The Problem and Its Setting

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Chapter 1

The Problem and its setting

There are many laws that protect the sake of women and children here in the
Philippines. From R.A 7610 the Anti-Child Abuse law in 1992 and R.A 8353 The
Rape Law of 1997 and many other laws. Even the province of Teresa that has a low
population, theres crimes in that particular place. Crime has no exemption on any
place, even if it is a new born child to an elderly. Thats why the PNP (Philippine
National Police established the Women and Children Protection Desk by virtue of
Republic Act 8551, also known as the Philippine National Police Reform and
Reorganization Act of 1998 to administer and attend cases involving crimes against
chastity, sexual harassment, abuses against women and children and other similar
offenses. This act helps the establishment of Womens Desk in all Police Stations in the
Philippines to strengthen the campaign against Women and Children abuse.

This is to know the importance of WCPD in the community and especially for the
Women and Children. To inform them the rights that the government has billed them to
protect them like R.A 9262 Anti- Violence Against Women And Children Act R.A
8551Title 7 The Creation of Police Desk in All Police Stations And The Formulation of a
Gender Sensitivity Program. The establishment of Womens Desk in all station in the
Philippines is to fill and hold the cases the crimes committed to Women and Children.

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