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Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees

July 20, 2016
Members Present:

Earl Hyers, Chairman

Marie Black
Imogene Mixson
Marian Jenkins
Beverly Raley

Also Present: Sandra Holmes, Library Director

Donna Snell, Bookkeeper
Ebony Horton, The Dothan Eagle
Mr. Hyers called the meeting to order.
Remarks by Chairman. Thanked Marie Black for serving as Chairman in his absence. The
Dothan Eagle recently reported on initiatives of the Dothan/Houston County Library system.
We already have all of these elements in place, with the exception of the Bookmobile. They
have reinstated the book sale area, which we have always offered. In addition, our newsletters
are on-line, on Facebook and in print. Sandra stated that our 5-year and Technology plans
through 2018 are available on-line. Imogene Mixson said we should include the information that
they are available on-line in our newsletter, web page and Facebook page, etc.
Minutes. Per Imogene Mixson, a correction was made to her motion of June 15, 2016, regarding
an employee appreciation gathering. It was amended to read as follows: Dr. Mixson made a
motion to have an employee appreciation gathering for employees. On motion of Marie Black,
seconded by Beverly Raley, the June minutes were approved as amended.
Circulation/Financial Reports. Circulation of materials and attendance are up. This is due to
summer programs for the children that are out of school.
Earl Hyers noted that we are way ahead of the curve on the Pokemon games. We have had
this program for several years. Currently, our Childrens Librarian, Ruth Rosentrater, and her
son are ranked #95 & #96 in Alabama in Pokemon standings. Our final summer reading
program is tomorrow.
Beverly Raley noted that the Ozark City candidates for election held a forum in the library.
Marion Jenkins said that the Concerned Citizens group would host another forum after the close
of the qualifying date.
Earl Hyers said that he had emphasized that the attendance at the library was 3 times the
average attendance at functions in the Civic Center.
Imogene Mixson noted that circulation of printed materials is lower, but on-line and
electronic usage is up. This is the trend in formats.
Earl Hyers said there is a new Harry Potter book being released. Sandra Holmes said we
already have it on order. We try to make the newest releases available as soon as possible. Also,
we have had a good response from the Jr. & High Schools in giving us their required reading list.
We have ordered 10 copies of each book.

Per Marion Jenkins, the most hits on our Facebook page are the articles labeled From the
Director. She asked Sandra to include a summary of information such as the books available for
the required reading in schools.
Earl Hyers said that employment computer usage is currently down. Ft. Rucker is hosting a
job fair to be held at Carroll High School tomorrow.
Regarding finances, Sandra Holmes said that the market is up for the time being and our
money is o.k. for now. The General Fund needs to be closely monitored for funding of our
payroll. Mr. Hyers mentioned that Elaine Land has been out with health problems for a long
while and most likely will be unable to return to work. Her duties have been divided between
two employees and Sandra is working on hiring her replacement.
Imogene Mixson asked what the policy would be to send a gift to Elaine from the Board and
recommended that a plant be purchased to send to her. On motion of Marie Black, seconded by
Imogene Mixon, it was agreed that a potted plant is to be purchased and sent to Elaine with the
cost to be paid by the Board members. The amount is not to exceed $50.00 total. All voted in
Regarding donations, Imogene Mixson stated the importance of knowing where your
individual donations are coming from and that they are not necessarily permanent in nature. The
loss of a major benefactor could be devastating to our budget. We will need to begin to increase
our donations by individuals, families and other sources in the near future and begin contacting
individuals who would be willing to contribute to the library. The library must have more private
support. It has been suggested that a committee be formed to identify and talk with people
regarding this.
Earl Hyers noted that the Rotary Club has not made their annual appropriation to the library,
yet. Also, he requested that in the Library Update Report under Amazon Sales, the total amount
in the account be labeled Amazon Account Balance, since part of the total sales has been spent.
Sandra Holmes said that the Budget has been approved. Letters stating our status and future
needs are being prepared for the Ozark City Council and the Dale County Commission. Dr.
Mixson said that it is very important how we tell our story. Everything we do at the library needs
additional funding, including employee pay raises. A list of library services is being included.
Sandra also said that our copy machine is worn out and needs replacing. We own this
machine, so it can still be used by employees. She has received bids for the lease/purchase of a
new machine and recommends that the Canon bid in the amount of $3,996 be accepted. On
motion of Imogene Mixson, seconded by Marion Jenkins, the Board approved the acceptance of
the bid and to purchase a new copy machine from Canon Solutions, Inc.
Sandra also said that there is a problem with a compressor in the East Wing of the library.
One of the units needs a replacement compressor. Three bids have been received as follows:
$2,700 from Hagler Heat & Cooling; $2,100 from Dew South Air Conditioning & Heating; and,
$1,947 from Woodalls Heating & Cooling. After discussion, Marie Black moved to accept the

bid of Dew South in the amount of $2,100. Motion seconded by Imogene Mixson, all voted in
Sandra Holmes asked Marie to tell about her recent award and recognition. She was awarded
the Local Government Honorary Award at the 2016 Alabama Senior Citizens Hall of Fame
Awards Ceremony held last Sunday in Montgomery. The award was for her work as Mayor of
Ariton and with Senior Citizens. She was presented the award by John McMillan.
Earl Hyers led a discussion of the final report of the LibraryMax consulting firm which
includes their analysis and recommendations. If approved, a final copy will be printed and the
Consultants will meet with the local government officials to present their findings. Sandra
Holmes noted that the book theft protection included in the original report from the architects
had been omitted. She also asked how the statement that the re-use of an existing building can
be more cost effective had been validated. Earl Hyers said that the Consultants had visited the
old WalMart site and discussed renovating it with the architects who drew up the renovations
plans, J. Michael Lee & Associates. Their cost estimate for renovating the WalMart building is
$1.9 million dollars. Mr. Hyers said that rehabilitating an existing building would be approx.
one-half the cost of building a new building.
Another item discussed at length was under the heading Library and Technology. It appears
to state a list of things being planned for our library including a Print on Demand service. It was
requested by the Board members that it be changed to say that this is a list of things available to
libraries so there will not be any confusion over future library services.
On motion of Imogene Mixson, seconded by Beverly Raley, the final report of the
LibraryMax consulting group was approved with the correction to The Library and Technology
heading on page 11 so that it will read that these items are available to, not being planned for,
libraries. All voted in favor.
Earl Hyers gave an overview of the upcoming Dialogues on the Experience of War. He and
Lou Hennies recently attended a three-day workshop at Auburn University. This is being funded
by a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities. Of 99 applications received,
Alabama was No. 1 of 17 approved. Mark Wilson of Auburn University is in charge of this.
This will be a discussion dialogue between war veterans, and we hope to include a broad
spectrum of veterans from different areas of service. In September, October and November of
this year, programs will be presented on World War I. Participants will be given 2 books and a
movie that will be the topic of discussion. In January, February and March of 2017, Lou Hennies
will head the discussions on the Vietnam war. Two books and a movie will also be handed out
ahead of time for discussion. To date, three veterans have committed to the dialogue group.
Sandra will ensure that our public address system is working properly. Questions about the
publics involvement and recording the dialogues are yet to be answered.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held on August 17, 2016.
Respectfully submitted by __________________________
Approved by Secretary ____________________________

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