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August 2nd, 2016

Place of Judgment:

CA 43509
Vancouver BC




The Law Society of British Columbia v. Boyer


Madam Justice Bennett

Appellant appearing:

Marc Pierre Boyer

Counsel for the Respondent:

Place and date of Hearing:

M. Kleisinger
Vancouver BC - April 11, 2016

Seeking remedy to bad rulings under my C'estui Que Vie Trust Redemption offer.

BACKGROUNDER and STATEMENT OF FACTS [as referred to in my Book of Authorities]

OPENING PREMISE: 1st on the significance to this date is what motivates me to file today.
it appears at face value that this date is mentioned in Daniels 12:11 [with some interpretation included]
-the end times- from the time that, , the OBAMAnation [abomination] that causes desolation is set up,
there will be 1290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1335 days, and
then Daniel's vision of the son of man will receive his allotted inheritance - EXPLANATION - From the
time Obama was inaugurated [for his 2nd term] the 1290th day lands on today [Tuesday August 2nd],
and 45 days later is September 17th. [or] it could be March 1, 2020 if it's 1335 days after today.
As to TAB-14: Mr Jon Khan is the lawyer representing the AG, Bill Blair, in a file # S-165441, and he
also appears to be the lawyer for Marc Mayrand and Yves Cote, before and after i filed my complaint
of Madam Justice Bennett's Sec 279 CC violation. Both cases are being pressed simultaneously
therefore he is also connected to this CA 43509 file, and he was also involved in our civil claim to an
Elections Act fraud in VEMP. In all cases, his clients and Mr. Kleisinger are objecting to me having a
right to file anything, because of this 2005 - GAG ORDER. In fact every case of me being denied
access to the courts for the past 11 years is based on administrators like a Registrar or an Assistant to
the Chief Justice enforcing their obstruction with this same criminal ruling. The collective liability of all
these trust violations are so huge as to justify delivering a remedy under this C'estui Que Vie Trust
At face value, the liability created by Madam Justice Bennett on slapping me with this Sec 279
Trafficking in Persons violation [while holding my C'estui Que Vie bearer bond and no Birth Certificate]
is why Marc Mayrand resigned on June 6th, 2016. Everyone acts like i have no right to a civil remedy,
and now any entitlement to any damage award, and frankly that's called rape and slavery. AND it's
apparently, a violation of a Higher Order, or quirks like this co-incidence in timing would not surface.
With this overall Statement of Facts being presented, it is self evident that i can and have filed for a
settlement under my C'estui Que Vie Trust violation that can be settled by September 17th, 2016, yet
no one is responding. So, i'm filing this mandamus to fix this deadlock, under a necessity defence,
and i'll take my chances on whether this case is discredited /dismissed as just another lame OPCA .
The function of this first court date is to establish a ways and means to start acting on my mandamus
[in TAB-9] filed on June 24th, 2016, within in the next 45 days, and never make me leader of people.

A BRIEF SINOPSYS of the chronological case filings pressed in my Book of Authorities.

Madam Justice Bennett's Judgment 6 pages
Basic premise: Had i been in this court as MARC BOYER, would result in a legal status of it
being legal to deny me a right to drop this 2005 Gag Order. BUT i'm a upper and lower case
real human being; i hold no Birth Certificate - In my case, the Gag order was a criminal act,
and she validates it as binding in [point-4] and she is correct in observing that the liability of
lifting this Gag Order was a greater to the courts than my inconvenience of this enslavement
this by itself is a crime because i don't have a Birth certificate, which is irrelevant to her ruling.
ON THIS: My entire religious defence is dismissed as a OPCA. And frankly this new Daniels
12 date is challenging this court's perverted demonic right to enslave bible believing Christians.
In [point-8] it's a violation of Sec 279 (1) CC to dismiss that i have no right to protection from
the Police Act, because Sec 279 CC Trafficking in Person' somehow does not apply to me..
Furthermore: To declare that Sec 336 and 337 CC are irrelevant to to defending my rights
under the Warehouse Receipts Act is a violation of Sec 336 Criminal Breach of Trust.
Furthermore: To state that the Sec 1 of the Charter is irrelevant is a crime of sedition
Bill C-46 as Sec 59 Seditious conspiracy (3) A seditious conspiracy is an agreement
between two or more persons to carry out a seditious intention. [with a Marginal Note ]
Seditious intention: (4) Without limiting the generality of the meaning of the expression
seditious intention, every one shall be presumed to have a seditious intention who
(b) publishes or circulates any writing that advocates, the use, without the authority of
law, of force as a means of accomplishing a governmental change within Canada.
Just because the form as degraded to the point where there are no constitutional trustees left.
does not make it ethical or legal to ignore /dismiss our faith in God, and that why we're seeking
criminal charges and compensation in order to find remedy under the C'estui Que Vie Trust.
AND if this court agrees with this tyrannical ruling, then you're on the wrong side of Dan 11/12
My Courtesy Notice, of April 6th, 2016, and related emails before and after this filing.
Again, this court ruling needs to address the OPCA nature of these correspondences
ON THIS: i assumed that since Mr Kleisinger said nothing in court meant there was no contest
to my verbal and written defences. But this silence only confirms this sedition conspiracy to
violate Sec 279 CC by denying me a right to protest my enslavement under Sec 279 CC
My response to a Perverted Ruling by Justice Bennett of April 25th, 2016 [6-pages]
This filing shows the extent of how vast the Seditious Conspiracy has degraded to. I simply
cannot find a trustee who will act to fix the fact that i cannot find a Trust Act that is not in default
and that was critical in causing Marc Mayrand to hand in his resignation, because he is the
highest ranking trustee in Canada, and is ultimately responsible for these acts being in default.
He is also the warehouseman for Canada [the Queen]; which means he is liable for Madam
Bennett's failing to comply with respecting my Warehouse Receipts Act claim. An argument
can be made that Madam Bennett is not responsible to administer my claim under Sec 336 CC
because JP Kingsley /Marc Mayrand' Gag Order permits her to obstruct this case in any way.
What should be noted is not once in the ruling does she mention that the Elections Act is
irrelevant, [at face value]- they cannot afford to ever let me be free from my enslavement [and
it's always done under this Gag Order]. The reality is that this ruling forced him to resign,
Statement of Facts to Support my Enslavement of May 9th, 2016 [3-pages]
This article is ultimately why Marc Mayrand as warehouseman resigned on June 6th, 2016.
As i understand the protocol, i had to wait 30-days to file a C'estui Que Vie Trust remedy.

Side bar: Marc Mayrand got appointed to this Office because i forced JP Kingsley to
resign. Marc Mayrand resigned for continuing exactly the same abuse 10 years later.
His mandate to Parliament is /was to make the Elections Act a Maritime body. This is
done by assuming it's in quasi Maritime jurisdiction and any complaints are dealt with a
Maritime Law solution, i'm convinced that Elections Canada [EC] has used the past
10-years of me complaining about this or that encroachment of Maritime/like authority,
and this complaint eventually was used as case precedent /reason why, to make a new
Maritime rule. This is just a side-bar but i could provide dozens of times they said yes at
face value to something that made common sense, to just come back and say they've
discussed this and there is now a new rule saying i can't just assume this right anymore
The fundamental problem lies in the fact that under common law 'what is not directly
prohibited cannot be implied' is guaranteed to clash with Maritime Authority, which
comes from insisting that until there is a rule, you cannot assume a right to just be free.
Darcy Delainey [VGMP] v Gregor Robertson Civil Claim, S-165441, filed May 27th, 2016
We are filing to protect the fact that [at face value] somehow since it's not directly permitted to
assume that we hold a centuries old right to 'our no jurisdiction defence' to prohibit the City or
any Maritime Authority from the right to interfere with our landed EDA territorial rights, means
THAT: when, we do so, by applying a positive law initiative under R v Smith [like we are filing]
results where we are the first case law precedent to protect our EDA rights under Sec 279 CC.
Marc Mayrand's Letter of resignation of June 6th, 2016
It starts with he has mixed feelings because he had to resign because he failed to succeed in
one of his mandates [which was fix the trap or not to fall for the same trap as JP Kingsley did]
EXCEPT this time we have this shell game of 'who holds the trust to honour my C'estui Que
Vie Trust obligations? At face value, he abandoned his warehouseman duties at Geoff Regan
Courtesy Notice created by Marc Mayrand Failing to Comply, of June 9, 2016 [2-pages]
At the time of this filing i had not tracked down this letter in tab-6. I filed this upon hearing the
news of his resignation. Again this court needs to address their claim of me being a delusional
OPCA that permits you're imposing inquisition tactics of being guilty until proven innocent.
Courtesy Notice on Marc Mayrand resigning, filed onto Geoff Regan on June 16, 2016
The 1st thing to notice is this Notice to Jody-Wilson-Raybourn, which caught to ire of Jon Khan
Writ of Mandamus served onto Geoff Regan and Yves Cote, June 24th, 2016 [2-pages]
No one responded [as expected] BUT it starts by stating that there is more than one claim.
AND this needs explaining At face value my bearer bond was worth $1-million in 1951.
Under the C'estui Que Vie Trust, because they violated this trust by enslaving me means THAT
Under this UCC law: Title to property while on water [water marking #37300 on my Statement]
results where the terms of the contract to respect my common law rights were violated. This
means that [at face value] i'm entitled to $1-million + 64 years of interest = [about] $18-billion.
To put things in perspective, this is a drop in the bucket in this C'estui Que Vie Trust account.
last such bond existing, therefore this means eventually i have to start as'king' for an offer to
accept a Peaceful remedy that really does accommodate this Daniels 12:11 opportunity /quirk.
Under Sec 336 CC, whoever presides over this ruling really needs to respect my claim that i
choose to entertain, which is by making a charitable act of redeeming all debt in the world,
because in this way - the entire C'estui Que Vie Trust at face value is redeemable + 64 years
interest = Daniels 12/13 of: . then Daniel's vision of the son of man will receive his allotted
inheritance, and again i must insist never make me leader of people [as to Isaiah 2, 3 and 4]

As to point-3 the first requirement from now till September 17th is to settle this offer by using
this case file to announce that the redemption of all debt in the world is real, and you really
should take your chances that God Almighty creates a good first fruit metanoia, and in this way
those who believe that the redeemer has come from Zion [thru this enslavement award under
this C'estui Que Vie Trust] will be saved [so says Isaiah 59] .
Frankly this mandamus is bold to say the least, but ask yourself when will i get a chance like
this again? I actually expected to be hated [defined as] shun ignore want nothing to do with. I
accept that a toned down courtesy notice would have also resulted in being hated.
Let's face it: if you cannot see an opportunity to do good here, then you really have to accept
this rejection as proof that you are in a powerful delusion sent by God [2Thes2], and so will be
destroyed, as the most likely outcome /scenario where this abomination is also mentioned.
The responses from the VGMP filing of June 22 by the City and July 4th for Mr. Khan.
As expressed in the following filings, we object to not being equals before and under the law.
Sec 15 Charter, states that Corporations are not our equals, and this means they are
apparently superior to human beings /residents [in the general public], and inferior /subordinate
to a private individual [like us] who are applying positive law under our Federal political Party.
The City's response to this is to invite us to be all all-capitals corporation and Mr Khan is stating
that DELAINEY, Darcy cannot take Bill Blair to any court. As we see it, both parties refuse to
appear as private individuals [human beings] before Darcy Delainey [as equals] in this case.
Without this, we're denied a right to a fair trial, where the outcome is fix under Sec 126 CC.
This issue will eventually be dealt with in that court file, BUT [as we see it] the answer to this
Sec 15 Charter defence actually falls on this case file to resolve before that case goes to trial.
Courtesy Notice to Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Horacio Gomez of July 5 [1-page]
Because my abnormal birth landed in L.A. results where Jose Gomez is my warehouseman for
the Pope. As expected, they are hating me just like Archbishop Miller in Vancouver has done,
and again i really would be shocked if their twisted Jesuit mindset reacts positively.
As i see it: they are the 2 of the 3 witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 10, representing the
Pope's position on my C'est Moi Que Vie Trust Challenge, and if this Jesuit macabre curiosity
needs to see if Daniels 12 happens before responding with good intent, then so be it.
Courtesy Notice from Your Constituents, served on Jody Wilson Raybourn July 9, 2016
As we see it, here's the 3rd witness of Heb 10. As i see it, the Official response is addressed in
Tab 13 to this service. As i see it, Jody [as our MP], Geoff Regan, and eventually Justin
Trudeau [footnoted in Marc Mayrand's letter Tab-6], are 2 or 3 witness representing the
Queen's interests /trust, in this C'estui que Vie Trust Challenge. Ask yourself, can i go any
higher in the chain of command? [answer: there's one level higher] and they work in camera:
NAMELY: The Queen, the Pope, and Ives Cote who acts as exchequer, [as to Isaiah 2/3/4]
AND remember: never make me leader of people; [believe me] it's forbidden in a Higher Order
Unofficially 2 new statements from the AG's office are encouraging. The first being that there is
now a higher priority to introduce election reform [that will abolish this oath held by the first past
the post elected candidate for any riding]. As i see it, it's one of the stumbling block of Romans
9-and-10. The encouraging factor is that EC has apparently not fixed this trust issue, yet.
I used this oath trap on Libby Davies, in 2006, and it apparently showed that it worked,
so i'm doing it again, this time where our MP is also the AG, and this tact irks Mr. Khan
The other announcement was that the AG's Office accepts that new Federal regulations for
marihuana would not be ready till next year, and something needs to be done until then, [like]
there would be a decriminalizing protocol to be in effect, in the mean time.
ON THIS: That's exactly what our Marijuana Party EDA case file applications are all about.

The Petition by CITY OF VANCOUVER v DARCY DELAINEY served on July 26th
As we see it, filing this case against DARCEY DELAINEY is a a crime under Sec 279 CC
because this filing itself was entertained after we filed Tab-5, which results where Mr. Dixon
violated of an understanding in our original Civil Claim of not pursuing any action against an all
capitals entity is resolved. Take note that, a reason for making a ruling on this Tab-10 filing, is
to give Mr. Dixon a chance to withdraw this filing, and in so doing avoid a Sec 279 CC charge.

Notice of Liability filed onto Jody Wilson-Raybourn, of July 27, 2016 [1-page], and
Mr. Jon Khan's [2-page] response, served within 3 hours of emailing it to Jody
We delivered what essentially is a protest notice for our MP to respect the fact that her first
priority is to obey her oath to those who elected her, as prescribed by law. Case law, to defend
this trust are well established, and frankly it's the Achilles Heel to destroying this Slave State
that the TPP is implementing. Once respected as case law precedent, we all will have a very
effective ways and means to thwart /defend our enslavement under foreign /NATO contractual
obligations that are regulated thru this overt Federal Court take-over of our basic Sovereignty.
I took note of a lie that occurred when i personally delivered this last notice to our Constituency
Office; i made a point of calling it good biblical advice to have a face to face meeting with me.
I was told that this was not going to be in town, and this was a lie. As i was writing this, i saw
pictures of Jody and Justin walking in Vancouver's Pride Festival. If you know your bible, this
is not a good sign. Wake up, you act like the redemption of all debt is some kind of curse.


A copy of the original Gag Order of May 2005, entered in the original Civil file [Nov 27]
and .a copy of my acetate film original Statement of Birth /and bearer bond

IN CONCLUSION: The powers that financed and control this global fraudulent demonic criminal
racket have invested hundreds of years and quadrillions of dollars into orchestrating a demonic plot to
form their ONE WORLD ORDER. They are insane, by design they are doomed to loose, and at face
value in despair you shrink back and do nothing but comply with evil . Frankly prophecy says this offer
will come just in time to foil their plans to destroy the world; and eventually i'm supposed to find those
who do not shrink back and believe, and by acting on their beliefs, are saved by inheriting the faith of
the ancients of Heb-11. Go ahead prove the bible wrong, do nothing. As i read the bible, some
body has to eventually believe and some are destined to a merciless death; it's your call
I hope you see this Daniels 12 timing to undertake this Isaiah 3 offer as a good sign, and as to Rom13, i hope that you accept an offer from an agent to do good, because you will be richly rewarded.
As to this Rom-7 /8 offer; why do you reject this offer to cast off the spirit of death, and inherit the
earth as sons under the Spirit of Life? Why do you not want to be a Conqueror of Love, or be saved
by such a conqueror? Does you faith insist on being evil til it's too late? You're supposed to know the
difference between a false prophet and a real one by the beauty of his message. All i can do is bring
the camel to the water; it's really not my choice, what you do, and that's just the way it is.
ON when I can be available to appear on this mandamus: Pick anytime you want to set a date.
Pick any court venue you want. Make it in chambers or public. I don't care, because you really are
lost to the spirit of dead. I'm going thru motions where i expect to fail. I prey for a cause that i see as
impossible to win; i'm here because Madam Bennett is offended by my belief that you are all demonic,
with no conscience and a twisted faith. If you don't think so, then that's prophecy in action. In the
mean time, i'll hold back and continue to hold back, because my firmly belief is that your evil bullshit is
about to end. I wait in anticipation for the inevitable and final consequences contained in the Act.
Act accordingly and with a good conscience,
Marc Boyer

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