Occupations of Prophets (عليه السلام)

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Business in the light of Islam

(Assignment of Islamic Studies)

Submitted To

Prepared By

Mr. Sajid Yousaf

Kiran Tajammal

Lecturer in PUGC


Session 2015 to 2019

Semester 1st

Department of Business Administration

University of the Punjab Gujranwala Campus

Topic: Occupations of Prophets(A.S):

Definition of Business:
In the light of Quran:
1. Do not devour anothers property wrongfully unless it be by trade based on
mutual consent. (Al-Nisa:29)
2. And measure full when you measure. And weigh with an even balance. This
is better and its end is good. (Al-Bani-Israel:35)

In the light of Hadith:

1. Whosoever sells a defective product without disclosing its defect to
the purchaser, shall earn the permanent anger of Allah Almighty and
angels continuously curse such person. (Ibn-e-Maja)
2. May Allahs mercy be on him who is lenient in his buying, selling and in
demanding back his money. (Bukhari)

According to world:

Business means any lawful economic activity which is conducted to

earn profit through satisfaction of human wants.

Occupation of Prophets:
1. PROPHETS ADAM (A.S): Adam and his wife Eve are unique in that they were directly
created by ALLAH and lived in paradise of Eden. He was the first Prophet which was
sending down by (All Mighty) ALLAH. He was the first agriculture engineer and farmer.

2. PROPHETS SETH (A.S): PROPHET SETH (A.S) was the third son of ADAM (A.S)
and the brother of Cain and Abel, who were the only other of their children mentioned by
name in the TANAKH (Hebrew bible). Prophet SETH (A.S) Carder, Silk-monger,
Weaver = He was the first to establish the textile industry.

3. PROPHETS IDRIS (A.S): Since he was the first to invent the needle, the first to open a
hole on it and to thread, he is considered to be the establisher of the tailoring and
4. PROPHETS NOAH (A.S): (Arabic: , translit. N ),[1] known as Noah in the Old Testament,
is recognized in Islam as a prophet and apostle of God. He is a highly important figure
in Islamic tradition, as he is counted amongst the earliest prophets sent by Allah to mankind.

According to Islam, Noah's mission was to save a wicked world, plunged in depravity. He was

the father of the carpenters, shipmen and mariners.

5. PROPHETS YUSUF (A.S): He is a prophet who first invented the clock and first to
establish an office for agricultural products, and who stocked in abundance and
distributed to public in scarcity.
6. PROPHETS ISA (A.S): He was born miraculously from Mary (daughter of Imran), a
chaste and god - fearing women. He was a hunter. He used to make his living on hunting.
He is the father of the hunters. Prophets Isa (as) performed miracles, by the will of Allah
but he was not crucified. He will return to the earth and fill it with justice and peace and
this is what we are now waiting for.
7. PROPHET MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H): He used to be a shepherd when he was young
and then he used to deal with trade and jihad

Ab Hurayrah (R.A) reported that the Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, "A time will come when
one will not care how one earns one's money, legally or illegally." (Bukhari)

Brotherhood between the Muhajirin and the Ansar :

The Messenger of Allah established brotherhood between the Muhajirin and the Ansar,
and they were put under an obligation to assist one another. The Ansar were so eager to
form a brotherhood that they had to draw lots to allocate their shares. The Ansar gave the
Muhajirin authority over their homes, their furniture, their land and their animals and
preferred them over themselves in every way.
An Ansari would say to a Muhajir, 'Have whichever half of my property you want to
take,' and the Muhajir would say, 'May Allah bless you in your family and property!
Show me the market.' From the Ansar there was great benevolence as they demonstrated
their generosity to their Muslim brothers while the Muhajirin retained their self-respect.

Helping the poor:

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (
) said, "The one who looks after a
widow or a poor person is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah's Cause, or like
him who performs prayers all the night and fasts all the day."
[Sahih bukhari, Volume 7, Book 64, Number 265]

With Prophets and Saints:

Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:
Businessman who is honest and trustworthy will be together with the PROPHET the saints and
the martyrs.

Eye Opening Words in the Quran:

Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among
you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as te likeness of vegetation after rain, tereof
te growt is pleasing to te tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; ten it
becomes strawl. [57:20]

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