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Gilgit baltistan handi crafts

Submitted by
Islam uddin (mb 133061)

Table of Contents




Vision and Mission Statement


Core values


Objectives and goals


Marketing Plan


Target customers









In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Praise is to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. All thanks to Almighty Allah,
The Lord of all that exist, who bestowed me with His greatest blessing i.e. knowledge
and Wisdom to accomplish my task successfully. Thousands of salutations and
benedictions to the Holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) the chosen-through by
whom grace the sacred Quran was descended from the Most High.
My special thanks to my Project Supervisor Dr. Mohammad Ishfaq Khan, Assistant
Professor Department of Management Sciences. Without his help and guidance,
completion of this work would not have been possible and he encouraged me and guides
me at every step of our business plan work. He gave me this golden opportunity to do
first time business in market and to analyze the theme of subject practically, and to see
that how can i become a successful entrepreneur. On the finding of a lot of new things
and to have the know-how about many things, i strongly say thanks to my course

Mission & Vision Statements

Mission Statement:
To provide exclusity, quality standards and therefore to create a mark within and
outside the country

Vision statement:
To provide best quality products in order to get the maximum market share and come up
within the customers expectations

Core values
We seek to deliver on our promise of value and quality above all else.
Customer satisfaction through offering high quality products with exceptional service and
good value.
Be topical, not typical.
More emphasis placed on the caliber and training of frontline people.
We expect fairness and mutual respect in all our activities.

Objectives and Goals

We seek to deliver on our promise of value and quality above all else.
Customer satisfaction through offering high quality products with exceptional
service and good value.
More emphasis placed on the caliber and training of frontline people.

We expect fairness and mutual respect in all our activities.

Marketing Plan
My marketing strategy will allow us to communicate our brand values, develop close
working relationships with our customers and suppliers to identify the needs of our
customers in an effective manner. Continued differentiation and growth are two goals, we
have set for ourselves.

Target customers
Upper & Middle class

The business site is located in the aristocratic sector F-8 Markaz Islamabad.

Key features
Huge parking facility
Easily accessible
Availability of power and utilities
Easy approach for suppliers

The price of our products depends on the quality, nature and size of the product.
Special discount will be offered in case of big order.

Gilgit baltistan has a rich history of handicrafts. The entire wealth of timeless GB handicrafts
has survived through ages. The legacy of GB culture promises everything- beauty, dignity,
form and style. These handicrafts radiate an aura of glory, exhibit hereditary skills and show
painstaking craftsmanship.

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