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Primavera Session Plan

Day ( 2 Sessions each day)

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

Contents to be covered (20 sessions)

Introduction to Primavera with various screens and components, Tools
views , tables etc.
Enterprise Project Structure , Organisational Breakdown Structure, Starting
a new project , Various setting Options , customization of fields
Calendar Preparation , Working with Calendar options, Global Calender ,
Project Calendar, Resource Calender.

Day 4

Work Breakdown Structure , schedule , Constraint , Lag, Lead

Day 5

Assignment , Exam and Assessment (Interim)

Day 6

Resource Planning and preparation for project , Resource Allocation,

Budgeted Cost , Project Cost, Activity Cost, Resource Cost, Baseline

Day 7

Levelling, Group, Filter and Sort, Project Baseline. Updating progress

Day 8

Tracking and Monitoring , S Curve,

Day 9

Reports Generation

Day 10

Assignment , Exam and Assessment (Final)

1. Paul E Harris. Project Planning and Control using primavera p6 , Eastwood harris pvt. ltd. ,
Victoria, Australia.

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