General Electrial Mcqs

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01) If 1 A current flows in a circuit, the number of electrons

flowing through this circuit is

0.625 1019
1.6 1019
1.6 10 - 19
0.625 10 - 19
The charge of one electron is 1.6 10 - 19 coulomb. Again 1 A
current means transferring of 1 coulomb charge per one

02) The resistivity of the conductor depends on

area of the conductor.
length of the conductor.
type of material.
none of these.
The resistivity is a property of material, defined as the
resistance between two opposite faces of a cube of a material
of unit volume. That is why resistivity is only the unique
property of material and it does not depend upon the
dimension of any piece of material.
03) The resistance of a conductor of diameter d and length l
is R . If the diameter of the conductor is halved and its
length is doubled, the resistance will be

As per law of resistance, the resistance of the conductor is
inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area i.e. it is
inversely proportional to the square of the diameter of crosssectional area of the conductor. As per same law of
resistance, the resistance of the conductor is directly
04) How many coulombs of charge flow through a circuit
carrying a current of 10 A in 1 minute?
1 Ampere current means flowing of 1 Coulomb charge per
second. That means 10 A current in 1 minute or 60 seconds
implies 10 60 = 600 coulombs.
05) The unit of resistivity is
- metre.
/ metre.

/ m.

06) Instantaneous power in inductor is proportional to the

product of the instantaneous current and rate of change
of current.
square of instantaneous current.
square of the rate of change of current.
temperature of the inductor.
The instantaneous voltage across the inductor is expressed
as the product of inductance and rate of change of current
through it. Power is expressed as the product of current and
voltage. Hence instantaneous power in an inductor is
proportional to the product of instantaneous current and rate

07) The voltage induced in an inductor is represented as,

product of its inductance and current through it.
ratio of its inductance to current through it.
ratio of current through it to its inductance.
product of its inductance and rate of change of current
through it.
The instantaneous voltage across the inductor is expressed
as the product of inductance and a rate of change of current

through it as it doesn't allow any certain change of current

through it. Voltage induced in an inductor is written as
08) Magnetic flux has the unit of
Ampere turn
The unit of magnetic flux is called Weber in honor of famous
scientist Wilhelm Eduard Weber (1804 1891). Magnetic flux
has also another unit named Maxwell. 1 Maxwell = 10 -8
09) If P is the power of a star connected system then what
will be power of an equivalent delta connected system?
None of the above
The power in both of the connections is same either it is
connected in Star or Delta.
10) Which of the followings is/are active element?
Voltage source

Current source
None of these.
Active elements are capable of delivering energy
independently for long time or ideally infinite time. Both
voltage and current source are active element and they can
change energy level of a circuit.
01) Which of the following are the passive elements?
None of these.
When the element is not capable of delivering energy
independently, are called as passive element. Both resistor
and bulb are the passive elements and they can't increase
the energy level of a circuit.
02) Power dissipation in ideal inductor is
A finite value
Internal resistance of ideal inductor is zero. As there is no
resistance, there should not be any dissipation of power. Pure

inductor has no resistive component, so it active power

dissipation is zero.
03) Inductor does not allow the sudden change of
None of the above
Voltage developed across an inductor is expressed by
. Sudden change of current means di will change at
dt 0 (dt tends to zero), so sudden change of current
means infinite voltage. Therefore it is not possible.
04) Capacitor does not allow the sudden change of
None of the above
The expression of current through a capacitor is
For sudden change of voltage infinite current is required.
But practically it is not possible.
Practical capacitor circuit has finite value of time
05) Internal resistance of ideal voltage source is

100 ohms
Ideal voltage source delivers energy at specified voltage,
which is independent of current delivered. So voltage drop is
zero and then resistance is zero. Its internal series resistance
must be minimum to delivered maximum voltage.
06) Internal resistance of ideal current source is
100 ohms
Ideal current source delivers energy at specified current,
which is independent on voltage across the load. The internal
resistance must become very high to deliver maximum
07) Which quantity should be measured by the voltmeter ?

Voltmeter is a high resistance device used for measuring

potential difference or voltage. It must be connected in
parallel for measurement.
08) Which quantity consists of a unit 1KWh ?
1 kWh is the amount of energy used by a 1 kW (1000 watt)
resistance for 1 hour. Energy = Power Time.
09) Which of the following has no units?
Moment of a magnet
Magnetic susceptibility
Magnetic susceptibility is the degree to which a material is
magnetized by an external magnetic field, hence in the SI

system it is dimensionless.
10) Which of the following quantities consists of SI unit as

01) Rms value is defined based on which of the following?
Heating effect
Charge transfer
Rms (Root mean square) value is defined based on heating
effect of wave-forms. The value at which heat dissipated in
AC circuit is same as the heat dissipated in DC circuit is
called rms value, provide both AC and DC circuits have equal
value of resistance and operated for same time.
02) Which of the following defined the average value ?
Heating effect
Charge transfer
Average value is defined based on charge transfer in the
circuit. The voltage at which charge transfer in AC circuit is
equal to charge transfer in the DC circuit is called as average
value of the AC, provided both AC and DC circuits have equal
value of resistance and operated for same time.

03) For symmetrical wave form average value of one full

cycle is
For symmetrical wave form both positive half cycle and
negative half cycles are same. Therefore while finding
average value these two half cycles gets cancelled each
other, so average value for symmetrical wave form is zero.
Actually integrating over a full cycle from 0 to 2 is zero.
04) If a pure inductor is connected across the ac source, the
average power taken by the inductor is
A few watt
100 watt
zero watt
Maximum power
In the positive half cycle of power waveform ideal inductor
takes energy from the source. In the negative half cycle of
power waveform ideal inductor delivers the power to the
source. Therefore net power taken by the ideal inductor is
05) Average power taken by the pure capacitor is

Any of the above
In positive half cycle charging occurs and in negative half
cycle discharging will occur. So net power for an ideal
capacitor over a full cycle is zero.
06) In RLC series circuit R = 2, L = 2mH and C = 1F. Find
the time constant of the circuit?
1 sec
2 msec
2 sec
4 msec

07) Which of the following is not a vector quantity?

Linear momentum.
Angular momentum.
Electric field.
Electric potential.
We know that the electrical potential is E = - V E. It is
nothing but the amount of work needed to get a positive

charge to that spot. It is a scalar quantity because work is

not a vector quantity. However, scalars are allowed to be
negative. The minus sign on the potential does not indicate
the vector direction. A negative potential can be attracted by
a positive potential and repulsed by another negative
08) If conductance increases as temperature increases it is
called as ..........
Negative co-efficient
Positive co-efficient
Both 1 & 2
None of the above
A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) occurs when the
thermal conductivity of a material rises with increasing
temperature, typically in a defined temperature range.
Negative temperature coefficient is called which has decrease
in resitivity when temperature increases.
09) What is mean by flow of electrons ?
Electric current
Conventional flow of electric current is the opposite of flow of

10) Which material has extremely large resistance ?

None of the above
An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electrons
do not flow freely. Insulators have higher resistivity ( 10 15
) than semiconductors or conductors.
01) What is mean by the rate of flow of an electric charge ?
Electric current
Electric potential
Electric resistance
None of the above
The rate of flow of electric charge per unit time is defined as
electric current.
02) What is the unit of potential difference ?

Potential difference between the two points is also known as

voltage. For open circuit it is called potential difference and
for closed circuit it is called voltage. The unit of potential
difference and voltage the S.I. unit is called Volt.
03) Which property is used to oppose the flow of current ?
Poteintial difference
Resistance is the property of a element which opposes of flow
of electric current only the magnitude, whereas inductance
opposes the flow of both the direction and magnitude of
04) What is the value of charge of an electron ?
1.602210-19 Coulomb
1.602210-27 Coulomb
1.602210-8 Coulomb
1.602210-7 Coulomb
Charge of electron is 1.6022 x 10-19 Coulomb.
05) What is the SI unit of electric current ?

None of the above
SI unit of electric current is Ampere.A current of one ampere
is defined as one coulomb of charge going through a given
point per second. It is named after a French mathematician
Andre Ampere.
06) The current through the 2 K resistance ( rest resitances
are all 1 ohm each ) in the circuit shown in diagram
0 mA.
1 mA.
2 mA.
6 mA.
Bridge is balanced i.e node C and D are at same potential. No
current flows through 2 K resistor.
07) What is time period T?
Time taken by an alternating quantity to complete the
(+)ve half.
Time taken by an alternating quantity to complete the a
Time taken by an alternating quantity to complete the
(-)ve half.
Time taken by an alternating quantity to reach the peak

We know that the magnitude of the alternating quantity

varies continuously from the starting point of the positive
cycle to the ending point of the negative cycle. So, the
required time to complete this one full cycle is called as time
period T.
08) What is called the frequency in AC operation?
No. of (+)ve quadrature made per second.
No. of cycles made per second.
No. of (-)ve quadrature made per second.
No. of wave made per second.
Basically, the frequency is nothing but the no. of completed
cycles per unit time.
09) What is the relation between time period T and
T = 1 / frequency.
T = 0.5 / frequency.
T = 0.85 / frequency.
T = frequency.
We know that the frequency is the completed cycles per
second. So, the time is inversely proportional to the
10) What is referred as the average value in AC opearation?

Average of all values of an alternating quantity.

Average of all values of the phase sequences.
Average of all values of the (+)ve and (-)ve half.
Average of all values of an alternating quantity over a
complete cycle.
The average value of an alternating quantity is the average of
all the instantaneous values during one alternation. Since the
alternating quantity increases from zero to peak value and
decreases peak value to zero during one alternation. So, the
average value must be some value between those two limits.
We can determine the average value of an alternating
quantity by adding together a series of instantaneous values
of the alternation from 0 to 180 and then dividing the sum
by the number of instantaneous values used. That
computation would show that one alternation of a sine wave
has an average value equal to 0.636 times the peak value.
01) What is form factor?
Average value / R.M.S. value.
Average value / Peak value.
Instantaneous value / Average value.
R.M.S. value / Average value.
The form factor of an alternating current waveform (signal) is
the ratio of the rms (root mean square) value to the average
value. Here the average value is the mathematical mean of
absolute values of all points on the waveform.
02) Select the wave that has the least value of form factor.

Square wave.
Rectangular wave.
Triangular wave.
Sine wave.
In square wave, the rms value and average value are same
(whatever peak magnitude presents in that square wave).
So, the form factor is equal to 1. But, in other kind of
waveforms (for example, sine, triangle, rectangle, etc), the
average value is less than the rms value. So, the value of
form factor is greater than one. Hence, as compared to other
waveforms, square wave has least value of form factor.
03) What is the frequency of domestic power in India?
50 Hz.
60 Hz.
220 Hz.
70 Hz.
The British system tells that the domestic power supply
range is 230 Volts, 50 Hz. The American system tells that the
domestic power supply range is 110 / 120 Volts, 60 Hz.
Since, we are following the British standard and thus the
frequency of the domestic power in India is 50 Hz.
04) What is apparent power in AC operation?
Product of voltage and current.
Product of rms volatge and rms current.

Product of voltage and current at no load.

Product of voltage and current at full load.
In an AC circuit, the product of rms voltage and rms current
is called as the apparent power. When the impedance is pure
resistance, the apparent power is same as the real power.
But, when the reactance is added, then the apparent power
is greater than the real power.
05) What is the real power in AC operation?
Apperant power cos.
Both option A & B.
None of these.
We know that the product of the voltage and current is called
apparent power and the product of the voltage, current and
power factor is called as the real power. Hence, the real
power is equal to the product of the apparent power and the
power factor.
06) What is called the instantaneous value of an alternating
The value of alternating quantity at any instant.
The value of peak quantity at any instant.
The value of peak current at any instant.
The value of alternating frequency at any instant.

The instantaneous value of an alternating current is the value

of current at one particular instant. The value may be zero if
the particular instant is the time in the cycle at which the
polarity of the current is changing. It may also be the same
as the peak value, if the selected instant is the time in the
cycle at which the current stops increasing and starts
decreasing. There are actually an infinite number of
instantaneous values between zero and the peak value.
07) What is called a cycle in case of AC operation ?
When ac completes the (+)ve half, is called a cycle.
When ac goes through a complete (+)ve to (-)ve, is
called a cycle.
When an alternating quantity completes the ()ve cycle,
is called a cycle.
Option A and C both.
The alternating current changes its magnitude from one
instant to another instant continuously with respect to the
time interval. Basically the cycle in an alternating current is
known as the path of the one half of the positive magnitude
and one half of the negative magnitude that starts from the
starting point and ends on the ending point.
08) The four bulbs of 40 W each are connected in series with
a battery across them, which of the following statement is
The current through each bulb is same.
The voltage across each bulb is not same.

The power dissipation in each bulb is not same.

None of the above.
Under construction.
09) Capacitors for P.f correction are rated in
The power factor correction is nothing but the reducing the
reactive power consumption of an inductive load by
generating the apparent power (or) capacitive power. We
know that the unit of the apparent power is KVAR. So, the
power factor capacitors are also rated in terms of KVAR
10) Among the options which metal has the highest electrical
Stranded aluminium.
Copper has the least resistance value than the other above
mentioned metals. So, it has the highest electrical

01) The field at any point on the axis of a current carrying

coil will be
parallel to axis.
perpendicular to the axis.
at angle of 45 with the axis.
A continuous current in a current carrying coil is divided into
multiple current elements. Using the superposition principle
and the Biot-Savarts law, each discrete element generates its
own magnetic field and when it is integrated with each field
that produces a resultant field and it is aligned parallel to the
axis of the coil.
02) Two straight parallel conductors carry equal currents in
opposite direction. The force between them is
none of above.
When two current carrying conductors are placed parallelly,
there will be a force acting between them. The force is
attractive if direction of currents in the conductor is same and
it is repulsive if the direction of the currents is opposite. This
can easily be explained by right hand rule.

03) While comparing magnetic field and electric circuits, the

point of dissimilarity exists while considering
mmf and emf.
reluctance and resistance.
flux and current flow.
permeance and conductance.
Flow of current in an electric circuit involves continuous
expenditure of energy but energy is needed in a magnetic
circuit only creating the flux initially but not for maintaining
04) A wire 2.5 m long is bent into a square. An current of
100 A flowing through the wire will produce a magnetizing
force at the center of the square, equal to
72 AT / m.
144 AT / m.
196 AT / m.
222 AT / m.
Given data : Wire length L = 2.5 m, Current I = 100 A,
Magnetizing force H = ?. In square, length of each side 2a =
L / 4 a = 2.5 / 8 = 0.3125

05) Magnetism of a magnet can be destroyed by

by inductive action of another magnet.
by all above methods.
The above all methods could destroy the strength of the
06) The mass of the atom is determined by
neutron and proton.
electron and proton.
The mass of the atom is the summation of total mass of
neutrons and protons. We do not consider the electrons since
the mass of an electron is about 1 / 1800 times the mass of
a proton or neutron.
07) The absolute charge of an electron is
- 1.6 10-19 C.
+ 1.6 10-19 C.
1.6 10-19 C.
none of above.
The electrons have always negative charge. Thus, the
absolute charge of an electron is - 1.6 10 -19 C.

08) The fixed circular paths around the nucleus are called
We can call the circular path around the sun as an orbit. Like
that only, nucleus is surrounded by electrons as circularly.
That is why we are calling that fixed circular path as an orbit,
09) Atoms with fewer than 4 valence electrons are
none of these.
Atoms with less than 4 valence electrons will lose electrons to
revert back to the previous full energy level of electrons. This
happens in conductors only.
10) Atoms have no electric charge because they
have an equal number of charged and non charged
have neutrons in their nuclei.

have an equal number of neutrons and protons.

have an equal number of electrons and protons.

01) What is the mass number of an element that has 19

protons, 19 electrons, and 20 neutrons?
The mass number of an element is equal to the addition of
the number of protons and neutrons.
02) The electron is lighter than a proton by a factor of about
The mass of electron is 9.109 10 - 31 Kg, whereas the mass


03) The charge of an electron is

- 1.602 10 - 19 Coulombs.

- 1.675 10 - 27 Coulombs.
- 1.672 10 - 27 Coulombs.
- 9.109 10 - 31 Coulombs.
The charge of an electron is - 1.602 10

- 19


04) The mass of a proton is

1.675 10 - 27 Kg.
1.672 10 - 27 Kg.
1.602 10 - 19 Kg.
1.609 10 - 31 Kg.
A proton carries a positive charge and its mass is 1.672 10
- 27
05) The mass of a neutron of atom is
1.675 10 - 27 Kg.
1.672 10 - 26 Kg.
1.602 10 - 19 Kg.
1.609 10 - 31 Kg.

06) Which of the following is the heaviest?









07) Ampere second is the unit of

Current is transfer electrical charge per second. Therefore
Ampere = coulomb / second hence coulomb = ampere
second or ampere second.
08) A long wire composed of a smooth round conductor runs
above and parallel to the ground (assumed to be a large
conducting plane). A high voltage exists between the
conductor and the ground. The maximum electric stress
occurs at
lower surface of the conductor.
upper surface of the conductor.
the ground surface.
midway between the conductor and ground.
Electric stress is more at between the conductor and ground
(because of capacitance effect). The maximum electric stress

occurs at lower surface of the conductor

maximum field intensity. electrostatics



09) Midway between two equal and similar charges, a third

equal and similar charge is placed, then this third charged
remain in stable equilibrium.
be in unstable equilibrium.
not be equilibrium.
will move out of the field of influence of two charges.
Force on the first two charges is cancel due to the presence
of third charge. But, there is no force to cancel on third
charge. Hence, the system remains in stable equilibrium.
10) If two point charges are denoted by + Q and - Q and
distance between this charges is d, then the dipole moment P
equal to
Q2 d.
Q d.
Q / d2 .
Q2 / d.
If an electric dipole has two point charges +Q and Q
separated by the distance d, then the dipole moment P would
be the product of the charge and the distance.

01) Electric flux in coulombs emanating from any surface of a

cube containing C coulombs of charge at its centre i
Q / 4.
4Q / 6E.
Q / 6.
Q / 6E.

Gausss Law says that the total flux through a closed surface
is equal to the enclosed charge q over 0. The particle is
located at the center, so because of symmetry, the electric
field and thus the flux is the same on any face. So, the flux
through a single face as well as center path is [math] rac{q}
{psilon_0} imesrac{1}{6} = rac{ q}{6psilon_0}[/math]
02) Electric




both of above.
none of above.
The electrical displacement represents the component of an
electric field associated solely with the presence of separated
free electric charges, purposely excluding the contribution of
any bound electric charges in neutral atoms or molecules.
Hence, that should be a vector quantity.
03) A unit tube of flux is known as ____________________
none of above.

Faraday is a famous physicist who expressed the principle of

tube of flux. That is why his name became the unit of tube of
04) The unit of electric displacement vector is
C / m2.
C / m.
C - m.
The electric displacement field is referred as the movement
of charge through unit area. Hence, the unit is C/m 2.
05) A charge which when placed in vacuum from an equal
and similar charge repels with a force of 9 10 3 N, is known
milli - coulomb.
micro - coulomb.
pico - coulomb.
According to the Coulombs law, charge Q = Force
Distance2 / k. If we consider the distance as one then the
charge Q = ( 9 103 ) / ( 9 109 ) = 1 10-6. It is nothing
but the micro coulomb.

06) Voltage applied across a dielectric produces an

electrostatic field 50 times greater than air. The dielectric
constant of the dielectric will be
Because, the amount of electrostatic field is directly
proportional to relative permittivity. This relative permittivity
is also called as dielectric constant.
07) ___________________ at a point may be defined as
equal to lines of force passing normally through a unit crosssection at that point
Electric intensity.
Magnetic flux density.
Electric flux.
None of the above.
The force experienced by a unit positive charge placed at a
point and its direction is the direction along which the force
acts. This is called as Electric intensity. This production of
force would pass through a unit cross section at that point.
08) Electric field intensity ( E ) at any point in an electric field
is equal to
potential gradient.

( potential gradient )2.

( potential gradient )1/2.
( potential gradient )1/3.
The total electric field at any point is equal to the vector sum
of the separate electric fields that each point charge would
create in the absence of the others. That is,
The electric field is nothing but the potential gradient of that
particular point.
09) The lines of force due to charged particles are
always straight.
always curved.
sometimes curved.
none of above.
The right hand rule can be used to determine the direction of
the force on charged particles. It looks always curved lines.
10) The ability of charged bodies to exert force on one
another is attributed to the existence of
electric field.

The movement of electrons only can create the force on

charge. And it would exert force on another one nearby
charge also.
01) An electric field line and an equipotential surface are
always 90.
always parallel.
inclined at any angle.
none of above.
For parallel conducting plates like those in a capacitor, the
electric field lines are perpendicular to the plates hence they
are parallel to each other and the equipotential lines are
parallel to the plates.

02) Which of following is not a vector?

Linear momentum.
Angular momentum.
Electric potential.

Electric field.
An electric field E is related with the electric potential is
defined through the expression E = . Hence, it is not a
vector. It is a scalar product.
03) The ratio of electric flux density to electric field intensity
is called ......... of medium
Because, = D / E Here, D is electric flux density and E is
electric field intensity.
04) The value of E within the field due to a point charge can
be found with help of
Faradays law.
Kirchhoffs law.
Lenzs law.
Coulombs law.
Coulombs law is only one law that deals with electric charge.
The Faradays Law and Lenz Law are deals with
electromagnetic systems and Kirchhoffs Law is deals with
electric circuits.

05) To prevent the generation of static charges on rubber or

flat leather
surface is moistened.
conductive dressing is done.
oil compound dressing is done.
talcum powder is sprayed on the surface.
Static electricity is caused by the movement of electrons
when two dissimilar substances are separated. But, the
conductive dressing system would not allow them to separate
with each other.
06) The electric field at a point situated at a distance d from
straight charged conductor is
proportional to d.
inversely proportional to d.
inversely proportional to d2.
none of abov.
The electric field at a point if the conductor length is infinite
is as follows;

Hence, the electric field is inversely proportional to distance

07) The presence of an uncharged conductor near a charged
one increases the

charge of the charged conductor.

capacity of the charged conductor.
potential of the charged conductor.
all of the above.
The presence of an uncharged conductor near a charged
conductor would make a condenser or a capacitor. Whenever,
the charge increases then the capacity of the charged
conductor would also increase.
08) Which field is associated with the capacitor?
Both of (A) and (B).
None of above.
Capacitor has dielectric medium with it. In dielectric medium,
there would be a chance to create an electric field.
09) The electrostatic force between two charges of one
coulomb each and placed at a distance of 0.5 m will be
36 106 N.
36 107 N.
36 108 N.
36 109 N.

10) Which of the following expression is correct for electric

field strength?
E = D2.
E = D.
E = D2 / .
E = D / .
In a dielectric material, the presence of an electric field E
causes the bound charges in the material to slightly separate.
Hence, the electric displacement field D is defined as D = E
. electrostatics
01) An equipotential surface is one which has all points at
_____________ potential.
none of them.
02) XEROX machine is working on
magnetic effect.



electrostatic effect.
heating effect of cuurent.
peltier effect.
The process is to spray the electric charge upon the
semiconductor surface, and flash the image which would
copy and the ink would permanently stick due to the hot
pressure from the semiconductor surface. electromagnetics
03) A positive and a negative charged are initially 50 mm
apart. When they are moved close together so that they are
now only 10 mm apart, the force between them will be
5 times smaller than before.
5 times greater than before.
25 times larger than before.
10 times greater than before.
The attraction force between a positive and a negative
electric charge is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between their center.electrostatics
04) When a dielectric is placed in an electric field the field
reduce to zero.
remain unchanged.

An applied electric field would polarize the material by

orienting the dipole moments of polar molecules. This
dielectric medium decreases the effective electric field
between the plates and it would increase the capacitance of
the parallel plate structure. electrostatics
05) For dielectrics flux is proportional to
potential difference between electrodes.
resistivity of medium.
rate of change of potential difference.
rate of change of current.
We know that the formula for capacitance is C = Q / V, this
becomes Q = C V. Hence, this expression is clearly says
that the dielectric flux or charge Q is directly proportional to
potential difference V. electrostatics
06) An electric field can deflect
alpha particles.
X-rays are EM waves and they would not be deflected by
electric field. Neutrons are not charged. Alpha particles are
charged. Thus, alpha particles could be deflected by electric
field, because only charged particles could interact with
electric field. electrostatics

07) The electric field on a plane is decribed by V = 20 [ (1 /

r) + ( 1/r2) ]. The field due to
a dipole.
a monopole.
a dipole and a monopole.
none of above.
The above expression shows that the dipole field varies as ( 1
/ r )2 and the monopole field varies as ( 1 / r). Hence, the
field produces due to the presence of both dipole and
monopole. electrostatics
08) Electric field inside a hollow metallic charged sphere i
increasing towards centre.
decreasing towards centre.
none of above.
Inside a hollow metallic charged sphere, that will not allow
the outside electric field because of the charge separation of
electrons and holes at the surface of sphere and creating an
equal and opposite field. Hence, the electric field inside a
hollow metallic charged sphere is zero. electrostatics
09) Unit of electric flux density is

farad / meter.
coulomb / meter2.
weber / meter2.
We know that the tube forces radiating from a charged body,
which are also referred as electric flux, is equal to the total
charge of the body. The amount of radiating electric flux
through the unit surface area is known as electric flux
density. Hence, the unit of electric flux density is coulombs /
m2. As the unit of charge is coulomb.electrostatics
10) The number of Faraday tubes of flux passing through a
surface in an electric field is called
electric charge density.
electric field intensity.
electric flux.
magnetic flux density.
The tubes of flux passing per unit area through a medium are
supposed to be the electric displacement of that that
dielectric medium. In this case, they referred to as the
electric flux.electrostatics
01) Electric intensity at any point in an electric field is equal
to the ___________ at that point.
electric flux.
magnetic flux density.
potential gradient.

none of them.
The total electric field at any point is equal to the vector sum
of the separate electric fields that each point charge would
create in the absence of the others. That is,
The electric field is nothing but the potential gradient of that
particular point.electrostatics
02) The unit of electric field intensity is
N / C.
N / Ampere.
F / m.
F/ m2.
Electric field intensity is the force experienced by a unit
positive charge by another one charge. Hence, E = F / Q .
Therefore, the unit of electric field is Newton per
03) A 2 m long conductor, carries a current of 50 A at a
magnetic field of 100 10 3 T. The force on the conductor is
10 N.
100 N.
1000 N.
10000 N.
The magnetic of the force on the conductor, F in the case of
conductor of length l meter arranged at right angles to the

magnetic field B tesla and carrying a current I, is given by F

= BIP magnetic field and inductance
04) The energy stored in the magnetic field at a solenoid
10cm long and 4cm diameter wound with 2000 turns of wire
carrying a current at 20 A, is
24 joules.
12 joules.
30 joules.
15 joules.
L = ( N20A ) / L = (( 2000 2000)(4 10 7)( / 4)(16
10 4)) / 0.1 = 0.06 H Energy = ( 1 / 2 ) (0.06) (400) = 12
joules. magnetic field
05) 1 Tesla =
1 wb- m2.
1 wb/ m2.
1 wb .
1 wb/m.
1 Tesla = 1 wb / m2
06) Two parallel plates are separated by a distance of d
meter and voltage pap plied across the is V volts. The field
intensity is given by
V / d.

V d 2.
V d.
The field intensity can be defined as voltage per unit
distance, hence = V d electrostatics and capacitance
07) A conductor of length l meters moves at right angles to a
uniform magnetic field of flux density B = 1.5 T. if the
velocity of revolution of the conductor is 50 ms -1 then
induced e.m.f. in the conductor is
75 V.
0 V.
100 V.
125 V.
e = Blvsin ( = /2) e = Blv = 1.5 1 50 = 75 V
magnetic field
08) The stray line of magnetic flux is defined as
a line vertical to the flux line.
the mean length of a ring shaped coil.
the mean length of a ring shaped coil.
a line of magnetic flux in a non un
The stray magnetic field can cause an unwanted magnetic
field between the magnetic source and the area where they
do not want any stray magnetic field. The unwanted

magnetic fields are usually does not follow the designed

path. magnetic field
09) A rectangular magnet of magnetic moment M is cut into
two places of same length. The magnetic moment of each
place will be
M / 2.
2 M.
M / L.

As shown in the above figure, if we cut the magnet into two

places of same length, then the magnetic moment M also
would divide into two equal values. Hence, the new magnetic
moment of each place is M / 2. magnetic field and inductance
10) The magnetism left in the iron after exciting field has
been removed is known as
residual magnetism.
Whenever we apply the exciting field continuously to one coil,
there is a chance to have some magnetic power left in that
coil and that retains its magnetic properties for a particular

time even if we remove the applied exciting field which is

called residual magnetism. magnetism

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