Macromolecule Webquest 2015

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Name _______________________________________________________________Date_____________

Macromolecule WEBQUEST
A. Carbohydrates!
Go to the following website and read the article about carbohydrates. When you are done reading the article, answer
the questions below
1. Defend this statement with an explanation: Carbohydrates are the bodys ideal fuel for most functions.

2. All carbohydrates are not created equal. Identify and describe the three categories of carbohydrates. Give an
example of food you can eat that contains each type.
A. ________________________ - Description:

Food examples:
B. ________________________ (also known as ________________ ) - Description:

Food examples:
C. ________________________ - Description:

Food examples:

3. Summarize the dangers of a low carb diet by explaining the bodys reactions to a lack of carbohydrates.

4. What kinds of carbohydrates should you include in your diet? Limit? Eliminate?



B. Lipids!
Part 1- Go to the following website to read about lipids and answer the following questions.
5. In order for a molecule to be considered an organic molecule, it must contain the element ____________________.
6. When you think of lipids, you should immediately think of _____________________!
7. Describe the function of wax lipids.

8. Many plants have waxy cuticle layers how does this benefit plants? Does this layer affect how plants exchange gas
(breathe) why or why not?

9. What are steroids? What are steroids able to do for the human body?

10. What are the dangers of the anabolic steroids used by body builders?

11. Describe the structure of a triglyceride and then use the box to the
right to draw the picture.

12. Use the venn diagram to compare and contrast saturated and unsaturated fats.

Saturated Fats

Unsaturated Fats

13. It is important for your health to watch the amount of sugar you consume WHY? (Hint: what does your body do
with extra sugars?)

C. Proteins!
Go to the following website to read about protein and answer the following questions
14. A cells mass is approximately _________ % to _________ % proteins.
15. What are the building blocks of proteins?

16. What determines the primary structure of proteins?

a. And what contains the KEY to this sequence?

17. The final ____________________________ of a protein determines the ________________________ of the protein.

18. What does it mean to say that a food source is a complete protein?

19. Your body is capable of synthesizing (making) 10 of the 20 amino acids you need to build proteins. If you can only
make ten, how are you able to get the remaining 10 essential amino acids?

D. Nucleic Acids!
Go to the following website. Read about nucleic acids and answer the questions.
20. The NA in DNA and RNA stands for Nucleic Acidwhy is this NOT the best name for this molecule?

21. What is the purpose of nucleic acids?

22. What are the building blocks of nucleic acids?

a. What are the THREE parts that make up this subunit?

Macromolecule Virtual Lab ExperimentGo to the following website and follow the directions while answering the questions
Step 1. Scroll to the bottom where you see where it says carbohydrates, proteins, lipids etc.
Step 2. You will be testing for sugars and starches under the first tab titled carbohydrates. Click on add benedicts
observe the color. Then click on hot water bath. Any substance that changed colors contains the sugar Glucose, a
simple carb. List those substances here:

Step 3. Go to the pull down menu on the top right that says test for sugars and change it to test for starches. Read
about starches. Click the add iodine button. Any substance that changed to dark blue/black, contains the complex
sugars (starch). List the substances that contain starch here:

Step 4. Click the Proteins tab. Read about proteins. Click the add biuret button. A change from blue to violet means
proteins are present. Record the substances that contain protein here:

Step 5. Click the Lipids tab. Read about lipids. Click the add sudan III button. A vivid orange color indicates the
presence of lipids. Record the substances that contain lipids here:

Step 6. Click the Everyday foods tab. Go through each test for each substance. Click next to where it says gelatin to
change substances. Put a check mark in the boxe3s if the substance contains that particular molecule.

Simple sugars?



Apple Juice
Ritz Cracker
Skim Milk

Questions on Lab: (you may need to refer back to the information tabs for each macromolecule to answer the
following questions)
23. What does iodine test for?

24. Give an example of a simple sugar:

25. What is a polysaccharide?

26. Describe the two functions of proteins:

27. For which macromolecule did we NOT test in this virtual lab?

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