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learning from the life of

Jesus as presented in
the Desire of Ages


worship - august 20, 2016 11a

the kingdom of god

is at hand

Prelude Sisters Andreea & Ramona

Scriptures - Mark 1:14 and 15 The Vega Family

Praise Brother Pierre van der Westhuizen

Prayer Mother & Daughter Fepuleai

Childrens Song & Story The Gudmundsson Family

Oering & Oertory The Baptist Family

Special Music Brother Pierre van der Westhuizen

The Kingdom of God Pastor Julio

Jesus Saves Brother van der Westhuizen & Congregation

Benediction The Katrib Family

Postlude Sisters Andreea & Ramona


Campus Hill Adventist Church 11057 Hill Drive, Loma Linda, CA 92354

909.796.0222 | |

The Last Supper will be served next

Sabbath. Come prepared to receive a
personal blessing as you par:cipate.



From 4me to 4me dierent segments

of our community of faith will be
highlighted by integra:ng them in the
adora%on service. Todays worship
features families. Gra:tude is
extended to those who so kindly
agreed to par:cipate. Welcome to a
glorious Sabbath day!

The Call by the Sea is one of the DA

most powerful chapters. All Saints are
encouraged to prayerfully read it.
Review it over and over again. Ask the
Spirit to impress you with anything
and everything that may apply to you.
Next Sabbath, up to 15 Saints will
have the opportunity to briey share
the sentence or word that impressed
them the most. Take the :me to
memorize a statement or verse that
may be meaningful to you.


Welcome - Pastor Cristian


Is not this the carpenters son? was

the ques:on of the unbelieving
observers. Pray that God uses Pastor
Cris:an as he addresses the issue with
clarity and blessedness. Wednesday
at 6:30p.

The Finance Commi=ee meets today
at 7p in the oce conference room.
The Board meets next Sabbath
evening at the same :me.

Grace Lopez BriKon to Blythe SDA
Church (Second Reading). Criss
Carlson to CHC from the Bellevue
Spanish Church, Washington (First

Memorial Service
for Lillian Ruth JeaneKe Miller Guild
will be held at the LL University
Church, September 11 @ 1p.

Study Time - 9:30"

To Serve You"

Leader: Janetta Rhoads"

Special Feature: Gates of Hell (video)"
Lesson: Jesus Showed Sympathy"

Julio Tabuenca, Sr. Pastor: 909.771.4179"
Cristian Iordan, Worship, Media: 909.553.3996"
Shiphrah Fepuleai, Young Adults, Women:
Viana Vidales, Youth, Children Coordinator:
Gabriel Katrib, Visitation: 909.478.9707"
Lourdes Gudmundsson, Head Elder: 951.522.5210"
Judi Wright, Adm. Assistant: 909.796.0222

Teachers: "
Class 1: Lourdes Gudmundsson"
Class 2: Eddie Matu"
Class 3: Steve Michel"
Class 4: Mothers Room: Tom Gibson"
Class 5: North Wing: Dorothy Donesky

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