Campaign Final Draft

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The Generators: Erin Brachman, Elle Gargano, Maddy
Gottlieb, Myles Purdom, Taylor Ratkiewicz, Raleigh Seibel

Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................1
Target Audience..................................................................................................................................56
Creative Brief...................................................................................................................................2022
Budget & Rationale .......................................................................................................................2935

The Generators know Cassata Catholic is an excellent school worthy of donations, its about time other people do too.
Cassata Catholic is a reputable high school in the Fort Worth area. This private, Catholic institution is recognized for its abundance of opportunities
given to students in need. Cassata Catholic molds students to be highly driven and motivated to their schoolwork, community and future careers.
In a competitive market, Cassata Catholic seeks to gain an appreciation in the community as well as increasing donations. In order to differentiate itself
from the competition, The Generators will implement a campaign that connects to its target audience. The Generators want Cassata Catholic to breakthrough its ceiling and reach its full potential through targeting males and females ages 30-65 years old living in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
The Generators used a mix of traditional and non-traditional media including for the Cassata Catholic campaign to ensure the target audience is exposed to Cassata Catholics alternative structure and flexible curriculum. Using carefully crafted print and digital advertisements, as well as social media
marketing, The Generators met the needs and interests of the target audience in order to appeal to their lifestyles.


Cassata Catholic is a private, progressive school located in Fort Worth, TX. Two nuns,
Sister Mary Bonaventure and Sister Mary Fulbright, founded the school in 1975.
Cassata Catholic follows a unique teaching style that offers flexible class schedules
enabling each student to have a personalized education.



At Cassata Catholic, 50 percent of its students are Catholic, while 37 percent are
former high school dropouts ( The students come
from various socioeconomic backgrounds, ranging from below the federal
poverty line to upper-middle class. Some students are unable to attend classes
regularly due to pregnancies or diseases, making the schools flexible schedules
appealing and essential to the success of these students. According to Trinette
Robichaux, Principal and President of Cassata Catholic, a portion of the public
views Cassata Catholics non-traditional structure negatively, seeing it only as an
alternative school for criminals or troubled kids.


Serving five different Texas counties, Cassata Catholic faces competition from
its neighboring Catholic high schools, primarily Nolan Catholic High School.
Because Cassata is a non-profit dependent on donations, it struggles to provide
resources and tuition money for its students.

The Generators plan to help Cassata Catholic

by changing the publics perception of
the school as an alternative education for
students. We will do this by highlighting the
student success stories of Cassata Catholic.
The focus will be on targeting current and
potential donors to make a lasting impact on
the school.

Personal student success
Nontraditional structure
Flexible scheduling gives
students the opportunity
to work around their
Program gives students a
second change and guides
students down a path to
Strong faculty and staff
that are passionate about
what they do
Small class sizes
Private school

Lack of concrete
information provided to
Lack of funds to continue
the schools daily
Story is not told effectively
which lacks persuading
donors to make
Faculty positions overlap

We have the opportunity

to tell Cassata Catholics
story in the Fort Worth
community and beyond
Opportunity to improve
their Catholic identity and
capitalize the Catholic in
their name to appeal to the
Dallas-Fort Worth Catholic
To be recognized as a
progressive, instead of an
alternative school
To reach out to
neighboring universities
like TCU as a resource

Public image as
alternative school
Competition with other
Catholic high schools
in Dallas-Fort Worth
Diversity with religious
affiliations (not primarily
Dallas-Fort Worth
community lacks
awareness of the school
Donors questioning
Cassata Catholics level of
religious affiliation






This campaign is targeted towards males and females ranging from ages 30-65 years old living in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The specific target audience
includes potential and current donors and the Catholic community.


Meet Jennifer. Jennifer is a forty-five year old, Catholic female living in Fort Worth, Texas.
She is a graduate of Texas Christian University, and is currently the CEO of a successful
company. In her spare time, Jennifer spends time with her husband of 20 years and
her two children who attend a local Catholic elementary school. Together with her and
her husbands income, the family makes more than $100,000 a year. With her strong
affiliation to Catholicism, Jennifer donates regularly to her church organization and to her
childrens school.
Jennifer regularly attends the Fort Worth Symphony and Broadway at the Bass, as she loves
listening to music and serving to enrich the community. Due to her passion for giving back
to the Dallas-Fort Worth community, Jennifer often stays involved with other philanthropic
causes and organizations.
Her desire to give back to the community and the Catholic Church makes Jennifer the
perfect target for donating to Cassata Catholic High School.


Written Survey
Respondents: Cassata Catholic Students
How to reach: Ask Trinette to distribute paper survey to students/staff
Sample Size: 84
Online Survey 1
Respondent: Current Donors
How to reach: Email through Qualtrics, social media
Sample Size: 67
Online Survey 2
Respondent: Potential Donors
How to reach: Email through Qualtrics, social media
Sample Size: 284
Respondent: Marketing professional at Chaminade College Preparatory
How to reach: Phone
Sample Size: 1


To evaluate the current

perception of the Cassata
Catholic brand, The Generators
developed a brand identity
survey for its students.
Respondents were asked a
series of quantitative as well
as qualitative questions in
order to determine Cassata
Catholics internal brand.
The survey also assessed the
attitudes and emotions that
the students currently hold in
relation to Cassata Catholic.

Sample Size: 84
Research Objectives
Find out how the students at Cassata Catholic feel
toward attending the school
Uncover stories of students at Cassata Catholic
that might persuade or influence a donor to
contribute money
Research Questions
What is the brand personality the students
associate with Cassata Catholic?
What are the emotions that students identify with
Cassata Catholic?

*Refer to Appendix

What The Survey Told Us

Through the brand identity survey for current students, The Generators gathered insightful information regarding how Cassata Catholic students view the
school. The survey responses identified that Cassata Catholics main brand archetype is The Nurturer, with a sub-archetype of The Explorer. Knowing this, The
Generators were able to create a campaign highlighting these positive attributes.

The Nurturer
Motto: Love your neighbor as yourself
Goal: To help others
Strategy: Does things for others, servant, focuses on others not self
Symbols: The Saint, The Parent, The Helper, The Supporter, The Advocate
The students describe Cassata Catholic as a helpful, caring and supportive environment, made by
the teachers and administration. The Nurturer brands main concern is taking care of others and
being an advocate for those who need support.
The talents of The Nurturer brand are compassion and generosity, which aligns with the
adjectives that Cassata Catholic students used to describe the teachers and staff. Students
described positive feelings about the mentoring program and other activities that bond the
students to the school. Seventy-two percent of students reported there was a strong school spirit,
a trait that can be attributed to the environment of acceptance the faculty creates for its students.
When asked about Cassata Catholics mascot, Principal Trinette Robichaux expressed that if she
could choose, she would select a saint because the school aims not just to create scholars but
saints as well. This nurturing environment lets students know they are cared about as people not
just as students.
The Nurturer brand personality can be seen as an asset to Cassata Catholic, as non-profit and
charitable causes often gain a competitive advantage.

The Explorer
Motto: Dont fence me in
Goal: To experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life
Strategy: Journey, seeks out and experiences new things, escapes boredom
Symbols: The Trailblazer, The Pioneer, The Adventurer, The Individualist
The Explorer sub-archetype effectively describes the student population of Cassata Catholic.
Students come from various experiences that make them unique and different. Where other
schools might encourage students to conform and learn in the same way, Cassata Catholic
embraces its students differences, making them an asset rather than a problem. Seventy
one percent of students reported that flexible schedules and small class sizes are the most
important aspects of their experience at Cassata Catholic. This data speaks to the Explorers
appreciation and need for independence and self-knowledge. It also speaks to Cassata Catholics pioneering nature and expanded learning possibilities in and
outside of the classroom.
The Takeaway: Previously, Principal Trinette Robichaux mentioned some individuals in the community negatively view Cassata Catholic because they see it as
an alternative school. However, The Generators believe theyll be able to reverse this perception through the tactics they have created, which speak to Cassata
Catholics Explorer brand personality have created, Cassata Catholic will be
Many students reported that they would not be in school without the help of Cassata Catholic and in general that their life condition would be significantly
different. One student expressed through the survey that she would probably be struggling with my classes and Id still be hopeless. Cassata believed in me
when I didnt believe in myself.

Major Emotional Themes:

Kindness: Students identified their friends, faculty and staff at Cassata Catholic as caring individuals who are supportive and encouraging.
Savior: Without Cassata Catholic, many students expressed that they wouldnt be as successful as they are now and be provided with endless opportunities for
Inspiration: Many students expressed that attending Cassata Catholic has made them more confident in their ability to achieve their goals. Cassata Catholics
nurturing teachers encourage students to believe in themselves and reach their full potential.

Current Donor Survey:
Sample Size: 67
Research Objectives
To gain understanding of donors perceptions of Cassata
To further understand the factors that motivate people to
Research Questions
Why do individuals in the Fort Worth metroplex donate to
Catholic High Schools (specifically Cassata Catholic)?
What are the key factors that motivate individuals to
donate to specific causes?
What connection, if any, do donors feel to Cassata
*Refer to Appendix

The Generators sent out a

survey to Cassata Catholics
list of current donors. Current
donors were asked questions
about their donating habits
and motivations. They were
also asked to describe their
perception of Cassata Catholic
and their experience donating
to the school. The goal of the
survey is to gain insight into
the minds of current donors,
and to learn more about them,
what motivates them to donate
and their current feelings
toward Cassata Catholic.

What The Survey Told Us


Gender: 48 percent females, 32 percent males

Religious Affiliation: 48 percent Catholic
Age: Range from 25-84 years old. 40 percent were 45 and 54 years old
Race: 77 percent were Caucasian, 13 percent Hispanic, 6 percent African American, 2 percent Pacific
Islander, 2 percent other
Annual Income: 27 percent had an annual income of $150,000 or more

Feelings Towards Cassata Catholic

When asked what words they associate with Cassata, the top responses were unique, life changing,
innovative, effective and caring. From this, The Generators conclude that current donors have a
positive perception of Cassata Catholic and see the school as a nurturing place where students lives
are transformed.

Preferred Channels

Email:83 percent prefer to receive updates about Cassata Catholic through email
Facebook: Social media channels, particularly Facebook, are informational and easy to access
Online Submission: 56 percent of respondents ranked online submission as the most convenient way
to donate.



According to respondents, 31 percent of Cassata Catholics current donors, reported that they donate because they feel a sense of community.
In addition, 100 percent of donors reported that they donate to Cassata Catholic because of other reasons, such as, they believe in the
organization and its principles, they feel it is a good cause and that it helps future generations. This information tells The Generators that a
good starting point with donors is to emphasize Cassata Catholics values and mission which are at its essence. The Generators research also
found that the schools Catholic affiliation had very little impact on 67 percent of Cassata Catholics current donors while 27 percent reported
that it was very impactful. Knowing this, The Generators see a divided target audience in the area of religion. Therefore, Cassata Catholic
should be aware of this split during its communications.

Through research, it was found that individuals donate to Cassata Catholic for a few main reasons:


When asked how respondents became a donor, the majority answered that they were personally connected to the school. Eighty-one percent of respondents said they have a firsthand
experience with Cassata Catholic and this influenced them to donate. Specifically, this included individuals who were alumni or had family members who worked at Cassata Catholic. It also
included those who were impressed with the school after learning about Cassata Catholic through outside organizations, such as volunteer programs. One respondent went so far to vocalize
that they were able to see the direct impact of their donations come to life because It is published and visible when you visit the school. This appears to be a common theme for Cassata
Catholics donors, as 88 percent of respondents shared that they know the impact their donations have on the life of students.

Religious Affiliation

Of the current donors, 48 percent identify themselves as Catholic. The next highest religious affiliation is Protestant being 17 percent. While the majority of the sample size falls into these
two categories, close to a third of respondents identified their religion as other (15 percent) or stated that they have no religious preference (15 percent).

The Do Good Feeling

While many respondents expressed that they are willing to donate because of religious ties, 88 percent of respondents were motivated to donate when they felt that their donations are
making an impact on the community. While 75 percent of respondents shared that they were aware of other Catholic affiliated high schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, namely
Nolan Catholic High School, 56 percent said that they choose to donate to Cassata Catholic because it gives them a sense of community. Other donors expressed through the survey that
they give to Cassata Catholic, because its a good cause, to help those in need, and to help the future generation. From this, The Generators conclude that when giving back, donors are
likely to make a contribution when it gives them a sense of belonging and helps people in need.


Potential Donor Survey:

The Generators and account

planning team developed a
survey to send out to potential
donors (individuals within our
target audience who have not
donated to Cassata Catholic).
The goal of this survey was to
gain insight from the minds
of potential donors, examine
what motivates them to
donate, what types of causes
or organizations they already
donate to, and their awareness
of and current feelings toward
Cassata Catholic.

Sample Size: 284

*Refer to Appendix

What The Survey Told Us


According to respondents, a majority of potential donors, 57.4 percent, reported that they had donated in the past based on a personal connection he or she had to the organization or
cause. Research also found that 86 percent of potential donors tend to donate towards non-profit organizations, 55 percent donate to schools, 54 percent to religious organizations and
28 percent to hospitals. Overall, every potential donor who answered the survey had donated to some form of organization or cause in the past. The highest percentage of respondents, 44
percent, reported they would be more willing to donate to an organization through fundraisers, while fewer responded that they felt personal meetings, mail, parties/events or auctions
were the best environments for donation. When evaluating how frequently survey respondents tend to donate, research found 46 percent of potential donors donate two to six times per
year, whereas 21 percent donate two or more times per month. Lastly, the majority of respondents, 30 percent, answered that they tend to donate $100 to $499 to the specific organization
or cause that they choose. After analyzing the surveys data, the Generators discovered the target audiences motivation to donate and were able to create a campaign tailored to that.

Potential Donor Demographic

Demographics were collected from donors that have made contributions to various organizations or causes in the past. Respondents consisted of 75 percent females and 25 percent males.
Of the respondents, 74 percent were residents of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. While 12 percent were aware of Cassata Catholic, 87 percent were not and 1 percent were unsure.
In addition, 22 percent of respondents were of the Catholic faith and a 58 percent were affiliated with Christianity. This demonstrates that the majority of our sample size have some sort
of a religious connection, sharing similar values to Cassata Catholic. Respondents ages ranged from 25 to 75, with 50 percent between the ages of 35 and 54. As for ethnicity, 85 percent
of respondents were Caucasian and 65 percent of respondents had graduated from college or earned a postgraduate degree. Lastly, 44 percent of respondents earn an annual income
ranging from $100,000 or more.



Preferred Channels
Potential donors shared that they prefer these various social media channels to
receive general information regarding the organizations they follow. However,
for more specific updates on the organization and changes that are being made,
they prefer email. Overall, the strong use of social media and email correlates with
potential donor preferences to donate online, with 52 percent of respondents
claiming that online submission is the easiest way to donate.


The Generators conducted a

phone interview with marketing
professional Patricia Fernandez
from Chaminade College

Sample Size: 1
Research Objectives: The main objective of this exploratory research was to

talk to a marketing professional at a religiously affiliated high school about her

experience. The goal was to gain insight into fundraising strategies that have
worked and have not worked. Additionally, the questions aim to discover what role
(if any) religion plays in collecting donations and whether or not Cassata Catholic
could benefit from a similar marketing strategy.

What The Interview Told Us

Social Media

Suggested that for smaller brands social media should be used frequently.
Great opportunity for storytelling: Humans of New York example gives insight into the powerful stories of Cassata Catholic.

Creating Awareness

Suggested that social media be utilized because it is inexpensive, effective and reaches a widespread audience.
Collateral material needs to be cohesive: Brochures, website, video, etc. need to have a common theme that people identify with Cassata Catholic.
Hosting events can be beneficial but the cost cannot outweigh the benefit. Events can be expensive to host so waiting until the brand awareness has been
established before hosting any type of event is a good idea.

*Refer to Appendix


Campaign Objective

To increase long-term donor relations and awareness of Cassata Catholic among our target audience.

Advertising and PR
Increase monetary donations by 35
percent in 2017
To form an emotional bond between
our target audience and Cassata

Reach members of our target
audience through use of a
diversified media mix


Advertising and PR
Integration of a social media
Ad space in event programs and
Online banner advertisements

In this media plan, The Generators decided to allocate the majority of this budget to traditional media in order to reach the
largest audience. The use of non-traditional media is not slim, however, as the $700 spent in that category will have a large
impact. The remaining money is reserved for the contingency budget or safety net.




01 02 03



By defining a distinct target audience,

The Generators will increase donorship
and awareness of Cassata Catholic
through the integration of a strategic
and creative campaign. In addition,
The Generators want to reinforce an
emotional connection between the
target audience and Cassata Catholic in
order to achieve campaign goals.

The campaign seeks to transform the minds

of the target audience to view Cassata
Catholic as a progressive, philanthropic,
Catholic education that prepares kids for
college and beyond. We want the target
audience to build rapport with Cassata and
fully understand the lasting impact the
donors are making in the lives of Cassata
Catholic students and ultimately increasing
long-term donor relations.

This campaign is targeted towards males

and females ranging from ages 30-65
years old living in the Dallas-Fort Worth
metroplex. The specific target audience
includes potential and current donors and
the Catholic community.



Overall the target audience is not aware

of Cassata Catholic and its endless
opportunities to provide a second chance
for students to succeed and reach their full

05 06


With a tight budget based solely on

donations, The Generators believe that
marketing Cassata Catholic through
traditional media such as play bills
for shows and placements in the local
newspaper would be most beneficial
because these are places our target
audience may frequent. In addition, nontraditional media will be implemented to
gain an online presence through online
banner advertisements and social media.

When reflecting on the success

stories of Cassata Catholic students
consistently vocalize how the school has
made a lasting impact on their future.
Students have continued to prove their
determination and courage through their
accomplishments even after graduating.
Through various surveys and a phone
interview The Generators were able
to evaluate and analyze the current
perception of Cassata Catholic. From this
we have gained key insights into the
minds of Cassata students and donors,
therefore developing a campaign from the
inside out.



The Generators campaign seeks to establish and strengthen relationships between Cassata Catholic High School and its current and potential
donors. Based on research findings, The Generators have implemented a social media campaign utilizing Instagram and Facebook tailored
to target audience preferences. In addition to social media, The Generators developed a series of advertisements to reach target audience
members. These advertisements include a banner ad in TCU 360, a newspaper ad in the Fort Worth Star Telegram and playbill ads in the Fort
Worth Symphony Orchestra and the Broadway at the Bass. These advertising tactics will increase awareness of Cassata Catholic and will develop
a stronger relationship between the school and the community. In establishing a greater brand presence and a connections with donors, this will
lead to an increase in monetary donations.


Cassata Catholics current Facebook page is used to communicate
upcoming events and to post internal updates within the school
community. The Generators believe that by establishing a deeper
connection and building rapport, donors will be able to gain a
further understanding of the impact that Cassata Catholic makes on
its students.




From The Generators research, potential donors expressed that they

prefer to keep up-to-date with various organizations and causes
through Facebook. Therefore, The Generators created a Students
of Cassata Catholic Facebook page to showcase the many student
and faculty members of Cassata Catholic and to share their stories.



This page includes aesthetically pleasing pictures of students,

the school community and the faculty and staff, accompanied by
direct quotations from them as captions. The Students of Cassata
Catholic Facebook page gives followers in the community an
inside look at the school, engaging them and enticing them to want
to make a difference through donations.


The link to the Facebook page is displayed on the main Cassata

Catholic Facebook page as well as throughout other marketing
materials in order to gain more exposure.


Although Cassata Catholic currently holds an Instagram account, it has failed to reach its full potential by gaining
exposure and engagement within the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The Generators believe that with relevant and
interesting content, along with the success of the Students of Cassata Catholic High School Facebook page, followers
will be led to the Cassata Catholics Instagram page. Through a transformation in both content and visuals of the current
Instagram account, the new account will gain a following and be used as a form of engagement with the community of
donors. The new account will consistently update followers on everyday activities, the life of the school and how donor
involvement significantly transforms the lives of students.


Banner Advertisement
The Generators campaign will use social media accounts in order to gain more exposure, give the audience a deeper look into the school
and drive individuals to the website. Banner advertisements aid in raising brand awareness, recognition and establishing a presence in the
minds of target audience members. The Generators have produced a 728 x 90 pixels banner advertisement on the TCU 360 website in order
to reach the Texas Christian University alumni community. The banner advertisement is visually appealing and will entice individuals to click
on it to learn more about Cassata Catholic. In turn, this acquisition could lead to a potential donation.


Newspaper and Playbill

The Generators created advertisements for the Fort
Worth Star Telegram, the Fort Worth Symphony
Orchestra, and the Broadway at the Bass, in order
to heighten exposure in the Fort Worth community.
Using these outlets, affluent members of Cassata
Catholics target audience will be reached. A total
of 15 advertisements will be implemented in the
Fort Worth Star Telegram during the spring season
in order to spread Cassata Catholics message and
to increase monetary donations. In addition, a
page advertisement will be placed in the Fort Worth
Symphony Orchestra and the Broadway at the Bass
playbills during the entirety of the season. In doing
so, a target audience that is well-connected in the
community and that has the means to donate to
Cassata Catholic will be reached.




Traditional Media - $3,795 (75 percent)
Non-Traditional Media - $700 (15 percent)
Contingency - $415 (10 percent)

To make an impression on over 700,000 potential donors
To implement a media mix consisting of traditional and non-traditional media that will make an impact on the audience


With a budget of $5,000, the Generators will advertise and connect with the larger target audience
There will be heavy emphasis on the Holiday season due to the increase in show selection at Bass Hall in Fort Worth, Texas
In the spring months, advertising will stay heavy up with placements in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and TCU 360 online



Category 1 Consists of the November, December, January and February months. Through placements at Broadway at the Bass, The Generators will
make an impression on 320,000 potential donors.

Category 2 Consists of the March, April, May and June months. Through placements in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and TCU 360 online, The
Generators will attract a slightly different audience with an additional 402,900 impressions.

Category 3 Consists of the July, August, September and October months. There will be no advertising (0 percent) during these months amounting

to no additional impressions. Through a phone conversation with Bass Halls Media Director, Mike Eskew, it was discovered that the majority of donorworthy viewers will not be attending shows during this time; therefore, advertising will not be optimal.




Rationale: In this media plan, The Generators decided to allocate the majority of this budget in traditional media in order to reach the most effective audience.
The use of non-traditional media is not slim, however, as the 35 percent spent in that category will have a large impact. The remaining money is reserved
for the contingency budget or safety net. Through analysis of the Bass Hall and Fort Worth Star-Telegram media kits as well as a phone conversation with an
employee of TCU 360, The Generators found that traditional media is more expensive and has a stronger reach; therefore, more of the budgets allocation is
traditional rather than non-traditional.






If 10 percent of the 725,000

impressions donate an average of $15
to Cassata Catholic, this media plan can
help generate upwards of $1,087,500
for Cassata Catholic.





What: Online banner ad
Time: 3 months
Cost: $2,100

What: 15 ads
Time: Spring season
Cost: $1,485



What: 1/4 page
Time: Entire season
Cost: $2,895

What:1/4 page ad
Time: Entire season
Cost: $2,895


Through doubling the advertising budget to $10,000, including a contingency budget of $625, The Generators will gain 1,042,900 impressions. If 10 percent of
those impressions donate $15 to Cassata Catholic, this optional media plan can help generate upwards of $1,564,350 for Cassata Catholic.



The Generators main objective of the Cassata Catholic campaign is to use various strategies and tactics to form an emotional bond between our
target audience and Cassata Catholic High School in order to increase monetary donations by 35 percent in 2017.
Before implementing the campaign for Cassata Catholic, The Generators will distribute a pre-test survey, otherwise known as a benchmarking
survey. This survey will assess current brand awareness, attitudes of Cassata Catholic from students and donors, as well as donor motivations. The
responses from the pre-test will give The Generators a benchmark on which to assess the post-test at the end of the campaign. These pre-test scores
will be used to evaluate the campaigns effectiveness of reaching its objectives.
Upon completion of the campaign, The Generators will implement an evaluation plan in order to assess the success in achieving the primary
objectives. The success of the campaign will be determined based on three measurable factors:

Brand Awareness


Research derived from the Current Donor Survey, the Potential Donor Survey and the phone interview with PR Professional,
Patricia Fernandez, from Chaminade College Preparatory emphasized the importance of having a strong social media presence
when creating and increasing awareness of a brand. Social media provides a large platform available to a variety of people at
a low cost, which is ideal for a non-profit like Cassata Catholic. In order to do this, The Generators created a Students of Cassata
Catholic Facebook page as well as a new and improved Instagram account, to tap into Cassata Catholics storytelling potential.
Once the social media outlets are published, The Generators will evaluate where the majority of the social media followers are
located to determine how widespread Cassata Catholics influence has become. The Generators will also look at the different types
of interactions (comments, likes, shares) that followers are having with the social media outlets. The Generators will continuously
engage with followers that are actively participating in the conversation on these platforms by either commenting or sharing
rather than simply liking or reading. The Generators will also place banner advertisements on the TCU 360 website to create
local awareness. In addition, print advertisements will be placed in the Fort Worth Star Telegram and the Fort Worth Symphony/
Broadway at the Bass playbills to increase awareness to the greater Fort Worth area. These impressions will be evaluated based on
total impressions and data such as CTR (click-through-rate).

Telling a personalized story of Cassata Catholics students creates a positive image in the eyes of the target audience. Through The
Generators research, Cassata Catholics brand is personified in the archetypes of The Nurturer and The Explorer. To assess these attitudes,
The Generators will conduct a pre and post-test of our multiple populations: the students, and the current and potential donors. Evaluating
the attitudes of the students after The Generators campaign will speak to whether or not the campaign is encouraging students to form
school pride and identity, which would help Cassata Catholic to brand themselves in the marketplace. In addition, a post-test will be sent to
both current and potential donors to assess whether or not donor attitudes have changed, what that change has been and why.



The end goal of The Generators campaign is to increase the amount of annual monetary donations that Cassata Catholic receives.
With this being said, the amount of money that Cassata Catholic receives through donations after the campaign is implemented
will be a key point to assess the success of the campaign. Analyzing the amount of monetary donations will demonstrate whether
or not the campaign has an influence on the amount of donated dollars. The Generators will also look more closely into who
donated and if these donors are contributing more money after the campaigns end. The Generators will also assess the impact of
the campaign by asking donors what influenced them to donate and if the campaign has any part in that.


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Brachman, E., Seibel, R., Gargano, E., Purdom, M., Gottlieb, M., & Ratkiewicz, T. (2016, February 28). [Potential Donor Survey]. Unpublished raw data.
Eskew, M. (2015/16). Bass Hall Performing Arts Publications [Media Kit]. Fort Worth, Texas.
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Mintel. (2014). Cause Marketing - US - November 2014. Retrieved February 9, 2016 from Mintel database.
Mintel. (2015). Hispanic Millennials - US - February 2015. Retrieved February 9, 2016 from Mintel database.
QuickFacts. (n.d.). Retrieved February 08, 2016, from
QuickFacts. (n.d.). Retrieved February 08, 2016, from
Tarrant County, Texas (TX) Religion Statistics Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved February 08, 2016, from
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TCU 360. (2016). TCU Student Media Advertising. Retrieved February 21, 2016, from


Survey for the Students of Cassata Catholic High School
This is a survey for the current students of Cassata Catholic High School. The goal of this survey is to obtain information regarding the students perception and attitudes of Cassata
Catholic High School. The information you give will only be used in relation to this particular survey. Your answers will be kept confidential. By signing your name at the bottom
of this page you are voluntarily participating in this survey. You can at any time withdraw from the survey without any penalties. If in any case you should need a point of contact
please contact Erin Brachman at 818-577-5091.
Thank you for participating in this survey.
Please answer this question.
I am a current student of Cassata Catholic High School.
a. Yes
b. No
If you answered no to this question please no do complete the rest of the survey. If you answered yes please sign your name at the bottom of the page and continue on to the next
Please describe what motivated you to attend Cassata.
What emotions do you feel toward attending Cassata? (Please rank your top 5 emotions, 1 being the strongest feeling.)
__ Joy
__Anger __Happiness __Disgust __Sadness
__Excitement __Hope

__Courage __Fear __Relaxed __Appreciative __Indifferent

Please use one word to describe your reaction when you were first accepted to Cassata.
Have your feelings changed since you were accepted to Cassata?
Yes, my feelings have changed. Now I feel _____________________
No, my feelings are different
My feelings have stayed the same
What words would you use to describe your friends at Cassata? (Please provide at least 3 words.)
What words would you use to describe your teachers? (Please provide at least 3 words.)
What words would you use to describe the staff? (Please use at least 3 words to describe people on the administration or counselors.)



Cassatas Catholic affiliation is important to your everyday life at school. (Please circle the number of the statement you most identify with.)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Strongly Agree

What activities do you participate in at Cassata that would be considered Catholic or religious?
If Cassata were your friend, what adjectives would you use to describe him/her? (Please name at least 3 adjectives.)

Please rate your level of agreement with this statement. I would recommend Cassata to other students. (Please circle the number of the statement you most identify with.)

I would highly recommend Cassata to other students. I would recommend Cassata to other students.
not recommend Cassata to other students. I would strongly advise other students not to attend Cassata.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

I am not sure if I would recommend Cassata to other students. I would

Please share your favorite Cassata memory. (Please share in as much detail as you can or feel comfortable doing.)
What activities/accomplishments do you feel Cassata has made possible for you (Please check all that apply.)
___Able to graduate high school despite special circumstances (sports, employment, health, family, etc.)

___Go to college

___Get a job after graduation

___Other activities/accomplishments not previously listed: _______________
When I grow up I want to beor in 10 years I see myself doing. (Please check all that apply.)

__Get a job
__ Go to college
__ Start a family
__ Give back to Cassata (time, money)
Other: ____________
How has Cassata influenced your future goals?
I strongly agree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata. I agree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata. I have no feelings about Cassatas school
spirit. I disagree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata. I strongly disagree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


How might your life be different if you had not gone to Cassata?
Rate the following in the order of importance to you. (1 being the most, 5 being the least.)
__Flexible schedule __Small class sizes __Catholic affiliation
__ Personalized structure (classes) __ Personable/ caring faculty

Please rate your level of agreement with this statement: There is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata.

I strongly agree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata.


I agree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata.


I have no feelings about Cassatas school spirit.

I disagree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata.

I strongly disagree that there is a strong sense of school spirit at Cassata.



Current Donor Survey

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Participants may refuse to answer any questions and can stop at any time. Surveys will remain completely anonymous. While risks of
participating in this survey are minimal they do include some upset feelings. There are no right or wrong answers in this survey. Participation is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions
or concerns please email
1. Have you donated to Cassata Catholic High School in the past?

a. Yes

b. No (if selected skip to end of survey)
2.Are you aware of other Catholic schools in the metroplex?

a. Yes, please list the schools the come to mind.

c. Unsure
3. What motivates you to donate to charitable causes? (Please check all that apply)

a. I donate because I was asked to

b. I donate because it gives me a sense of community

c. I donate for religious reasons

d. I donate because charity helped me or someone I know in the past

e. I donate for tax benefits

f. Other, please specify
4. How often do you make a monetary donation?

a. Once every year

b. 2-6 times per year

c. 7-11 times per year

d. Once per month

e. 2 or more times per month
5. What adjectives or words do you associate with Cassata Catholic High School?
6. Does Cassata Catholics founding story influence you to donate to the high school?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I do not know the founding story (if selected, skip to Q8)
7. What do you know about Cassata Catholic High Schools founding story?
8. How did you become a donor for Cassata Catholic?
9. How large of an impact does Cassata Catholics religious affiliation have on your decision to donate?

a. Little impact

b. Somewhat impactful

c. Impactful

d. Very impactful
10. Do you feel like you know the impact of your donations?

a. Yes

b. No (if no skip to question 13)
What do you know about the impact of your donations? (open ended)
How did you find out about the impact of your donations? (open ended)
13. Have you ever had a first-hand experience with Cassata Catholic that influenced you to donate?

a. Yes, please explain

b. No


For the purposes of our project, we would like to know a little more about your communication and media preferences.
14. How do you prefer to receive updates about what is going on at Cassata Catholic?

a. Phone

b. Email

c. Other, please specify
15. Please rank the following social media channels in the order of most to least used. (Note: if you do not use one of the channels listed below, please do not rank it)

a. Facebook

b. Twitter

c. Instagram

d. LinkedIn

e. Other, please specify
16. What other organizations or causes do you make donations to?

a. Hospitals

b. Religious organizations

c. Businesses

d. Cassata Catholic is the only organization I donate to.

e. Other, please specify
17. Please rank your most preferred method to donate from most to least.

a. Online submission (i.e. GoFundMe)

b. Personal check

c. Mailed in check

d. Auction

e. Fundraising events
18. What is your gender?

a. Male

b. Female

c. Prefer not to answer
19. What is your race? (please check all that apply)

a. Hispanic or Latino

b. American Indian or Alaska Native

c. Asian

d. Black or African American

e. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

f. White

g. Prefer not to answer


20. What is your age?

a. 24 years old or younger

b. 25-34 years old

c. 35-44 years old

d. 45-54 years old

e. 55-64 years old

f. 65-74 years old

g. 75 years or older

e. College graduate
22. Which of the following most closely matches your job title?

a. Entry Level

b. Analyst/ Associate

c. Manage

d. Senior manager

e. Director

f. Vice President

g. Senior Vice President

h. C level executive (CIO, CTO, COO, CMO, etc.)

i. President or CEO

j. Owner
23. What is your religious preference

a. Orthodox church such as Greek or Russian Orthodox Church

b. Muslim

c. Christian Scientist

d. Catholic

e. Protestant

f. Mormon

g. Jewish

h. Seventh-Day Adventist

i. Something else (please specify)

j. I do not have a religious preference
24. Which of the following most closely matches your income level?

a. Less than $24,999

b. $25,000 to $49,999

c. $50,000 to $99,999

d. $100,000 or more


Potential Donor Survey

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Participants may refuse to answer any questions and can stop at any time. Surveys will remain completely anonymous. While
risks of participating in this survey are minimal they do include some upset feelings. There are no right or wrong answers in this survey. Participation is greatly appreciated. If you
have any questions or concerns please email This survey will be about making donations. In this survey donations only means monetary donations. By clicking I agree below you are consenting to participate in this survey.

I agree

I do not agree
1. Have you donated to any organization or cause within the past 5 years?

a. Yes

b. No (direct to end of survey)
2. Are you a resident of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex

a. Yes

b. No
3. Are you aware of Cassata Catholic High School?

a. Yes

b. No
4. How did you hear about Cassata Catholic High School? (please be specific)
5. What is your impression of Cassata Catholic High School? (please be specific)
6. Have you ever made a monetary donation to Cassata Catholic High School?

a. Yes

b. No
7. What motivates you to donate to organizations or causes? (please rank in order of (1) biggest motivator to (6) smallest motivator)

a. I donate for tax benefits

b. I donate because charity helped me or someone I know in the past

c. I donate for religious reasons

d. I donate when I have a personal connection to the organization or cause

e. I donate because it gives me a sense of community

f. I donate because I am asked
8. What organizations or causes do you make donations to? (select all that apply)

a. Hospitals

b. Religious organizations

c. Businesses

d. Schools

e. Non-profits

f. Other (please specify)
9. In what environment are you most likely to make a monetary donation in?

a. Fundraiser (i.e. chocolate bars, magazine or other small item sales)

b. Personal meeting

c. Auction

d. Party/ event (i.e. Gala)

e. Phone call

f. Mail


10. Do you feel like you know the impact of your gifts?

a. Yes

b. No
11. What do you know about the impact of your donations?
12. How did you find out about the impact of your donations?
13. On average, how often do you make a monetary donation?

a. Once every year

b. 2-6 times per year

c. 7-11 times per year

d. Once a month

e. 2 or more times per month
14. What time of year do you make most of your monetary donations?

a. January, February, March

b. April, May, June

c. July, August, September

d. October, November, December

e. Little to no change in amount of donations throughout the year

f. Im not sure
15. How much money do you donate per year to external organizations?

a. Under $100

b. $100-$499

c. $500-$999

d. $1,000-$2,499

e. $2,500-$4,999

f. $5,000-$9,999

g. $10,000 or more

h. Prefer not to answer
16. What social media sites do you currently use?

a. Facebook

b. Twitter

c. Instagram

d. LinkedIn

e. Other (please specify)
17. What do you believe is the easiest way to donate? (rank from (1) easiest to (5) hardest)

a. Online submission (i.e. GoFundMe)

b. Personal check

c. Mailed in check

d. Auction

e. Fundraising events
18. What is your gender?

a. Male

b. Female

c. Prefer not to answer


19. What is your race? (check all that apply)

a. White

b. Black or African American

c. American Indian or Alaska Native

d. Asian

e. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

f. Hispanic or Latino

g. Prefer not to answer
20. What is your age?

a. 24 or younger

b. 25-34

c. 35-44

d. 45-54

e. 55-64

f. 65-74

g. 75 or older
21. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

a. Less than high school

b. High school graduate

c. Some college

d. 2 year degree

e. College graduate

f. Some postgraduate work

g. Postgraduate degree

h. Trade/ technical/ vocational training
22. Which of the following most closely matches your job title?

a. Entry level

b. Analyst/ Associate

c. Manager

d. Senior Manager

e. Director

f. Vice President

g. Senior Vice President

h. C level executive (CIO, CFO, COO, CMO, etc.)

i. President or CEO

j. Owner

23. What is your religious preference?

a. Orthodox church (i.e. Greek or Russian Orthodox Church)

b. Muslim

c. Christian Scientist

d. Catholic

e. Protestant

f. Mormon

g. Jewish

h. Seventh-Day Adventist

i. Other (please specify)

j. I do not have a religious preference
24. Which of the following is the closest to your household income level?

a. Less than $24,999

b. $25,000-$49,999

c. $50,000-$99,999

d. $100,000 or more

e. Prefer not to answer


Interview with Marketing Professional Patricia Fernandez

Social media:
- Suggested that for smaller brands social media should be used frequently.
- Great opportunity for storytelling: Humans of New York example gives insight into the powerful stories of Cassata Catholic.
Creating awareness:
- Suggested that social media be utilized because it is inexpensive, effective and reaches a widespread audience.
- Collateral material needs to be cohesive: Brochures, website, video, etc. need to have a common theme that people identify with Cassata Catholic.
- Hosting events can be beneficial but the cost cannot outweigh the benefit. Events can be expensive to host so waiting until the brand awareness has been established before hosting
any type of event is a good idea.
At Chaminade
- Gala is largest event- senior show, middle school now too

Underwriters or major sponsors, ask to be a sponsor at certain levels

Donate items for raffle, baskets and silent auction

Live auction, bigger ticket items, dogs, jewelry etc

Fund in need- take one area ex. financial aid, bring down amount until the whole room agrees to pay certain amount
- Holly berry lunch in boutique, 40 tables, buy a seat and the ladies decorate the table, vendors come in a sell thing, typically more expensive, vendors give back 20%, selling tickets
- Giving Day- 24 hour window where they try to get 750 donors and if they reach it then one family gives $25,000, sent postcard to everyone connected and email blast, video on
social media


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