Client-Kim Spain, 3rd Grade Teacher, Indian Creek Elementary School

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Client- Kim Spain, 3rd grade teacher, Indian Creek Elementary School

Target Audience- 3rd grade English Language Arts, Reading and Social Studies

Client's needs- This instructional activity was designed to assist students in the
creation of a multimedia presentation which also integrates Social Studies

Activity- This lesson was designed to teach her students how to develop visual
literacy in order to present ideas. The lesson focuses on presenting the main
idea and details from an informational text. CCGPS- ELAGSE3SL4 Also, this
lesson integrates CCGPS- SS3H2 by allowing students the opportunity to present
the information learned about the lives of Americans who expanded people's
rights and freedom in a democracy.

Objective- The students will be able to develop a multimedia presentation in

order to present ideas.

ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards:

The visually literate student uses images and visual media effectively.
* The visually literate student uses images effectively for different purposes.
Learning Outcomes:
a. Plans for strategic use of images and visual media within a project
The visually literate student communicates effectively with and about images.
Learning Outcomes:
b. Presents images effectively, considering meaning, aesthetic criteria, visual impact,
rhetorical impact, and audience
The visually literate student designs and creates meaningful images and visual

*The visually literate student uses a variety of tools and technologies to produce
images and visual media.
Learning Outcomes:
a. Experiments with image-production tools and technologies
b. Identifies the best tools and technologies for creating the visual product
c. Develops proficiency with a range of tools and technologies for creating images and
visual media
*The visually literate student evaluates personally created visual products.
Learning Outcomes:
a. Evaluates personally created visual products based on project goals
b. Evaluates personally created visual products based on disciplinary criteria and
Task(s)- The students will create a multimedia presentation using the information
previously collected. The teacher will model how to create the multimedia
presentation, provide a checklist and rubric as well as provide examples.

ProcessThe students will:

1. choose at least 3 facts about a famous American (Paul Revere, Frederick
Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, Mary McLeod Bethune, Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Eleanor Roosevelt, Thurgood Marshall, Lyndon B. Johnson, or Cesar Chavez).
2. view the example of an exemplary comic and the example of an exemplary
3. read the process checklist and watch the teacher follow the steps on the
Activboard as she/he models using the checklists.
4. choose which multimedia presentation (comic or infographic) they want to create
using the facts they gathered.
5. follow the criteria of presenting at least 3 facts and including at least 4 slides in
their comic or editing at least 4 blocks on their infographic. Also, including at
least one relevant image for their infographic

Evaluation- Students' work will be evaluated with a rubric (attached). Students

must have at least 3 facts on their infographic or comic and the appropriate
amount of slides and images.

Design- The design of this lesson was applied to this project in order to address a
wider range of visual literacy standards. The lesson was designed to allow
students the opportunity to create, evaluate and present their visual media

Artifact number 1- Infographic: The infographic was designed to be used as an

example to show students during the lesson. A step-by-step checklist is included
to provide support to students as they create their multimedia presentation.
Artifact 2- Comic: The comic was designed to be used as an example to show
students during the lesson. A step-by-step checklist is included to provide
support to students as they create their multimedia presentation.

Reflection- This activity was a great opportunity to reevaluate teaching styles

and the integration of technology. As I created the lesson, I reflected on the
ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards. I tried to frame the lesson
objectives and activities based on the ACRL Visual Literacy Competency
Standards. The Common Core State Standards also included a technology
presentation standard which I found particularly useful and appropriate for Mrs.
Spain's 3rd grade students. I hope that this lesson is a useful resource for Mrs.
Spain in the future and I hope the students enjoy creating, evaluating and
presenting their multimedia presentations.

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