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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)

Concept Note
Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)
In the Mid-Term National Development Plan 2015-2019 (RPJMN 2015-2019, GOI has
developed a three-pillar policy framework to reduce poverty and inequalities, comprised of:
i) a comprehensive social protection system; ii) basic services for the poor and vulnerable;
and iii) sustainable livelihoods.
The second strategy aims to improve access of the 40 percent poorest population to quality
basic services. These include: i) legal identity; ii) health; iii) education; iv) protection; and v)
basic infrastructure, i.e. adequate housing, water and sanitation. It will be implemented
through a frontline approach, which focuses on enhancing accountabilities at the point of
service (or at the frontline) through increased responsiveness of government and service
providers and inclusive participation of communities and citizens. More specifically, the
strategy will address three core issues in the delivery of basic services: governance, access
and quality of services, and community empowerment.
To support those goals and strategies, KOMPAK, a DFAT funded project has a mandate to
facilitate Government of Indonesia to achieve RPJMN 2015-2019. Main goals of KOMPAK
are poor and vulnerable Indonesians benefit from improved delivery of basic services and
greater economic opportunities. KOMPAK will support selected partners who have same
strategic objectives to reduce poverty in Indonesia and one of potential partner to
implementing this program is university and higher education institution. Indonesian
universities have existing social community empowerment program for many years as a
compulsory subject for undergraduate student (3-6 credits) as well as lecturers, and this
program managed independently by each university. This compulsory program for student is
called Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN or also often known K2N) whereas for the lecture, it is part of
its community services function. Every year Indonesia university has deployed their
undergraduate students from different background of studies to conduct community
empowerment program. K2N program usually supervised by lecturers and they have to stay
in the villages and some of program are located in the remote and isolate villages in
Indonesia about 2 weeks to 3 months. K2N program is a requirement for every
undergraduate student in order to get their diploma or degree. Lecturer involvement on K2N
program could be linked to their community services function. There could be more strategic
objectives and outcomes developed from this K2N rather than just students come to village,
do whatever they can without clear orientation and outcome e.g. build or clean road signs,
repainting public facilities or other similar activities. There are more than 3,000 universities
and higher institutions in Indonesia and all of them conducting K2N program every year. This
is huge existing potential resources that can contribute more direct impact to the poor
villagers where the K2N program implemented. More resources coming from the village law
should be a good momentum to strengthen K2N to be more relevant to village planning and

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)

To respond to those need and momentum, IAPA-Indonesia Association for Public

Administration and Ministry of Villages, Disadvantage Regions, and Transmigration (MoV)
have signed the Memorandum of Understanding on 28th September in Manado, to encourage
and to promote innovative Kuliah Kerja Nyata -or also often known as K2N- program
through a competitive way and a strategic and structure K2N program for bigger and
sustainable impact for the villages. To support this program, IAPA and MoV have launched a
program called Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD). This program will combining K2N
program and community services function of lecturer aiming at empowering local community
role and capacity in managing their own affairs. KOMPAK will support this great initiative
through the universities or high education institution who has an innovative K2N Program
that in line with KOMPAKs Goal. It is proposed as a continuous 3 years program started in
2016 as a pilot stage.
In 2016, first year of program, the program will select competitively 3 (three) pilot K2N
projects or so called Village Project Group I. Further, the team will develop model of village
project for replication of most innovative program to other village through existing K2N for
new project in 2017, and create network and learning hub for village development program.
In the second year, program implementation will cover 2 (two) activities, that is, monitoring
and evaluation of village project group I, and assisting new 5 villages pilot project or Village
Project Group II. And the last year of program in 2018, program implementation focuses on 3
(three) activities, namely, first, establishing sustainable village development using village
project group I as pilot project of supervised village (Desa Binaan), second, monitoring and
evaluation of village project group II, and the last one, third, implementing village
development program on new 5 villages or Village Project Group III. Through strategic
partnership between selected universities or their associations and Ministry of Research,
Technology, and Higher Education, the ministry could adopt the K2N program and encourage
all higher education institutions to have similar curriculum and module for K2N program. In
sum, project milestone is represented in figure below.

Program Milestone UMD 2016 - 2018

Year 2016



Training and capacity

building for selected projects
Assisting 3 villages pilot
project (1st Batch)
Developing tailor-made

Adjusting and adopting

model for assisting new 5
villages pilot project (2nd
Monitoring and evaluation
of 1st Batch of village

Longer impact of K2N

program to the community
Replicate the models
Promoting Innovative K2N
model at national level for
institutional suitainable

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)


KOMPAK is a DFAT-funded program that aims to consolidate and build on DFAT investments
in village empowerment, service delivery, governance and civil society strengthening by
integrating these areas of activities into a single Program. This approach also recognizes the
importance of local economic growth to poverty reduction, and the value of partnership
between DFAT and the private sector to design and implement innovative development
solutions. This integrated investment is intended to: enhance coordination with
stakeholders across the aid program; minimise duplication; maximise value-for-money; and
deliver flexible, adaptive and effective activities for strong results.
In relation to frontline service delivery, in 2016 KOMPAK is committed to support Bappenas
in advancing the GOI strategy and pilot design on improving basic services for the poor and
vulnerable, including provision of technical and analytics support. KOMPAKs strategy also
focuses on strengthening communities and promoting inclusive community driven
development, with a particular focus on women and the most marginalized.

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)

The purpose of the activity is to optimizing existing and innovative K2N program could
increase roles and voice of the poor and marginalized communities in village developments
in partnership with an inclusive village governments


KOMPAK is seeking expressions of interest from Indonesian organisations particularly
universities or higher education institutions who have been running K2N Program as part of
their curriculum for their students and lecturers.
This partnership aims to build on and strengthen the existing vision and mission of
KOMPAKs partner Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD) while also achieving KOMPAK
objectives. Initial funding will be for a period of 12 months. Based on performance and
program funding availability, it is intended that the grant agreement with the partner
organization(s) will be extended in duration with additional funding for potentially an
additional 2 years.

This grant seeks to:
1. Solving local problems by local solution: allowing targeted communities nomination
and articulation of concrete problem to be solved
2. Increasing targeted communities capacity for planning implementation and benefit
from improved service delivery and increased use of village funds for economic
development activities
3. Doing development differently; optimizing existing and innovative K2N program could
increase roles and voice of the poor and marginalized communities in village
developments in partnership with an inclusive village governments
4. Strengthening the village apparatus capacity to comply with GoI regulations intended
for inclusive community-driven development. Ensuring their ability to do so is critical
to proper implementation of the village law.
5. Assisting local community to utilize village fund to address priority need of the poor
and marginalized groups.
To achieve these objectives KOMPAK will engage universities or higher educations who
already has innovative and existing K2N program to advance Universitas Membangun Desa


1. The University or higher education is formally registered in Indonesia.

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)

2. The university or higher education has in-house relevant technical expertise, institutional
capacity and appropriately experienced personnel to implement the Project successfully
and this may include partnering with a third party/parties to deliver parts of this work.
3. The university or higher education has experience engaging with government,
communities and other relevant stakeholders within the specified area(s) or theme(s).
4. The university or higher education can demonstrate subnational presence and networks
in relevant provincial locations, especially in focus areas for GOI and KOMPAK on frontline
services: Aceh, NTB, Central Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi. However, university or
higher education in other provinces can also apply for this grant.
5. The Project has the potential to be scaled up and its sustainable impacts of the program
6. The Project can be clearly articulated and justified including its need.
7. The Project represents value for money.
8. The degree to which the Project is innovative.
9. The Project has a robust M&E plan.
10. Project risks are clearly identified and proposed mitigation is appropriate.
11. Sharing resources to support existing K2N Program from university or higher education
themselves and other counterparts e.g. Pemerintahan Desa, Pemerintahan Kecamatan,
Pemerintahan Kabupaten/Provinsi or other relevant institutions.


Indonesian university or higher education that working on Kuliah Kerja Nyata (K2N) issues in
Indonesia at the national, provincial or local level are eligible to apply. Proposals must support
the goal and purpose of the KOMPAK Program, which is poor and vulnerable Indonesians
benefits from improved delivery of basic services and greater economic opportunities.
As part of the Concept Note submission, interested organizations may wish to partner with
other organizations, propose a consortium, or work with local coalitions

There will be a two stage process. The first stage will be a targeted call for Expressions of
Interest (EOI) where organisations will submit a concept note. Short listed organisations will
then be asked to submit a full application. This Concept Note is the first stage of the process
(Expression of Interest).
An assessment panel will be established to review the EOIs and make recommendations on
those selected to submit a full application. Full proposals will be reviewed by the
assessment panel against selection criteria as documented in the application pack for
shortlisted organisations. The assessment panel will then make a decision on the successful
proposal(s) and level of funding to be awarded.

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)

Funding decisions will be made on a transparent, competitive, deadline-driven basis by the

assessment panel. Only applications that meet the selection criteria will be shortlisted

The deadline for responding to this Concept Note will be 21th March 2016. Submissions
must be emailed to by 16:00 WIB Jakarta time. Responses can be
written in English or Bahasa Indonesia and must use the KOMPAK Concept Note Application
Form provided.
To obtain further information regarding this grant round, please email

Funding available will be negotiated with the short listed organisation. However, for this
year application, we aiming the budget proposal not exceed AUD 100,000 per project.
KOMPAK will finance all costs related to the grant described in this concept note with initial
funding for a period of 12 months. Based on performance and program funding availability,
it is intended that the grant agreement with the partner organization(s) will be extended in
duration with additional funding for potentially an additional 2 years.

Reporting to the KOMPAK Senior Innovation Lead, the successful organisation(s) will work
with across the programs and if necessary with GOI. For those activities related to service
delivery accountability, the organisation(s) will also be expected to work collaboratively with
Bappenas; Kementerian Desa Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi;
Kementerian; Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia;
Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Pendidikan; and Pemerintah Daerah.


The university or higher education institution may select one or more or all work areas.
Some sample activities are listed below. These are not mandatory but provide ideas on the
types of interventions that may be explored. Note: it is not mandatory for the university or
higher education institution to propose to work in all of the categories below.
Penguatan Pemerintahan Desa Damai, Kec. Indah, Kab Bahagia, Propinsi Jawa Timur
dengan pendampingan kepala desa sejak terpilih hingga selesai jabatannya melalui
Program K2N FISIP Universitas Airlangga.
Penguatan dan perbaikan pelayanan posyandu dan tenaga dan fasilitas kesehatan di
(Lokasi) melalui program kerja praktek mahasiswa kedokteran, bidan dan perawat dan
calon tenaga medis lainnya melalui program K2N STIK Super Sehat.

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)

Meningkatkan pendapatan warga masyarakat Desa Adaan, Kec.Kapal Selam, Kab. EmpekEmpek, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan melalui peningkatan kualitas produksi dan membuka
akses pasar Kain Jumputan melalui Program K2N Universitas Sriwijaya.
Improving the quality of village monograph and developing ICT based village services for
Village XYZ.


Abt JTA Asia Pacific is a specialist international health and social sector consulting company
that provides services to public and private sector clients. Abt JTA Asia Pacific is a wholly
owned Australian subsidiary of Abt Associates, regularly ranked as one of the top 20 global
research firms and one of the top 40 international development innovators. Our domestic
and international clients range from donor agencies, national governments, mining
operations and private enterprises and our services span across a number of areas including
project management, policy development, service delivery, consulting and training.
Working with our many partners, Abt JTA Asia Pacific implements bold, innovative solutions
to improve the lives of the community and deliver valued outcomes for our clients. We
provide a comprehensive range of services from policy to service delivery in the public and
private sectors contributing to long term benefits for clients and communities. Operating in
remote and challenging environments, we offer extensive experience in the region, strong
technical capacity, and a proven project management track record.
The subcontractor must demonstrate a high level of integrity, and a commitment to Abt
JTAs values of:
Mission-Driven: We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people
Global: We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and
perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world.
Committed to Excellence: We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional
Collaborative: We know that working collaboratively produces excellence.
Accountable: We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it.
Balanced: We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting
a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)


Name of Individual / Organisation:
Registered legal entity number:
Place of registration:
Contact Details
Office Address, Phone, Fax, Email
Contact person and title:
Date of Submission:
Proposed project name:
Proposed project period and dates:

(must in 2016)
Design Phase

Proposed Project Budget:


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Implementation Phase

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)


Situational Analysis
Provide a brief situational
analysis demonstrating the
Applicants understanding of
the context of this project as
outlined in the Concept Note.
Word limit [about 250 words]
Executive Summary
Provide a brief summary of
Explain the proposed
projects rationale and
relevance in the above
context. Explain how the
proposed project will
contribute to improve the
quality of the poor and
marginalised groups and to
greater economic
opportunities in Indonesia
Word limit [600] words
Provide details of the
proposed methodology or
approach to design and
implement the project
including how the proposed
approach will strengthen
your existing K2N Program
Word limit [250] words
Innovative Element
element of your proposed
K2N program. What make this
proposed program different
and or innovative with other
current K2N program.
Word limit [250] words
Partnership Approach
Provide details on
stakeholders to be engaged in
this proposed K2N program
and if the proposed K2N

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KOMPAK Concept Note - Strategic Partnership for Universitas Membangun Desa (UMD)
program will be delivered
only by the organization or if
there will be a consortium,
sub-grants awarded and/or
other types of third party
partnership arrangements
e.g. partnering with other
private sector organizations.
Word limit [500] words
Proposed location(s)
Please indicate to what extent
the KOMPAK priority locations
will be targeted.
Organization Contribution
Provide details on how your
university or other partners
will contribute to this
proposed K2N innovative
Word limit [500] words
Target Group
Outline who will be the main
beneficiaries of the project,
how they will benefit and
anticipated positive changes
for the group(s). Including
how many student, lecturer
and villagers or other actor
will be involving in this
proposed K2N program.

Knowledge of and experience
in the sector
Provide details of your
organizations knowledge and
experience in the sector, as it
applies to the proposed

Project Title
Project Value
Project Location
Project Objective
Brief description (word
limit [250] words)

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Project Title
Project Value
Project Location
Project Objective
Brief description (word
limit [250] words)

Staff resources
Provide a brief curriculum
vitae for each member of staff
proposed for the project
qualifications, experience and
Word limit [250] words per
Management Systems
Provide details of the
proposed management and
coordination arrangements in
place to support the design
and implementation of the
Word limit [250] words

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