OWL2 Based Code Generator: Core Concepts

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Diploma project

OWL2 based code generator

Neagu Constantin

Core Concepts
Functional bodies, written in Mathematical syntax;
Connectors, that establish relations between Functional bodies/Layers:

o Causal chains, precise modelling of the control flow;

o Data flow, explicitly move data between components;
o Event hubs, similar to OS interrupts (still working on them).

Layers, the logical container for the Functional bodies and their Connectors.

Application, is made out of Layers bound by Connectors.

Fig.1. Class hierarchy for the basic ontology

Fig. 2. The basic properties for each of the classes.

For the Mathematical syntax I plan to use the ASCIIMath notation, because it
is very easy to write in it and can be rendered very nicely in the browser.
( http://asciimath.org/ ).

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