The Woman On The Black Coat

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QUESTIONS TO FOLLOW THE STORY: Answer them to understand

the details about it.

1) Where did Fanny live?

2) Who was her family? Was it an important family in the zone?
3) How old was Fanny when her sister got married?
4) Who did her sister get married to?
5) Where did the go? Was the author happy? Why?
6) Why did Fanny not like her mother or father so much?
7) What happened a year after they moved?
8) Was Fanny excited about the arrival of her sister?
9) What happened the night?
Did her sister arrive?
What happened with her sister the next day?
What time did she die? Is there any connection with the noises in
the house? Which ones?
Did Mr. Carew get married again?
How old was Fanny when men became interested in her?
Where did Fanny move with her mother? What did she discover
Was Fanny happy? What about her mother? Was she worried about
something? What?
What is Fannys opinion about Lord Glenfallen?
Did she love him?
What did she decide to do finally?
Where did Fanny and the Lord do? What was this place like?
(Description of the house)
Who is Martha?
What did Fanny see when she opened the door of her new
How did Martha feel?
What is the legend about the black coat in the house? If
someone sees a dark coat in the house, something bad happens.
What happened when Martha saw the coat in the house years
Despite the legend, was she happy in the house?
What did the Lord tell to Fanny about the rooms at the back? She
didnt have to go to these rooms. Never.
Did the Lord change his attitude?
Who did she find in her room the day she was going for a walk?
Did they have an argument? Did that woman hit Fanny?
What did the man said to Fanny about that woman?
What did, one morning, Lord Glenfallen want? He wanted to move
to another country, France.
Everything started to be really strange, that night she couldnt
sleep. Why?

What happened when she wake up? The blind woman in the dark
of the room, she had a knife and a candle. She wanted to know if they
got married.
What did the woman say? If Fanny didnt go, the woman would kill
What did the Lord say to Fanny about the woman? He said that
woman was not his wife.
Who told the real story to Fanny?
Who was the blind woman?
Did the Lord kill her?
What happened with her eyes?
What did she do after hearing the story?
Where is she living now? Does she see her sister?
What is the blind woman doing?
What does the blind woman have to wait for?
B. SUMMARY OF THE STORY. Tell the story.
The story was about a girl, Fanny, who lived in Tyrone. She lived with her older
sister, mother and father. One day her sister decided to get married and leave
the city. Her sister moved to Dublin. Fanny was really sad and unhappy about
One year after, her sister was ill and she decided to come back to her parents
house. Fanny was happy and excited about it, so she waited all the day, but
her sister never arrived. She died. Fanny was so upset about the death that
couldnt continue with her life.
Four years later her mother said to her that it was time to meet a man and get
married. Fanny was fourteen when they moved to Dublin. She really liked the
city and met great people there. One day, her mother told her that she had to
get married to Lord Glenfallen, an old and rich man of the town. Finally, Fanny
Fanny and the Lord moved to his house. She met Martha, the maid of the
house, she was a really nice woman. When Fanny opened the door of her new
bedroom, she was a black coat. There was a legend in the house: If you see a
black coat in the house, something bad happens.
The day passed and Fanny forgot about this. Her husband started to act
strange. He didnt talk much, they didnt do anything together. One day Fanny
decided to go for a walk and she found a blind and aggressive woman in her
bedroom. They had an argument, and Fanny didnt understand anything. The
lord told her to forget it.
One night she woke up and the blind woman was in her bedroom with a knife
and a candle. She wanted to kill Fanny. The blind woman said that she was the
real wife of the Lord. Fanny was really scared so she ran to her husband. The
Lord said that the woman was crazy.

Fanny didnt understand anything more. She spoke with Martha, and she told
her the truth.
The blind woman was dead. It was her spirit in the house. She was the old Lord
s wife. One day she was found dead and her eyes were hurt. The spirit lived in
the house.
In the end, Fanny couldnt accept that situation. She was afraid of the Lord and
the house. She came back to her parents house again.
Now she lives with them in her old house. She sees her dead sister too. Her
sister told Fanny that the blind lady is looking for her to kill her. But Fanny says
that she is not coming back never again. The lady will have to kill the next Lord
s wife.

Characters: Who are the characters? Describe them: physically and



Conflict: What is the problem in the story?

Resolution: how does the story end?

D. QUESTIONS: Analysis questions:


Did you like the story? Why?

Why is it called The woman in the black coat?
Why was there a spirit in the house?
Who was the responsible of the blind ladys death?
Why do you think the blind lady wanted to kill Fanny?

Algunas de las primeras preguntas ya tienen su

respuesta debido a que la estructura puede que te
hubiese presentado dificultades. De todas maneras,
deberas contestarlas a todas de manera muy corta
para seguir el hilo narrativo. RECORDA, que algunas de
las preguntas son Yes-No Questions, es decir tiene una
forma corta de respuesta. Lo importante de ese

ejercicio, es que respetes el tiempo verbal de la

pregunta, sobre todo el pasado simple. Esas son
preguntas que te pueden llegar a hacer el viernes.
El segundo ejercicio es un resumen de la historia.
Deberas ser capaz ce contar la historia en TIEMPO
PASADO. Ese que est escrito es solo un modelo, su
pudieras decirlo as sera perfecto. Pero prefiero que lo
tomes como modelo a seguir y puedas armar el tuyo.
Lo primero que te vamos a preguntar es que cuentes la
historia en tiempo pasado.
Las terceras preguntas son de orientacin al anlisis.
Te resumen los datos narrativos ms importantes de la
historia. Los personajes, vas a tener que describirlos;
cual fue el problema y su resolucin, etc.
Por ltimo, esas preguntas un poco ms personales,
son preguntas claves que te van a guiar a la hora de
dar una opinin sobre el cuento. La idea es que hables
sobre lo que entendiste, que no estudies de memoria,
sino que puedas comprender la historia y puedas
- Cualquier duda que tengas, me avisas. Saludos!

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