Nata de Coco Is KINDS of FOOD Produced Fibrous Yang Acetobacter

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Nata de Coco is KINDS OF FOOD produced fibrous Yang Acetobacter

xylinum hearts susbtratnya Media as a sugary liquid. Nata de Coco is

FOOD The Many healthy fiber consumed as makalanan Washer
Mouth OR desert. Coconut water is the result of the findings of
coconut processing side Yang
Many have not been utilized And Much disposed of as waste. handling
Air waste oil aims to acquire Economic Value Added Operations
Simultaneously handles the air Waste oil. Coconut water can be
as a substrate to produce Nata de Coco BECAUSE contain sugar,
Mg 2+, makes no Supporting growth (growt promoting factor) for a
review of A.
xylinum.Pembuatan Nata de Coco WITH coconut substrate using air
How do WITH adding sugar sucrose (table sugar) 10%, urea 0.5%,
glacial acetic acid vinegar acid 2% OR kitchen 25% up to 16 ml /
liter of water
coconut. Process Nata de Coco through stages as follows;
Maintenance and renovation A. xylinum culture, substrates
Preparation, Preparation
starter, fermentation, harvesting findings, Processing and packaging
of the findings.
Nata de Coco processed products THE adding sugar and flavoring agent
Liked CONSUMER which will give added value that is optimal.
Against Packaging Products Nata de Coco aims; (A). preserve
NO product to Lasting Damage, (b). give a touch of aesthetic value
Against products that have higher attractiveness, (c).
increase the Value Added Economic Operations for the Product, (d).
Storage And Distribution Process Products.
Nata de Coco is a dessert ( desert ) . Nata de Coco is
foods that contain lots of fiber , cellulose-containing high levels
health benefits in aiding digestion
Low calorie content results in Nata de Coco is an appropriate
Nata de Coco product as eating a diet. In terms of the food's
have a high aesthetic value, appearance somewhat translucent white
color, chewy texture,
fresh scent. With the appearance of the nata as a food desert has
high attraction. From an economic point of production nata de coco
promising value
added. Uning (1974) revealed that the making of nata enriched with
vitamins and minerals will enhance the nutritional value of these
Nata de Coco formed by species of acetic acid bacteria on the
surface of the liquid
containing sugar, fruit juice, or other plant extracts (Lapuz et
al., 1967).

Some species, including acetic acid bacteria can form cellulose, but
has been the most studied is the A. xylinum (Swissa et al., 1980).
A. xylinum including the genus Acetobacter (Ley & Frateur, 1974).
Bacteria A. xylinum
are Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped short or cocci (Moat, 1986;
Forng et
al., 1989).
Utilization of waste oil processing in the form of coconut water is
a great way
optimize the use of coconut. Waste coconut water is good enough to
for substrate manufacture Nata de Coco. In coconut water there are
various nutrients
producing bacteria can be used Nata de Coco. The nutrients contained
in water
coconut, among others: 1.28% sucrose sugar, mineral resources, such
as; Mg2 +
3.54 gr / l (woodroof, 1972, Pracaya 1982), as well as the factors
supporting growth
(Growth promoting factor) is a compound that can boost growth
nata-producing bacteria (A. xylinum) (Lapus et al., 1967). The
presence of sucrose sugar in water
oil will be exploited by A. xylinum as a source of energy, and
carbon to form the metabolites of which is cellulose
forming Nata de Coco. Enhancer compound microbial growth (growth
factor) will increase the growth of microbes, whereas the presence
of minerals in
substrate will help increase the activity of kinase enzyme in the
metabolism in
in A. xylinum cells to produce cellulose.
With perrtimbangan above, the utilization of waste coconut water is
efforts to use waste into products that have added value.
fermentation Nata
de Coco is done through the following stages:
- Preparation of materials and tools
- Maintenance of a pure culture of A. xylinum .
- Making the starter .
- Fermentation .
- Harvesting
- Processing
- Packaging
Required equipment:
1. Stove .
2. The pot for boiling media / coconut water .
3. The large measuring cup 1liter and 250 milli liter .
4. Mixer .

5. Knife slicer nata .

6. Plastic packaging 1/2 kg .
7. Filter coconut water / flour sifter .
8. The tray / container to ferment.
9. Fabric white / mori to cover 3 m .
10. Strap / rubber .
11. Bucket / basin marinade / washers .
12. Scales cake .
13. Sealing a glass cup size Akua .
Necessary materials:
1. Coconut water is 25 liters .
2. Sugar 2.5 kg .
3. Acetic acid ( 25 % acetic acid ) / acetic acid 400 milli liter
kitchen .
4. Urea 25 g .
5. Syrup flavors and colors of customizable A community
6. Kap glass ( aqua glass size )
7. Allumunium foil a roll .
8. Spoon plastic .
Pure Culture Maintenance A. xylinum
Culture or pure culture of A. xylinum obtained in the laboratory of
Microbiology Hall
Large Postharvest Research and Development of Agriculture , Bogor .
The culture is grown on a medium Hassid
Barker . Culture collection can be in the form of freeze-dried in
ampoules , or in
form scratch in order to be tilted ( slant agar) . Culture
collections in the form of freeze-dried
in ampoules can survive for years without renewal . while the
culture in order to be tilted need renewal every 2-3 months . Most
of the culture collection
maintenance by way of rejuvenation is done on an agar medium slant .

Maintenance culture collections owned can be done by:
The manufacturing Hassid Barker Agar (HBA) in a test tube and
rejuvenation of culture
every 2-3 months. HBA media composition was as follows: 10% sucrose,
(NH4) 2SO4 0.6 g / L, K2HPO4 5.0 g / L, yeast extract 2.5 g / L 2%
glacial acetic acid, in order to
Difco 15 g / L. Media HBA was added to the test tube and sterilized
autoclave 121 C, 2 atm, for 15 minutes. Media in a test tube is
still hot
mring put up frozen to produce media for oblique. Rejuvenation
can be done by scraping 1 loop of culture into the media to slant

has been prepared. The new Kutur incubated at room temperature for
2-3 days. Culture
HBA will grow on media slant to the shape of the tracks scratches.
rejuvenated superbly prepared for the culture of work, and partly
stored to save culture
or culture stock (Stock Culture).
substrate preparation
Sustrat is A. xylinum bacterial growth media, liquid form
it contains the nutrients necessary for the growth of A. xylinum,
produce Nata de Coco.
How to prepare substrates for the manufacture of Nata de Coco with
raw water
Coconut is as follows; coconut water obtained from screened market
using a filter cloth clean. To the coconut water was added sucrose
(table sugar)
as much as 10% (w / v). Sugar added while heated, stirred until
Urea (5 grams of urea per 1 liter of coconut water sugared prepared)
was added and stirred while simmer. The substrate is cooled, then
glacial acetate acid (vinegar) as much as 2% or 25% vinegar kitchen
(16 ml acid
acetate for every 1 liter of coconut water). Substrates sterilized
by means inclusion in
outoclave at a temperature of 121 C, a pressure of 2 atm, for 15
minutes (or boil for 15
Preparation starter is as follows: the substrate sterilized by
or by boil for 15 minutes. Once cool approximately 40 oC milk, as
much as
300 ml was added to sterile bottles of 500 ml volume. Substrate in a
sterile bottle
inoculated (planted seedlings A. xylinum bacteria) by 2 ose
(approximately 2 match knob
fire), seeds of A. xylinum. The substrate is shaken, preferably
using a shaker
speed of 140 rpm (Masaoka, et al., 1993) (manually shaken out every
2-4 hours).
Starter grown for 2 days at room temperature.
Fermentation is a process for converting a compound contained in
substrates by microbes (kulture) eg sugar compounds into other forms
cellulose / Nata de Coco), either the solution process or the
process of formation

in a situation of aerobic and anaerobic. Thus the fermentation

process can be a process
catabolism and anabolism process.
Substrate fermentation of coconut water that had been prepared
as follows; substrates coconut water or sterilized using outoclave
by way simmer for 15 minutes. Substrtat cooled to 40 C.
Substrate put on a sterile tray or basin with a surface width,
with a substrate depth of approximately 5 cm. Substrate inoculated
starter or seeds as much as 10% (v / v). The substrate is then
stirred flat, covered with
using gauze. The trays were incubated or cured by means placed at
a clean place, protected from dust, covered with a clean cloth to
avoid contamination. Incubation was performed for 10-15 days, at a
room. In the fermentation stage is not to be shaken. At the age of
10-15 days can nata
Processing Nata de Coco
Nata de Coco harvested at 10-15 days , in sheet form
with a thickness of 1 - 1.5 cm . Nata de Coco washed with clean
water ,
betuk sliced into cubes , washed with clean water . Nata de Coco
in water for 2-3 days . In order for the sour taste Nata de Coco
missing need to be boiled
up for 10 minutes . Up to this point has been generated Nata de Coco
insipidity .
To produce Nata de Coco is ready for consumption which have a sweet
with a particular flavor needs to be done further process . Nata de
Coco boiled in water
sugary . Preparation of sugared water by adding sugar 500 gr to
in 5 liters of water is added vanilla flavor or another agent to
produce Valour
which are desired. Pieces Nata de Coco cubes into sugared water
The next boil for 15 minutes . Nata de Coco didingankan and
ready to be consumed .

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