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366 F.

2d 565

Robert Linwood STEVENS, Appellant,

No. 10098.

United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit.

Argued Jan. 5, 1966.
Decided Sept. 16, 1966.

David E. Belcher, Baltimore, Md. (court-assigned counsel), for appellant.

Julius A. Romano, Asst. Atty. Gen. of Maryland (Thomas G. Finan, Atty.
Gen. of Maryland, on brief), for appellee.
Ronald P. Sokol, Charlottesville, Va., amicus curiae.
BRYAN and J. SPENCER BELL, Circuit Judges, sitting en banc.
HAYNSWORTH, Chief Judge.

In this habeas corpus proceeding, the appeal appeared to present a substantial

question under Escobedo v. State of Illinois, 378 U.S. 478, 84 S.Ct. 1758, 12
L.Ed.2d 977, if that decision was to be given a retroactive effect. To consider
the question of the retroactivity of Escobedo and whether its principle would
require issuance of the writ in this case, the case was heard by the Court en
banc. Thereafter the Supreme Court in Johnson v. State of New Jersey, 384
U.S. 719, 86 S.Ct. 1772, 16 L.Ed.2d 882, held that Escobedo should not be
given retroactive application to trials commenced before that opinion was
announced. Stevens was tried in 1962, more than two years before Escobedo
was decided, so the principal questions which the appeal appeared to present
have now been resolved by Johnson.

There is a remaining question about the voluntariness of the confession.

Stevens and three others, Damron, Giles and Cantler, planned to rob a Mrs.

Baker who lived in the same general residential section of Baltimore. Damron
had done repair work for Mrs. Baker and had been called by her to come to her
house to repair some plumbing. He reported to the other three that Mrs. Baker
had approximately $60,000 hidden in the vicinity of the kitchen.

Their plan was that Stevens would go with Damron, linger near the door while
Mrs. Baker was showing Damron the work to be done and secretly admit Giles
and Cantler to the house. If Mrs. Baker discovered Giles and Cantler before
Damron and Stevens departed, they were to stage a fight, but otherwise Damron
and Stevens were to depart in apparent peace, leaving a defenseless Mrs. Baker
to be handled by Giles and Cantler.

In its early stages everything went according to the plan. Stevens admitted
Giles and Cantler to Mrs. Baker's house while she was preoccupied showing
Damron the faulty plumbing. They were not discovered by Mrs. Baker until
they confronted her after Damron and Stevens had left.

Stevens had supplied Giles and Cantler with some ladies' stockings to be used
to bind Mrs. Baker and to keep her quiet while they ransacked the house. They
did bind her, but they became much more violent than had originally been
contemplated when they failed to discover any substantial sum of money.
Having found only $4.00 in cash, they demanded of her information about
where the supposed hoard was kept. They beat her; they kicked her; they
mutilated her. Seventeen bones, including a vertebra, were broken as was her
nose. They finally left her in a bedroom, still bound and mortally wounded,
after setting a fire in another bedroom. Mrs. Baker was discovered by firemen
who extinguished the blaze and heard from her before she died a brief recital of
what happened.

Stevens lived with his sister and brother-in-law, Whitaker, and it was in
Whitaker's house that the four made the plans for the robbery. Whitaker
overheard them and was invited to participate, but he declined to do so. He was
also cooperative with the police, and he told them that he had heard Damron,
Stevens, Giles and Cantler planning to rob someone in the vicinity. Damron
was already under suspicion so that, with the information they had gained from
Whitaker, Damron and Stevens were arrested when they were encountered
together in a tavern. Giles and Cantler were arrested later.

At the police station, stevens was told that anything he said 'had to be
voluntary.' He was not otherwise advised of his rights. He was only nineteen
years old, but he had previously been convicted of other offenses.

Stevens was questioned about the crime. He denied knowledge of it. They told
him what they had learned from his brother-in-law, Whitaker, and they brought
Whitaker into the interrogation room to obviate any doubt in Stevens' mind that
the policeman's statement of Whitaker's revelations was true. Whitaker came in
weeping, informed Stevens that he had told the police and that he thought
Stevens should tell the truth. Whitaker was led away and Stevens promptly told
the entire story.


At the trial, Stevens' confession was introduced in evidence without objection.

Stevens had told his lawyer that his statement, made after he had been in
custody only approximately an hour and a half, was entirely voluntary.


Tried by two Judges, sitting without a jury, Stevens was found guilty of first
degree murder and of robbery. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on the
murder charge and to a concurrent term of ten years on the robbery charge. The
Maryland Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction. Stevens v. State, 232 Md.
33, 192, A.2d 73, and the Supreme Court denied a writ of certiorari. Stevens v.
State of Maryland, 375 U.S. 886, 84 S.Ct. 160, 11 L.Ed.2d 115. Thereafter
Stevens sought postconviction relief in the Maryland courts, and its denial was
affirmed by Maryland's Court of Appeals. Stevens v. Warden, 237 Md. 611,
205 A.2d 213. Stevens then filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the
District Court. The District Judge reviewed the record made at the plenary
postconviction hearing in the state court as well as the record of the initial trial.
He accepted the state court findings and dismissed the petition without a
hearing. It is from that order that Stevens has appealed.


In the postconviction hearing in the state court, Stevens contended that at the
police station the policemen threatened to lock up his brother-in-law, Whitaker,
unless Stevens confessed, and it was that threat which induced the confession.
The policemen denied it, asserting that Whitaker had been cooperative and they
had no reason to prefer charges against him.1 They merely brought him in to
demonstrate the truth of what they had told Stevens. The court found that no
such threat had been made, and the finding is adqualtely supported by the
testimony of the policemen.


We cannot hold this confession involuntary under the standards which we are to
apply under the direction of Johnson v. State of New Jersey. Confronting
Stevens with his brother-in-law for the purpose of convincing him that
Whitaker had, indeed disclosed what he knew apparently provoked the
confession, but demonstration of the truth of their representation was not an
unfair tactic nor unlawfully coercive. 2


Throughout the subsequent proceedings, Stevens' endeavor and that of his

lawyers, was to minimize his participation in the crime. In the post conviction
hearing he was still expressing disbelief that he could be convicted of murder
when he never intended Mrs. Baker's death.3 When he took the witness stand to
make his judicial confession, while admitting his participation in the plan to rob
Mrs. Baker, he emphasized his innocence of any specific intent to do her
serious bodily harm. That appears to be the likely reason for his confession.
Knowing that Whitaker had talked, he must have known that he could not
convincingly deny any intention to inflict serious physical injury upon Mrs.
Baker without admitting his complicity in the planning and the execution of the
crime. He talked in the hope of exculpating himself from the murder charge,
and of obtaining sympathy in the imposition of sentence. The same motive
apparently was behind his testifying at the trial and making his judicial


Stevens does have some reason to feel the victim of discrimination. Giles and
Cantler were both convicted of murder, but Damron, tried Separately, as was
Stevens, was unaccountably acquitted. His active participation in the execution
of the plan ended at the same time Stevens' did, but he, unlike Stevens, escaped
not only the murder charge; he escaped the robbery charge as well.


Judges and many members of the public are rightfully concerned about
disparity in sentences. It is a source of great misunderstanding and resentment
among prisoners who find that their sentences are much harsher than those
imposed upon fellow prisoners who committed similar offenses and who had
similar records and backgrounds. The greatest disparity of all results when one
participant in a murder is convicted while another, equally culpable, is


It is impossible to do anything about grave disparity arising out of that

circumstance, however, unless the essential and precious constitutional
requirement which rigidly enforces the principle against double jeopardy is to
be abandoned. From all that appears in this record,4 Damron ought to be in
prison, too, and, if he were, Stevens might not feel so much the victim of
disparity and discrimination, but the fact that Damron is not in prison is neither
a legal nor moral reason for releasing Stevens, who is indisputably guilty of the
crime of which he was convicted.


Finally, stevens contends that his arest without a warrant was unlawful and that
the claimed illegality of his detention is relevant to the question of the
voluntariness of his confession. We have not considered that, for the arresting

officers knew of the murder-robbery, and, with the information they had
obtained from Whitaker, they clearly had probable cause to believe that Stevens
was one of the perpetrators. His arrest in the tavern was not unlawful.

It is also contended that the District Judge should have held a plenary hearing,
but a full hearing with the assistance of an able lawyer had been held in the
state court. There was adequate basis for a finding that a full and fair hearing
had been held, and that the record supported the state court's findings. Under
the circumstances, a repetitious hearing in the District Court was unnecessary.
Townsend v. Sain, 372 U.S. 293, 83 S.Ct. 745, 9 L.Ed.2d 770; Fay v. Noia, 372
U.S. 391, 83 S.Ct. 822, 9 L.Ed.2d 837.



Actually, Whitaker was in custody, and it may be that the time of his release
was advanced by Stevens' confirmation of Whitaker's story

Cf. Spano v. People of State of New York, 360 U.S. 315, 79 S.Ct. 1202, 3
L.Ed.2d 1265

Of course, he did expect Giles and Cantler to assault her, even supplying them
with the stockings with which to bind her

We have not seen the record of Damron's trial, of course

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