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Dance and Pop Culture Course Disclosure

Ms. Challis
Website: Coming soon

Course Description: This course is a study of popular dance forms, the roots of these dance forms, what roles
they play in society, and how they relate to the four main elements of dance. Popular dance forms included in this
class are breaking, hip hop, and popular electronic dance forms such as house and the shuffle. Dancers of all levels
are welcome, however, basic steps and concepts will be the focus. Students with more advanced skills in one area
can use their skills to help strengthen other students. This class will present a dance in the department concert at the
end of the semester. Students will be graded on participation, improvement, practical tests, group projects, and
limited written work.

Why Should You Take This Dance Class?

Benefits include:
Gaining more confidence
Improving social skills through group work and class activities
Becoming more coordinated, flexible, strong, and comfortable in your body
Improving your ability to make educated decisions about dance preferences
Gaining the vocabulary and tools to speak about dance and arts intelligently
Learning to engage in problem solving activities and to use higher order thinking and creativity
Learning about an art form and a culture that originated in the United States
Having fun and being exposed to new music
Becoming college and career ready through learning the responsibility and skills required to participate in
all aspects of a performance art


Wear appropriate clothing

Participate fully during the entire class period
Respect teacher, classmates, and all others property
Turn in homework assignments and/or makeup work on time
Attend all required concert rehearsals and performances
Leave drama and other issues outside of the studio
No cell phones
No bathroom breaks during class time

Students are awarded 20 points for being dressed and participating fully for an entire class period. Early

out days will be worth 15 points. Mondays are still considered a full day of school and are worth 20 points.
If a student is feeling sick or is injured, he or she will be allowed to sit out and take notes twice per
semester without penalty. Students are still expected to dress out even if they will be taking notes. After
they have used their two sick days, students will lose 15 out of 20 participation points for sitting out and
will not be able to make up these points. Students excused from activity through doctors notes will be
offered other work to do during class or makeup work to complete outside of class. Parent notes excusing
students from participating in class will not be accepted. Students without doctors notes will be expected
to use one of their two sick days.
Long term injuries will be handled on a case by case basis depending on the nature of the injury, when in
the semester it occurs, doctors orders, etc. If a student should injure him or herself early in the semester,
he or she may need to transfer out of the class as it will be difficult to earn credit without participating.
Group work will occur frequently in this class. If a student is not working with his or her group I will take
action in one of the following ways: 1) I will pull him or her out of the group and expect the student to

complete the project alone. 2) I will give the student a 0 for the project. 3) I will require the student to
come in outside of class to complete the project.

Make-Up Work:

With the exception of excused absences, students will not be able to make up points awarded on days when
they were not in attendance.
Students wishing to make up material for excused absences will need to complete a makeup log in order
for the student to receive credit. These log forms are available in the dance room or on the dance website.
Make up work needs to be turned in within two weeks of the absence in order to be considered for credit.
This is important so that the student can stay current on class choreography and concepts.
Only 60 points can be made up per term unless the student receives prior approval for extenuating

Attendance: Timpview attendance procedure will be strictly followed. (Please see the student handbook).
Unexcused Absences:
Any unexcused absences may lead to disciplinary action, including lunch detention, afterschool detention, Saturday
School, parent conference, suspension from school, and placement in an alternative setting.
Teachers have the right to withhold make-up work in class if absences are not excused with a valid reason as defined
by Utah Code 53A-11 (see handbook).
Excused Absences:
Students are not penalized for extracurricular excused absences, but may find that they still need to come in outside
of class time in order to get caught up on the material that they missed. Otherwise, students will be expected to
make up all points for excused absences within two weeks of the excused absence.
Tardies/Bathroom Breaks:
Students will be allowed five minutes after the start bell in order to change clothing and take a bathroom break
before class. Any student that arrives in class later than five minutes after the start bell will be counted tardy and
will lose two participation points. Any student found not completing the task on the board at the time class begins
will also be counted tardy. Except in extenuating circumstances, students will be marked tardy should they need to
leave in the middle of class to use the bathroom. Students must ask for permission to leave the classroom and must
take the hall pass. No student will be allowed to leave the classroom during the first or last twenty minutes of class.

Dress Policy:
Students are to wear clothing that will allow movement but also maintain modesty and neatness. Appropriate
clothing would include: sweat pants that do not drag/touch floor (no sagging), t-shirts, long tank tops (no
spaghetti straps); and does NOT include: oversized t-shirts, jewelry, layers, shorts, or denim jeans. No midriffs or
uncovered sports bras. Dancing will be done with tennis shoesno black soles that will mark the floor. No boots,
sandals, dress shoes, etc. Students who fail to have appropriate shoes will be asked to dance barefoot.
STUDENTS WILL DRESS EVERY DAY! (regardless of whether they are unwell or injured)Students
should not come and tell me that they dont have dance clothes. Students should problem solve by
borrowing clothes from friends, classmates, or the lost and found. Students will be docked five of the
points allotted for the day if they do not come dressed.
NO SCHOOL TOPS: students should not wear school clothes to dance in. They will get sweaty and gross
and keep students from participating fully. Students will be docked five of the points allotted for the day if
they are wearing a school top.

Students should wear supportive footwear that will not fall off their feet. Tennis shoes, high tops, and skater shoes
are best. Dress shoes, combat boots, winter boots, flip flops, heels, etc. are unacceptable as they either damage the
floor or are dangerous to dance in.

Fees: The fee for the class needed to be paid during school registration. See me with concerns and questions.
Grade Breakdown:

Daily skills, group work and dressing out.....65%

Tests, Performances, and group projects...30%
Written Work/ homework.....5%
*Dance classes do not have a lot of work that can be done outside of class. Therefore, it is difficult to catch up on
what has been missed. Please be responsible in coming to class and fully participating.
*Written assignments are to be turned in on time. Late assignments will be accepted, but will have added
* Written assignments (with the exclusion of journal writing) need to be typed, 12 pt. font, and double-spaced.
*An A is very obtainable IF you attend class and complete the assignments

Video Evaluations:

To fulfill the Utah Core Curriculum objective of self and peer evaluations there will be a number of times
during the semester that you and your peers will be videotaped for skills tests.


Dec 2-3st will be the Dance Departments Winter Concert. This class will be performing. During the
week of Nov 28th students will be required to attend tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and concert. This is
a considerable portion of their grade. If there are problems I need to know far in advance!

First Assignment:
Students and parents need to read through the disclosure so that both understand what the responsibilities are for this
class. Parents should sign the bottom of this page, cut it off below the line, and bring it to class next time we meet.
(The only part of the disclosure that may be cut on the other side is the attendance policy, which can be found in the
student handbook.)

I have read this disclosure for Dance in Pop Culture and understand the class policies and procedures.
Student Signature___________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________________________________________
Email Address_________________________________ Day Time Phone #______________________________

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