50 square feet requirement.

All in all, we conclude that the modifications (including those in the amending
order of March 27, 1995) allowed by the district court are suitably tailored to
the changed circumstances confronting the state.


We next consider appellants' procedural objections.


The first procedural issues concern the state's July 13, 1994, motion, pursuant
to Fed.R.Civ.P. 59(e) and 60(b), to alter or amend the court's June 28, 1994,
order. We will treat the state's motion as a Rule 59(e) motion since it was
"served not later than 10 days after entry of the judgment." See Fed.R.Civ.P.
59(e); Campbell v. Bartlett, 975 F.2d 1569, 1580 n. 15 (10th Cir.1992)
("Motions served within 10 days of judgment 'ordinarily will fall under Rule
59(e),' while motions served later fall under Rule 60(b).") (quoting Van Skiver
v. United States, 952 F.2d 1241, 1243 (10th Cir.1991), cert. denied, 506 U.S.
828, 113 S.Ct. 89, 121 L.Ed.2d 51 (1992)).


Appellants argue that Rule 59(e) provided no basis for the district court to grant
the state's motion to amend the June 1994 order insofar as it related to
authorized population levels in the new dormitories. We disagree. A court may
grant relief under Rule 59(e) to "correct manifest errors of ... fact upon which
the judgment is based." 11 Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller & Mary Kay
Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure: Civil 2d 2810.1, at 125 (1995). In its
June 1994 order the district court said that it would not grant relief for
population levels beyond 125% of SOC in the new dormitories because it
believed that the state had never operated them with inmate numbers in excess
of 125% of SOC. Upon reviewing the state's motion to alter or amend the June
1994 order, the district court realized that it had erroneously overlooked
evidence that the state had indeed operated new dormitories at levels between

130 and 140% of SOC. Having discovered its mistake about the facts that led to
its judgment on this issue, the district court was authorized to make a
correction. See 11 id. The court therefore properly amended its modification
order to allow the state to house inmates in the new dormitories at 130% of

We also reject appellants' argument that the district court abused its discretion
in considering (on the state's motion to amend the modification order) new
evidence on alternative bunk configurations in the old dormitories. Rule 59(e)
relief may also be appropriate "to account for new evidence not available at
trial." Hutchinson v. Staton, 994 F.2d 1076, 1081 (4th Cir.1993). In that
circumstance a party must produce a "legitimate justification for not presenting"
the evidence during the earlier proceeding. RGI, Inc. v. Unified Indus., Inc.,
963 F.2d 658, 662 (4th Cir.1992). We recognize that the bunk reconfiguration
plan for old dormitories was not newly discovered evidence in the ordinary
sense. However, it was newly requested evidence. In its June 28, 1994, order
the court essentially invited the state to submit a proposed bunk configuration
that would be suitably tailored under Rufo. The state had a "legitimate
justification for not presenting" the reconfiguration plan earlier because until
the court expressed its concern about a center row of bunks, the state had no
reason to present an alternative proposal for the court's consideration. See RGI,
Inc., 963 F.2d at 662. In its management of the case, the court could have
delayed a final decision on the modification until it advised the parties of its
(previously unexpressed) concern about the center bunks and gave them a
chance to respond. The same result was achieved by the earlier entry of the
modification order, which then prompted the state's motion to alter or amend. In
this particular circumstance, we cannot say the district court abused its
discretion in granting an amendment under Rule 59(e) to allow varying
capacities of up to 125% of SOC in the old dormitories.


There is no merit to appellants' contention that the state was required to run
through the entire Rufo test anew on its motion to alter or amend the judgment.
The district court had already analyzed Rufo 's first step and determined that
the state was entitled to relief from the 50 square feet provision at all
dormitories, both old and new.


But the court denied relief with respect to the old dormitories because the
proposed remedy was not suitably tailored. The motion to alter or amend was

limited to the issue of whether a suitably tailored solution could be crafted

(Rufo 's second step). Thus, another complete showing of entitlement to relief
under Rufo 's first step would have been superfluous.8

Finally, appellants argue that the district court committed prejudicial error by
conducting a view of two prison facilities in the absence of counsel after the
close of the evidence. The district court correctly acknowledged that the view
was error, see Lillie v. United States, 953 F.2d 1188, 1191 (10th Cir.1992), so
we need only determine whether the error was harmless. A district court's use
of evidentiary findings from an improper view is reviewed under the standard
governing the erroneous admission of evidence. See id. at 1192. A new trial is
warranted unless the other competent evidence is "sufficiently strong" to permit
the conclusion that the improper evidence had no effect on the decision. Id.
Applying this standard, we conclude that the view was harmless.


The first evidentiary hearing on the state's motion for modification ended on
May 13, 1994. Six days later, on May 19, 1994, the district judge visited two
state prisons "to get a better concept of just what the contentions were."
Counsel were given notice of the visit an hour in advance, but they were not
invited along. Appellants did not raise any objection to the visit until after the
initial modification order was entered on June 28, 1994. Then, on July 13,
1994, appellants made a motion asking the district court to amend its order to
eliminate any reliance on the court's visit or, in the alternative, to grant a partial
new trial to permit "a properly conducted view" or the "taking of additional
evidence with respect to the view." The district court heard extensive argument
on appellants' motion. The court then carefully reviewed its June 28, 1994,
order "to determine what part of its findings or relief might have been based, in
any way, on its view."


The district court determined that only two categories of findings were
influenced by its visit. The first category was a single finding that the two
prisons were "spotlessly clean and in good order." This finding is harmless
because it was immaterial to what the court had to decide under Rufo. The
second category of visit-related findings dealt with space. But the district court's
determination that the state had established changed circumstances under Rufo
was based almost entirely on findings concerning increases in prison
admissions, and the visit had no effect on these findings. The visit did have
some relevance to the Rufo requirement of "suitably tailored" relief. However,
the court's original decision to allow the state to operate the new dormitories at
125% of SOC, despite the state's request to operate them at 130%, was

supported by sufficiently strong evidence introduced at the four-day hearing.

Thus, the visit had no effect on that decision. In the original order the district
court denied the state any relief for the old dormitories, so the visit caused no
prejudice to appellants on that part of the order. Accordingly, the error in
making the prison visit was harmless.9

The orders of the district court are affirmed.



This order has been published as Small v. Hunt, 858 F.Supp. 510

The district court provided the following illustration of what these percentages
of SOC mean:
[A] 50 inmate dorm providing 50 square feet for each inmate has 2500 square
feet. Operating at 125% of capacity would mean that 62 inmates would have
40.33 square feet each. Operating at 130% of capacity would mean that 65
inmates have 38.46 square feet each. And operating at 140% of capacity would
mean that 70 inmates would have 35.72 square feet each.
Id. at 523 n. 9.

The state was represented in the negotiations by a settlement committee

composed of representatives of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the
General Assembly, and the Department of Correction

The state had also not yet completed construction of dayroom space in
minimum security facilities. However, that task was completed by July 1, 1994

Obviously, the new dormitories were constructed more recently. According to

the state, however, "new" and "old" also relates to the size of the dormitories.
Dormitories of 50 and 102 inmate capacity are "new" and all others are "old."

The state does not rely on a change in law

"Ordinarily [ ] modification should not be granted where a party relies upon

events that actually were anticipated at the time it entered into a decree." Rufo,
502 U.S. at 385, 112 S.Ct. at 760. Conversely, modification is not precluded if

the movant did not actually foresee the changed conditions. See id. Appellants
do not appear to challenge the district court's finding in this case that the state
did not foresee the explosion in North Carolina's prison population. In any
event, the district court's finding is not clearly erroneous. The district court
relied upon the testimony of former Director of Prisons Joseph Hamilton, who
said that the settlement committee did not anticipate the dramatic rise in inmate
admissions. The court found Hamilton's testimony "credible and worthy of
belief," Small, 858 F.Supp. at 515, and we accept that assessment

We also reject appellants' argument that the March 27, 1995, order (which
amended the June 28, 1994, order) rewrites the settlement agreement to allow
conditions in the new dormitories to conform to the constitutional floor in
violation of Rufo. Even under the terms of the amended modification order, the
state is required to operate the new dormitories in a manner that exceeds
minimal constitutional requirements

We pause to note that the record reveals that the district judge, who has
presided over this case since 1985, has devoted much time and painstaking
attention to it. We are satisfied that, the visit notwithstanding, the judge has
been open and fair in his conduct of the case and that his decisions have been
the product of careful deliberation

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