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nternship Report on the Bank of Punjab(HRM)

BOP is essentially a financial organization. The bank is concerned about the commercial banking and related
services in Pakistan and abroad. The nature of the operations of the bank is different and unique from other
banks / financial institutions working in Pakistan. Balance of payments is the largest commercial bank in
Pakistan. After redefining its role has become a modern commercial bank rather than a public sector
Bank services are accessible to people, the government and the business sector. It also deals with treasury
operations of the Government of Pakistan as an agent for the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP in places where no
presence). It has a diversified business portfolio and is now a front-end player in the market for debt securities,
agricultural finance, corporate investment banking, retail and consumer banking, treasury services and are
taking a growing interest in development of small and medium businesses. It is also fulfilling its social
responsibilities as a corporate citizen.
BOP is a Governmental Organization. it implements the policies of State Bank of Pakistan as it is the agent of
SBP. It deals all Government Revenue, collection and payments of salaries, pensions and also payments related
to the Government Treasury. The bank also provides services as trustee to National Investment Trust (NIT) and
Long-Term Credit Fund (LTCF)

Data on the requirements of the BOP is usually measured on the basis of information obtained from feedback
from various BOP sectors and regional offices. All this process has is usually done trough getting data from
various branches. On the based on data collected from the feedback of the different branches, regional offices
of the HRP is evaluated. It has been identified that Bank of the Punjab has its own email, through this bank
communicate to their employees regarding to orders or notifications.

BOP HR Department operates

1. Enhance the skill of the existing employees

2. Responsible for new hiring and downsizing
3. Determine the objectives
4. Making strategic plan to meet the HR needs

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