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Lemon as an Alternative Source of Electricity

To power a Light Emitting Diode (LED) using a lemon as source of
Lemon is not an alternative source of electricity
4 lemons are used in the experiment. For each was one copper and
zinc inserted, 25-cents and galvanized nail respectively. Nails
were connected to the coins of another lemons through a copper
wire linked to an alligator clip, same goes with the coins. The
shorter leg of the Light Emitting Diode was connected to the zinc
(nail) while the other leg was to the copper (coin). Its
imperative that the shorter leg was connected to the nail while
the longer was to coin as the both contain the same charge
negative and positive, respectively.
4 lemons can power a Light Emitting Diode but the light can be
barely seen. The very tiny glow of the LED is ascribed to the
quantity of lemons. Lowering the number of lemon cant power LED
since it requires additional voltage obtained through the

increase of lemon. Since 4 lemons create a voltage of over 3.5 V,

it is enough to power the LED.

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