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Language Arts Syllabus

Crabapple Middle School 2016-2017

Mrs. Thomas

Course Description:
The language arts course continues to emphasize the integration of vocabulary, literature, reading
strategies, composition, oral language skills, research and grammar. Literature, media and
technology experiences become increasingly analytical as students study the elements of the short
story, novel, drama, poetry, essay, autobiography, and other fiction and nonfiction genres. The
emphasis on becoming strategic readers, critical viewers and effective communicators continues.
Students learn to evaluate their own learning. The thematic approach invites students to discover
the triumph and tragedy of human experience. Themes include universal concepts such as loyalty
and camaraderie.
Advanced Language Arts - Although the State of Georgia requires that all students learn the same
Georgia Performance Standards, Advanced Language Arts explores these standards at a higher level
and at an accelerated pace. The student is challenged to develop advanced communication skills;
higher order and critical thinking skills; and creative thinking and problem solving skills.
The Fulton County Schools Curriculum Department provides resources for parents regarding the
learning objectives for the middle school and language arts courses offered in the middle grades.
Curriculum Maps and standards for each course can be located at the following address:

Textbook Information:
Prentice Hall Grade 6 Literature Textbook: $85.97

Prentice Hall Grade 6 Writing Coach Textbook: $20.97

All Novels: $12.00

Prentice Hall Grade 7 Literature Textbook: $85.97

Prentice Hall Grade 7 Writing Coach Textbook: $20.97

All Novels: $12.00

Prentice Hall Grade 8 Literature Textbook: $85.97

Prentice Hall Grade 8 Writing Coach Textbook: $20.97

All Novels: $12.00

Parent/Teacher Communication:
Communication initiated by parents and teachers is essential to a childs academic and
behavioral success. Methods of communications include conferences, the use of the student
agenda, email and teacher websites. Parents are strongly encouraged to review the agenda
and teacher websites daily to monitor the students organization and study habits. If
anything seems unclear, please feel free to contact the teacher at any time.

Grading Scheme:
Weight Names
Summative Assessments
Formative Assessments

Percentage of Grade

Teacher Contact Information:

Teacher Name
Help Sessions
Monday Mornings 7:55-8:25

CMS Recovery Policies:

****Please refer to the CMS Recovery policy for the grade level of your child, not their math class.

6th Grade
1st semester

2nd semester

All students are allowed 3

opportunities to recover for full credit
of 100. All other opportunities will be
for a maximum score of 80.

All students are allowed 2

opportunities to recover for full credit
of 100. All other opportunities will be
for a maximum score of 80.

Summative Assessment score

below a 70 Recovery is

Summative Assessment score

below a 70 Recovery is

Summative Assessment score 75

or above Recovery is optional.

Summative Assessment score 75

or above Recovery is optional.

7th Grade
1st semester

2nd semester

All students are allowed 2

opportunities to recover for full
credit of 100. All other
opportunities will be for a
maximum score of 80.

All students are allowed 1

opportunity to recover for full
credit of 100. All other
opportunities will be for a
maximum score of 80.

Summative Assessment below

a 70 Recovery is required.
Summative Assessment score
70 or above Recovery is

Summative Assessment score

below a 70 Recovery is
Summative Assessment score
70 or above Recovery is

8 th Grade
1st semester

2nd semester

All students are allowed 1

opportunity to recover for full
credit of 100. All other
opportunities will be for a
maximum score of 80.
Summative Assessment
score below a 70
Recovery is mandatory.
Summative Assessment
score 70 or
above Recovery is

All students may recover for a

maximum score of 80.
Summative Assessment
score below a 70 Recovery
is mandatory.
Summative Assessment
score 70 or above Recovery
is optional.

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