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Follow-up on the 1st week of filing this C'estui Que Vie Trust Redemption mandamus

Question: What is this trust? It's a trust fund set up in 1666, and it's where all the money
confiscated from this Birth Certificate racket goes; some of the bigger accounts in it are
reported to have over $10 E-500 in the account. That's a series of accounts with about 500-zeros
worth of money on deposit in trust, and the entire account is never published [period].
ON THIS: Read this posting i received from a someone who will remain anonymous. He is in a
British War Office and he actually knows what he is talking about. It was posted just after i filed my
[not published- in private chambers] mandamus on, and this Daniels 12 time-line /prophecy article.
Now Marc Boyer can pay off the worlds debt through the 'Where'-house Receipts Act by
handing in his proxy for the treasure, This was a war bond that is a World Bond. All the war
bounties from war are used to pay off world dept caused by war, The odds of this was a
gamble in lieu of the design, is self evident; it was a part of a prophecy,
- How Much Money is in there? quad zillion billions; I would snap my fingers and world debt is
paid in full, is there anything else you require. That would include all damages as well!
- Go look it up! Marc Boyer lives in Canada and was used as proxy to sign the TTP agreement,
and the elite are ignoring it, the war bank must pay-out in full! It is a part of the prophecy by
asking a question in the form of a sign you will pay, you will enjoy paying, and you pay again.
- [With this damage award being granted] There is no financial collapse on a world scale. That
is a false flag event, the worlds debt is paid in full already. The treasury from England Britain
who is in charge of the war slosh funds must do there job, it is also a right of history on this day
that this happened and this is a world event. as everyone becomes a free person of the land.
You must pay for this sign, the gamble of the fix you have, has been put into play The holy war
is not about money in the end days, it is about light and darkness and the faith you have. The
world debt is paid in the end days and the world fight comes down to light vs darkness.
Read the attached mandamus. After filing this mandamus, i waiting the 3-days for that registry to
respond by calling me. This no call, resulted in me calling them on Friday Aug. 5Th, where i was given
a run around by the registry who first wanted to know why i was calling. I was calling to set a private
appointment with the registrar and case manager to set a court date and venue for this court filing, and
i need to talk in private in order for this to be dealt with in private chambers [secret /not public] as we
are supposed to do, when dealing with any Sec 279 CC case. I responded by giving a general overview of the situation: This default provision of Sec 279 CC is at the back of Bill C-46 [Criminal Code]
in a section they call 'Amendments not in force' [as in] amendments that are not enforced under
Maritime/ Commercial courts' jurisdiction, [in other words]: this law protects common law applications,
where [in this case] those in habits trampled on our common law rights of real human beings. Then i
explained that prior to 1990, there was a County of Vancouver court system that was incorporated into
the present BC commercial court system; It was still in the BC form, but not listed in their Commercial
forms. This attached but outside status is because it's a common law court, and it's to deal with real
human beings, and after 25 years, it's been phased out to the point where it's not been used anymore,
but it cannot be taken out of the books, so it's at arms length away. As i pointed out, this strictly
common law court and my Sec 279 CC application were by design still there. She said i'd have to wait
a month for this answer because the head registrar was on vacation [temporarily vacated the office].
I called her bullshit, someone had to do his job in the meantime. Then, i was told that i was not
allowed to file a mandamus, and she was denying me the right to speak to a superior. I protested to
the sheriffs, and they do not understand their duty to make sure due process should be carried out.
On Monday, I filed this Daniels 12 article with the registry and the sheriffs confirmed that they were not
going to act on my behalf on this, by talking to this registrar. The clerk at the registry complained that
he did not understand what i was doing; i explained that this excuse was directly mentioned in this
prophecy, and it's self evident that none of them understand, which is exactly as to prophecy.

I warned then that if they insisted on not allowing me to file in any private chambers means they will
have to face the fact that i must go public, and i gave till today to comply or i'd break the story. I made
it clear that i'd serve the churches first, and some vested authorities then go public, because i need to
find humans who do understand and lead many, because as i see it they come 1st and the illuminated
wise come from this pool, because this makes the timeline in 1Cor 15 consistent with this prophecy.
With this new [to me] information about this County of Vancouver powers, means i can insist that this
court ultimately can rule on my mandamus in an hour court session, because it's a default judgment,
and deal with my War Bond too. Under these trusts, the Sheriffs are the enforcers in Vancouver, who
are acting under the original Vancouver Charter given by Queen Victoria, and the Canadian Forces
Provost Marshall and their Military Police are ultimately responsible to press these Lords to do their
duty and rule, because ultimately, that's who they work for. This means Marshall Law is imposed and
i've been warned that this was ultimately what could happen if the Prime Minister, et al. [and /or] the
Archbishops, et al. fail to respond to redeem this debt. AND if none do, this Romans 9on prophecy of
only a remnant [of them] surviving is inevitable. When? i don't know, but this sign says i'm to act now.
This brings up the fact that Daniels 12 is extremely sacred to all Masons and all occultists [period]
They all firmly believe that the return of Jesus is Satan, because of this prophecy. They profess and
are correct that God Almighty has dominion over Satan, and the Lord works in mysterious ways.
I accept that [now that this date has passed] lots of the wise will come from these ranks, and frankly
i'm either making a larger harvest of wheat or gathering more weeds. Time will tell.
Think about it? Did anyone else file anything like my redemption plan, on or around Aug.2nd ?
Is this C'estui Que Vie Trust not the fulfillment of the ways and means to deliver good first fruit?
This trust goes back to Genesis, when we were tossed-out of the garden. It's being cashed in.
The return of Paradise on earth soon is a certainty, it's just a matter of how many come along.
The expression [in v-12] 'Blessed is the one who reaches 1335 days' apparently is a threat, because
obviously [i'm the one who filed ] and i'm not waiting patiently for someone to not act or open my case
to redeem my World War Bond, until after September 17th, when it's self evident that i'm dealing with
those who constantly use the same excuse of: 'i don't understand'. So, i need to make it clear, we
need to follow due process to get to this to a County of Vancouver Court room, and send it to a
competent court for execution of payment by or on or around Sept. 17th because it falls on a Saturday.
The reasoning behind me insisting on never making me leader of people really does finally confirm me
as the end times prophet of Isaiah. ON THIS: It's easy to prove that i'm not perfect, so i'm not Jesus;
My actions prove that I'm the dreaded 'one before' Jesus returns, and of course they know. [Rom 10on]
Frankly, all prophets were far from perfect, and were peculiar [as in] i'm no exception. [we all are]
All i can say is, they all are supposed to know the difference, by the beauty of the message.
The big factor left is to prove that Jesus' harvest is as plentiful as Luke's field of wheat parable.
As i see it, everything is in place where 'we the people' are liberated from evil regardless of
what God's chosen will choose. Frankly, it's everyone's choice to be liberated from evil.
May you live in interesting times: this prophecy insists that the next few weeks are critical.
As to the Lord's Prayer. It really will be the same on earth as it is in Heaven, when we uphold His
creation on earth, where we share in the burden and share in the glory of God, and in this way the
creation itself is liberated from its bondage to decay, to the glorious freedom of all God's children.
I envy the meek, for they inherit the earth, where angels are finally serving man'kind' again
We all shine on , like the moon , the stars, each with their own lustre, and the sun. [Isaiah]
It's a promise, not a threat, we inherit the world as sons of the Living God [Romans 8on]
and i'm hitting a stumbling block that rocks the foundation of everything we know as real.
I ask: What can be so bad about accepting an offer where 'all past suffering will seem
insignificant compared to the glory that will be revealed. I prey for your Salvation.

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