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Name : Muhammad Bagus Tri Prasetyo


: SMKN 2 Jakarta

: How Teenagers Idolize their Idol with Properly

Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good Morning,
Ladies and Gentlemen
To the Honorable Judges of English Speech Contest
And also to my beloved friends who participate in this Speech Contest
Ladies and Gentlemen
First of All lets praise to the Almighty God for Blessing with Goodness and Health so we are
able to gather in here.
Second, I would like to say Thank You very much for having me to stand right here in the front
of you all to give a speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are definitely have our own Idols. Started from Children, Teenagers, until Adults certainly
have their own Idols. Especially for Teenagers like us which is still in critical developmental
period to be Adult we must be easier to be influenced by our Idols. There are so many
Teenagers are motivated and inspired to be more Positive, but without a good comprehension
and excessive fanaticsm many teenagers are inspired in Negative ways. So thats why Im
going to give a speech about How Teenagers Idolize their Idol with Properly.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First Let me remind you the Definition of Teenager or Adolescents and the Definition of Idols.
According to Santrock (2003: 26) Adolescents is defined as the developmental period of
transition between childhood and adulthood that includes changes in the biological, cognitive,
and social-emotional. According to Oxford Dictionary, Idol is a person or thing that is greatly
admired, loved, or revered. Accoding to those Definition thats why teenagers who are seeking for their
identity or personality began to look for a figure that is considered as a appropriate person that has
influence and uniqueness and began to idolize that person and make that person as their Idol.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We concluded that the the influence of Idols, it can be positive and negative. Its depending on the
teenagers , they Idolize a Good Idol or a Bad Idol and how do they Idolize or admired their with Properly.
There would be so many Good Impacts for Teenagers when they have a Proper Idol , for example like :
1. As a good source for Inspiration and Motivation
For Example , when a Teenager idolizes an Author, this Teenager is Inspired and Motivated to write a Novel
or a Story with Good.
2. Grow the spirit of Leadership
Idols and Leadership are having a relationship in influence other person to make the Idols as a Role Model.
For Example, Because Im so Idolize with Our Founding Father the 1 st President of Indonesia Mr.Sukarno
and Matjan Tutul Indonesia Navy Ship Comander Commodore Yos Sudarso, I want to be a Great Leader


But in other side , just like we know before, if the Teenagers Idolize their wrong Idol with Excessive
Fanaticism and not in a Proper way there would be some Negative Impacts, for example like :
1. Impersonate a wrong Idol
This is one of the dangerous impacts, because when there is a Teenager Idolize the wrong Idol , that
teenager could be change into a Negative Behavior like the wrong Idol.
2. Excessive Fanaticism
If the Teenagers Idolize their Idol in Excessive Fanaticism way , the Teenagers could not be see the
negative and positive of their idol, they will always admiring their idol and think that their Idol is everything, it
could be worse when they more loving their Idol even more than their God, their family, and their life.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We already know that Idols can influence Teeanagers with easily, and the influence of Idols it can be
Positive and Negative, its all depend with the teenagers how do they Idolize their Idol. So thats why we are
as the Teenagers to Idolize our Idols in a Proper way , we have to Idolize our Idol with Properly and in
Proper way, as long as our Idol is still a human being they must be have the Positive and the Negative
Sides, Only the Almighty God which is doesnt have Negative side. The Truth only comes from God, and
The Wrong it maybe comes from human being.
I think thats all my speech, Thank You for your attention, Ladies and Gentlemen
Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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