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Honors Chemistry with Ms. Barlow will be a hands-on laboratory class. Some of the activities we will do in class have
potential hazards: we will use equipment and chemicals that may be dangerous if not handled properly. Safety in the
science classroom is an important part of the scientific process. I also care deeply about each of you and want to make
sure I get to see each of your beautiful, smiling, healthy faces each day. In order to keep you all safe and learning I
have to make sure that every class member follows appropriate safety procedures at all times in the lab. In order for
students to participate in any labs, this back of this contract must be signed by both them and a parent or guardian.

Safety Rules:
1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the lab. Amusing as they may be, practical jokes
and pranks are for outside of the lab setting.
2. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully (this means you have to read them!). Ask your peers
and teacher questions if you do not understand the instructions.
3. Get Ms. Barlows permission and/or directions before working with any equipment, supplies, or other
materials in the lab.
4. Perform only authorized and approved experiments. Ms. Barlow will be supervising and either providing or
authorizing all of the experiments.
5. Unless otherwise specified, nothing we will work with in the lab will be edible. No tasting, eating, or
drinking should occur at the lab benches. Any food or drink you bring to class should stay at your desk
during labs.
6. Keep make-up, chapstick, and any other cosmetic skin products away from the lab benches.
7. Wear safety goggles when instructed. Never remove safety goggles during an experiment: no exceptions!
8. Keep your lab bench clean. Bring only your laboratory instructions, worksheets, and writing instruments.
Clean all work areas and equipment at the end of the experiment. This means that you should return all
equipmentclean, and in working orderto the appropriate storage area before leaving the classroom.
9. Follow specific instructions for waste disposal. Do not dump waste down the drain or in a trash can
without permission.
10. Report any accident (fire, spill, breakage, etc), injury (cut, burn, etc.), or any other hazardous condition
to Ms. Barlow immediately.
11. Consider all chemicals used in the science room to be dangerous. Do not touch or smell any chemicals
unless you are specifically instructed to do so.
12. When diluting strong acids or bases, always add the strong acid or base to water. Do not go the other
direction; adding water can cause dangerous splashes!
13. When removing any electrical plugs from outlets, always remove by grasping the plug. Do not remove by
pulling on the cord. Make sure your hands are completely dry before plugging in or unplugging electronic
14. Use sharps like scissors and scalpels only as instructed cutting in a direction that points away from your
body. When not in use, sharps should be held with the point down. Never try to catch a falling sharp!
15. The storage room is off limits to students: no exceptions!
16. Hot glassware looks exactly the same as cool glassware: be careful to handle any glass that has been
heated in any way with tongs or hot-hands.
17. Never pick up broken glassware with your bare hands. Always report breakages to Ms. Barlow so she can
clean it.
18. We will occasionally have open flames in lab. Please keep miscellaneous and non-approved objects out of
the flame, including clothing, jewelry, and hair!
19. Make sure you are familiar with safety equipment and safe exits.


I, _____________________________________, have read and understand each of the safety
procedures set forth on the front of this contract. By signing this document, I am committing to be
a responsible member of Ms. Barlows science classroom and keeping all members safe. I
understand that if I choose not to follow these procedures at any point during the school year I will
be removed from the lab setting and given boring, tedious bookwork to complete instead.

Print Student Name: _____________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________

Dear Parent or Guardian,

It is very important to me that you are informed of the policies I am asking your student to follow
in the lab setting. I care deeply about each student in my classroom community and want to do all I
can to help facilitate a fun, meaningful, and safe learning environment. As such, I require that this
contract be signed by both you and your student in order for them to participate in lab activities.
Your signature on this document indicates that you have read and understand the measures being
taken to keep your student safe during the school year.

Print Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________________________

Parent Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________

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