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IMS 418
MAY 4, 2016





Executive Summary


Goals & Strategies


6 10



Objective & Tactics

12 14

Schedule & Oversight



16 17



ROI & Budget




When it comes to coffee shops, taste, comfort, routine and, as Starbucks has recently proved,
culture and community are huge aspects of coffee shops that keep people coming back. People want
to feel included, involved and hip, and the coffee they choose to purchase must meet those basic
human needs. As many small, local coffee shops have unfortunately discovered, competing with
Starbucks is far from easy. You must standout above the corporate chain as an organic, personable,
cozy, local brand. Those are the key messages Kofenya wants to put forth in their marketing.
Because Kofenya is the only competitor of Starbucks in Oxford, Ohio, they must show the Oxford
and Miami University communities why they are better than the corporate chain and demonstrate
personality and reality in their culture and community.
As of now, Kofenya carries an only for hipsters stereotype. With our social campaign, we are
going to break this stigma and create awareness of the new culture and community of Kofenya. We
are calling this the Kofenya Kommunity. Through the campaign we are going to target the people
within the Miami and Oxford communities who fall just outside of Kofenyas current demographical
reach. This goal will be accomplished by creating social posts, activities and events that specifically
target our target demographics. The campaign will feature two sub-campaigns one to highlight the
people and the community and, the second, to highlight the local, craft coffee and beer. Drawing
attention to these two main aspects of a coffee shop will create an image of Kofenya that sets it
apart from Starbucks as a local, close-knit community and a great place for both Miami Students and
the Oxford Community alike. Not to mention, the great craft beverages.
Currently, the plan is scheduled to run for a month. After the first month, it will be evaluated to
see what worked and what didnt work and adjusted and edited as needed. We will continue to run
these campaigns until we meet our objectives.
We want to continue to demonstrate that Kofenya is for everyone in the area and has more
personality and community involvement than Starbucks.

Kofenya was opened in 2004 by two 20-year-old students with big, but nave dreams to give the
Miami community what they were lacking a small, hip, quant, cozy, local coffee shop that bridges
the gap between student and townie, as well as young and old. It began as a single competitor to
Starbucks with the business plan to be cheaper than the competition to adhere to their collegestudent audience. Now, they are less concerned about advertising their cheaper price and more
concerned about the quality of each cup of coffee. Kofenya pays close attention to incorporate the
personality of the shop into everything they do, from the smiling, quirky baristas, to the local art on
the walls, to the craft coffee options, and even to its social media.
Being a small, local coffee shop, Kofenya focuses on three main social media platforms,
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We will break down their efforts in detail on each of these sites.
To start, they have just under 16,000 likes on their Facebook page, however they only get between 0
and 15 likes on any given post and both shares and comments are extremely rare on this platform.
They use this page to post their hours, their private events, release special blends and drinks, as well
as hold a design competition for their paraphernalia. They post about once a week. They use
Twitter for about the same posts but, on this platform, they only have 270 followers and rarely get
likes or retweets. Instagram is their most efficient platform. Here they have 800 followers and
receive about 100 likes and between 0 and 10 comments on each post, which they post every few
days. This platform allows Kofenya to best incorporate their voice. In their bio they say, Oxford's
independent coffee shop! We sell hugs in mugs...actual hugs are free!. Their photos are artsy and
hip to appeal to their audience. Here they focus on presenting their coffee as craft and even
introducing their new craft beers. They also use this platform to introduce their pay-it-forward
partnership, where customers have the option to buy a suspended coffee to give it to someone in
need, and fair trade products.



The goal of our social media marketing campaign is kick the companys only-for-hipsters
stereotype and grow our Kofenya Kommunity both on social platforms and in the shop.


Make Kofenya the number one coffee shop in Oxford amongst all demographics in the

Convince the Oxford and Miami Community to purchase local goods.

We plan to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to create new campaigns using specific
hashtags that we want to get trending around the Miami and Oxford community.

Being a local, hip coffee shop, Kofenya has a bit of an only-for-hipsters stereotype. The goal of
this campaign is to attract the rest of the Miami and Oxford demographic. We already have the hip
crowd so for our audiences we are mainly going to target the sorority, fraternity and townie
populations, the hip crowd will follow as a secondary audience. We will call our audiences the
Kofenya Kommunity.
The first sector of our primary audience has the same demographic as the Miami Community. They
are 18-23 years old, primarily white, well educated and from affluent families. This audience likes the
culture aspect of Starbucks so we need to make our culture more hip and more in amongst this
population than our competitors.
The second sector of our primary audience is the Oxford community. This community consists of
middle class families. They are primarily white and anywhere from 28 80, for the adults and
generally have 1-3 kids. This audience tries to stay away from campus and student populated places
so we need to show them that Kofenya is a place for everyone to hangout and relax together, and to
get a good cup of coffee.
We do not need to try to reach our secondary audience because they already love Kofenya and are
regulars. They will just happen to see our postings because they follow our social platforms already.

Here are examples of our target audiences:

Heres an example of the consumer purchasing experience:


Kofenya already uses Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to share their content. We want to continue
to use those three platforms with a stronger emphasis on Instagram and a lesser emphasis on
Twitter, Facebook falling somewhere in the middle. This is because our target audience are
dwindling Twitter users, hence why Kofenya currently only has 200 Twitter followers, compared to
their 800 Instagram followers, and 1,600 people who like their Facebook page. Through our tactics
we want to increase the amount of active followers on Instagram and Facebook. The Miami
population will be more targeted on Instagram, while the Townie population will be targeted more
on Facebook because, research shows that this is where these populations currently live. We will
also use YouTube to post and publish our videos. A major portion of this campaign relies around
branding and awareness and visual posts are found to be extremely successful on social platforms.
Using YouTube will allow us to easily share our videos on both Twitter and Facebook in a uniform
fashion. We will also use Snapchat because Snapchat is huge amongst the Miami population. We will
use a geotag so people can see that their friends are at Kofenya.




Increase the number of active social media followers amongst our target demographics by

Increase the number of our target demographic in the shop, purchasing drinks by 30%.

We will focus on two major social media campaigns. The first will be called the Kofenya
Kommunity. This will focus on creating a culture around the Kofenya brand, like Starbucks has.
The main focus of this campaign is to create awareness about the Kofenya brand amongst our target
audiences and make Kofenya Miamis go-to coffee shop for everyone, both students and Townies.
The second campaign is called What does your cup of coffee do?. This campaign will shine light
on the organic, craft and local aspect of Kofenya. It will give each cup of coffee a unique personality
and motive and differentiate Kofenyas coffee from Starbucks. We will focus on Facebook,
Instagram and Twitter for these campaigns.
Post Guidelines: We will incorporate these guidelines into everything we post.

Brand Voice: Our brand voice is quirky, witty and personable.

Hashtags: For our campaigns we will use the hashtags, #kofenyakommunity,

#humansofkofenya and #yourcoffee

Colors: Our color them will be black, brown, dark red and teal.


1. The Kofenya Kommunity This will be represented on social media with the hashtag
#kofenyakommunity on all posts.

Humans of Kofenya
o Every Sunday we will spotlight a different person who is either already at Kofenya or is
just around Oxford and take their picture as well as write a short blurb about them and
share it on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds. These people will be in our
target audience groups and will help us to achieve our goal of creating a diverse
community and a culture around Kofenya and straying away from the hipsters only
stereotype. Also, each featured person who shares the post on his or her own social feed
will receive a $10 Kofenya gift card. This will keep them coming back.

o We will have different events for our target audiences, such as sorority and fraternity
nights, sports nights, Community nights, Townie nights, and Family nights (Greek or
Blood families). These events will have live music and drink specials. We will create
Facebook Events for each of these events and post pictures on Instagram of the event
afterwards. We will also live tweet the events and encourage people to do so as well
using the hashtag, #kofenyakommunity. Anyone who uses the hashtag at an event or
follows one of our social channels gets put into a raffle to win a $10 gift card at the end
of the night. These events will bring our target audiences into the shop and give them a
taste of our craft coffee and beers. Hopefully this will keep them coming back.

o We will create a Snapchat Kofenya Kommunity geotag so people can see that their
friends are at Kofenya and hopefully they will come join. This will add to the community
and culture effect we are creating with our branding campaign.


2. What Does Your Cup of Coffee Do? - This will be represented by #yourcoffee on all social
media posts.

Social Posts
o Every other day we will post on Facebook, Instagram, highlighting one of our craft
coffees our beers. We will use our quirky, witty brand voice to give a personality to
each featured drink, making them come to life. Anyone who comes in and purchases
the drink of the day wins a free Kofenya sticker to put on their water bottles,
laptops, etc.

o We will post videos to our YouTube account of anyone who makes a video telling us
what their cup of coffee does. Whether its helping them get through a paper or
helping them wake up early to get to work and get the kids off to school, or just
putting a smile on their faces. We will post these videos on all of our social platforms
and anyone who posts gets a chance to win a $10 Kofenya gift card.



Below is the calendar for implementing the tactics. The days and times are strategically picked for maximum
viewing potential. Posts made at 1 pm statistically receive the most shares and views, so the majority of our
posts will take place at this time. All of our posts will be shared on all social platforms at the same time. A
Facebook Event will be created for each in-shop event a week prior to the event and we will post statuses and
tweets leading up to the event. All posts require a senior supervisors approval before posting.



Tactic: Humans of Kofenya

These posts will be monitored using the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter analytics. This will

allow us to understand the origin of the views, how many views, peak times, demographics,
shares, likes, etc. We will also look at how many people use the hashtag #humansofkofenya,
paying close attention to whos using it and how. The number of total views will be the KPI for
this tactic. The objective is to reach 200 views per post.
2. Tactic: Events
These posts will be monitored using the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter analytics. This will

allow us to understand the origin of the views, how many views, peak times, demographics,
shares, likes, etc. We will also look at how the hashtag #kofenyakommunity is being used, paying
close attention to whos using it, how, why, and when. The number of people on the Facebook
Event and the number of attendees at the event will be the KPI for this tactic. The objective is
to reach 60 attendees per event.
3. Tactic: Snapchat

These posts will be monitored using the Snapchat analytics. This will allow us to see whose
using it, how theyre sharing it and how often its being used. The number of times the geotag
is being used per day will be the KPI for this tactic. The objective is to reach 30 shares per day.

4. Tactic: Social Posts

These posts will be monitored using the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter analytics. This will
allow us to understand the origin of the views, how many views, peak times, demographics,
shares, likes, etc. We will also look at how many people use the hashtag #yourcoffee paying close
attention to whos using it and how. The number of total views and the number of people
buying the special drink will be the KPIs for this tactic. The objective is to reach 200 views per
post and sell 35 special drinks.

5. Tactic: YouTube

These videos will be monitored using YouTube analytics, as well as Facebook and Twitter
analytics. This will allow us to understand the origin of the views, how many views, peak times,
demographics, shares, likes, etc. We will also look at how many people use the hashtag


#yourcoffee paying close attention to whos using it and how. The number of original videos
and the number of shares and views will be the KPIs for this tactic. The objective is to reach 40
original videos in the first month.


We are noting here that this plan is neither static nor complete. Social Media is a constantly growing and
changing area. As we continue to implement our social media plan, we will analyze and evaluate its success
and effectiveness based on the analytics. Tactics with poor performance will need to be analyzed to
understand their failure and amended to assure their effectiveness. We will determine the direction for the
next month campaigns based on the success of the first month.



The budget includes the expense of the pricing of Facebook and Twitter analytics. We are also paying for
the analytics of Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat. Since Kofenya is a small, local shop, we will not need to
pay for paid media. We will simply post on our own social platforms. Salary expense is based on a 3-person
social department, receiving $20 an hour and working 40 hours a week. Total costs of the campaign will be
about $2,900.00, but Kofenya should account for additional money spent for various needs.
Prior to the implementation of the campaign, Kofenya had about 200 customers per day and sold
approximately 7,000 USD per week. The campaign is forecasted to increase sales by $2,100 per week and,
customers by 60 people per day. The campaign is also forecasted to increase social followers by 40% on all
social platforms. The campaign will help Kofenya make $2,100 additional profits per week. The total profit
per week is expected to be $9,100, making the ROI 214% per week.

Analytics (Facebook)


Analytics (Twitter)


Analytics (Intsagram)


Analytics (YouTube)


Analytics (Snapchat)


Social Media Department Salary





The proposed social media community engagement campaign is designed to increase Kofenyas
profits and customer base. Through this campaign we will create a better-defined vision of Kofenya
and their customers. We will break the only for hipsters stereotype and create a large Kofenya
Kommunity made up of the large majority of the Miami and the Oxford communities alike. The
campaigns two main focuses, of creating a more diverse community and highlighting their craft
coffee and beers, will set them apart from their only competitor, Starbucks, as a cozy, local, organic,
community-centered coffee shop. By creating social posts, activities and events that specifically
target our target demographics, Kofenya will be able to succeed in their goals of increasing the
number of active social media followers amongst our target demographics by 40%. And increasing
the number of our target demographic in the shop, purchasing drinks by 30%. The campaign
features a weekly ROI of 214% and the value of a strong customer-base. Kofenya has the
opportunity to become the go-to place for coffee, studying and relaxing with the proposed social
media marketing campaign.


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