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Community Meeting

10/28/08 \
( c'Eurl/+ (t4zt't s{47 )

Minutes from last meeting

Tr' ll?t,q

Attendance: Maggie Martinei (Block Club Federation), Liz Rios (CAPS 14th District), Glenn
Brettner (United Blocks of West Hun'rboldt Park), Raquel Torres (Bickerdike), Angel Ramirez,
Ivette Menendez (Hispanic Housing), Mar'la Bramble (Bickerdike), Kurl Gippert (United Blocks
of West Humboldt Park), Jim Harney (DOB). Commander Marlinez 114'h District), Officer
Torres 11411'District), Kerr-v O'Brien (Ald. Ocaiso's Office), and Alderman Billy Ocasio.



Commander Martinez
A. Beat 1422ltas an assigned 2 man car on all 3 watcires
B. Henry Patrol Car
i. Getting Special Training from Bickerdike and Hispanic Hor,rsing
ii. In marked car and uniform
C. Had 9 missions in area
D. Had 40 Contact Cars to stop people from questioning (used as a tool to figure out
crimes in the area)

I)epartment of Buildings

A. All Addresses have been gir,en to inspectors for inspection

B. 3336 W. Evergreen


Inspected in Aug.
In Adrninistrative Hearings
C. 3339 W. Evergreen



Going to Dernolition

3348 W. Cr-vstal

i. Waiting for inspection report

DOB is rvorking n'ith the Dept. of Law on ail reported problern buildings
F. \\'/aiting to l.rear on Pagans Liquors 325 i W. Division and 3301 W. Evergreen
(Corner Store)
G. Working on 1704-1716 N. Humboldt with Bickerdike


N{aggie Martinez (Block Club Federation)

A. Problem address on Evergreen has not improved
B. Ma,vbe for one week only
C. 3231 W. Pierce
i. Tenants Evicted
ii. Place sirould be vacant need DOB to look into this

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