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Vol. 1 No. 4 RAF Croughton, England Nov.

23, 2005

Air Force announces COMUSAFE retirement

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, listed corps can bestow upon
Germany (USAFENS) a person. He has authored
-- The U.S. Air Force an- nearly 60 published articles
nounced the retirement of on scientific, leadership and
Gen. Robert H. “Doc” Fogle- military subjects. He has an
song, commander, U.S. Air honorary doctorate in stra-
Forces in Europe, Tuesday. tegic intelligence from the
As the USAFE commander, Joint Military Intelligence
he also holds three other College, and is a member
titles: commander, Allied of West Virginia Univer-
Air Component Command sity’s Academy of Distin-
Ramstein; air component guished Alumni and well as
commander, U.S. European the Chemical Engineering
Command, Ramstein AB, Academy.
Germany; and director, Mul- as assistant to the Chair- a robust theater security co- He will be succeeded by
tinational Joint Air Power man of the Joint Chiefs of operation effort, with more Lt. Gen. William T. Hob-
Competence Center, Kalkar, Staff in Washington, D.C.; than 60 countries visited bins, deputy chief of staff,
Germany. commander, 12th Air Force; and new relationships estab- Warfighting Integration for
General Foglesong, who commander, U.S. Southern lished in USAFE’s area of Headquarters U.S. Air Force
has a doctor of philosophy Command Air Forces; depu- operations. Since taking the and acting chief of Warfight-
degree in chemical engineer- ty chief of staff for Air and USAFE flag, he instituted 15 ing Integration and Chief
ing from West Virginia Uni- Space Operations and vice Combat and Special Inter- Information Officer, Office
versity, took command of chief of staff at Headquar- est Programs that have sig- of the Secretary of the Air
USAFE in August 2003. He ters U.S. Air Force. nificantly improved mission Force.
earned his wings at Colum- He has a number of no- readiness and quality of life General Hobbins was
bus Air Force Base, Miss. table achievements. During throughout the command. confirmed for appointment
His aviation career includes the general’s tenure, USAFE In addition, in August he to the grade of general and
more than 4,350 flying hours stood up the Warfighting was inducted into USAFE’s assignment as USAFE com-
in various aircraft, primarily Headquarters and education- Order of the Sword. Touted mander on Oct. 28, 2005.
in fighter and training as- al Centers of Excellence for as “Airman among Airmen General Hobbins is a 1969
signments in the F-16, F-15, Expeditionary Operations, and a leader among leaders” Officer Training School
A-10 and AT/T-38. He has Air Dominance and Joint on the proclamation, the gen- graduate and command pilot
been a commander six times. Fires (the application of fire eral’s induction is the high- with more than 4,275 flying
His staff tours include duty power). The general also led est honor the Air Force en- hours.

Combat Touch FitFactor

Inside Chapel receives New Air Force pro-
The $20,000 for kitchen
gram to motivate chil-
dren to live more fit.

Uplink 8 9
2 Nov. 23, 2005 Commanders Corner The Uplink

We are a nation at war

Gen. T. Michael Moseley Airmen in the Air Force are truly a
Air Force chief of staff total force. We stand alongside our
Editorial Staff Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast
(Editor’s note: This memo was Guard and Merchant Marine brethren
Lt. Col. Jim Ryan originally written Sept. 2.) ready to answer the nation’s call. We
422nd Air Base Squadron We are a nation at war. Today marks fight together. We triumph together.
commander the 1,426th day we’ve been fighting Our promise to the joint team is that
Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner Operation Enduring Freedom. World as Airmen we will always be the best
NCO in charge of Public Affairs War II lasted 1,347 days. We’ve now in the world at what we do: dominat-
been fighting the Global War on Terror ing air and space from one inch above
Multimedia support is provided by for two and a half months longer than the ground to 100,000 miles above the
Tech. Sgt. Robert Ashley WWII. From the day Desert Storm earth.
kicked off, Jan. 17, 1991, the Air Today, we have three major chal-
This funded Air Force newspaper is
Force has been in continuous combat. lenges facing our Air Force. First and
an authorized publication for members
For 14 years our enemies have shot foremost is accomplishing the combat-
of the U.S. military services overseas.
Contents of The Uplink are not neces-
at us, and for 14 years we’ve returned ant tasks the president and secretary
sarily the official view of, or endorsed the favor. But no matter how long the of defense assign. The tasks will be
by, the U.S. Government, the Depart- road, we must never lose our focus on ones we’ve done before and ones
ment of Defense or the Department of winning this fight. we’ve never undertaken. Second, we
the Air Force. Today, we are engaged more than must preserve that which makes us the
The editorial content is edited, pre- ever ... from across the globe to here most feared air force in the world - our
pared and provided by the Public Af- at home. From taking the fight to the people. Our culture of excellence must
fairs office of RAF Croughton. All enemy in Iraq; to rebuilding lives continue to develop Airmen ... Air-
photographs are Air Force photographs in the wake of hurricane Katrina; to men who are the most adaptable, most
unless otherwise indicated. controlling satellites on the other side skilled, most professional and most le-
The PA office can be reached via of the world; to fighting forest fires thal the world has ever known. Third,
mail at 422nd ABS/PA, Unit 5855, in the Rockies; to patrolling the skies we face the difficult task of operating
APO, AE 09494, via telephone at 236- over America - you can be proud of the oldest inventory in the history of
8468 or 01280 708 468; or via e-mail at the work of your Air Force family that the U.S. Air Force. My senior leader- has more than 106,000 Airmen as- ship will work to break this vicious
The deadline for submissions to The signed or deployed in 64 countries, on cycle. I need you, our Airmen on the
Uplink is no later than close of busi- every continent and in every time zone line, to continue making the mission
ness the Thursday eight days prior to
throughout the world. happen.
the desired publication date. Briefs are
We have handled each and every As we work towards a more secure,
due no later than 3 p.m. the Wednesday
nine days prior to the desired publica-
task brought before us with lethal ef- more peaceful tomorrow look around.
tion date. ficiency because of you. It is an honor Behind us you’ll see a proud, rich
Articles must be submitted elec- to work and fight alongside you in heritage. And in front of us is a limit-
tronically with contact information service to our Republic. The 684,000 less horizon. So let’s push it up, go to
reference the article directly to the civilians, active, Reserve and Guard work and make the mission happen.
422nd Air Base Squadron Public Af-
fairs Office via e-mail to
All material is edited for accuracy,
Commander’s Action Line
The Action Line is your direct line Croughton readers may be published.
brevity, clarity and conformity to regu- for comments and suggestions on how If you leave your name and tele-
lations. to make RAF Croughton a better place phone number or e-mail address, you
Corrections: The 422nd Air Base to live and work. will receive a reply. Anonymous inqui-
Squadron Public Affairs Office strives It is also an avenue to resolve is- ries will not be published.
for accuracy in each edition of The Up-
sues you have been unable to resolve Including your contact information
link. If an error is noticed, contact The
Uplink staff, 422nd Air Base Squadron
through the responsible agency or your will also give us a chance to get more
Public Affairs at 236-8468 or 01280
chain of command. information if needed to solve the
708 468 or via e-mail at If your concern still can’t be re- problem. and a correction will solved, please call the Action Line or To submit an Action Line, call 236-
be published. send your concern via e-mail. 8017 or e-mail 422abg.commanders.
Items of interest to all RAF
Nov. 23, 2005 News The Uplink 3

Photo by Tech. Sgt. Robert Ashley

‘They shall grow not old ...’

A flight of volunteers from RAF Croughton, Remembrance Day is also referred to as Poppy
led by the 422nd Air Base Group Honor Guard, Day in the United Kingdom due to a poem titled
march in a parade through the town of Bicester, ‘In Flanders Fields.’ The poem was written by a
England, as a part of the British Remembrance lieutenant colonel in the Royal Canadian Medical
Day holiday. The holiday remembers those who Corps who was on the front lines in Belgium dur-
lost their lives defending their country. ing World War I.

Keep others in mind during Thanksgiving

Gen. Robert H. “Doc” Foglesong Our military embodies the Ameri- daughters. We couldn’t accomplish
Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Eu- can values of compassion, tolerance anything without their support, under-
rope and courage. standing and dedication.
Thank you for your hard work I’m grateful for the opportunity to
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany and dedication to our mission -- we be a part of the world’s greatest air
(USAFENS) – Sacrifice has always couldn’t do it without your help. You and space force and work with the
been a hallmark of our great nation. provide the gift of peace and hope extraordinary men and women of the
Around the globe thousands of Air- to many and the promise of a secure U.S. Air Forces in Europe. To all of
men, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and future for others. the USAFE team -- active duty, Guard,
Coast Guardsmen are standing watch As we celebrate Thanksgiving with Reserve, civilians, contractors and
to ensure our freedom and way of family and friends, remember those family members -- thanks for all you
life are preserved. Take time during who are unable to spend the holiday do. Your courage and unwavering
this year’s Thanksgiving holiday to season with their loved ones. Con- dedication are a true blessing to us all.
remember all those who serve in our sider the sacrifices and support of our Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving
armed forces. nation’s military spouses, sons and holiday!
4 Nov. 23, 2005 News The Uplink

News Briefs
Uplink schedule
The last Uplink of 2005 will
be printed Dec. 9. The Uplink
will resume it’s normal print-
ing schedule Jan. 6.

Holiday Mail
The RAF Croughton Post
Office is looking for augmen-
tees to help with the holiday
season mail rush. Airmen are
asked to volunteer in the fol-
lowing two-week blocks:

Nov. 28 to Dec. 9
Dec. 12 to Dec. 23
Dec. 27 to Jan. 13 Photo by Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner
Jan. 17 to Jan. 20
The NCO Charge ...
Airmen have to volunteer Chief Master Sgt. Karl Vossler (distant), 422nd Air Base Group
through their supervisors, must superintendent, speaks to new staff sergeants and senior airmen
not be on profile and must preparing to sew on staff during the first NCO Professional Devel-
be able to lift more than 50 opment seminar held at RAF Croughton on Nov. 9.
pounds. Supervisors are ad-
vised that Airmen will not be
in their work centers during
their volunteer time at the post ‘Make a World of Difference’
office and will be working ex-
tended hours. Each augmentee Airmen can donate to CFC until Dec. 2
must receive commander’s ap-
Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner ily support and youth programs alone re-
proval prior to volunteering at
422nd ABS Public Affairs ceived more than $520,000 in donations
the post office. For more infor-
last year.”
mation, contact Staff Sgt. Sar-
Airmen who wish to make a differ- With more than $15 million dollars
ah Stewart or 1st Lt. Stephen
ence in the lives of others can take ad- raised in last year’s campaign, Sergeant
Colclasure at 236-8286.
vantage of that opportunity right now. Tucker points out that every little bit
The Combined Federal Campaign helps when it comes to local Airmen do-
Base Tree started in October and continues until nating to the CFC.
The Base Tree will be lit Dec. 2. “People can donate a dollar a month
Dec. 8 outside the Chapel at The campaign is the only authorized for 12 months for a year through payroll
5 p.m. Hot chocolate and cook- charitable solicitation of federal em- deduction,” said the program manager.
ies will be available after the ployees in the work place and is also the “Even $12 helps.”
tree lighting. For more infor- most successful fund raising model in Airmen have traditionally made dona-
mation, contact the Chapel. the world. tions to their local communities, but the
So far, only 24 percent of RAF hurricanes that ripped through the south-
Croughton’s active duty Airmen have ern United States are also receiving a
Air Force Lithos donated to the campaign, according to heavy amount of attention from Airmen.
The new Air Force litho- Tech. Sgt. Ron Tucker, 422nd Air Base The CFC donates to more than 1,600
graphs for Core Values are now Squadron Unit Training Manager and organizations, and not all of them are
in the Public Affairs office in 2005’s CFC program manager for the based in America.
Building 202, Room 12. They group. “You don’t have to be American to do-
will be given out on a first- “There are a lot of good programs in nate to the CFC,” said Sergeant Tucker.
come, first-served basis. the CFC,” said Sergeant Tucker. “Fam- “The CFC takes pounds and cash too.”
Nov. 23, 2005 Recognition The Uplink 5
Unit and job title: 422nd CS - SAT-
COM, STEP journeyman

Time in service: 2 years

Time on station: 1 year

Family: None here with him

Hobbies: Softball, movies and the

honor guard

Supervisor’s quote: Airman Cristao Airman 1st Class

performs at a level well above his
rank. He is the “go-to” expert on his Ross Cristao
crew and performs tasks that a staff
sergeant is expected to perform. His
knowledge and esprit de corps is part
of the whole Airman concept.

How do you support the RAF

Croughton mission? I provide valu-
able communications to users world-

If you could do one thing to improve

Croughton, what would it be? I be-
lieve more organized activities would
be great. More base-wide sports days The Spotlight On ... is intended to recognize technical sergeants and below who
and more planned parties at the club epitomize what it means to be a part of Team Croughton. Submissions must be
would boost morale. sent to by squadron superintendents.

Congratulations to the following Airmen for completion of NCO

Professional Development and induction to the NCO tier
Staff Sgt. Jerron Alford Senior Airman Stephens Johnson
Staff Sgt. Aaron Billingsley Senior Airman Christopher Marquez
Senior Airman Jim Bauer Senior Airman Delia Menchaca
Senior Airman Daniel Bierman Senior Airman Bryce Olson
Staff Sgt. Brittany Crumley Senior Airman Jantzen Owens
Senior Airman Anne Gueit Staff Sgt. Charles Pumphrey
Senior Airman Lon Ingram Staff Sgt. Roddy Red Horse
Senior Airman Nyree Watts
6 Nov. 23, 2005 Commentary The Uplink

Happiness is hapless holidays!

Col. Blake Lindner we’re talking about!
501st Combat Support Wing A second point worth pondering is that the holiday sea-
son can be especially tough for our fellow Airmen who are
Hello fellow men and women of the 501st Combat forward deployed as well as for their family members left
Support Wing! It’s that time of year again when a brisk behind … particularly at our remote and isolated geograph-
chill, amber leaves and the roar of football fans fill the air! ically separated units.
Along with the excitement of the holiday season comes the Let’s take time this year to really think of what we can
increased challenge of staying safe. do to let them know we care about them — send a package
Cold weather means we have to winterize our vehicles downrange, call family members at home or just stop by to
— check coolant systems, winter tires, fluid levels and check on them. What a great time of year for us to help oth-
safety kits. ers in the giving spirit of the holidays.
As we all know, driving on narrow roads can be chal- And, by the way, it’s a perfect time to follow the exam-
lenging under the best conditions, but when the roads have ple of our many “Hidden Heroes” who volunteer their time
dew or frost on them, the risk is significantly higher. It pays so selflessly to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
to slow down and be extra cautious. Hug a volunteer!
If you’ve ever hit black ice in your car, you know what To one and all, have a joyous and safe holiday season!

Preparing for, fighting the winter gloom

Maj. Marc Silverstein important for emotional well-being as
422nd ABS Life Skills In the United Kingdom, one it is for physical well-being. Exercis-
out of every nine people will suf- ing at least three times a week for 30
Seasonal Affective Disorder (and fer from Seasonal Affective minutes is an important factor.
“Winter Blues,” a milder form of Disorder. The last thing to think about is
SAD) is associated with lack of day- One out of every 12 people sleep hygiene. It is just as important
light and shorter daylight hours in the with untreated SAD will suffer to not get too much sleep as it is to get
fall and winter and is a form of clini- from major depression. enough.
cal depression. It occurs seasonally, A typical person needs from six
starting each year between September that SAD is a result of shifted circadi- to eight hours of sleep daily. Many
and January and disappears during the an rhythms. When your internal ‘body people like to stay up late on the
longer days of April and May. clock’ shifts, the wrong hormones are weekends and then sleep until the late
During winter, people with SAD are produced at the wrong time of the day, morning or even the early afternoon.
likely to experience fatigue, sadness, causing the symptoms of SAD. Expo- Getting up at nearly the same time
difficulty concentrating, sleep more sure to intense, artificial bright light is each day will help stabilize a person’s
without feeling rested, crave sweets usually an effective means of shifting circadian rhythm.
and gain weight, feel overwhelmed, circadian rhythms back to their normal Finally, if suffering from SAD, re-
and be more irritable. People suffering patterns. Bright light also suppresses alize that you may not have as much
from SAD may experience these and the secretion of the nighttime hormone energy in winter and try and organize
other symptoms to such a degree that melatonin and may enhance the effec- your life accordingly. Prioritize major
they are unable to function normally tiveness of serotonin. projects in the spring and summer. Use
and often feel chronically depressed. Daily light therapy is the best treat- these months to plan ahead - stocking
Winter Blues is a milder form of ment against SAD. It is self-adminis- up the freezer, buying Christmas pres-
seasonal depression. It’s like SAD, tered, usually takes 20 to 30 minutes ents and taking advantage of outdoor
but symptoms are to a lesser degree. and is easily worked into most sched- events.
Winter Blues can still cause distress ules. The important parameter, light Make the most of the natural light
and severely limit one’s day-to-day intensity, should be 10,000 or more that’s available by getting outdoors,
capacities. Two to three times as many lux. Light boxes range in price from even if it is reading a book under an
people may be affected by this. £100 to 500. umbrella. Decorate your home in bright
Most people are familiar with the Another thing to remember about colors, have some green plants or buy
physical symptoms associated with SAD is that an active and healthy some fresh flowers at the weekly mar-
flying long distances. “Jet Lag” is lifestyle is important as well. Light ket and keep your blinds open. Consid-
actually a form of SAD, which can be therapy is most effective when used in er taking a relaxing holiday to some-
viewed as having months of “Jet Lag.” conjunction with healthy living habits. where bright and sunny in January or
Scientists have recently discovered Maintaining a healthy diet is just as February.
Nov. 23, 2005 Feature The Uplink 7

Click It or Ticket

Seatbelts save lives. Don’t forget to

buckle up!
8 Nov. 23, 2005 Combat Special Interest Programs The Uplink

Combat Education
Tech. Sgt.
Ronald Tucker
Combat Fitness
Tech. Sgt. Dan Gallagher
Combat Intro/Exit
Master Sgt.
William Franklin
Combat Nighthawk
1st Lt. Chad Johnson
Combat Proud Photo by Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner

Capt. Shawn Jensen Christine Carenza (left), wife of Senior Master Sgt. Joseph Carenza, and Kim
236-8258 Calhoun (right), wife of 2nd Lt. Jason Calhoun, use the Chapel’s new kitchen
Combat Touch to prepare a predeployment dinner. The new kitchen cost $20,000 and was
Chaplain (Capt.) funded using Combat Touch funds.
Shannon Philio
Hidden Heroes
Master Sgt.
Combat Touch provides
James Foreman
Project CHEER
Chapel with new kitchen
Hannah Slatter Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner We want it to be used for hails and fare-
236-8294 422nd ABS Public Affairs wells, squadron lunches, Hearts Apart ...
The possibilities are limitless.”
Project Wizard Combat Special Interest Programs have Combat Touch, though, goes beyond
Evette Pearson yet again proven how much they help Air- providing a place for Airmen to cook.
236-8245 men at RAF Croughton. “Combat Touch is reaching out and
Project SMART The Combat Touch CSIP recently pro- touching the community and lives,” said the
Tech. Sgt. Justin Grant vided the Chapel with $20,000 to renovate chaplain. “We are here to provide spiritual
236-8580 its kitchen, and the Chapel is glad to have it. fitness to the warfighter.”
“This isn’t just the Chapel’s kitchen,” Spiritual fitness does not focus on Air-
Customer College said Chaplain (Capt.) Shannon Philio. “This men who are religious according to the
2nd Lt. Nicolas Kuc is the base’s kitchen. Everyone can use it, chaplain.
236-8216 and we hope for it to be a hub of activity for “You don’t have to be a part of the ‘God
Combat Care everyone on base.” squad,’” he said. “We’re here to provide
1st Lt. Allison Ecung It didn’t take the Chapel or the kitchen spiritual fitness regardless of religion.”
236-8209 very long to become that hub. That spiritual fitness is not limited to
The kitchen was used to prepare a duty hours according to Father (Capt.)
Project Connect predeployment dinner that was cooked for Mitch Zygadlo.
Col. Vincent D’Angelo Airmen and their spouses who are preparing “We’re always here for people in a time
236-8974 to deploy. of need,” said Father Mitch. “I was once
Combat Wingman “This is just the beginning,” said Chap- called to provide support for someone and
2nd Lt. Tim Soehner lain Philio. “We want the Combat Touch arrived at the hospital before the ambu-
236-8220 kitchen to truly touch people at all levels. lance. We are always here for everyone.”
Nov. 23, 2005 Sports The Uplink 9
FitFactor to kick off Oct. 1 Sports Briefs
Program designed to inspire children to leave computers,
video games behind and lead more active lifestyles Circuit Training
Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner that encourages physical activity, Circuit training classes are
422nd ABS Public Affairs healthy eating selections and rewards available:
children between the ages of 9 and 18 Monday at 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Most people my age still remember for their efforts. Tuesday at 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
what it was like to be a kid. When I “It’s a simpler way for young Wednesday at 7 a.m. and
was a kid, I didn’t sit in front of an X people to become more active and stop 3:30 p.m.
Box or Playstation. I didn’t sit at home sitting in front of the telly,” said Mar- Thursday at 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
in front of the computer. I couldn’t, tin Fairhurst, 422nd Air Base Squad- Friday at 3 p.m.
those things didn’t exist yet. ron youth director. For more information, contact
Most people my age remember The program works by enabling Ceri Griffin at 236-8449.
climbing trees, playing Hide ‘N’ Go children to track their fitness points.
Seek, Freeze Tag and any other game They can get up to 100 points per day
you could possibly imagine. Being by doing things like eating healthy, Healthy Living
outside was the place to be. Who walking at school and playing sports
wanted to be cooped up inside on a according to Mr. Fairhurst. Each level Healthy Living Workshop
beautiful day when you could run brings more rewards for the children. Classes will be offered:
amok and explore? Currently, RAF Croughton has Dec. 6 at 1 p.m. in the confer-
In an attempt to remind today’s 25 children enrolled in the program. ence room at the Medical Clinic.
children what we knew as children, the That’s the lowest in U.S. Air Forces in Dec. 20 at 1 p.m. in the confer-
Air Force designed a program called Europe. Mr. Fairhurst is hoping more ence room at the Medical Clinic.
FitFactor. children will enroll as the program For times or more information,
It’s a new youth fitness initiative becomes better known. contact Ceri Griffin at 236-8449.

FIP Class
Fitness Improvement Program
classes will be offered:
Dec. 8
Dec. 22
For more information, contact
Ceri Griffin at 236-8449.

Indoor Triathlon
The Fitness Center will have an
indoor triathlon Dec. 8. For more
information, contact Ceri Griffin
at 236-8449.

New Programs
The Fitness Center will intro-
duce a new Get Healthy Program
Photo by Staff Sgt. Chris Stagner
and new fitness classes in the new
Ryan Rowe (left), 12-year-old son of Master Sgt. Tim Rowe, defends RAF Croughton also has a base
Roderick Ferguson, 15-year-old son of Rob Ferguson, on the play- football team. The team’s first
ground at the Child Development Center. The kids can now keep game will be against the Finmere
track of their fitness points and receive prizes as part of the FitFactor Football Club in mid-December.
program. Both young men have more than 3,000 points.
10 Nov. 23, 2005 Community The Uplink

Thanksgiving buffet
The club will have its an-
nual Turkey Day Buffet Nov.
24 from 11 a.m. to
12:15 p.m. or 12:45 to 2 p.m.
Cost is $13.95 for adults,
$7.95 for children age 6 to
12; and $2 for children age 5
and less. Make reservations
with the club.

Football Frenzy
The club hosts Football
Frenzy every Sunday at
6 p.m. NFL games will be
played on big-screen TVs.
Prizes will be given every
Passin’ Time week with the opportunity to
win a trip to the Super Bowl
Mark (left) and Matthew (right) Tallent, play games at the Child Develop- or Pro Bowl.
ment Center with Derrek Lawson. The CDC provides child care for mem-
bers of the RAF Croughton community. Free Show
The Consolidated Club
will host ‘Brothers From
Chapel General Chapel Infor- Community Different Mothers’ on Dec. 1
mation: at 6 p.m. This is a free show
236-8287 Christian Men’s Lun- Center that includes a comedy duo
cheon and Bible Study meets 236-8706 that juggles, uses physical
Catholic services: in the Chapel Annex every comedy and involves the au-
Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at noon. Bluewater shopping dience. The club will have
Monday through Wednes- The Combat Touch din- There is a trip to Blue- a Family Night Buffet that
day and Friday at noon ners are held the second water Shopping Mall on night starting at 5 p.m. Cost is
Communion Service is Tuesday of each month at Sunday. The mall has more $7.25 for adults (club mem-
Thursday at noon 5:30 p.m. than 330 stores; 40 cafes, bers get a dollar discount)
Religious education is ev- The Dorm Dinners are bars and restaurants and 13 and “a penny a pound” for
ery Sunday from 11 a.m. to held the fourth Tuesday of movie screens. children under 12.
noon at Croughton Ameri- each month at 5:30 p.m. Transportation is $15 for
can School. Catholic Parish Council adults and $7.50 for chil- Vet Clinic
Protestant services: Meetings take place every dren. It leaves Croughton at
General Protestant Wor- month on the Monday be- 8:30 a.m. and Caversfield at 226-7097
ship is every Sunday at fore the last Sunday. 8:50 a.m. Veterinarian
11 a.m. Protestant Parish Advi- The Feltwell Vet Clinic
Sunday school is every sory Council Meetings take Lord of the Dance will visit RAF Croughton on
Sunday at Croughton Amer- place every other month on The Community Center Dec. 14 to provide animal
ican School from 9:30 to the second Sunday. The next is hosting a trip to Michael health care appointments.
10:30 a.m. meeting is Nov. 13. Flatley’s ‘Lord of the Dance’ Services offered include vac-
The Protestant Youth The Anglo American in Oxford on Dec. 4. Trans- cinations, micro chipping,
Group meets every Sunday Thanksgiving Eve Service portation will depart RAF health certificates, de-worm-
at 1:30 p.m. in the Chapel and Pie Social will be held Croughton housing at ing, heartworm preventive
Annex. For more informa- tonight at 7 p.m. This is an 10 a.m. and Caversfield at medication, prescription
tion, contact 1st Lt. Chad ecumenical service open to 10:20 a.m. Cost for all who shampoo and diet food for
Johnson at 236-8191. all. attend is £30. both cats and dogs.
Nov. 23, 2005 Lighter Side The Uplink 11
ACROSS 37. Article 5. Constrictor
1. Marine fighting unit, in short 38. The Thin ___ Line; 1999 WWII Sean 6. Sucked in
4. Japanese sash Penn movie 7. “___ ___ walking...”
7. Secretary Ridge’s org. 39. Fresh 8. Time zone for
10. USAF eval. 40. WY airport Hickam AFB
13. Tempe, A.Z. school 41. EuroAsian country 9. Missouri airport
14. The ___ Day; 1962 WWII John Wayne 42. 3, in old Rome 10. Poet Saint Vincent
film 43. Inventor Whitney Millay
16. D-___, the Sixth of June; 1956 WWII 44. Track segment 11. Henry VIII’s last
Henry Koster flick 47. Demure wife Catherine
17. Actor 50. Appendage 12. Saving Private ____;
18. Member of any various Indian peoples 51. American physician and writer Oliver WWII Steven Spielberg
of central Mexico ___ Holmes movie
19. Gun lobby, in short 53. Weekday 15. Top ___; 1986 Tom
20. Polynesian dance 55. Continent Cruise USN pilot movie
22. Conjunction 56. Actress Zellweger 21. USAF guidance for
23. Notify 57. Droll people dress, appearance ___
24. Young horse 60. ___ Chi; exercise format 36-2903
27. ___ Lisa 62. Egyptian symbol of life 23. The Winds of ___;
30. Grooved 66. Can be a person’s downfall 1983 Robert Mitchum
33. Loving 67. Bit mini-series
71. The Sands of ___ Jima; 1950 John 25. Rowing need
Wayne WWII movie 26. Dined
72. Yank’s opponent in Civil War 28. Lyrical poem 52. ___ Boot; 1982 WWII submarine flick
73. Churches under the jurisdiction of a 29. Apocalypse ___; 1979 Francis Ford 54. Part of SEAL
bishop Coppola flick 57. We __ Soldiers; 2002 Mel Gibson
74. Fuel 30. Scatter Vietnam movie
75. Actors Harris and O’Neal 31. USAF base in Greenland 58. Ripened
76. Mil. ID number 32. Tree sap 59. Abundance
77. I, ____ 34. Epic saga 61. USAF MAJCOM for airlift, air refueling
78. Smack 35. Nigerian currency 63. Close by
36. Sooty 64. The Bridge Over the River ___; 1957
DOWN 44. Mil. pay statement William Holden WWII flick
1. 1970 movie about 4077th in Korean War 45. Boxing legend 65. Entertain
2. Eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca 46. 1986 Oliver Stone Vietnam movie 67. Music records, in short
3. ___ Metal Jacket; 1987 Stanley Kubrick 47. 1981 Ivan Reitman military comedy 68. __ Girl Friday
Vietnam film 48. Color 69. 6th sense
4. TV channel for outdoorsmen 49. Yokota AB host country currency 70. Actress Susan
Nov. 10 Solutions

Man On The Street

What are your thoughts on the NCO Professional Development seminar you attended?

Staff Sgt. Senior Airman Senior Airman Senior Airman

Aaron Billingsley Anne Gueit Lon Ingram Jantzen Owens
422nd CS 422nd CS 422nd CS 422nd CES

“The NCO PD today “It was a good reminder “I liked Tech. Sgt. “I liked Tech. Sgt.
was to help us prepare of what’s expected of you. Ramos’ briefing about per- Houston’s talk about lead-
ourselves and our subordi- It doesn’t matter what rank formance feedbacks. It did ership and followership.”
nates for the future. It did you are, you always lead a great job of reminding us
just that.” and follow.” why they’re so important
and why we do them for
our Airmen.”

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